The Price of Fame and Fortune...

By blah_world

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It's the 100th Hungergames and the Quarter Quell twist; the pool of tributes shall be reaped from the descend... More



2.6K 66 13
By blah_world

Nerves and sweaty palms. Two things I can't control. I hung my head as I stared myself down in the mirror. I looked gorgeous. My hair perfectly curled and my dress didn't resemble a tree. It's a beautiful emerald tight fitting silk dress. I couldn't help but twirl in-front of the mirror with a slight frown. Gorgeous, but it doesn't feel like me. I don't look like the girl who'd run around with grass stains and dirty hands. I don't look like the girl who'd run my whole life barefoot in a forest. No, I look like a princess, a pretty one but still it doesn't feel right.

This could be the last night of my life and what would I be remembered as?!?. The pretty daughter of Johanna Mason. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Interviews this year are going to be different. This year all tributes are having joint interviews with the Victors they're related to. Which means I'm going to have a joint interview with Johanna

Needless to say that back stage is therefore a complete and utter nightmare. Victors, tributes, stylists and escorts. It's chaos. I'd only just entered backstage and nearly walked straight back out. I could easily pick out the Capitol people but frowned when I didn't see anyone representing District Seven. It seems every district but District Seven is out here. That or I'm blind. But to be fair there's so many people out here that they wouldn't be hard to miss. 

Most people seemed at ease. Victors were seen chatting happily away while their children hang awkwardly beside them. The sight caused a slight smile to spread across my face. I think it's Districts eight and three. Beetee, Wiress and Cecilia all stood together leaving their children to make awkward small talk. 

Yep, thank god I don't have to suffer through that on the last night of my life. I turned away and started weaving through the crowd in the hopes of finding Trent. Perhaps, I can settle for suffering through a conversation with Clement or Blight. I continued weaving through people until I faltered slightly at the voice of Caesar Flickerman. I snorted as he introduced Gloss, Cashmere, Fragrance and Satin. As if they're this one big happy ass family.   

It was weird. Cashmere was crying and ever the puppet of her aunt, Satin cried too. Something about the pain they'll all endure from losing their cherished children. Who, mind you aren't even  kids anymore. I scoffed. Aren't they both like twenty-three or something?. But what can I say...Satin and Fragrance are famous. Really famous and well, Capitol people aren't the brightest. 

A chuckle at my reaction had me turning my head to find a familiar drunk elderly face. "Not buying it sweetheart?".

I looked around me to double check he meant me and shrugged at Haymitch Abernathy. "Does anyone?".

Katniss turned in her seat from behind Haymitch and eyed me up and down before giving me a small smile. She indicated to her crying escort. "Apparently everyone".

I was surprised to find myself smiling along with Katniss Everdeen of all people. She, like myself seemed to be the only person of her district here apart from Haymitch. I chose that moment to turn to the elderly Victor before me. "So, any advice?".

He rose an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, if you can't walk in those..". He indicated down to the heels underneath my dress. "Tonight's not the night to start trying".

Katniss rose a confused eyebrow while I nodded at him. The message was clear, he's not talking about his Quell. I shrugged. "Right. Any pot plants around here, then?". 

I'd already started taking off my shoes while Haymitch snorted into his drink. In the distance I saw Clement muttering to himself in some sort of tiff. I sighed and kicked my heels underneath the couch that Katniss was sitting on. She looked to my feet pointedly and I hastily dropped the long dress. I smiled awkwardly at the two them and ran my hand through my hair. I gave the two Victors a tight smile. "Well, I just saw my escort walk by so I'll just g-".

Peeta chose that exact moment to join them. He nodded at Haymitch and kissed Katniss' forehead before sitting next to her so naturally in love. If it wasn't for the fact that they're killers I would've cringed. Peeta's blue eyes swept over me in well, I don't know...concerned admiration I guess. "Hello there, Victoria".

Fuck. "Hi. Peeta."

God, way to be awkward. Haymitch gave me a look as if to say 'nailed it' while Katniss didn't really give away anything. Maybe Poppy told her I didn't eat lunch with her. Or worse yet, she probably watched me snub her daughter through the two way mirror. 

If Peeta was aware of my obvious discomfort he didn't let on. "So Victoria, can I call you Vic?".

I frowned. "No".

I didn't mean for it to come out so blunt. Haymitch instantly chuckled. "She's Johanna's kid alright. Speaking of Johanna, where is your mother?".

I shrugged. "Not sure".

Katniss nodded at me. "Well, you should stay here with us unti-"


I felt myself rolling my eyes, here we go.

I saw Peeta jump in surprise while Katniss smiled in amusement. I sighed and turned around to find an angry Johanna Mason marching up to me. She wore a tight light brown wrap dress with huge fake eyelashes. I frowned at her as she joined us. "You look like a tree".

She clicked her tongue at me and muttered. "Well, look who's talking".

Katniss nodded at her. "Johanna. Everything okay?".

My mother blanched. "Okay?!?. I'm a tree! My stylist is such an idiot. I'd love to just stick my axe in her face".

Great. I chose that moment to sneak away from the group. I went unnoticed by everyone but Haymitch. He shot me a wink over his glass of whisky and even joined the conversation to bring the attention to him. By doing so I've decided that Haymitch is now my favourite Victor. 

In my search for Clement I paused and decided to tune into the interviews. District three had just wrapped up. Caesar wasted no time introducing the girl tribute of District Four. I frowned as she walked on alone. She didn't look like a threat and her score was what? A five?...still, she looked somewhat confident. Caesar talked about her being a descendant of the name Mags Flanagan. A Victor I'd never even heard of before. What hit home the most was that she didn't even know her great grandmother. She'd died from a stroke years before she was even born. It was just the luck of the draw. At least I could blame and glare at Johanna everyday for getting me into this mess. But this girl?, I pitied her. 

I forced myself to turn away from the screen but paused in doing so. It was like someone had flipped a switch because the once content crowd was screaming their lungs out. I cringed at the sound, even tempted to cover my ears like a small child. Only I didn't, because these guys are my competitors and my mother wouldn't let me live it down.

Three people walked onto to the stage and I rolled my eyes. Figures. It's the Odairs. Id never been the girl to obsess over a boy or a famous boy at that. But there was something about Liam Odair that I just couldn't shake. I didn't know if it was attraction or fear. It has to be fear...

Caesar seemed to be fangirling over the family. Annie Odair, who I'm surprised is actually here seemed to be in her own little world. Only coached out of it here and there by Finnick when she was asked a direct question. Their angle unlike District One, seemed to be redraw the Quell. Everyone was rebelling in these interviews. It's the defining feature, Parents outing the games and children hastily praising the Capitol and the livelihoods they've lived after their parents leave. Afterall, it's fine for the Victors to call out the Capitol but we're the ones who have to face the game makers tomorrow. 

It made me wonder what Johanna will do. For now she seems stable, I'm not saying my mother is crazy. It's just she's not exactly normal or empathetic. I craned my neck slightly behind me to see her still chatting away with Haymitch and Katniss while Peeta talked to Poppy and Terrance. I bit my lip watching her hands angrily fly around her while she talked. I just hope she doesn't put a target on my back when I already have two packs out for me. I don't need to add game makers to that list.

When I turned back to the screen the interview was over. Liam joined the other tributes and Finnick and Annie joined the chaos that is backstage. I turned back to the screen as they passed in an effort to go unnoticed by the famous pair. However I jumped in surprise when I heard Finnick Odair whisper "Victoria". Into my ear with a smirk.

Shit. I nodded at him, the frown on my face ever present. "Finnick Odair".

I can't believe I did it but I looked briefly from Finnick's charming smirk to Annie's wide smile before turning towards my mother's direction and shooting her 'help me' eyes. 

However, with her back to me all I managed to do was alert Haymitch to the fact that I'm fucked. He shot me a wink and went back to his drink. I scoffed and Finnick chuckled before leaning in closer to me. "Shame about this Quell thing. You could've really lived off being beautiful and nothing else".

I tipped my head in slight confusion. "Yeah, but I guess with a score of twelve no one would believe that angle for a second now".

He nodded with a smirk. "I guess that's true. Whatever your angle is from now on, play it smart". He gave me a pointed look before he chuckled and indicated behind me. "Your mother's waiting for you".

I looked over my shoulder and sure enough there was Johanna. Hands on hips and a bored expression directed at me.

I gave him a fake smile. "Right. Nice meeting you". 

He surprised me when he grabbed my hand and kissed it mockingly. "And you too, Victoria".

I blushed in embarrassment and it caused Annie to giggle obnoxiously. Double Great. In general I think I just hate all Victors. I didn't bother further acknowledging the pair. Nope, I just simply walked over to Johanna who'd already started walking expecting me to follow her.

She stopped just outside the wing of the stage and I suddenly felt like those awkward kids from Districts Eight and Three. My mother was glaring at Caesar while she rolled out her neck and shoulders. A look of annoyance on her face. The kind of look she'd shoot me as a child when I'd make a particularly bad throw. 

As if she could feel me analysing her face, she rose a questioning eyebrow at me. I felt my eyebrows creased in confusion at her. "Why did you even bother having me?".

Look, I didn't expect to say it out loud but I had. Be it years of built up rage or hatred starting to pour out. Whatever the case, it's probably the last night of my life and I don't want to die not knowing things. And I think this question will answer most of my other ones. I noticed the way her head tipped to me in warning. Her face contained pure rage as she opened her mouth only to be cut off by Caesar introducing us. And then it turned into a condescending smirk. I watched her clomp her way confidently onto the stage. Before remembering that this is a joint interview and that I have to go on too.

I took a deep breath and half ran half walked onto the stage to catch up to her march. When we both stood next to Caesar the crowd was deafening and I tried my hardest not to cringe or hide behind the two of them. Caesar Flickerman isn't exactly a stranger. He's been interviewing me once a year in District Seven for practically my entire life. He always seems to out do his flamboyant outfits from the year before and tonight was no exception. Purple hair, blue suit and startlingly white teeth. He nodded at me. "I believe our next tribute needs no introduction. Victoria Mason, you look stunning my dear".

Shit is that a que to talk?!?. I gave a pretty smile to crowd and muttered out. "Why, thank you".

I know I sounded fake but what else can I say?. It's not like I can actually voice my opinion on here. My mother instantly gave a humorous chuckle. Obviously I'd only convinced the Capitol, she looked down right pissed off.  

Caesar looked into the crowd but I could tell he could sense her anger too. "We've seen a lot of tears here tonight". She chuckled in that cackling way I hated. I was no longer smiling. "But I see no tears in Johanna's eyes. Johanna you are angry". 

I snorted, when is she not?!?

I was surprised when Johanna turned to me and smirked. I thought she'd most likely get even more pissed off that I laughed but she actually seems amused.

Caesar put the microphone in front of her. "Tell us why?".

She chuckled darkly before turning to Caesar. "Well, yes. I'm angry. You know, I'm getting totally screwed over here".

I felt my eyebrows rising at her. You're getting screwed over!?!. I'm the one going in there!.

Caesar nodded. "Uh-huh". I could tell he wasn't enjoying Johanna's take. She huffed in annoyance. "The deal was that if I won the the hunger games, then I get to live the rest of my life in peace."

She turned directly to the camera and rose her eyebrows. "But now, you want to kill my daughter...". She paused and chuckled but it was manic. I inhaled, here we go. She turned back to the crowd and started yelling. "Well f-ck that! And f-ck anyone that had anything, to do with it!". I swear she growled before strutting off the stage in a fit of rage. 

Caesar was just as shocked as I was and gave a tight lipped smile to the camera. "One woman's opinion, Victoria anything you'd like to add?"

I was still in a state of shock and yet Caesar held the microphone infront of my face with a cat like smile. Is this the part where I'm suppose to kiss up to the game makers like all the other tributes before me?. I feel like Johanna's damage is too great to undo. I blew out a breath and looked out into the crowd. "I just wish I was able to accomplish a little bit more".

Well that was unexpected of me too, even for me. The crowd awed in sympathy and Caesar seemed to give me a relieved smile. As if expecting me to have screamed like Johanna. He nodded in mock understanding. "And what would you have wanted to accomplish in your life if you weren't to enter the games tomorrow?".

Make paper?, Chop wood?...I sighed, way to sound pathetic. I shrugged. "I don't know. I always thought after twenty five I'd be able to be free and live my life and accomplish everything".

I should really stop talking now...

Again the crowd loved it so I guess that's something. Caesar put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. "You know Victoria, If you go in there tomorrow and you win. Then you can accomplish everything you want to as a Victor and everyone here in the Capitol will support you the whole way".

Right. If I win. It took all I had not to roll my eyes at him. How many children has he said that line to!?!. 

Caesar indicated to me. "The female tribute from District Seven, Victoria Mason".

Screams, cries and tears. When I haven't moved Caesar indicated behind him where all the other tributes were standing and I hastily walked onto the platform. Okay so that was bad, or good. To be honest I wasn't sure if that interview would help me get sponsors or not. I'm more worried about game makers coming after me because of Johanna. I sighed in frustration, my life is always a shit show because of Johanna.

A/N :

Okay so we're just about to enter the games!. Because it's a Quarter Quell (but also the one hundredth games) I've designed a special arena. Definitely symbolic of all past games as well as deadly. So I'm super excited for the next chapter. Anyways just wanted to touch in, do we like this book?. Any questions or suggestions let me know!

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