Yellow (George Weasley)


1.5M 42.3K 26.5K

"I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow" - Leah Hadleigh is no stranger to... Еще

1 - Ford Anglia
2 - The Weasleys
3 - Late Night Snack
4 - Wiggenweld
5 - Hallowe'en
6 - Quidditch
7 - Serpents
8 - The Chamber
9 - Sighting
10 - Black Dog
11 - The Map
12 - Snowmen
13 - Peaceful Potions
14 - Fireworks and Filch
15 - Quidditch World Cup
16 - Dark Mark
17 - Tri-Wizard Tournament
18 - The Goblet
19 - Amortentia
20 - Well Done Dragon
21 - Firewhisky
22 - Dates
23 - Escape
24 - Yule Ball
25 - Promises
26 - Black Lake
27 - Treasure
28 - Moody
29 - Three Broomsticks
30 - Inside Out
31 - Maze
32 - The Order
33 - Fishing
34 - Extendable Ears
35 - Umbridge-itis
36 - Decrees
37 - Filch's Secret Admirer
38 - Weasley is Our King
39 - First Christmas
40 - Black Quill
41 - Goodbyes
42 - The Exit
43 - Ministry of Magic
44 - Last Ride
45 - Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
46 - U-No-Poo
47 - Lily
48 - First Meeting
49 - Visit
50 - Sprouts
51 - Christmas Pudding
52 - Ring of Fire
53 - Zonko's
54 - The Guard
55 - Astronomy Tower
56 - Dumbledore
57 - Snatchers
58 - Seven Potters
59 - Saint Like
60 - Romanian Guest
61 - The Shed
62 - Bill & Fleur
63 - Interrogations
64 - Registry
65 - The Trial
66 - The Lovegood's
67 - Dora
68 - Uno
69 - Aunt Muriel's
70 - April Fools
71 - Galleons
72 - Nightmares
73 - Limbo
74 - Harry's Return
75 - The Last Battle
76 - Calm After the Storm
77 - A Surprising Dinner
78 - Return to Wheezes
79 - Fruit
80 - Summer Nights
81 - Hens and Stags
82 - The Wedding
83 - The Reception
84 - Pygmy Puffs and Explosions
85 - Jealousy
86 - Charing Cross
87 - Lightbulb
88 - Move In
89 - Mistletoe
91 - Welcome
92 - Parenthood
Authors Note

90 - Peanut Butter Pickles

9.1K 299 250

I sat back onto the couch, listening to the different CDs Fred was listing off. George had sent me to hang out with Fred at his flat above the shop for a few hours while he meets a potential investor with Lee. I'm trying to pretend he's not my glorified baby sitter, but that's essentially what this is. George had apologized profusely for having to leave no matter how many times I assured him it was okay. This particular investor could mean bringing Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products to South America, so it's pretty important—and he is not Fred's biggest fan. Since it's the day after Christmas the shop is thankfully closed. Diagon Alley is covered in a thin layer of snow, but snowflakes continued to drift from the gray sky.

"Alrighty let's see." Fred sorted through the five CDs I had given him for Christmas along with his very own Muggle radio. "Sheer Heart Attack? Queen?" He rose his eyebrows, waving the disc in the air.

"Perfect." I smiled as he set it in the tray and hit play. The upbeat music reverberated through the room. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the place hadn't completely gone to the dogs when George and I moved out, but we may have Angelina to thank for that. The mantle was still littered with the same photographs. Many depicted us through the years at Hogwarts, but a few had been taken by Mrs. Weasley during summer holidays. Almost every one had the three of us together, aside from a group photo of the entire Weasley family. I'm not sure why I expected the flat to change drastically after we hadn't even been gone a month.

Fred grabbed a blanket off the back of the recliner before sitting down beside me, draping it over my legs. "You've gotta be's been like an hour." He teased with a light nudge of his elbow.

"Ha. Ha." I rolled my eyes, trying to fight off my grin. "I could eat."

"Good...there's something I really want to do." He smirked down at me.

"Yeah?" I quirked my brow skeptically.

"I want to try out some of the weird food combinations you've been eating lately." Fred had a wide smile on his face as he grabbed ahold of both of my hands to help me up off the couch.

" judgement?" I asked, following him to the fridge.

"No judgement." He confirmed as he pulled open the door.

"Grab the bacon and that jar of pickles." I instructed and moved over to the cupboard. I was surprised to see it was actually well stocked. I pulled out a few bars of chocolate, the peanut butter, and a bag of crisps.

Grease popped from the pan as Fred laid out strip after strip of bacon, the most delicious smell coming along with it. He, very poorly, sang along to Lily Of The Valley as he cooked. "Baby you've been had!" He practically screeched, shaking a head of slightly longer hair so it was out of his eyes. He's been growing it out since the summer.

I looked over the ingredients I had, contemplating how I was going to do this. I ultimately decided to dive right into the most interesting combination. I made George try it a couple of weeks ago and he loved it. I unscrewed the jar of peanut butter, dipping one of the pickles inside. After I had gotten a good bit of peanut butter on it, I held the pickle up to Fred's face as he flipped the bacon.

"Merlin's balls Leah!" He grimaced and quickly turned his head away.

"Hey don't knock it till you try it." I held it even closer to his mouth until he slowly leaned forward, trying to hide my excited smile.

He took a cautious bite, chewing the combination before a smile spread across his face. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"Right?" I laughed before taking a bite myself. "It's really good in a sandwich actually."

He watched as I melted down some of the chocolate I had grabbed from his cupboard. "What are you doing now?" He dipped a finger inside the bowl, immediately sticking it into his mouth and humming his satisfaction.

"Chocolate and crisps." I smiled up at him, drizzling some of the melted chocolate over a plate of plain crisps. The sweet and salty combination had really gotten me through my pregnancy.

"Brilliant." Fred shook his head in amazement.

I sat down at the table, bringing along with me the small spread of snacks we'd accumulated. Fred had added a few more bags of sweets he had gotten from next door and poured each of us a glass of water before joining me. "Alright." He rubbed his hands together, looking over everything I had gotten out. "So are we putting the bacon in peanut butter or chocolate?"

"I guess you could do either. I just really wanted some bacon." I shrugged, biting into a piece.

We dug into our snacks, trying out all sorts of combinations along the way. Fred started getting a little more creative than I was willing when he spread some peanut butter along a piece of sour candy from Sugarplums. This is the kind of thing I needed to get my mind off of how uncomfortable I've been. I love George, but at this point it's hard for him to forget that I'm carrying his baby.

The last track of the Queen album finished and Fred pointed his wand towards the device from over his shoulder. One of the CDs he had lifted from the stack and set itself into his radio.

"If you change your mind, I'm the first in line. Honey, I'm still free.
Take a chance on me."

Fred's eyes widened slightly, a blush creeping up his neck as he sheepishly looked over at me. "ABBA's Greatest Hits, Freddie?" I rose my brows, fighting so hard to keep myself from smiling.

"They're an institution." Fred defended with a laugh. "I'm not ashamed."

"No judgement here, you know I love ABBA." I joined in on his laughter as I stood to use the bathroom yet again.

"Hey Leah." Fred called after me just as I reached the bathroom. "Please don't tell George I like ABBA."

"I won't." I bit back a smile as I dipped inside, knowing his twin had made the same request just last week.

Today turned out to be even more fun than I could have anticipated. I've really missed hanging out with Fred like this. Moving out made me appreciate all the time I had with him. I mean for years at Hogwarts it was always the three of us. I walked out of the bathroom a moment later to see my best friend singing and dancing around the kitchen to Waterloo. I shook my head as a slight smile played on my lips. He never was the best dancer or singer so this is a sight I wish I could watch over and over.

Just as I began to step towards him, I heard a trickling sound and a wetness spread through me. I reluctantly looked down to see a pool on the floor by my feet. "Fred..."

When he turned the big smile on his face slowly fell as his gaze traveled down. He stood there in shock for a minute, eyes wide and mouth moving without any words escaping. "I-Is that?"

I nodded, my own mouth still wide open in shock. For a moment everything I had prepared for for the last nine months slipped from my mind. "We need to go."

I was expecting to experience some contractions first—or even some cramping. The healer had mentioned in some cases that if the water breaks beforehand it can mean a fast labor. The panic set in as Fred ran around the flat searching for where he had set his wand and simultaneously pulling on his shoes. He muttered words I couldn't understand as he stumbled around. A sharp pain shot through my lower abdomen and I winced, my hand white knuckling the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

"What do I do?" Fred's face flushed as he nervously paced in front of me. "Do I—do I give you a hug?"

"No, Fred...but I appreciate the sentiment." I rolled my eyes, fumbling in my jacket pocket for my half of the Chatter Box. "We need to get to St. Mungo's now-owwwowow. Fucking shit!" I groaned as another contraction hit. "Get. George." I handed him the Chatter Box as I searched around the sitting room for the go bag George had brought. Luckily, he doesn't let me go anywhere without it.

"Good Godric George! The baby's coming right now you need to hurry up and get to St. Mungo's or you're going to miss it! Hurry!!" Fred shouted into the device just before we apparated to the hospital. I could smell the cleanliness of the building before the darkness even cleared. Witches and wizards in bright lime green robes rushed past in all directions as Fred cut through them to get to the front desk.

"You couldn't have told him in a more calming way?" I rolled my eyes when he came back from checking me in, my hand clutching onto my belly.

Fred just shrugged, giving me his best attempt at a smile but honestly he looked more panicked than I did. The plump man behind the desk directed us to the Neonatal section of the hospital. It wasn't nearly as crowded as the rest of the building and was much brighter. Informative posters and moving photos of happy children covered the walls. Fred stayed by my side as they set me up in one of the many rooms, plainly decorated just like the hall. My healer should be here any minute to evaluate me. She's sort of a Muggle midwife. I grabbed ahold of Fred's hand and squeezed hard as another contraction rolled through my body.

"Ahhhhh." He breathed out, nearly buckling when my grip continued to tighten.

"I'm sorry." I offered him a small smile as he rubbed his now free hand. "Will you apparate home and tell your mum? And have your dad call mine?"

"Okay. Are you sure you're alright to be here on your own?" He questioned, looking slightly unsure with his wand in hand.

I nodded furiously and shooed him off. "George should be here any second now." Things will be better when everyone gets here and settled. I shouldn't actually give birth for hours anyways.

Shortly after Fred left, I was freshly changed into a hospital gown just as my healer stepped through the door. "Finally in labor, Mrs. Weasley?" Agnes chuckled, muttering a cleaning spell on her hands. It's still odd to hear myself referred to as Mrs. Weasley. I instantly think of my mother-in-law.

"Yeah pretty sure." My laugh was interrupted by yet another contraction. My hands gripped onto the sheets by my sides, my teeth gritting through the pain.

"Well let's take a look." She grinned before gloving up. Her graying hair was neatly tied back into it's usual bun, not a single wisp of hair out of place. I felt a touch of comfort by her presence. She had been with George and I from our very first visit.

There was a small popping noise as Fred appeared by my side once again, his mum along with him. Luckily they didn't apparate towards the middle of the room or they would have gotten a show.

"Ah, George I was wondering where you were." Agnes nodded towards Fred. I'll never understand how she can stay so collected in these situations, but I suppose she does this every day. "Leah, you're already six centimeters dilated. I'll be back in a little to check on you once again alright?"

"That's actually my husband's twin brother." I corrected her with an uneasy smile. "Thank you, Agnes."

"You're doing wonderfully, dear. You're already so far along." Mrs. Weasley squeezed my shoulder encouragingly. She couldn't contain the excitement that practically poured out of her but in this moment I'm feeling different things.

I grinned at her before turning to Fred, my smile instantly dropping and my eyes narrowing into slits. "Where the hell is George?"

"I really haven't the foggiest but I'm sure he'll be here any minute now." Fred assured me, exchanging a look with his mum. "Your dad is in the waiting room with mine and Ginny."

Another contraction coursed through me, seemingly worse than the last. This is hands down one of the worst pains I've endured. "Hand me the Chatter Box." I grumbled.

Fred fumbled in his pocket before quickly handing the toy over to me. "George you son of a bitch you better get here right now or I'm going to cut off your nards and feed them to a dog!" I hissed, swallowing another groan of pain.

My emotions flipped between hurt and anger. He's been the most uptight one the last six months yet he's not even here. He couldn't even do me the courtesy of sending some sort of response in return?

As if on cue, a pop sounded and a wave of relief flooded through me as my husband rushed by my side. "Leah, love. I am so sorry. I must've missed the first message. What's going on!?"

"Just having a baby here." I shot him a death glare before grabbing onto his arm and squeezing through a contraction.

"Merlin, darling. You've—uh—got a good grip on ya." George writhed in pain.

"Yeah she nearly cracked my knuckles earlier." Fred grumbled as he rubbed at his hand.

Mrs. Weasley walked over to my other side with a cup of ice water in her hands. "You need to stay hydrated, dear."

I eagerly gulped down the water before falling back against the pillows once more with a huff. "Thank you." I smiled appreciatively up at her. I'm really glad I have at least one female to help me through this.

"Godric, you're having our baby." George's face paled as he stared at me, his expression vacant but a million thoughts behind his eyes. "A living breathing baby." He clumsily stumbled back into the chair behind him.

"Thank you for the astute observation, Sherlock Holmes." I rolled my eyes as Mrs. Weasley laughed lightly at her son.

Fred gripped his brother's shoulder supportively. "C'mon, mate. You're fine. Let's not make this all about you." He jested.

George was still staring off at the floor when Agnes entered the room once again. "Glad to see you made it, Mr. Weasley." She laughed at his current state, her carefree attitude still evident in her tone. "How are we feeling in here, Leah?"

"I feel like my contractions are getting more painful and maybe a bit long—" My sentence was interrupted by yet another contraction, a groan of pain escaping my lips.

"Her contractions are getting closer together. That last one was a little less than three minutes apart." Mrs. Weasley held a cool cloth to my forehead, instantly alleviating some of the heat radiating off of my skin. I'm so glad she's keeping track of them because George has clearly forgotten every bit of his preparation over the last nine months.

"Wow you're moving along far quicker than I would expect for a first time mother. You're eight centimeters dilated—nearly there. I'll be back again soon." She encouraged with a grin before disappearing again.

"Alright George. Knock it off, you dolt." Fred scoffed and hooked his brother underneath his arms, yanking him to his feet. "Leah needs you. You didn't read all of those dumb books for nothing."

George muttered apologies on end, shaking his head and blinking hard to focus himself. The moment his eyes settled on me he seemed to snap out of it, instantly wrapping both hands around one of mine. "You're doing amazing, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes at him yet again but gladly leaned into the kiss he pressed against my forehead.

"Alright, well. I'll be out there." Fred nodded towards the door, but his actions were stopped before he could slip away when I grabbed onto his wrist.

"I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable or—or weird but please stay. My birthing coach needs a birthing coach." I whined, squeezing slightly harder than I intended.

He nodded, a slight smile on his lips as he moved to stand behind his brother. He clapped a hand on his shoulder with a clear of his throat. "I'm fine, I'm fine." George took a deep breath. He squeezed my hand, whether it was for my reassurance or his I didn't know.

"Glad you finally got your head out of your own ass." I breathed out with a grin.

"Hey. I read everything from those books about keeping you calm but there's nothing in there to help the father." He defended, his own smile twitching on his lips.

Our briefly lighthearted moment was quickly disrupted when the most painful contraction yet coursed through my body. "Almost a minute apart." Mrs. Weasley informed with a big smile. Her hands were nearly shaking with excitement as she continued to dab a cool rag across my brow.

"You're doing great, sweetheart. Almost ready to meet George Jr." George smiled down at me as I rested back against the pillows, hair sticking to my forehead with sweat.

"Punch him for me, Fred." I groaned as the three people surrounding me laughed. Our feud on the sex of the baby was pretty well-known in the family. So much so that I was tempted many times to find out just so I could hear the end of it. I cried out once again as another contraction hit almost immediately after the last.

Right on cue, my healer walked through the door once again. This time with an assistant following close behind, her robes a slightly lighter green than Agnes but her hair in the same tight bun. "Alright, this is it. It's time to start pushing with each contraction." Agnes' eyes closed slightly, signaling she was smiling wide behind her face mask. I tried to hide the uncertainty I felt now that the time had actually come, but truly the wave of fear was strong enough to momentarily distract me from the pain.

"You've got this, Leah." George encouraged, pressing a kiss to my knuckles and giving my hand a big squeeze.

The next hour of pushing was grueling. The exertion had my body feeling almost numb and the pain was all-encompassing. I was already exhausted. The thought of some women going through this for hours terrified me.

"Alright we've got a head!" Agnes announced from her place by my feet.

"Doing great, Leah." Fred gave me a thumbs up and a smile. He was pressed flat against the wall, very obviously trying to look in the complete opposite direction of where I was exposed. "Georgie you're looking a little pale."

Mrs. Weasley took my other hand in hers, a bright grin on her face. "I'm so proud of you, dear. You're doing wonderfully."

George's one hand rubbed my back, the other still allowing me to grip his hand. "You are so amazing."

"This is all your fault!" I cried out. "You are never touching me again." George's laughter was soon replaced by a yelp of pain as I squeezed his hand as tight as I could.

Just as I thought I may faint from exhaustion, the sound of crying echoed through the room.


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