My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

210K 8.4K 468


Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!

14.9K 337 49
By paranormalRHlover

***Hi all. Thank you for at least looking at the first chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment on anything.***

~Alpha Daniel~


"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck-ity. Fuck. Fuck."

"Alpha what is it?"
My Beta Mark asks

"FUUUUUUUCK" I shout, throwing him the letter I just received, knocking a pile of files off my desk in my rage. IT can clean this up.
He starts reading and mutters "shit!" Under his breath. Then looking at me asks

"This is for this year?"

"This YEAR?! Try next WEEK, You moron. How did I not know of this until now?"

"......." He looks like a fish out of water. Trying to come up with something.
"I know! can't you arrange for it to be postponed or someone else to host it again?"

"I tried that. Was told they were done with me passing it to someone else! Which I've apparently done over the last 13 years, when it's come to me. They won't allow it this time. We have a week. A WEEK. To get everything in tip top shape by then and have the ball set up and accommodation, food, music, everything and we have to find a way to hide IT in plane sight. The Alpha King is still searching for his mate. He will be in attendance again this year. And all eligible wolves have been told it's mandatory they attend" I huff out.

I can't believe this. If I'd have known earlier about this and that I couldn't pass it off I'd have sent IT off somewhere and gotten on with it. I know Alpha Darren has an obsession with IT. I could get him to help keep her in check. I know she despises him. Well all of us really, but he's always hand'sy with her. Which she hates even more. I look up as Mark starts talking.

"I'll get Heather to round up a committee to get the work done faster, we can do this Alpha. The one problem is going to be IT. We won't have time to really hide her so we're gonna have to lay down some rules for her to follow. And if she's a good girl we will reward her with no punishment for a day or 2 after that weekend?? Which will also include that weekend as we can't do anything around anyone anyway."

I rub my chin pondering if I can last that long. Hummm maybe I'll just cram as much into the week as possible.

"Fine, that might make her behave for the weekend at least. But no one is allowed to leave any marks on her face or anywhere it will be seen. Call a pack meeting in 5, let them know the situation and that Heather is in charge of all that shit! But I have final say and as cheap as possible without looking tacky! We will have royalty here so they will need the best accommodation. It's Sunday now and people will be arriving, Thursday through Friday and leaving Sunday and Monday. We need to get moving on this now. And get that witch that does all my spells in here. We need to make sure she doesn't feel a mate pull or smell and vice versa. This will be the first one she's ever attended. Though she won't really be attending. And get the best witch. I need to soundproof the basement for IT and I need it done yesterday. Now go. Your dismissed"

"Yes Alpha" he leaves the room in a hurry to get everything done.

"IIIIIIIIIITT!!" I holla, she best hurry the fuck up.

"Where the fuck are you?" I link the stupid bitch

"I'm right here Alpha" she links as she breezes into the room and looks at my feet like she's been commanded to always do.

Very defiant this one. I have to use my Alpha command on her alot. She's strong and willful, no matter what I do. I even placed a shock collar on her. Made of silver, with spikes on the inside to release the volts into her system, I can also add spells into it. The thrill of causing her pain and bending her to my will is a big turn on for me. And when she fights back..... now THAT is my ultimate aphrodisiac.

And as she's my pack member and I commanded her to NEVER, EVER, look me or any high ranked wolf in the eye since she was 4, she hasn't been able to challenge me....yet! She was always looking me in the eye in challenge, I had to put a stop to it. I was stronger than her at the time and added the collar when she was around 13.

The most recent spell being no talking. I added that about 11 years ago. I laugh internally. It was to teach her that I would not tolerate her disrespectful behaviour, but when I took it off..... as I said she's defiant. So I left the collar on and forbade her to ever shift. Not that she did when she was younger either as I never let her out. I ended up having to pay a witch to cast a spell that won't wear off until she's mated. And that's never going to happen. As the collar has to be recharged every month for the spells to work and I was sick of doing it. So she was forced to never speak again. Though I had a stipulation put in that she can scream and grunt and moan, you get the picture.

Now she's been under my control since I took the Alpha position. And I need to let my anger loose. But first things first.

"Pick up this mess" I spit at her using my Alpha command

She comes forward and starts picking up all the files I knocked down. As she gets closer to the ones at my feet I step on one. She tugs at it but it won't move. Ha.

"Pick. Them. Up. NOW" I scream at her and back hand her across the face.

"Alpha, I'm sorry, I just need you to move a little please, so I may get it"

I can see she's linking it through clenched teeth. As she's my pack I can link with her, but I put a block on anyone else being able to. I see a little blood at the corner of her mouth and it has my own watering and my dick getting hard. I love using IT. That's what I changed her name too when her parents, who happened to be the old Alpha and Luna died. Well I set them up, rogue's killed them. Her mother was supposed to be mine. But she had to end up mated to the Alpha. The first Alpha pair to have a daughter. Alpha's have always produced boys, but no they went and had a daughter. Well I'll have her then instead. She looks just like her mother. They were supposed to kill IT too but unfortunately some warriors from a neighbouring pack were close by and kept her alive while killing the rogue's but I still became Alpha and got over it. And now she caters to my every whim, be it cooking, cleaning, punchbag, target practice or sexual. Whatever I wish I can make her do.

It's her own fault really. I hate her and how beautiful she really is. Her long dark brown hair. It's getting too long again. I'll be cutting that off after the Mating hunt ball. I know she love's it long, as her mother was the same and I don't want her to be happy. But for now it will keep some wounds and bruising hidden, so it will have to wait. But she really does look like her mother.

With her sharp brown eyes that are always looking at me with murderous intent, her little button nose iv broken more times than I can count. Her lips once soft and thin are now chapped and swollen with a split in the corner where I hit her. Her perfect shaped body, with a nice arse and just over a handful of boob is now thin and littered with scars, her ribs and hip bones are protruding. She's covered in filth and muck, as I don't let her wash until she's going to bed and that's just a freezing cold shower under supervision.

She goes for the paper again and I bend down and slap her hand away. I don't like thinking of her mother. It's her fault I did.

"You asked Me to tidy up, so let me."

I sneer at the filthy bitch. And back hand her again. Her face goes red but she doesn't fall this time.

"DON'T. Disrespect me IT. Pick. The. Paper. Up." I say

"Please. Remove your foot so I may Pick. It. Up." She says as she tugs it causing it to rip. Her eyes widen, she knows what's coming.

"You bitch! They were important papers" I say as I kick her in the ribs hearing a few snaps. I then rip her up by the hair and sweep everything off my desk to the floor. I slam her, face first onto the desk and her blood goes all over the place. Fuck that better heal by Thursday. Or I'm gonna have to pay someone to heal it. This might be harder than I thought. I keep her bent over the desk and pull her bottoms down. She really starts struggling then. Keeping her pinned down by her hair I laugh and release myself from my trousers.

Stepping up to her I kick her legs apart and spit on my dick, I rub the head up her pussy, spreading it.

I just laugh and then push myself into her. She keeps struggling but it's futile. She screams out her frustration and when I'm done I throw her to the floor.

"You bring it on yourself. Now tidy up all this mess. And if it's not done by the time I get back. You won't be getting any food tonight." I step on her wrist as I go past, hearing the desired snap and satisfying scream leave her lips. And walk out the room.

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