Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹

By k-stilinski-

354K 8.6K 1.3K

"I don't care how many people you have killed, you are the love of my life, you understand me?" ━━━━━━ by k.s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
End of Season 1
Season 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
I'm not gonna do it, I'm just thinking about it...

Chapter 5

11.8K 308 90
By k-stilinski-

Scott glanced back at Stiles as they sat in their chemistry class. "Maybe it was my blood on the door." He said, trying to sound hopeful that he didn't kill anyone. He was just relieved that the dream he had last night about killing Allison was just exactly that— a dream. Well, that's what he had thought until he saw the blood-stained school bus.

"It could have been animal blood." Stiles nodded, his whiskey coloured eyes flickered around the room looking for the blonde that had been on his mind since the beginning of the school year. But he let out a small sigh as he noticed she wasn't here yet.

He hoped she was okay.

"You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something." The boy continued trying to distract himself from thinking that Sage was in any kind of danger.

"And did what?" Scott asked, giving his friend a confused look.

Stiles blinked. "Ate it."

Scott was about to retort to his best friend but the sudden entrance of the blonde girl got his best friend and the rest of the class distracted, Stiles had let out a relieved sigh to see that she was okay.

Sage hadn't bothered to explain to Mr Harris why she was late as she went to take a seat on an empty desk.

Stiles stared at the girl in confusion, she seemed a little different, he didn't know what it was because she looked exactly the same. She still dressed like she just came out of a fashion magazine, her hair was still golden blonde, her eyes were still ocean blue- everything about her looked perfectly fine. But she didn't seem fine, and Stiles didn't know how or why he knew this.

Scott turned back to his best friend, sending him an expression filled with disbelief. "Raw?" he asked carrying back on their previous discussion.

"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven." He said sarcastically. Sage looked over at the human and the frown she had on her face had slightly turned up into a smile. "I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."

Mr Harris turned around, giving the two male students an annoyed expression. "Mr Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while. I think you and Mr McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"

No." Stiles said weakly, he sighed, seeing the irritated expression the teacher had and got up, sitting down beside Sage who had an amused look on her face. His cheeks heated up and he quickly looked away flustered. He couldn't even say anything to her now that the embarrassment was overwhelming. He scolded himself, he was making progress with the girl but every time he looked at her or every time she smiled at him the human always ended up flustered.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." The teacher deadpanned, but Stiles wasn't paying attention, he didn't care that he wasn't seated next to his best friend anymore.

"H-hey Sage," Stiles said, looking at her with a sheepish smile, the blonde smiled back to the boy before returning his hello.

Sage had started to note things down in her notebook while Stiles continued to look at her. He knew that there was something different about her, it was like he could sense it as soon as she walked in.

"Hey, uh Sage?" The blonde turned to look at him, "A-are you okay?" Sage couldn't hide her shock at the question, she had been different because of what occurred this morning, but what shocked her was the fact that Stiles knew something was wrong with her.

The bond is getting stronger, she thought to herself.

"I'm fine Stiles, thanks for asking." She told the boy but the frown on Stiles's face hadn't changed- before he could go into it any further a girl in class suddenly stood up from her seat, "Hey, I think they found something."

Sage got up with the rest of the class as they looked out the window to see the paramedics with a man on the gurney as they led him to the ambulance. The man suddenly shot up from the gurney, letting out a scream. The class jumped back, startled, while Sage continued to look at the man.

The blonde glanced over at Scott who looked a bit pale and bit the inside of her cheek when she smelled the blood.

"Okay. This is good, this is good." Stiles said shakily trying to calm his friend down. "He got up, he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that."

Scott gulped, sending his friend a frightened look. "Stiles - I did that."


"Figure what out?" The strawberry blonde asked the duo who were startled by their arrival as she sat on Scott's left side. Scott stammered nervously, "Just, uh, homework."

"Yeah." Stiles's cheeks darkened seeing Sage sit down on his right side. He leaned over to Scott whispering, "Why is she sitting with us?" He asked referring to Lydia.

"Why are you guys sitting with us? Not that I don't want you to. I think it's great. But it's kinda sudden." Stiles whispered leaning towards Sage who smiled at the nervous human, "Allison and I told Lydia we were going to sit with you guys, so she decided that we all were gonna sit here." She answered and he nodded before her words settled. Once he realised what she said, he did a double-take and looked at her, "Wait you were going to sit with us?"

But before she could answer, Jackson looked at the guy sitting at the head of the table. "Get up."

He gave him a look of disbelief. "How come you never ask Danny to get up?"

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny retorted, causing Sage to laugh in amusement as she watched the guy get up and sit somewhere else. "So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar."

"I heard mountain lion," Jackson said, sitting down.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Sage and Lydia said in unison. Stiles glanced at the blonde, hearing the way she said it as if pointing out the obvious.

Seeing the look on her boyfriends face, Lydia shifted in her seat, "Isn't it?" She asked innocently, while Sage looked at her with a slight glare. She knew how smart Lydia was and she never understood why she dumbed herself down for her boyfriend. She knew the reason why she had connected to Lydia, her kind only connected to a person who felt alone and who need guidance.

The only thing she still had yet to understand was why she had connected to Stiles.

She had taken a fry off the human's tray, not before giving him a sweet smile which only earned a blush to paint his cheeks.

"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." The blue-eyed jock muttered.

Stiles pursed his lips at Jackson's words and he sat up a bit straighter in his seat when he saw what popped up on his phone. "Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." He held up his phone so they could see better and felt his cheeks heat up when he felt Sage lean in closer to him to see better.

"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition." The reporter said.

"I know this guy." Scott blurted out, his cheeks reddened when everyone looked at him.

Allison sent him a curious look. "You do?"

He nodded. "Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver."

"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia piped up, she was getting bored with all of this nonsense. "Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" Her green eyes flickered to the brunette, remembering the conversation they had before agreeing to eat together. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"

"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do..." Allison said slowly and Lydia hummed. "Well, I am not sitting home again, watching lacrosse videos, so if the five of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun," Lydia said making Scott look over at Allison with wide eyes,

"Wait, five?" Sage asked and Lydia looked at her like it was obvious, "Uh, of course, you're coming with us,  I'm sure we can find you a hot lacrosse player to go with."

Stiles shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his heart clenching at the idea of the blonde going out with someone else. He kept his eyes down, almost afraid of her answer. Sage could sense his uneasiness so she said the one thing she knew could not only cheer him up, but could also make him a little nervous.

"Non." The girl said in her French accent earning a pointed look from the strawberry blonde.

"And why not?" The girl asked with raised eyebrows,

"I'm hanging out with Stiles tomorrow," Sage said making Stiles slightly choke on his water making everyone slightly look at him weirdly.

"So you rather hang out with someone named Stiles instead of a lacrosse player? Sage a lot of guys on the team think you're hot." Lydia exclaimed, Stiles didn't know if he should feel hurt from the fact Lydia diminished his name- if this was a year ago then he might have been upset but he had no interest in Lydia anymore so he simply didn't care.

Sage looked at the green-eyed, strawberry blonde, shaking her head. "Lyd's I know you mean well and no offence Danny and Scott- but most of the lacrosse team are stupid jocks who don't know how to keep it their pants." The girl retorted earning a glare from Jackson and a shocked look from Scott.

"Why no offence them?" Jackson asked still glaring at the girl, Sage didn't miss a beat when she replied, "Because I don't like you."

Everyone, excluding Lydia and Jackson, chuckled at the girls' remark.

"Anyway, Sage is out- so whatever we're doing better be fun." Lydia continued ignoring the girls' remark.

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." Jackson said, holding up his fork making Lydia take it from him, "How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." She asked and he scoffed. "Yeah, with actual competition."

"How do you know we're not actual competition? You can bowl, right?" Allison asked looking at Scott who looked slightly uncomfortable, "Sort of." He said slowly.

"Is it sort of, or yes?'

"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler." Sage smirked to herself hearing the raise in his heartbeat.


"Wait, Scott, you didn't - am I attractive to gay guys-."

"Why do you care if you're attracted to gay guys?" Stiles let out a little gasp as he turned around only to notice Sage staring at him with an amused look on her face.

"Sage, for God sake- what did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that?" The human said as he held his chest, trying to catch his breath. The ocean eyed girl stared back at the Stilkinski boy in amusement, she couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the boy was easily frightened.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Y-yeah cause I'm trying to restart my heart," Stiles said dramatically flaring his arms about. Sage shook her head at the human, walking off to her car.

"W-wait, where you going?" Stiles ask following behind her, Sage stopped as she got to her car, she knew Stiles still wanted answers about her but she needed to get home.

"Home, I- uh don't feel that well." Sage knew Stiles didn't buy the bald-faced lie- he knew she was supernatural so he knew she couldn't get sick. But he also knew that since she walked into class today she didn't seem like herself, so he decided to let it slide.

"So uh- are we really hanging out tomorrow or did you just say that to get Lydia off your back?" He asked as he scratched the back of his neck, nervously looking at the girl. Sage sat in the driver seat of her car, watching the boy with a small smile.

"You have questions, I have answers. We're hanging out Stilinksi." She turned her key into the ignition, "Oh and, it shouldn't matter if you're attractive to gay guys."


"Because I know you're attractive to straight girls."

Stiles watched in shock as the car drove off.

The girl he had an unhealthy obsession with found him attractive.


The next day, Sage sat in the desk chair in Allison's room, who was currently asking for their opinion on what clothes to wear for her date with Scott. Lydia didn't seem to like any of the girls taste in clothing and Sage thought the same. The girl knew fashion from living in France and Italy and Allison currently needed a fashion lesson.

Sage's eyes flickered from the piled up clothes on the brunette's bed over to the door as it opened. She tilted her head slightly as Chris Argent walked in.

Allison sent her father a look of disbelief, "Dad, hello?"

Chris blinked, suddenly remembering that he practically barged into his daughter's bedroom with no warning. "Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock." He said apologetically,

Lydia laid on the bed, sending the older male a flirty smile, "Hi, Mr Argent." Sage sent her friend a look of disbelief, yeah Mr Argent was a good looking man but only Lydia would flirt with a married man with no shame.

Lydia only shrugged, a coy smile on her lips.

Allison pursed her lips, "Dad, do you need something?"

"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight," Chris said.

"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight." The brunette argued.

He frowned, "Not when some animal out there is attacking people."

"Dad, dad, I'm—uh -"

"It's out of my hands." He said, not looking at all apologetic. "There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 P.M. Hey, no more arguing."

"Someone's daddy's little girl." Sage teased as she gathered her stuff, she looked at the time to notice how late it was getting. If she wanted to spend some time with Stiles she better get a move on.

"Sometimes," Allison said, she wasn't going to let her dad ruin her first date with Scott. "But not tonight."

Allison climbed out her window and flipped off the roof, landing perfectly on her feet as she let out a small laugh. "Eight years of gymnastics." She smiled up at them. "Are you coming?"

Sage looked at the girl with a proud smile while Lydia looked shocked, "We'll take the stairs," Lydia said, pulling the blonde along with her. There was no way they were gonna jump off the roof in the heels and boots they were wearing.


Ten minutes later Sage stood outside the Stlinksi household waiting for the young Stilinski boy to open his door.

"Sage, hey-uh I actually didn't think you were gonna show up." The boy said, slightly in shock noticing the blonde standing on his doorstep.

Sage just smiled at him, "You should know by now that I always keep my word Stiles, now. Aren't you gonna invite me in?"

"Shi-shit yeah sorry, come in." Sage smiled sweetly boy, she walked into the house noticing there weren't any other heartbeats in the house.

"Your parents not home?"

"Uh, my dad is on a shift- you know the Sheriff never sleeps. And uh- I- my mum died when I was little." Sage felt her heart drop in her stomach.

"Shit Stiles, I'm sorry-"

"Hey, it's cool. You didn't know." The boy brushed her off, handing her a bottle of water he took from his fridge. He knew sooner or later the girl would ask about his parents so he wasn't upset or anything, it was just hard to talk about.

Sage frowned when she sensed the grief coming off the boy, she hated that she brought up such a painful memory for him, "Come on, I'll tell you all about me." The boy smiled at her before nodding his head and leading her up into his room.

Sage couldn't help but smile when she entered the Stilinski boys room, it represented him in so many ways. Blue, of course, she gathered from her first week here that it was his favourite colour, papers and books scattered on the floor and his desk- just like his mind. Filled with so much knowledge and so much energy. She loved how his room represented him.

"Sorry about the mess," Stiles said as she quickly picked up papers off the floor, one paper had caught her eye and it was a printed out copy about her species. Stiles had noticed that she hadn't said anything, he turned around to see her stare down at the paper in his hand.

Sage handed him the paper before sitting on the edge of his bed. "Well, your right."

Stiles was honestly shocked to hear what she had said. Millions of thoughts coursed through his mind, he had done all the research but it was still a shock to hear. After finding out about werewolves he wondered what other creatures were out there in the world, and now that Sage had said what she said he now knew of two creatures that existed in the world.





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