Batman: Shadow Of XANA

By BillMclaughlinJr

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When XANA launches an attack on Gotham City, Batman begins an investigation onto XANA. His investigation take... More

Chapter Two - Collision Course
Chapter Three - The Factory
Chapter Four - Questions & Answers
Chapter Five - Comparing Notes
Chapter Six - XANA Strikes
Chapter Seven - Assault On Kadic Academy
Chapter Eight - Assault On Lyoko
Chapter Nine - Desperate Times
Chapter Ten - The Dark Knight Of Lyoko
Chapter Eleven - Aftermath

Chapter One - Attack On Gotham

179 6 2
By BillMclaughlinJr

While on patrol in Gotham, Batman finds it to be an uneventful night. He had taken down several muggers without much effort. However, Batman is soon contacted by Oracle. 

Batman: Oracle, what is it? 

Oracle(Communicator): I'm getting some strange readings over in Park Row. 

Batman: What kind of signals? 

Oracle(Communicator): It's some kind of computer signal. I'm trying to access it, but something's blocking me. 

Batman: I'll check it out. 

Batman rides the Batmobile to Park Row. He uses his cowl to pinpoint the signal described by Oracle. As he reaches the source of the signal, he finds nothing. 

Batman: Oracle, I'll reached the source of the signal, but I'm not finding anything. 

Oracle(Communicator): That's odd. I'm still trying to gain access to it, but I keep getting blocked. 

Batman immediately became suspicious of the situation. Suddenly, lasers were fired at him. Batman rushes to cover. 

Oracle(Communicator): Batman? Are you okay? What's going on?

Batman peaks from behind cover to find a group of small insectoid creatures mounted on four short legs. The creatures had a strange signal on their heads. 

Batman: I'm being attacked by some kind of creatures. Are you seeing this?

Oracle(Communicator): I'm patching to your cowl now. What the hell are those things? 

Batman quickly deduced the danger that these creatures posed. Wasting no time, Batman readied a Batarang and threw it at one of the creatures. The Batarang hits the symbol on the creature's face, causing it to explode. 

Batman: Interesting. 

Meanwhile, Aelita along with Ulrich had been materialized into Gotham City through the Skidbladnir.

Ulrich: Gotham City? Wow. 

Aelita: We need to focus Ulrich. XANA's supercomputer should be in that laboratory. 

Ulrich: Lead the way, Princess. 

Aelita and Ulrich began making their way to the laboratory. On the way there, they notice a group of XANA's monsters firing on a wall. 

Aelita: Rats! XANA's sent Kankrelats to guard this lab!

Ulrich: Looks like they're preoccupied with something. We better get a move on before they notice us. 

With that, Aelita and Ulrich entered the laboratory. Meanwhile, Batman was still pinned down by the Kankrelats. As Batman formulates a plan, he notices a couple of them breaking off from the main group. Seeing this caught Batman's interest. 

Oracle(Communicator): Batman, I'm picking up two smaller signals near your location. 

Batman: Where? 

Oracle(Communicator): Near that building behind those creatures. My guess is that they're guarding something. 

Batman: As I thought. A couple of them broke off from the main group. I'm going in. 

Batman rushed out of cover and attacked the Kankrelats. Batman avoided the lasers and quickly destroyed them. Batman then rushed inside the building. Meanwhile, Aelita and Ulrich continued to move through the laboratory. As they did, Jeremy began to communicate with them. 

Jeremy(Communicator): XANA's Supercomputer should be in room to your right. 

Ulrich: On our way, Einstein. Did you send something to distract those Kankrelats?

Jeremy(Communicator): What are you talking about? 

Aelita: We spotted a group of Kankrelats outside the lab. They seemed to have been preoccupied with something. 

Jeremy(Communicator): I don't know what to tell you. I had nothing to do with that. 

Aelita and Ulrich were confused by this. Suddenly, the Kankrelats who split from the group found the two Lyoko Warriors and attacked them. 

Ulrich: Crap! Guess this won't be a piece of cake after all! You take out that Supercomputer! I'll take care of these Kankrelats!

Ulrich readied his two katanas and began to deflect the laser shots from the Kankrelats. As he does that, Aelita began moving to the Supercomputer. Luckily for her, the Supercomputer was easy to access. 

Aelita: I'm at the Supercomputer, Jeremy. 

Jeremy: Very good. Destroy it and we can go home. 

Aelita then applies an energy field to the Supercomputer. The energy field short circuits the Supercomputer, causing it to explode. 

Aelita: Supercomputer has been neutralized! 

As Aelita says that, Batman enters the room to see Kankrelats firing on Ulrich. Ulrich catches a glimpse of Batman and immediately becomes concerned. 

Ulrich: Holy crap! It's Batman! Einstein, you better energize us now!

Batman began moving on Ulrich just as he throws two Batarangs at the Kankrelats, destroying them. As he does so, the forms of Aelita and Ulrich were broken down in a similar manner to the Kankrelats. Batman immediately becomes interested as he contacts Oracle. 

Batman: Oracle, the building has been cleared. 

Oracle(Communicator): What were they guarding?

 Batman glances over to the destroyed Supercomputer. 

Batman: It seems they were guarding this computer. I ran into a few people. 

Oracle(Communicator): Are you serious? 

Batman: They infiltrated this building and destroyed the computer. They were fighting off those creatures. Before I could question them, they vanished. 

Batman could see that everything about this situation was out of place. Everything seemed off to the Dark Knight. 

Batman: Were you able to gain access to that signal? 

Oracle(Communicator): I managed to get inside, but the signal was lost. Before the signal was cut, I was able to get this. I'm transmitting it to your cowl now. 

Oracle then transmits the image of XANA to Batman's cowl. Upon seeing this, Batman quickly made the connection between the signal and the Kankrelats.

Batman: That symbol were on the creatures I fought. 

Oracle(Communicator): Do you think they're connected? 

Batman: There's no doubt about it. I'm heading back to the Batcave. Hopefully we'll be able to find a trail. 

With that, Batman left the laboratory and entered the Batmobile. Once he does so, he drives away from the lab and travels to the Batcave. Little did Batman know was that he stepped into a conflict that he had didn't know existed. 

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