The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi S...

By LightTheNight23

73K 1.9K 1K

What happens when the new neighbor, famous gamer, Hitoshi Shinso, moves in next door to the girl who has two... More

Just simply some info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

2.4K 71 32
By LightTheNight23

(y/n) stood behind the counter as her and Ochako gossiped. About the many things that took place since last Friday.

"Is Izuku treating you well, if not I can take care of it." (y/n) said with a happy smile on her face.

"Definitely, I think we may be hitting the stage where we might be a little bit more than a date." she went off day dreaming but was snapped out of it when (y/n) accidentally knocked a spoon off as she quietly cheered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." the girls giggled as they watched the last person wave and leave the shop leaving just them in there.

"So what about that mysterious Shinso, did you realize that day he was Kirishima's and Denki's new roommate?" Ochako asked as she made herself tea.

"I had no clue, but when it took me two run ins to finally ask who he was and officially meet him." She said smiling and remembering that Friday. "He's cool, I'm still trying to get time to finish our twenty question game, but we don't have any free time today to do it. Plus last night Katsuki Kicked them all out after you left and Izuku took you home so I could, as I quote, get enough beauty rest for work today."

"He is yours and Izuku's, as I quote, older brother." She said giggling.

"Yeah, you're not wrong." (y/n) giggled. The doorbell rang notifying the girls that a customer came in. they stopped and giggled as they saw Shinso walk in. "Speak of the devil and he comes, I guess."

"Hey Shinso," Ochako said as she sat her mug down and winked at (y/n). "Wanna take the order?"

"Nah you can, I'll make it as you finish getting his cash." (y/n) said as she pulled out a cup and waited for the rest of the order.

"I'll take my usual," he said, smirking knowing what he did. Only Ochako knew that this was usual since she was the only person typically here who took his order when he came in.

"Okay," she said giggling as (y/n) turned around and began to give the indigo haired male a glare that could kill.

"You jackass," (y/n) said smiling and throwing the empty cup at him.

"What!" He said catching the cup.

"That's it you're not allowed to hangout in my apartment anymore." She said, pointing a finger at him making him chuckle slightly.

"As you say, kitten." Ochako laughed quietly as she got the drink ready for the indigo haired man.

"Here you go Shinso," She handed him the drink while (y/n) made herself hot chocolate

"Thank you Ochako," he said smiling and sipping on the drink. "I'm sure I'll see you guys later on today."

"Oh hey, before you go," the man turned around and stopped and looked at the girl with the same stoic face he once had. "Tell Katsuki he needs to walk me home tonight. Tell Izuku to come along as well."

"Yes, ma'am." he said walking out the door and instantly calling Izuku.

"He seems so sweet," Ochako said looking at (y/n).

"I'm pretty sure him and Denki are a thing." Ochako looked at her dumbfounded.

"Please tell me your kidding," (y/n) giggled and nodded her head to let the brunette know she was kidding. "For a second you had me believing."

An hour passed and the bell rang again as Izuku and Katsuki came in, both of them looked tired.

"I was losing my shit in there." Katsuki grumbled as (y/n) cocked her head to the side confused about what he was going on about. "Parents are home!"

He grumbled as he notified (y/n) what was going on. She jumped in excitement and was ready to leave.

"It's been like two years since we last saw them." Katsuki looked at her like she was crazy.

"It was literally April when we last saw them." Izuku corrected her before she got murdered by the blond.

"My mother has been nagging me making sure I take care of my 'siblings' and feed them enough." Katsuki sat in a seat as he waited patiently for the next group of employees to waltz in. He didn't care today if they never showed up he would celebrate for that fact. "At least your parents respect and trust me, they don't ask me personal questions. Instead they tell me how much of a good job i am doing and are just so sweet."

"Wow, katsuki, I knew you had a soft side." (y/n) said chuckling. The new batch of employees stepped into the floor and (y/n) quickly ripped off her apron and ran around.

"Thanks Todo and Momo! You guys are life savers!" She clocked out and ran around the building to the front and waved at the workers and watched as the other three of her gang members slowly walked out of the building. "I'm excited, I must see my parents."

"Calm down, (y/n)!" Izuku said as she began to skip down the sidewalk. Good thing it really wasn't busy at the moment.

"Okay enough being cheery, cheery, happy, happy." Katsuki said as he tugged on her hand, slowing her down. "You can get hurt."

"Yes Katsuki," she walked and walked to the apartment building that wasn't that far away.

The sky was cloudy, they did call for rain today. A strike of thunder rumbled from the cloudy sky above them unleashing a downpour.

"Oh just great," Katsuki growled. Izuku slipped off his coat and held it above Ochako's head while (y/n) and Katsuki never thought about taking a coat. "Let's go (y/n)"

(y/n) followed Katsuki as they quickly slid their key card into the apartment door and rushed in holding it open for Ochaku and Izuku. They trudged up the steps to the top floor trying not to drip too much. Izuku pushed open the door and smiled as Kirishima rushed to the closet to get towels.

"Oh man, you guys got drowned." he said as he wrapped a towel around Izuku and went down the line.

"Oh my goodness, theirs our girl." Inko and Mitsuki said in unison. (y/n)'s makeup was smearing down her face but she was too excited.

"Hey kitten, it seems you didn't dodge the rain." Shinso said as he ruffled her wet hair.

"No I didn't Shinso," she giggled, punching the man in the shoulder.

"Say hi later, get dried off." Katsuki said as he began to shake the towel on her head. She took over and did everything to dry her hair knowing that it would take forever. Once he got most of the water dripping off of him gone he used it to wipe off (y/n)'s makeup. "Go get into warm clothes, okay little sis."

He took her towel and ruffled her hair. She carefully reached into her dresser and pulled out some clothes that were dry. She grabbed some clothes for Ochako knowing that she still got soaked just not as much as the other three. She walked out and handed the clothes to Ochako who gratefully took it and hid in the bathroom. (y/n) rushed back into her room and pulled on the leggings and the tunic sweater. She grabbed her brush and began to brush out the tangled mess. Once that was done she grabbed her eyeliner and mascara and quickly put it on but that was it. She walked out and kept her wet hair out of her face.

"Would you look at that, all dried off and back to her somewhat original state," Mitsuki said as Inko handed her daughter a cup of hot chocolate. "Come her Kiddo."

"Hey mama Mitsuki," (y/n) said as she fell into her arms. Mitsuki released her and allowed her to hang her own mother. "Hey mama, The hot chocolate smells good."

"Well I made it the way I usually make it for you three." she said, smiling and kissing her daughter's forehead.

""Katsuki, Izuku, didn't I tell you two to take an umbrella!" Mitsuki yelled as she smacked her son's head, making him trowel.

"Honey, no sense in beating up the kids for it." Masaru said, trying to get her to stop slapping Katsuki's head. "(Y/n) and Izuku's girlfriend made it home safe, just a little wet."

"Masaru has a point!" Toshinori said as he patted Izuku's back who was blushing a lot from the fact that Masaru said girlfriend.

"Dad!" (Y/n) said, setting her hot chocolate beside Shinso on the coffee table and rushing over to the thin man.

"Hey kiddo," he hugged her, having to lean down since he towered over the kids. "How's life with you brothers?"

"Good they take care of me." She smiled and let go of her father figure even if he was just her step dad. "That reminds me, you guys need to meet the newest addition to the neighbors!"

Shinso waved as all the parents looked at him.

"Meet Hitoshi Shinso," Izuku said as the said man waved a bit and smiled. "And you guys remember Ochako from April when (y/n) had her over."

"This is my dad and izuku's, Toshinori Yagi, Inko is also our mom." (Y/n) slowly introduced them. "This is Mama Mitsuki and Papa Masaru, Katsuki's parents. But where all close as it is so you'll soon realize we might be a little dysfunctional but we love each other unconditionally."

"Inko makes the best hot chocolate!" Kirishima jumped in notifying the indigo haired male how amazing the family was. "And Masaru makes the best outfits for Denki and mine's band. Mitsuki and Toshinori are the people to go to when you need advice, they know what's up."

"Where is Denki?" (y/n) asked as she sat down on the chair beside Shinso and picked up the hot chocolate.

Everybody paused and waited for the male to speak up, but never heard a single word.

"Izuku, sparky is missing," Katsuki said rolling his eyes. "Even though it's not really a loss."

"Katsuki," (y/n) and Mitsuki spat giving him an evil eye.

Now Shinso fully knew where she got it from, and it made perfect sense. "Holy shit," he mumbled under his breath.

"I can't put out a missing person case yet, we go over this every time." Izuku said withering away from Katsuki's angry face. "I need to wait 24 hours."

"Izu, can't you just track his phone with your hacking skills?" (y/n) asked joining in on being a bother to her brother

"I don't have those skills." He said as he plopped down on the couch beside Toshinori and Ochako on his other side. (y/n) grabbed a blanket as she giggled and wrapped it around herself.

"Stop picking on your brother you two," Inko said as she laughed at the distress it was putting Izuku in. "Happy twenty second birthday!"

"Yes, happy Birthday Izuku!" Mitsuki and Masaru said in unison.

"Thanks!" Izuku said smiling. Toshinori just ruffled his hair and went back to chatting with Masaru about something going on in the neighborhood back at home.

"I could nap," (y/n) said as she pulled the blanket over her face.

"Then nap, (y/n)." Shinso said, taking it off her face so she wouldn't suffocate.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds. To no avail it seemed that she would be able to nap. She shook her head when another loud crack of thunder tore her eyes open. She heaved her body off of Shinso who now lacked the warmth on his right side and got up to go to the kitchen. She sat at the stool and watched as Katsuki began to cook another meal. Inko and Mitsuki sat on the opposite side gabbing but when they noticed her they stopped and smiled.

"What?" (y/n) was beyond confused, but Katsuki learned it for her when he whispered.

"They have been talking about Shinso," his voice was quiet but he was surely grumbling about it.

"He has a thing for you kiddo," Mitsuki said as she leaned her head on her hand.

"He seems like it," Inko agreed with Mitsuki.

"And I told them they were being stupid." Katsuki said as he made (y/n) taste the chicken to see if it was perfect. She obviously gave him a thumbs up.

"He's a friend and that's all. I think he just likes to tease, since he knows how protective my brothers are," (y/n) said giggling. "Plus Katsuki and Izuku wont allow me to have the option myself, they said that the person has to be perfect."

"Let your sister pick," Mitsuki said glaring back at her son. "She should like the person just as much as you if not more."

Inko laughed as the two got into a heated argument.

"Try this," katsuki stopped in the middle of the argument and made (y/n) try the rice. She gave him another thumbs up and the agreement was on again.

"This is entertaining," (y/n) said as the argument got even more heated.

"Masaru, they're at it again," Toshinori said looking at the other man who watched the son and mother argue.

"Get some popcorn, I wanna see who wins," Masaru said as he leaned forward.

"What?" Kirishima and Shinso were taken back by the typically calm man who didn't want to see arguments. "Shouldn't we stop this?"

"No, it's entertainment." Masaru said as he watched his wife do some wrestling moves like randy savage.

"But, it's dangerous."

"No, no," Toshinori and (y/n) were in unison at the moment. "He's got a point, this is entertainment."

"I really need to start carrying a packet of popcorn when we come here," Masaru said as he watched and flinched as each person took a hit.

"You heard the man, Popcorn!" (y/n) shouted as she grabbed a bag from the cupboard and tossed it into the microwave. "This is better than W.W.E.!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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