Cordelia Goode x Reader x All...

By stayevildarling

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the American Horror Story world, which is tra... More

Last spring
It's so cold
I wanna cry
Another love
Make you feel alright
And if somebody hurts you
I wanna kiss you
That would be just ours
No more goodbyes

Hurting & Fighting

947 54 7
By stayevildarling

After tossing and turning for several hours you managed to finally fall asleep, only to wake up in the early morning after hearing some footsteps and feeling some small hands touch your shoulder. ''Y/N?'' Oz asks and he seems a bit confused and also scared, you can see the worry in his eyes. ''Hey buddy are you okay?'' you ask and sit up on the sofa to make some space for him but he shakes his head clearly something is wrong with him and you pat the space next to you but he climbs onto your lap. Although you have already spent a lot of time with Oz before and you have been close with him and maybe hugging him this is different. You have only been around children when you were younger and sometimes some customers at the cafe would show up with some kids and you would make them hot chocolate but this is different. Children are very important to you and you would love to have some of your own one day but having Oz this close and him clearly needing comfort is kind of a bit much to you and you have no idea what to actually do. ''What happened?'' you ask and stroke your fingers through his hair. His eyes meet yours and he explains ''I had a nightmare'' and you tilt your head understanding why he is scared. Ever since you were young you used to have bad nightmares and whenever you have them you wouldn't be able to sleep that night. While living at the coven it was particularly hard with all the constant threats like witch hunters around so you would spend many nights in the greenhouse reading or practicing your magic to kill some time. ''What happened in the nightmare?'' you ask him while still running your fingers through his blonde curly hair. ''It was my mom she ...someone hurt her'' he explains and he looks even more frightened now as he probably has flashbacks from the nightmare. ''Hey it's okay look at me'' you say and move his chin up so his eyes meet yours again ''I promise you right now, no matter what happens I will never let anyone hurt your mom, I will fight promise'' and he looks less scared now he makes you pinky promise which you do without hesitation. Because it is true, if someone ever hurt Ally nothing could stop you and you would fight with your life. Your slowly understanding how important that woman actually is to you and what a big part she has in your life and you feel stupid for mourning after a woman that never loved or could love you so you wanna stop making it so hard on yourself and Ally and tell her the truth about your feelings. ''Why are you always so nice to my mom and me?''  Oz suddenly asks pulling you out of your thoughts and you have to think of an appropriate answer. ''Listen Oz your mom and you mean a lot to me, after I moved here you showed kindness to me and you are both actually a big part of my life now, your mom is a very special woman'' and he smiles and gives you a hug. The hug takes you by surprise a little bit but you hold onto him. What neither you or Oz know is that Ally also woke up from hearing Oz go downstairs and she has been standing by the living room door for a while just watching you two with a sweet smile and after hearing those words and her heart swelling up a little she thinks its time to announce her presence so she clears her throat. Both Oz and you immediately look over to Ally and Oz runs over to her and hugs her and she gives you the sweetest smile that could make you melt right there. You are embarassed that Ally heard you say those things to Oz and your cheeks are red. ''Oz you gotta get ready for school in a bit why don't you get ready?'' Ally suggests and Oz nods and leaves to his room. After he leaves Ally approaches you and you feel nervous with every step she takes and your heart beats a lot faster being around her. ''That was sweet''she says as she sits down next to you and although you didn't think it was possible you blush a little bit more. ''Are you feeling better?'' she asks and you nod because until now you actually forgot what happened and why you are sleeping there in the first place. ''Okay I'm glad'' she says and you smile at her before getting up to get your things. ''Listen I gotta head to work now'' you explain and Ally nods ''Would you wanna shower here?'' she offers but you still have to change into work clothes and those are at your apartment so you explain that to her and she nods. As you are about to walk out of her house not really caring about the fact that underneath your jacket you are still wearing her pajamas she reaches for your wrist which causes you to turn around and meet her eyes. ''Um listen Y/N I wanted to take Oz to the carneval tonight, would you wanna join us?'' and her offer makes you happy and maybe this will be a good opportunity to talk to her so you say ''Yes I would love to, when should I be here?'' you ask and she smiles and answers ''Be here by seven darling'' and you leave her house with a big smile.

On the way home you keep rethinking everything especially yesterday and the fact that the option of a witch you know being around or a great danger is evenly terrifying. Of course your mind wandered to Cordelia first but you know she would never be here because why would she? Secretly you hoped maybe she would be here for you but you know she wouldn't. After leaving the coven you regretted the decision a lot and part of you hoped that maybe she would reach out but she never did. The girls tried calling a few times but that was about it and you never even answered or returned any calls. After driving you arrive at home and thankfully there are no more weird visions or threat alerts for the rest of the morning while you shower, get ready and head to work again. The pajamas Ally gave you still smell of her and part of you never wants to give it back but you know you have to so you already put them in the washing basket ready to wash them with the next load whenever you have the time again. As you arrive by the cafe you greet your co-workers and you get ready for your shift. It means making sure all the ingredients like syrups, milk, sugar and a few other things like ice cubes and cups are restocked and everything is ready for your shift. The morning goes by slowly and it's mainly the usual customers and a few new faces here and there and pretty much until your lunch break you keep thinking about tonight and the fun the three of you are going to have tonight. The rest of your shift you had a little lunch break which you spent by drinking some coffee and scrolling through social media and also just getting peoples order ready and then closing up. You don't like closing up because it means everything has to be put away, cleaned and it usually takes a while but thankfully with the help of your co-worker you manage to get it all done quite quickly so you are now on your way home to get ready for your date with Ally. Well it's not really a date but part of you kind of hopes it might be. After taking a quick shower and fixing your hair and also applying some light makeup you debate for a long time what to actually wear but you decide to go with something more casual considering you are going to a carneval.

So you put on a grey hoodie, some black ripped jeans and a flannel with some vans, this would be your usual style but you also know how to dress up for occasions like fancy dinners or other things. While living in the coven your wardrobe changed into complete black but people here kept thinking someone died so you are dressing like you used to again. After getting into the car you play some Fleetwood Mac and make your way to Ally's house humming and singing along to the familiar songs. You remember the day Stevie Nicks came to the academy like it was yesterday and it was one of the most amazing moments you have ever had there, apart from any moment with Cordelia of course. Hearing and seeing her perform live to a small group of people in the coven just for you witches was beyond special and probably one of the only good things the old supreme Fiona Goode has ever done. You despise that woman for what she did to Cordelia and the way she treated her. Once again you find yourself thinking of Cordelia, the beautiful blonde witch that just can't leave your head. She is like a drug because no matter what you tried to get her out of your system and head it didn't work. It was an addiction and you thought getting away from her and the coven would somehow heal you and you would be able to look forward to a different life and future it just didn't work. Although you have so many amazing opportunities right now like building a life with Ally, even though you aren't completely sure of her true intentions you do believe there is something between you two a connection but part of you is worried that committing in a relationship with Ally would make you loose Cordelia all over again because you can't keep thinking about the supreme when you are with another woman. Your head is once again racing with thoughts and you haven't even noticed how you already pulled up to Ally's house and you are currently sitting in the car park, your hands still on the steering wheel. You get out the car and try to shake all the thoughts away as you walk to the front door and place some gentle knocks on the door. 

''Y/N'' Ally exclaims with a smile and when your eyes meet hers you gasp a little because she looks absolutely stunning in a beautiful blazer combination with some fancy looking trousers and you immediately regret dressing the way you did. ''Oh no I am underdressed'' you say a bit embarassed and you look down to the ground but Ally lifts up your chin and says ''Sweetheart you look beautiful, come on in'' and you blush a little but follow her inside regardless. Before you can say anything about how amazing she looks Oz comes rushing down the stairs and you are greeted with a hug. ''Hey buddy'' you say and he takes yours and Ally's hand and says ''Can we go pwease?'' seeming very impatient but also excited. You chuckle and Ally takes her purse before heading out to her car. Oz gets in the back and you sit in the front seat, the car ride is mostly silent and Oz just rambling about his day at school and you and Ally occasionally engaging in the conversation. The entire car ride which takes about twenty minutes you try and keep your eyes off the gorgeous woman but it is impossible, part of you feels like being in a dream while being in Ally's presence. She feels a bit like practicing magic because every time it feels like being on top of the world and it's a happiness you can't describe and that's what it is like whenever you would lay your eyes on the woman with brown hair and brown eyes. Although Ally is very focused on the streets and traffic she can tell you have been looking at her the entire time and tried not to but all your attempts failed and she had to hold in the chuckles because she thinks your behavior is adorable. Truth to be told Ally has been falling for you that's why she would often invite you inside after you helped her with Oz and that's why one night she almost kissed you. She fell in love with your humor and the way you care for her and Oz and how you are always there whenever they would need you. She likes how she feels younger again around you and how you are an absolute dork, being around you feels natural and it's only one part because she absolutely fell in love with your appearance too. ''Here we are'' Ally finally says and you look around only to see rollercoasters, ferry wheels and a lot of people and stalls in the distance. ''Wow'' Oz says with a big smile and his eyes going wide at seeing all the fun ahead. 

First you go to all the food places and try different street food until you all feel stuffed, afterwards you ride a few rides with Oz because Ally is too scared but she watches you safely in the distance and she is very scared of these things but she knows you would always keep her son safe and she trusts you. After that you head to the games and you are actually good at winning prices so you give it a shot and on your first try you win a toy for Oz, an electric car and he runs off to try it out but still near enough for you and Ally to keep an eye on him. You still have a second try left so you try and win a bear for Ally and you totally didn't use some of your magic to win a teddy for her. ''Aww Y/N this is so sweet'' she says with a smile and you can't help but blush. ''Come on let's go for a little walk'' she suggests and Oz leads the way down to the some more stalls with his new toy so you can both watch him. ''Ally I meant to talk about something with you'' you say and she gives you her full attention. ''Okay so please correct me if I am wrong in any way but I have noticed that you and I have a connection and to be honest I really like you'' you say and a wide smile grows on the woman's face and she answers ''I really like you too'' and it both surprises you a bit but also comforts you that you weren't totally reading this wrong. ''The truth is I want nothing more to have more with you and be with you but I-'' you hesitate for a moment because you don't know what to actually say to her and in this moment she stops walking and you turn your head to her so you are standing face to face. ''I used to be in love with this woman-- she was beautiful and I really liked her but she never liked me back and it still hurts me til this day when I left her and my friends in my old hometown and I am scared that that might ruin whatever-'' but she stops you and puts a finger on your mouth to shush you. ''Listen sweetheart please stop worrying, I understand because I also loved Ivy despite the things she did to me and I think of her too still but why don't we just enjoy each other and give it a shot'' and after her saying those words there is no point in arguing anymore. The two of you move closer and closer until your faces almost touch and you open your lips slightly ready to kiss her when suddenly Oz comes running. ''Mom look this new toy is amazing'' he says and Ally sighs because she was also getting ready to kiss you. You look at Ally and you both can pretty much tell what you both are thinking and feeling right now. 

After Oz showed you both the toy you decide it's time to head back to the car because it's bed time soon and he is getting tired. As you walk back through the busy crowds you see a lot of happy families and also couples and you are so glad you actually agreed to be honest and open with Ally. Her words took you by surprise because obviously being married and going through what she went through with Ivy would have some kind of affect on anybody but the fact she still thinks of Ivy despite her hurting her in such a way kind of calms you down a little because maybe it is okay to think of Delia from time to time and maybe even miss her and the coven but all that matters now is to look forward to the future. And you want nothing more for that future to be with Ally. You are pulled out of your thoughts when you see Ally walking a few steps ahead of you with Oz, them holding hands and Ally accidentally bumping into some dude. He immediately stood very close to Ally and snapped at her and you made sure to get in between them. ''What the fuck is up with you'' he shouts and you can smell the alcohol on his breath ''What is up with you, you don't shout at a mother with her kid and besides she apologized'' you say visibly shaken and Oz hides behind Ally's back and she tries to calm you down. ''This bitch just bumped into me'' he complains and points at Ally and that is enough. No one calls her names like these and especially not in front of her son. ''If you don't wanna end up with a broken nose I suggest you turn around right now'' you say and he looks at his friends and they start laughing and as he turns back to you, your first clenches and you smash it across his face. His nose starts bleeding and before he can respond Ally already pulled you and Oz away and back to where you parked the car. ''That was so cool and brave'' Oz says admiring your actions as you are driving back. Ally isn't saying anything and you are unsure whether she is mad or not ''Listen buddy I'm not saying you should hit people but never let anyone talk bad about you or your mom okay?'' you ask him and he nods. The rest of the car ride home is silent and as you arrive by the house you aren't sure whether to just drive back home because Ally still hasn't said a word to you. But as you arrive she motions you to follow them both inside and you do without hesitation. ''Let me just put him to bed and I will be right with you'' she says and her voice seems calmer now. 

It takes a while until she returns and you took your flannel off and sit on the sofa holding your hand because its both bruised and bleeding a little from the encounter earlier. ''Does it hurt?'' Ally suddenly asks and hands you some ice and you didn't even notice she was standing there. ''A bit but it's okay'' you say and she sits down next to you and takes a look at your hand before she puts the ice pack on your hand. ''That was brave'' she says and looks into your eyes and you shake your head and say ''Trust me my hands have been broken a few times'' and you meant it more as a joke because although you did actually break your hand after a fight before it didn't cause Ally to laugh it caused her to look at you with even further concern. ''It doesn't matter'' you say hoping to avoid the subject and she thankfully lets it go. ''Listen Y/N earlier when you told me about being in love, tell me about her'' and hearing her say that makes you both nervous, causing your breath to get a bit shaky and your heart to ache a little. ''She used to be the headmistress at my old school and she had blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes, your eyes sometimes remind me off hers'' and Ally smiles a little and you are glad she isn't mad or jealous or something. ''What happened?'' she asks and you take a deep breath before explaining ''Well I fell in love with her and for over three years I tried to hide my feelings but in the end she fell for someone else so I left'' and you didn't notice a tear streaming down your face and Ally wiping it away with her hands. ''Listen Y/N I think you deserve someone who sees you for who you are and who you are is a beautiful person with such a kind heart and beautiful face- I'' but before she can finish that sentence your lips are pressed against hers. This is actually your first ever kiss and it feels so beautiful, it's everything you have ever dreamt of and despite kissing a few girls in high school this is the first real kiss you have ever shared with someone that actually has feelings for you. For some reason you keep thinking this is a dream or Ally is messing with you because you can't believe you are worthy of the love of such a beautiful person. The kiss is very slow at first and it feels like your lips are made for each other and part of you never want this feeling to go away ever again because for the first time in a while you are completely focused on what is happening here and right now and no flashbacks creeping to the surface. As you both pull away from the kiss your smile is equally wide because this has been way too long until you allowed it to happen and you both know that. 

After that kiss Ally offered for you to spend the night at her place again and although you wanted nothing more you know the only way for this relationship to work is if you appreciate the little things and if you don't rush. You explain this to Ally and she thankfully understands and as you stand by the door with your flannel in hand you look into her brown eyes again. ''Thank you for this beautiful evening Y/N'' she says with a smile and you lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek and whisper ''Good night, thank you for this'' and on the entire way home you keep thinking of the kiss and you still feel the same tingly feeling all over your body. The smile stays on your face even after getting into your apartment and showering. Currently you are in pajamas and you make some tea which often helps you sleep but suddenly you feel that familiar feeling again. But this time it's not butterflies from the kiss or happiness it's the same familiar alarming feeling again you have felt the other day. You hold onto the kitchen counter and you try to concentrate on keeping your breathing in control and to not make sudden movements. One thing Cordelia taught you in the end is to think of something to make you happy but it doesn't help in this situation despite thinking of Ally and the kiss earlier. Your head is pounding and you start to feel dizzy, your vision going blurry. All you manage to do is find the sofa before everything goes black again. 

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