Pjo / Bnha Crossover

By DnDArchitect

219K 6.1K 4.6K

Follow Percy Jackson, Will Solace, and Nico Di Angelo as they try to find their way back home after being mys... More

The Portal
Dreams and Costumes
Exam Day
Letters and New Acquaintances
The Quirk Test
Mock Battles Part 1
Mock Battles Part 2
Villain Encounter
USJ Part 1
USJ Part 2
Sports Festival Part 1
Sports Festival Part 2
Sports Festival Part 3
Sports Festival Part 4
A Warning
Hero Names and Internships?
Minor Revelations And Departure
A Second Chance


4.2K 150 93
By DnDArchitect

Reminder - dialogue written as "blah blah blah" indicates the person is speaking in Ancient Greek

Nico's P.O.V.,

After a rather nasty nightmare, I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder. Still slightly paranoid from my nightmare, I bolt up and smack the arm away, moving in a fighting stance with my sword in hand.

"Woah kid, calm down," the person says, holding their hands up in surrender. Once my brain registers that there's no immediate danger, I relax and take a closer look at the man in front of me. He's decently tall with short, dark blue hair and eyebrows in the shape of arrows that pointed to the sides of his head. His face is rather angular and he's wearing a white shirt with an unbuttoned blue, plaid flannel shirt over it and light brown pants. His shoes are dark blue sneakers with white soles.

"Sorry I startled you. My name's Tensei Iida. I hear your the U.A. student interning at my agency," he says as I jump down from the bed and will my sword to shrink back to its ring form, slipping the familiar silver skull over my finger. I recall something the lady at the agency who gave me a tour said about the pro hero who owns the agency and frown.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital? I heard you were seriously injured in a fight against the Hero Killer Stain," I say, walking to my bag and pulling out a set of clothes Fuyumi bought me, all in black of course. Tensei smiles. 

"Yes, I was badly injured and in the hospital until yesterday. However, thanks to a very talented young man, my injuries were healed and I was released from the hospital. Of course, as per his instructions, I'll be taking a few days to rest and recuperate before going back to work."

That sounds like Will, I think to myself. I wouldn't be surprised if it was him. But I do have to wonder why he was at a hospital when he's supposed to be interning at the school infirmary with Recovery Girl. Did he and Recovery Girl get requested to come to the hospital? Probably.

"If that's the case, then why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home resting?" I ask, walking around him towards the bathroom. He grins. 

"I wanted to meet you, since I wasn't able to yesterday. Your name's Nico Di Angelo, correct?"

I nod, shifting the bundle of clothes in my hands so I can grasp the bathroom doorknob. Tensei smiles. 

"Nice to meet you Nico. I'll wait out here while you change," he says, gesturing at the bathroom door as I open it. I hmm and enter the small room, setting down the bundled up clothes on the counter and peeling off what I have on. After pulling on the clean pair of pants, I pause for a moment to look at my reflection and my eyes widen slightly in surprise. My scrawny frame has filled out to an almost normal state and my skin has regained some of it's color. Even the bags under my eyes don't look as prominent as they usually do. Fuyumi's cooking and Will's general nagging about my health must've had more of an impact than I thought

I pick up the clean shirt and tug it over my head, slipping on my socks and shoes next before grabbing my aviators jacket and sliding my arms into the familiar, comfy sleeves. I run my fingers through my hair a few times to get rid of any tangles and wad up the dirty clothes, carrying the bundle out with me into the other room and stuffing them into my bag.

"You ready to go?" Tensei asks, standing up from the chair he'd been sitting in. I nod and he smiles, heading out the door. I make sure I have my room key with me and follow behind.

After a quick pit stop at a nearby McDonald's for breakfast, Tensei drives me to the agency and we head inside. Several of the pro heroes running around stop to say hi to us and congratulate Tensei on his recovery as we make our way upstairs. The temporary boss dude from yesterday greets us in the big meeting room.

"Ingenium! Great to see that you're feeling better," he says, walking over to us. Tensei chuckles. 

"Thanks SilverStreak. A few more days of rest and I'll be able to start working again."

SilverStreak nods and turns to me. "There's a team heading out to patrol Hosu today. You'll be going with them. If you have any questions, just ask Marsh. He's the one who'll be leading the patrol."


Tensei walks me down to where the patrol team is assembling and then leaves to go home. Marsh explains the different areas we'll be patrolling and then leads us out to a big black van. We all pile in and Marsh starts the van, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the city streets. A few of the pro heroes try to make small talk with me but I just ignore them until they give up and talk amongst themselves.

Things were going ok until something slammed into the side of the van and sent us careening. The back doors open and swing back and forth as Marsh tries to regain control of the van. Not waiting for the rest of the team, I jump out of the van and roll into a defensive position, scanning the carnage around me as I search for what hit us. My eyes land on a creature that looks similar to the one that attacked us at the USJ. Smoke rises into the sky from multiple fires in the city behind it. Distant screams and explosions sound through the air as I charge the creature. Deciding to preserve my powers for later, I hack at the the monster with my sword, cutting deep gashes that heal mere seconds later. 

Well that's annoying.

I see some of the pros from the patrol team heading my way as I dodge a right hook from the creature and duck around it. I clamber up its back and drive my sword into the top of its head, using my weight to drag the embedded sword down its back. The hideous creature splits down the middle and the two pieces fall to the sides.

"Excellent work Di Angelo," Marsh says as he and two other people heroes tie up the halved monster that was trying to regenerate. I hmm and turn back towards the burning city when something catches my eye. A moving wall of water.

Looks like he's here too.

While the pros are distracted trying to get the nomu into a armored police van, I slip away and head in the direction I saw the wall of water. Fires burn everywhere, car alarms blare, and broken glass litters the streets as I head deeper into the city.

It's not long before I hear the sound of fighting and arrive to see several pro heroes, including Shoto's annoying prick of a dad, fighting three more of those hideous creatures. I also see Percy using water from several fire hydrats to put out the raging fires with the help of two other pros.

Weaving my way through the chaos, I come to a stop next to him.

"Hey Nico," he says, turning his head to look at me.

" I see they're keeping you busy," I say, gesturing to the flames he was currently dousing. Percy nods.

"Yeah. He's certainly not helping either," he says, jerking his head at where Endeavor was grappling with one of the creatures, his flames adding to the ones already littering the streets.

"I can see that," I reply with a raised brow.

Percy shifts the water spray and looks at me.

"Hey, could you go find Tenya? He disappeared when the fighting started and I've got a bad feeling that he's gone after that villain that was said to be here in Hosu."

"You mean Stain? He's the one who injured Tenya's brother, right?"

Percy nods. "Yeah. I just don't want Tenya to do something he'll regret confronting Stain."

I nod and sigh. "Sure I guess. You seem to have things handled here anyway."

Percy snorts and turns back to his task. I head to a less crowded side-street and do a quick soul search, honing my senses in on all the life-forms in the city until I find Tenya's, and four others.


I shadow jump into the alleyway Tenya and company are located at and immediately have to duck as a long thin sword swipes at my head.

"Nico!" Izuku yells as Shoto sends a wall of ice at the villain. Izuku runs up the side of the alley wall and jumps down at Stain, his fist just missing Stain's head. Tenya lies on his stomach behind me and a man dressed like a Native American that I'm guessing is a pro hero sits slumped against the alley wall.

"Don't let his sword cut you! You'll become paralyzed if he consumes your blood!" Izuku calls out to me as he and Shoto trade blows with the agile villain. I frown.

That must be what happened to these two I think, glancing at Tenya and the native pro dude. Pulling out my sword, I dart behind Stain and swing. My blade slices across his back as he jumps out of the way, leaving a long red line from his right shoulder to his left hip. He glares at me and swipes at me with his swords, but I drop low and sweeps his legs out from under him. He uses his momentum to back-flip and take a swipe at Izuku's leg, cutting a deep gash in the green haired boy's calf.

Not letting up, he darts at Shoto, his sword angled to slice through his arm. Izuku yells Shoto's name and I curse, pulling my own sword up to block the blow. Before I can reach them though, Tenya bursts forward and kicks Stain's sword, breaking it. A quick follow-up kick sends the villain flying.

"This has nothing to do with you guys. I am sorry," Tenya says as I come to stand next to him and Shoto.

"It's no use trying to look reformed for the sake of appearance. You'll never be anything but a fake who prioritizes his own selfish desires over the needs of others," Stain calls out to Tenya. I narrow my eyes at the glaring villain.

"Don't listen to the logic of a murderer Iida," Shoto says to the dark haired boy.

"No, he's right," Tenya replies, his back to us.

"Out of the question," Stain says, his glare intensifying. Annoyance twinges inside me and I return Stain's loaded glare. He darts forward and Shoto gets in front of us, shooting a stream of fire at Stain and following it up with a wall of ice. Stain jumps back and dodges both. Shoto sends another stream of fire  at Stain while Tenya tries to fire up his engines

Sputter sputter.

"Oh no, Reciprico's done. Todoroki! Can you regulate temerature? Freeze my legs!" Tenya yells over the noise of the fire blast. Both Shoto and I look at him in confusion.


"Just do it already!" He yells. I see Izuku start moving out of the corner of my eye as Shoto ices Tenya's engines and then resumes shooting streams of fire a Stain.

Having a pretty good idea what was about to happen, I use the remaining ice columns and the alley wall to vault myself upwards. Tenya uses that Reprico Burst move of his to fly up the side of the alley wall while Izuku vaults back and forth between the walls to gain height.

Izuku and Tenya strike at the same time, causing Stain to twist in the air from the force of their blows and a second later I slam into Stain's back, my shoulder shoving him into the alley wall. I push off from him just seconds before Tenya kicks upwards and sends Stain flying.

The three of us drop to the ground while Shoto uses ice to pin Stain to the wall. After determining that Stain is thoroughly beaten, Shoto and I bring him down and start tying him up while Izuku and Tenya help the now awake native pro guy.

"How'd you find us?" Shoto asks. I shrug.

"Part of my control over the dead includes being able to sense dead, and living, souls. I used this ability to pinpoint Tenya and your guys' location."

Shoto nods, a thoughtful look on his face. I look at the others to see Izuku getting a piggyback ride on the native pro's back.

Probably cause of his leg. Dismissing the sight, I help Shoto pull Stain out to the street.

"Even though I'm a pro, I was still just in the way," the pro guy laments as we leave the alley.

"Fighting four-on-one with the guy still making mistakes himself, we still barely won," Shoto says.

I roll my eyes. I probably could've beat that guy all by myself.

"Yes, well we should get this guy to the police quickly," Native Pro Guy says as we come to a stop at the alleyway entrance.

Suddenly, a short old man clad in yellow and black appears and strikes at Izuku's face. Acting on instinct, I grab the old man's foot and slam it down to the ground, dragging the rest of him down with it.

"Waahhh! Gran Torino!" Izuku stutters as the very short man stands up. Gran Torino raises a brow at me.

"Those are some quick reflexes you got kid." He turns to Izuku. "And you, I though I told you to stay seated on the bullet train."

Izuku hangs his head. "I'm sorry Gran Torino."

One of the other pro heroes that arrived during this exchange remarks on the severity of our injuries. Or rather, the others' injuries. Most of what I've got are just bruises.

"I'll call an ambulance right away," the concerned pro says.

"Call the police too," another says.

"You three," Tenya says from behind us. Shoto, Izuku, and I turn around to look at him. He bows at an almost ninety degree angle.

"I'm truly sorry."

"Pull yourself together," Shoto says. "You are the class rep. right?"

I see something move out of the corner of my eye just as Gran Torino yells "Get down!"

One of those hideous creatures, but with red leathery wings, swoops down and snatches Izuku. I grab at his ankle and end up getting pulled into the air with him. I see Stain break free of his restraints as I twist in the air, my hand wrapping Izuku's ankle in a death grip. I see a blur jump up off to one side and feel something collide with the creature, sending us all crashing to the ground. I hear someone ranting and look to see Stain standing over the creature raving about why the hero society should be cleansed to create a more just society blah blah blah.

I stand up with a huff and walk up behind him. Raising my arm up, I sigh  and clock him in the back of the head, scowling as he slumps to the pavement.

"Geez, so annoying."

The pros stare at me in silence, shocked. I roll my eyes and turn around to help Izuku to his feet.

"Thanks Nico."

Things slowly mellowed down after that. Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya were loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital while Stain was taken away by the police. Percy and the two pros helping him finished putting out the fires, clean up crews dealt with the damage done to the all the buildings, and search and rescue teams scoured the city for any citizens trapped and/or injured during the attack.

I eventually met up with Marsh and the rest of the patrol team and got an earful for running off on my own. After reporting back to the agency, I head back to the hotel and proceed to spend the next couple hours binge-watching reality TV show episodes.

Tenya Iida's P.O.V.

After getting checked and treated by the doctor, I use a wall-mounted phone to call my mom.

"Hi mom."

"Hello dear. How are you? You didn't answer my last few calls or texts."

"Sorry mom. My phone died and I forgot to bring my charger."

"Ah, well I have something important to tell you."

I furrow my brows in concern. "What do you need to tell me?"

"A young man training with Recovery Girl healed Tensei's spinal injury. He can walk again."

I drop the phone in shock and put a hand to my mouth. Tears stream from my eyes as the phone bounces on its cord, making a thunking sound every time it hits the wall.


I wipe the tears from my eyes and with a big smile on my face say "That's great mom. I'm glad he's okay."

"Me too hun. Me too." Her voice wavers with emotion and I fight back the urge to cry again. I bid her good bye after exchanging a few more words and head back to the room me Izuku, and Shoto are staying in.

A young man training with Recovery Girl... wait, isn't Will interning with Recovery Girl? Does that mean he was the one who healed Tensei's injury? I'll have to ask him when I see him again on Monday.

I enter the room and sit down on a cot.

"Any news on your brother?" Izuku asks, concern in his tone. I smile.

"He's fully recovered. Mom says he'll resume working on Thursday."

Izuku smiles. "That's great Iida-kun!"

"Congrats," Shoto adds, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you guys."

At that moment, Manual and Gran Torino walk in.

"I've got a lot of complaints for you kid," Gran Torino says to Izuku. Izuku starts to stutter out an apology but is cut off.

"But first you've got a visitor."

He turn to the door as a tall man with the head of a dog walks in.

"The Hosu Chief of Police, Kenji Tsuragamae."

Oh my gods that took forever T-T. Thank you all so much for being so very patient these last two months. Ya'll are absolute angels. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Peace out - DnDArchitect

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