Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

14.1K 307 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

Off the bike, but into a new world

337 7 6
By SGD1318

Sarah POV:

After the doctor left, I sat in a complete state of total shock. I couldn't process what just got told to me, and how it would change everything. I look over at Chase who had his head in his hands, that's when I noticed he wasn't holding my hand anymore. I felt fear, fear like nothing else I had ever felt before. And logicily I knew he was just trying to process everything too but I could feel something breaking inside of me that I was desperately trying to keep together. I reach out to touch him, to bring me back to reality but he shifted away. I completely broke, I could feel myself start to silently sob my heart out as I curled myself into a ball facing away from him. I couldn't believe this was happening, everything was falling apart and I couldn't do anything to stop it. And now he couldn't even look at me, won't even let me touch him. I wrap the blanket around me as a lay a hand on my stomach as the tears continue to cascade down my face and bite my lip to keep the sounds of despair in.

After a few minutes I heard my phone start to vibrate, sitting up I turn towards it and went to stand up to get it only to get light headed and about fall over. I caught myself on the edge of the bed and picked up my phone. Unlocking it I see it's a text from Jett asking what was going on and where were we making me remember we had agreed to get a late dinner together to celebrate. I bite my lip and look towards Chase to see was already looking at me. When he saw my tear stained face and red eyes I could see him flinch as guilt filled his eyes. I look down before texting Jett everything. He responded back with him saying Hunter and him were on their way there. I sit down and couldn't help but think, everyone would be better off if I had never come to the states, if I never was born. I couldn't help but think about just not being around anymore, all I do is cause drama and add stress to everyone's life. Without meaning to my eyes roam around the room looking for something, anything sharp. My eyes fall on a pair of cast cutting scissors someone must have forgot to put away. I slowly stand up and head over to them and pick them up, unknowingly to me Chases eyes never left my form. As I hold them in my hands I flip them a few times before opening them and start to bring them to my throat, but before I could reach it arms flashed around me stopping my hands in their tracks. I slowly blink as my fog filled brain registers the feeling of a body pressed up against my back, and an arm wrapped around my waist keeping me there and the other arm taking the scissors out of my hands. The longer I felt his arms around me the more I could feel. Like his body shaking, like the feeling of his tears dripping onto my skin and the way he was holding me, my stomach in a protective way. It was then I could hear him muttering,

"Oh god Sarah, please I'm sorry. Please don't do that again. Please, I'd be lost without you, you and now our child. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry, so so sorry. I'll be better, I promise I'll be better."

I could feel the tears start back up as his other hand joins his other around my waist. I look straight ahead as I cried, my arms joining his around my soon to be growing stomach. After a few minutes I whisper,

"I'm scared, terrified. I can barely take care of myself without fucking everything up even more than I already do. I don't know how a parent, a mom is supposed to be. What if I end up like her? I don't want to be like her. Oh god what if she finds out and comes after our child, our baby? I'm not going to be safe, the baby isn't going to be safe, you won't be safe. I, I can't go through that. I can't have you two get hurt because of me. Oh god with if I lose the baby? I'm not fully equipt to have kids anymore. I I I..."

Shaking my head, I get to choked up to say anything else. I felt both of us shaking as he slowly turns me around and holds me to his chest, tucking my head under his chin kissing it while doing so. I cling to him as if my life depended on it. Which looking at my most recent actions was the truth. As what almost happened hits me I start muttering how sorry I am. He pulled back a bit and kissed me, making me shut up. As he pulls away and rest his forehead on mine and tells me,

"It's ok, I understand. I get how you think and should have known how you'd blame yourself, judge yourself so harshly. Yet I pulled away, making you think you were on your own and you not, let me make that clear. I told you before I am in this for the long haul, I'm not going anywhere. I am here for you, both of you, till the end."

I feel some of my worries melt away with a sigh of relief. I lean up giving a light kiss in gratutied when I hear a knock on the door. Before either of us could say anything it opened showing Jett and Hunter walking in. When Jetts eyes meet our they soften in understanding, probably from the tear stains on both of our faces. But when Hunters eyes land on us, on Chase he looks livid. And before I could say anything he's pulling Chase away from me by his shirt, pinning him up against the wall growling,

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Knocking her up? What about her career? Your career? You are both way to young! What is stopping me from beating the shit out of you?"

I stood watching in fear and horror, the fear keeping me frozen. The way he was being so aggressive, how mad he sounded making me have flashbacks. I couldn't even move to help Jett try and break them apart. It wasn't till I saw Hunter start to swing did I yell,

"STOP! Please stop! No more violence please, just please stop."

My voiced cracked but I was able to get Hunter to stop and all them turned towards me with wide eyes. I was standing there with wide eyes full of fear, pale and shaking while holding my stomach protectively by pure reflex. I went to take a step towards them when the world tilted slightly and I felt myself start to sway on my feet. I saw Chase jump forward and catch me around the waist as I leaned into him. Closing my eyes to calm down for a minute, opening my eye I look up and smile to him in thanks before turning my head to Hunter,

"Hunter, I know you care a lot about me, and your worried for me but please refrain from attacking the father to my child. Or you will be asked to leave till you have calmed down. I can't afford any more stress at the moment without it affecting my and the baby's health anymore then it has."

As he looks at me with wide eyes, before sighing and nodding his head. As the tension level went down I let myself relax into Chases arms. He must have felt how much I was leaning on him because he picked me up and laid me on the bed, kissing my forehead while doing so. He went to stand back up and something in me panicked, I reached up and pulled him back down with more strength than I thought I had in me at the moment. But he listened to my silent command and laid down next to me, causing me to snuggle into his side with happiness. I hear the other two sit down in the chairs and just for a few minutes it was quiet, and I savored it. Before long I heard Jett sigh and ask,

"Ok, we know your pregnant, but we don't know the details. Like are you and the baby ok? Why did you pretty much collapse like you did?"

I looked up at Chase and he sighed and answered for me,

"Well, I guess you know about her surgery from when she was 15 and all the details, it's messed with her hormones to the point where it makes her super sensitive to the normal pregnancy symptoms. So when it hits, it's way more random and intense. And since she didn't know she was carrying a child and was still putting so much stress on her body for training that she was burning through more calories than what she was taking in causing her to get the dizzy spells  which triggered the nausea more than normal and between all that, made her have less than the normal energy. She will have to be careful during this whole period. But she's healthy and so is the baby she is carrying."

As they sit there going over what was just told to them, I could feel myself melt into into his side. Even though I know we have a lot to talk about and a lot to deal with yet, I know it will all work out if I have this man by my side. I watched the boys talk for awhile before the doctor came back in and asked,

"So, you have two options seeing as your not from here and I could imagine your wanting to get back home. Option one is to stay the night here so we can keep the IV of fluids going in you or option two, where you can leave now but have to take 3 pills every 3 to 4 hours. It will help you the same way a IV would just in a more comfortable environment. Which would you prefer?"

I look up at Chase for his thoughts, seeing as he would have to deal with it too. He nods his head with a smile and I grin up at him and face the doctor saying,

"I would really like to get out of here if you don't mind."

He nodded his head and went to get the discharge papers sorted. As I slowly sit up, Chase was helping me up. Once he was sure I was sitting up ok, he got up and went to go get my clothes. As he was getting all that together, Jett stood up and walked over to me and gave me a hug. As he held me I could feel he was ever so slightly shaking. As I went to ask if he was ok he whispered,

"I am so glad your ok. You both are ok."

I pulled back a bit and kissed his cheek with a smile. He smiles back as Hunter steps up and looks at me apologetically and I just give him a smile and open my arms for a hug. With a light laugh he gives me a hug while kissing the top of my head. As he steps back Chase walks up with my clothes. With a wave they leave, saying they will see me tomorrow morning. When they leave I try to stand up, but seeing as I am still a bit weak Chase helps me up and dressed. By the time we were done, a nurse walks in with my papers and meds. Quickly signing the papers we were out the door. I was leaning into Chase as his arm was tightly around my ribs to help keep me up. After he helped me into the car we took off to the hotel. It was quiet, both of us lost in our thoughts but it wasn't uncomfortable in any way. By the time we pull in I could feel sleep calling my name, and with one look at Chase I could tell he felt the same. As we pulled in and parked, we just sat there not moving, I roll my head towards him and laugh saying,

"Well, what a day, huh? Win a championship, become a kickass, only to be told I'm pregnant, and wouldn't be able to ride for a long time. Off the bike, but into a new world I guess." 

Chase just looked at me and lost it, and I could feel myself start cracking up as well. For some reason I think laughing made us feel a lot better. After a few minutes of laughing and giggling about it all we make our way out of the car and into the hotel.  Once inside the room all I wanted was to hit the hay but we both needed a shower so I grabbed some clothes and Chase's hand and went into the bathroom. I went to start to strip only for him to walk up behind me and lovingly do everything for me. From stripping to the shower, and even helping me get dressed it was done with love and care. I know at the back of his mind he was still worried about me falling apart in his arms but I was truly feeling better, just tired. As we laid down in bed he turned towards me and kissed me. I brought my hands up to his face and held him close to me, I could feel his hand move to my abdomen where very soon I would have a bump and caress it softly and it warmed me to my soul. It was at the moment as we fell asleep in that position was when the thought ran through my mind 

...I think we will be just fine, as long as we have each other.  

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