You Are The Music In Me

By hayleeneal16

34.2K 764 598

You'd think after playing the Orpheum, everything would get easier. The band is together, the boys are safe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Want More?

Chapter 8

1.2K 30 15
By hayleeneal16

"Flynn! 911! COME ON!" Julie yelled at her phone waiting for Flynn to pick up. "URRRRGGGGH!"

Julie was once again pacing around the studio. Why was Flynn, her best friend in the whole world, not picking up her phone. Julie had sent a 911, so there was no...

*Knock* *Knock*

The studio door opened to reveal Flynn... and Carrie?

"Carrie? What do you want?"

Carrie looked at Flynn, who gave her a subtle nod.

"Listen Jules," Carried started. Julie gave Carrie a look. "Sorry, Julie, um I was hoping we could talk."

Julie ignored Carrie. "What's going on Flynn?"

Flynn gave a big sigh. "Jules, Carrie came to the show and wanted to talk to you then but you had already gone home with your dad and Carlos. So she talked to me instead."

"And you listened? What happened to her being a demon?" Julie threw a dirty look in Carrie's direction. Carrie kept her head down while the two girls spoke.

"We ended up talking all last night and today. It wasn't like we were instantly best friends again, but we're on our way back," Carrie gave Flynn a quick smile.

Julie on the other hand focused on something else, "Wait. I thought you were with your grandparents today. Seriously? You lied to me, to hang out with her?" This was ridiculous.

"Yeah well...I thought you would be too busy with the boys anyway. It feels like the only time you talk to me anymore is when it's about the boys. You know I love you Jules, but honestly you haven't been there for me lately. And yeah, I said I was going to be with my grandparents because it was easier than explaining why I was with Carrie."

Julie was shocked. Had she really been that bad of a friend lately? It was kind of true that once the boys came into her life, it was pretty much all Julie had wanted to talk about. That and Nick. When had Julie become like this? She and Flynn always said how those girls were the worst – the ones who got a boyfriend and then all of a sudden left all of their friends behind. Julie didn't even have a boyfriend but she had become that girl!

Julie ran to Flynn and wrapped her tightly in her arms. "Flynn I'm so sorry! I wouldn't have been able to get through this year without you. We're Double Trouble!" With that, Flynn hugged Julie back twice as hard.

"I just miss you girl. You know I love talking about boys, especially those cuties, but I kind of miss it being just us. And so does Carrie." Flynn motioned to the other girl.

"Julie, I wish I could blame it on being possessed by some evil ghost or something, but I don't have an excuse. You went through something horrible and yet you were the same girl. But when my mom left, I became the Wicked Witch of West Hollywood."

Julie looked at Carrie carefully... "Well we all know Elphaba was misunderstood."

Carrie ran to join the other two girls in the group hug.

Ray yelled out to Julie from the house that it was time for dinner. Julie, Flynn, and Carrie all made their way back to the house. Ray took one look at the girls, smiling seeing Carrie back with Flynn and Julie. For many years, Carrie had been an unofficial member of the Molina household. Trevor was always travelling, and Carrie's mom never seemed to care very much that she had a daughter at home.

"Julie, if you bring anyone else home, we're going to need a bigger table!" Ray saw the panicked look on Carrie's face and let out a laugh. "Don't worry Carrie, I'm only joking. We've always got plenty of room for you here!"


The boys were confused as to why Bobby's daughter was here. Last they had heard, she was Julie's bully. And apart from her killer dance moves, all they had seen of Carrie was her mean attitude.

"Um guys, this is Carrie. Carrie, these are the guys. Luke, Reggie, and"

"Alex – I just need to say your dance moves are killer."

"Really? Thanks! I didn't know you had seen our shows" Carrie said while blushing.

"Ummmm..." Alex didn't know what to say. He didn't know how the hologram technology was supposed to work. How would he have been able to see the show?

Luckily Julie jumped in by explaining how Flynn had filmed the whole show at the coffee house and sent it to the guys so they could see how many people were there. Carrie seemed to believe it and moved on.

"Well you are a great drummer. And you can sing. Maybe we could like collaborate or something. You have to give me your number so we can figure that out. And I've got a pool so make sure you bring your swimsuit!"

Alex was flustered while Reggie and Luke tried not to laugh. Julie slapped them on the arms, while Flynn whispered something in Carrie's ear. She turned beet red after being told she wasn't exactly Alex's type.

"Oh um, you can bring your boyfriend too."

Alex, still unsure of how he was supposed to respond, suggested everyone take their places so they could start eating. After saying a quick grace, everyone dug into dinner.

Carrie and Alex quickly bonded and were discussing their favourite dance moves; Luke was trying to convince Carlos as to why he should learn to play the guitar rather than the bass; Julie and Flynn were having a much needed catch up; and Reggie was asking for Ray about what recipe they could try next.

While it was not a scene that anyone at that table would have imagined a year ago, it was one that they were all cherishing.

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