Cordelia Goode x Reader x All...

By stayevildarling

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the American Horror Story world, which is tra... More

Last spring
Hurting & Fighting
I wanna cry
Another love
Make you feel alright
And if somebody hurts you
I wanna kiss you
That would be just ours
No more goodbyes

It's so cold

883 58 3
By stayevildarling

''Y/N Y/N wake up please'' were the words of Cordelia and you could hear the concern and panic in her voice and that made you open your eyes in the end. Slowly as your vision started coming back and you adjusted yourself you found yourself in Cordelia and Hanks bedroom and you have no idea what you are currently doing here. You have only been in here once after helping the headmistress carry some decorations she bought in here and you took in the beautiful large white room. ''Sweetheart are you okay?'' she asks and only now you realize you are lying on the cold floor with a pounding headache. At this point it is obvious you have fainted but the question is why. That's when you feel the same feeling again, causing you to shiver, your head to pound harder and your heart to feel like it's ripping apart. It feels like poison is in your system and it stretches through ever single vain. ''Delia I- someone is coming'' was all you managed to say before everything goes black again. 

What happened that night you only learnt later on because the person who was coming was Cordelia's husband Hank and your visions or warning system prevented from something bad to happen because Cordelia found out he didn't only cheat on her but he also planned an attack on her and the coven because he is a witch hunter. Fiona and Cordelia found out through their powers and you woke up on Delia's bed in the middle of her screaming at him telling him to get the hell out. Thankfully the headache and the dizziness was gone now it usually stops once you know who or what the threat is. He was standing in front of Cordelia witch a box which seems to be his things and Cordelia looked so sad and disappointed you hated him for what he did. ''I don't understand why you would do this to me or us? you never loved me?'' Cordelia asked and her voice was breaking. All he did was smile at her and say ''How could anyone love you'' and thats when you stood up and walked up to him. ''Y/N?'' Cordelia asked worried that you are awake and that you would faint again. Anger was written all over your face and your fists were clenched. ''What do you want?'' he asked annoyed and not really bothered by your presence. ''I want you to take that back and get the hell out of here'' you said trying hard to hold back your anger. ''I-'' he looked at you surprised you would speak up to him like that but he suddenly turned to Cordelia and said ''Are you really getting your little pets to speak up now instead of doing so yourself?'' and thats when your fist landed in his face and it ended up in him having his nose broken and Fiona kicking him out the coven and you having a broken hand. You never mentioned it to Cordelia though and you spent ages in the greenhouse to heal your hand on yourself. That night your visions and warning system was the worst it has ever been due to preventing an attack from witch hunters and you had no idea Cordelia was beside you the entire time. After you fainted again she caught you and made sure you didn't hit your head, she laid you on her bed and put her hands on your forehead to check your temperature and she kept checking your breathing is okay. Even when Hank came in and shouted at her and said horrible things she was focused on you, making sure your breathing is still stable and you are alright. 

As you slowly wake up from hearing your phone buzzing multiple times your head is still hurting and you feel awful. You haven't felt this kind of uncomfortable and pain before and you still don't understand what is happening. As you look at the time you realize you are going to miss work so you slowly make your way over to your phone and call your boss. ''Hello Y/N?'' he asks and you try and focus on your words ''Yes Hello I am calling in to tell you I am not feeling well and won't be able to come in I am sorry'' and thankfully you have a good and understanding boss and she says ''Aww don't worry, get well soon and let me know when you are able to work again'' and you nod and end the call. As you check your phone you see a few messages from Ally but you can't read them because it feels like you might faint again from simply looking at your phone. You slowly fall back onto the bed and just rest comfortably in the bed before your eyes get heavy and you feel sleepier by the minute. Meanwhile you have no idea that Ally is worrying about you because she has messaged and called you a few times after she thought of surprising you at work and bring you some lunch. Your co-workers told her that you have called in sick and she is worried because you didn't tell her about it. She tried to call one more time but you didn't answer so she is currently driving to your apartment. Today it's her day off that's why she went to the Restaurant to check on things and then she wanted to surprise you by the cafe on Main Street. It's in Ally's nature to care for people especially when they don't feel well and due to her being a mother she would often worry about peoples wellbeing especially when those people mean something to her and are close to the woman. She has only been at your apartment once because she brought Oz here when she had an important Senator thing but she hasn't been inside yet. She remembers the adress and the front main door is open so she walks inside and to your apartment door. She rings the doorbell and knocks a few times and that's what ultimately wakes you up from sleep and you still don't feel too well but you manage to walk to the door sleepily and a bit confused what is going on. As you open the door you see Ally standing there and you smile but her face is filled with concern. ''Y/N what happened why didn't you tell me you are sick'' she asks and you blink a few times trying to focus on her words and not the sickness you feel in your stomach and your head hurting. ''I-'' you try to speak but she interrupts you ''Oh my god you are really pale'' she says and you move a few steps back so she can step inside your apartment. 

Everything happened so quickly next, you sat down on the sofa and Ally kept talking to you but you felt awful so she packed a few of your things and she managed to get you into her car after putting a jacket and beanie on you. Immediately you fell asleep in the car and Ally made sure to focus on traffic but also check on you from time to time. She had to be home soon because Oz would also be home from school and she knew she could take better care of you at her house. You are clearly in no state to keep care of yourself and so she just made that decision for you in the end. And with every mile you approached Ally's house and left your apartment you felt better and the feeling slowly went away. It feels like the poison would slowly be leaving your body and you could start to breathe normally again. ''Sweetheart we are here are you feeling okay?'' Ally asks her voice still laced with concern and at this point your eyes are open again and you nod. As you look around you see that she already pulled up to her house and you feel bad that she is going through all this trouble for you. ''We will take it slow'' she says and gets out the car to walk over to your side. She grabs the bag she packed for you and she opens the door and offers her arm. You feel a little weak on your legs but already better, she leads you inside and takes you straight to her bedroom and you have no time to even protest. She makes you sit down on the bed and she gets out some comfortable clothes, an oversized t-shirt and some sweatpants. As you watch her move around the room and doing things like getting you some water or shutting the curtains a bit so it isn't too bright in the room, you feel a bit strange considering she used to share this room and bed with another woman. It was obviously before your time here but it still crosses your mind. ''Come on lie down now sweetheart'' Ally instructs and she tucks you in and you feel special because she would care that much. ''I have to pick up Oz from school are you going to be okay?'' she asks and she sounds a bit unsure. ''Yes I promise'' you answer and your eyes are already feeling heavier by the minute. Ally doesn't wanna leave you alone but she knows it's easier than dragging you into the car again so she decides to hurry up and leave you here in bed to rest. ''Please call me if you need anything okay?'' she asks and you nod before falling asleep. 

Meanwhile Ally is on the way to pick up her son from school and she is concerned about your health and she decides to make a doctors appointment for you just to be sure everything is alright. ''Mom'' Oz suddenly shouts and she was so deep in her thoughts she didn't really realized she is already at the school by now. ''Hey darling'' she says and the teacher lets her know he did very well today. As Ally and Oz are about to walk to the car they meet one of Oz's friends and mother. ''Oh hello Ally how are you doing?'' she asks and Ally makes some small talk although she wants to hurry up and get back home to you. ''Maybe the boys can have another sleepover this weekend?'' she suggests and Ally agrees because at least she could spend some more time with you. After they talked for a bit Ally excused herself and Oz and they are now in the car on their way back. ''Oh Oz by the way Y/N is at home, she isn't feeling too well and she is staying with us for a few days'' she explains and Oz turns to her and asks ''What's wrong with her'' and Ally explains she isn't sure yet and will take you to the doctors. ''Mom?'' Oz asks after a few minutes of silence. ''Yes angel'' Ally says and he hesitates but asks ''Are you and Y/N girlfriends'' and this takes the woman by surprise. Ever since Ivy's death Ally hasn't even looked at another woman and she wasn't interested either since the whole cult and trust issue thing. But she likes you and after the kiss you two are definitely a couple even if you are taking things slow but Ally is scared to tell her son because she is scared it's too soon. ''I-um I guess we are Oz, I wanna be honest with you and I want you to be okay with this.. me and Y/N'' and he starts smiling and says ''I really like Y/N so I'm happy for sure'' and this causes Ally's heart to swell a little and she smiles at him as they pull into the driveway. After Ally opens the door Oz wants to see you straight away but she tells him to start his homework first so she can check up on you incase you are asleep and she is right as you are asleep and currently having a strange nightmare.

''What is happening?'' you ask confused and look around. It seems like you are dreaming because this doesn't look real but it sure feels real. You are walking through the coven and it looks just like usual apart from it seems like you are in the movie Frozen because there is ice everywhere and you can actually feel the cold. You are shivering and you cross your arms and rub them to get warm but it's no use. ''Hello?'' you ask confused about what is happening and suddenly you hear a noise and flinch. You see Cordelia standing there and giving you a smile, she looks just like the last day you saw her with Misty in the greenhouse, same dress, hair and makeup and it feels so real as if you are really standing here with her. ''Delia?'' you ask and she takes a few steps closer but it's getting colder and colder by the minute but for some reason she doesn't seem to be cold. Your lips are turning blue and she still looks as stunning and healthy as always. ''What is going on?'' you ask confused and she looks at you and you can't tell what the expression on her face means. ''Delia I am cold'' you say and as she is about to get closer you hear a familiar voice Ally's voice.

As you hear her voice you open your eyes and you gasp a little from this strange dream, it wasn't a nightmare but it sure was weird. As you wake up you see Ally looking at you concerned and now you understand why you are currently freezing despite being in a blanket and pajamas. ''Sweetheart you are freezing, are you okay?'' she asks and you nod still a bit confused and also sleepy. ''I will make you some tea and some soup'' she says after wrapping you back into the blanket and you shake your head and say ''It's okay Ally really'' but you have no time to protest because she is already on the way to the kitchen and you can't help but chuckle. As Ally leaves you have time to think about this nightmare and it's both confusing but also annoying that you always dream about Cordelia. She seems like a part of you despite your efforts of trying to cut her out of your life, it doesn't work though. There were times the dreams stopped but then she would just cross your mind again and it's like no matter what you do like working or being around Ally or distracting yourself she is there. Part of you thought about going back to the coven from time to time to just tell Cordelia everything and get this whole thing over and done with but you always decided against it in the end. You are still freezing a little and a faint knock pulls you out of your thoughts. ''Y/N'' you hear Oz's voice and his head peak around the door and you can't help but smile. ''Hey buddy'' you say and he takes that as an Invitation to come inside and he sits on the bed next to you. ''Are you feeling better?'' he asks and you nod and tell him you still aren't feeling 100% better but it is getting there. ''Here this is Todd he is my lucky charm'' he says and he hands you a little teddy bear. ''Aw Oz'' you say as you take it from him ''Are you sure I can have this.. I mean won't you need your lucky charm'' and he reassures ''You can have it until you feel better'' you smile and stroke his hair before Ally comes in with a tray. ''Oz have you finished homework?'' she asks and he rolls his eyes a little and says ''No mom'' and goes back to his room. ''Did he give you Todd?'' Ally asks and you nod and smile. ''He is so sweet'' you say and she says ''Indeed he is''. Ally forces you to eat the soup and drink the tea while she sits down next to you and watches until you finished both. You didn't really feel hungry or thirsty but it did warm you up and at least she is satisfied. 

The rest of the night is slow and you manage to go downstairs to have dinner with Ally and Oz and he talks a lot about school and how excited he is to go to his friends for a sleepover on the weekend. You feel a lot better now and you still wonder why you have been having this strange feeling if it means a threat or witch around. It must also be connected to your apartment for some reason because whenever you leave it you feel better. Ally told you about the doctors appointment and you somehow talked her out of it because the doctor wouldn't find anything but you obviously you can't tell her that. She dropped it eventually because she said she would be home the whole week and weekend with you. You are glad that she offered you can stay and Oz also being okay with it because you don't actually wanna go back to your apartment. After helping Ally clean up you are both snuggled up on the sofa and you like being in Ally's arms because you haven't felt this feeling of comfort and safety before and she is focused on the tv as you take in all of her beautiful features like the perfect brown short hair and those beautiful eyes. The way her eyebrows furrow a bit at watching the movie or the little smiles when something funny is happening. She doesn't notice you are staring at her for a while but then she does and she turns down the tv. ''Are you okay sweetheart'' she asks and what you really wanna answer is ''Yes I am falling for you I think'' but you know it's too soon so you simply say ''You are so beautiful'' and it causes Ally to blush. Her face turns a bit more serious and she says ''Y/N may I ask you something'' and you nod a bit scared what she would ask you. ''Earlier when you had that dream what happened? it seemed like you had a nightmare'' and you gulp because you have no idea how to explain that dream to her as you don't understand it yourself. ''I- um Ally I don't really know to be honest'' and she looks at you with her ''I can tell you are lying'' face. But thankfully she lets it go for now and you both spent the rest of the night cuddling on the sofa and eventually you fall asleep with her in your arms.

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