She's Not Afraid (One Directi...

By DevilInAngelsClothes

2.5K 95 21

Ember is your average person, happy and bubbly always ready to take anything on. One day her best friend Clai... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven *Mature*
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter One

501 9 2
By DevilInAngelsClothes

I sat in my chair outside what I presumed was the meeting room, the cool air from the air conditioning that sat behind the receptionist hitting me in the face. The thoughts of not being good enough or just ruining this by hitting one note wrong and I could lose out on signing a record deal. I looked at the paper that was in my hand, it had the lyrics that all the people who had tried out had been given. I recognized the lyrics as it was one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands. I quickly braided my light pink and lavender hair before getting called in. I decided to change the song since the people in the room have more than likely heard the same song for more than two hours. I looked down at the lyrics to 'Last First Kiss' and quickly decided to switch it to 'Tell Me A Lie'.

As I walked into the room I was shocked to see Harry who was tapping a pencil on the table, Liam had a Rubik's cube in his hands that he was playing with, Louis had his head tilted back with a bored expression on his face, and his arms folded across his chest, Zayn was sitting at a table looking completely bored as he drew, I honestly couldn't blame them and Niall put his food down as I stood in front of them. I stood there waiting for the others to realize I was there. After standing there for a few minutes I decided I'd just give them what I had and go.

"Can't ever get it right
No matter how hard I try
And I've tried

Well I've put up a good fight
But your words cut like knives
And I'm tired"

I continued as they looked on in shock. Liam dropped the Rubik's cube, Louis had moved and his arm slipped from the arm on the chair. Niall quickly looked at Zayn who had stopped drawing and Harry looked at Niall before nodding at the rest of the group. As I finished the song I was greeted with smiles. This would probably be the time they say that I did good, tell me that they'll call me back when they make their choice then when I go to see them I find out there was someone a million times better. As I heard Harry clear his throat, I couldn't help but softly to myself.

"Em... Ember? That's a cute name, it's like Amber but with an E instead." Harry looked at Louis and smiled before looking at me. I just nodded at him, not trusting my voice to not squeak, I placed my hands in front of me and just played with them as the boys spun around so they were all facing away from me and spoke in hushed voices. I didn't think they'd make a choice this quick if that's what they were doing. They all turned around and Liam cleared his throat.

"We want you to come to our prac tomorrow, just see if you can get the feel and see if you can fit in vocally with us, how does that sound to you?." They all had smiles on their faces. I nodded at them, unsure if this was happening or just some crazy dream. Liam wrote something down on paper and gave it to me. I looked at the paper he handed me and read the address and time.

"I'm... Uh, wow... Thank you, guys, so much for giving me a chance, I promise I'll be there tomorrow and on time too." I walked out of the room, and down the hallway. As I walked outside my phone went off, notifying me of a text. I pulled my phone out, looked down, and noticed it was from one of my best friends. I quickly walked off to my car and got in, closing the door behind me. I quickly dialled her number and waited for her to pick up, after 3 rings she answered.

"So, it was not what I expected at all. It wasn't for a solo record deal at all or anything solo, it was because they were looking for a new member to join the guys in One Direction. Tomorrow I have to go see if my vocals can go well with the guys" I bit my lip to hold in a laugh as she screamed over the phone. I sat there waiting for her to stop before I heard her start crying happily and the keys on her keyboard clicking.

"Check their Facebook, this is becoming so real Ember." I chuckled at Claire as she squealed and continued to talk fast while I put her on speaker, opened up the app on my phone, typed 'One Direction' into the Facebook search bar, and clicked on the only one with the blue tick, looking for a recent post. I scrolled past the pinned post and found one posted only a few minutes ago.

'Hey everyone, we have some big news coming in the next few days. Can't wait for you to find out what it is. Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall & Zayn' I read out their post to Claire who squealed over the phone again. Her reaction to this was more amusing than I thought it would be. I quickly said goodbye and hung up so I could drive home.

The drive home had taken longer than I had anticipated due to how late in the day it was when I had left. As I pulled up to the car park for the apartment complex I heard my phone go off five separate times, I'll look at the messages when I manage to get inside I told myself as I slowly got out of my car. I walked from my car to the lift that was at the end of the car park, as I stepped in I hit the button for the 7th floor. I looked at the elevator's ceiling as the tedious music played. The elevator dinged and I walked straight to the apartment Claire and I had together. As I entered the apartment, I heard Claire call out from the dining room where we had our laptops set up, both of us at opposite ends of the table.

"CHECK YOUR TWITTER" I undid the laces and kicked my converse off at the door, almost falling over in the process of doing so, and walked in while looking at Twitter on my phone, I read my notifications and saw that I had five new followers. I read the names and mumbled under my breath. They had all followed my Twitter. I walked around the corner to see my best friend with a large smile on her face. I placed my phone down as I sat next to her.

"I hope you haven't told anyone yet, it's not even technically official until the guys are happy that my vocals blend well with theirs" I watched my best friend frown, I knew she was excited about this but no one was supposed to know until all the guys wanted to announce there was a new member and that would be whenever they felt comfortable with me.

"Are you going to tell me everything that happened?" Claire asked which caused a small chuckle to slip past my lips. Leaning forward, I slowly started explaining everything that happened, from deciding to change the song last minute, walking in and seeing the boys all sitting there, and finally being given the address of where they would be practising. I got up and walked into my room to pick out my clothes for tomorrow. I pulled out a hot pink pair of low-cut skinny jeans that covered most of my hip tattoo, my black top that had ruffles and hung from one shoulder which would show my belly piercing, and my black converse. I laid the clothes over the back of the chair and placed the shoes under it.

Today's news drained my energy but in a good way. I set my alarm for eight so I would be able to get up and do what I had to so I could be at the place by 11 in the morning. I quickly showered and got into my pyjamas. I told Claire that I would see her after the prac if I didn't see her in the morning, before heading off to bed. I spent the next couple of hours with a million thoughts running through my head. If everything went well tomorrow I'd be the new member of One Direction, would I be able to handle their tour schedule? The being on stage almost every night? Would the fans even accept me? The fear felt about hitting the wrong notes was replaced by the fear of fans not accepting me if tomorrow went well.

After all the thoughts had left my head I found myself starting to drift off to sleep while listening to some heavy rock, before I knew it I had drifted into a much-needed sleep before one of the many busy days I face for the rest of my possible career.

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