The Bad Boy is a King

Por Annabelle503

2.3K 50 10

Thomas Parker aka hot, popular, bad boy and best friend of rich and equally as hot, Jacob Lawson, practically... Mais

Day 30.
Day 29.
Day 27.
Day 26.
Day 25.
Day 24.
Day 23.
Day 22.
Day 21.
Day 20.
Day 19.
Day 18.
Day 16.
Day 15.
Day 14.
Day 13.
Day 12.
Day 11.
Day 10.
Day 7.
Day 6.
Day 5.
Day 4.
Day 3.
Day 2.
Day 1.

Day 28.

227 3 0
Por Annabelle503


Not everyone understands the difference of someone who socializes with you on their own time and someone who takes the time to socialize with you.  Thomas was one of those people who took his time to talk to me, even if it was just to annoy me.  He would randomly come up to me and say the weirdest things or tell me about his latest prank which of course would be on me.  He liked ruining the surprises for me since I hated them.  That was a difference between Thomas and me.  But even though Thomas only liked surprise, he respected my hatred of them and didn't try to make me be surprised.

"Annabelle, what would you call someone who is envious of me for my good looks and won't stop complaining about it?"

I shrugged.

"An annoying wannabe."

Thomas smirked.  "Thanks.  You're an annoying wannabe."

"Aw thanks. You're so nice."

"Maybe I can teach you sometime."

"I'd rather pass."

"Pass what?"  He asked, confused.

"What do - never mind."  Thomas was always confused.

"I hate when people do that," he mumbled but didn't press the subject.

So do I, I thought, but Thomas didn't need to know that. I wasn't going to let him win.


"I think I smell like sweat an- " Thomas said as we slowly walk back inside the gym. He stopped himself and said, "Look over there, there's a flower. I haven't seen a flower on that hill for a while. I guess it really is getting to be spring."

I shook my head. "No, you smell like weed. But, you are easily distracted, aren't you Thomas?"

We just finished running the mile which was very exhausting. Even though I play soccer and am a morning person, I was in no way ready for running a mile at fifth period which is like eleven in the morning. Most people my age would still be sleeping at this time on the weekends.

He chuckled. "I think that's you you're smelling and I don't know. I just have an eye for pretty things."

"No, I smell like roses," I said which might have be entirely false at that moment. I answered his other comment, "Don't even say -"

"I am one of those pretty things, love, if you were wondering," he said with a smirk.

Once we all were inside the gym, Mr. Grier said loud enough for everyone to hear, "Good work running the mile. For the rest of the class either play basketball, walk, or something else active except sex. No sex because you will die. So, we have about fifteen minutes before you can all get changed. We are starting ping pong next week so be prepared for the hardest weeks of your lives. I recommend bringing a sweat towel."

I looked for Molly and see her talking to Isaac. I sighed, guess I was stuck with Thomas for now if I didn't want to look lonely.

"What should we do, boss?" Thomas asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care, peasant."

Thomas groaned.  "Call me hot stuff, sugar daddy, or master."

"Not even in your dreams," I informed.

"Just say it and maybe I will forget about you calling me MuffinTop."

"You are su-"

"Such a sugar daddy," Thomas interrupted, smirking and then asked, "Want to watch me crush you in soccer?"

"You're not a sugar daddy, MuffinTop, but anyway I think you got it wrong. I think you meant to say 'I want to watch you crush me in soccer because you are the best'." I said as Thomas grabbed us a ball from the equipment room.

"One on One or teams?" He asked, still grinning at me.

"We are going hardcore one on one," I replied, pulling my hair in a high ponytail.

"Okay, so you don't have to blame your whole team when you loose? I'm hilarious. Let's take this outside," He said as a group of people follow us into the football field.

"Heads or tails?" Isaac asked, holding a quarter in between us.

Thomas looked at me so I said, "Tails."

He flipped the coin and it landed heads up. Thomas smirked. "I don't care which side because I know I will dominate either and you'll loose so pick your doom, love."

"I'll just stay here," I stated.

"First goal wins," hollered Isaac.

Since it was just the two of us, no one started the kickoff. The ball started in the middle and we both had to run up to it. Thomas sprinted as soon as Isaac said that and I wasn't really paying attention so I got a few second late start.m Thomas got the ball first and said, "Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I'm letting you win."

He started to dribble the ball and I stood in front of him.  I didn't make a move but instead focused on keeping him contained.  I was pushing him backwards towards his goal and out of the boundary line on the left side.  One of his feet touched the line.  He was almost out of the field and if he was then I'd get the ball since he touched it last.

Thomas noticed my plan.  Maybe he knew it all a long from the many times we've played together.  He faked me by bringing his foot over the ball, making it look like he was going left but instead went right.  His shoulder knocked into me as I tried to chase after him.  Instead of going to his left side where I would be leaving the goal wide open, I went to his right.   I stayed in front of the goal, my back to it, with him in front of me.


"Annabelle," I heard someone shout from inside the boy's locker rooms.

I chuckled. I had told Thomas that I would get him back and I did.

Molly looked at me with a confused look. "What's going on?"

I laughed. "Just some good old revenge."

With the idea from Wesley - which was very childish might I add - I had wrote in sharpie on the back of a white shirt and switched Thomas' clothes before he got changed. I had wrote on the front of the shirt and back. Then, I took his gym shirt and regular shirt and put them in my locker so he couldn't change.

On the back, I drew hearts and flowers and wrote in bright pink sharpie 'Annabelle Parish is my idol and I am jealous of her because I am not as awesome, smart, hot or funny as her.' On the front, I had written 'Hi my name is Thomas Parker and I am a complete idiot.' Then, I just colored the shirt horribly and drew little pictures.

He ran up to me with a scowl. "I thought better of you, love."

"Guess you shouldn't have," I said with a smirk.

Molly tried to suppress and laugh.

Thomas looked at her. "Got something to say?"

She shook her head quickly and looked away from him. "Uh no, Thomas."

"That's what I thought," he mumbled while rolling his eyes and yawning.

"You're so mean," I said.

"I like being mean," he said with a shrug, "no one has high expectations with me."

I rolled my eyes.

"Admit it, you deep down love me and that's why you made me this lovely shirt."

I laughed and held up my hands which were still stained pink. "You're right. You caught me pink-handed."

He said with a smirk. "Quit staring at my chest. My eyes are up here."

"You don't have that kind of chest, Thomas. But anyway, you're seriously going to wear that all day?" I asked.

"I do as a matter of fact. I have toned milkshakes that bring all the girls to the yard and they're like damn right it's better than yours," he said, "Yes, I am.  I'm wearing it for you, babe."

"Whatever you say but just so we're clear. I have the right to call you Mr. Milkshake now."

"That's better than MuffinTop . . . Anyway, well played, Parish," Thomas said, nodding in approval as we waited for the bell to ring.

"You too," I said, thinking was Thomas actually being nice.

And, here came the Thomas I knew and despised.

"For an amateur," he added with a smirk.

The game had lasted the entire fifteen minutes until we had to get changed, neither of us scoring a goal. Every time I would try to score, he would block it and the same with me. By the end of it, I was covered in mud and so was he.

"Do you want to know what I am thinking of?" Thomas asked as the bell rang.

"Aww Thomas.  Thanks funny because you don't think."

He rolled his eyes, "That's not how this pickup line goes. It goes: I am thinking of you and me together."

"Funny. I wonder what idiot would fall for you."

"I am funny. Sexy too," he said, following me in the lunch line where he grabbed a wrap.

"Quit stalking me," I said, as I made my salad.

"It's not called stalking."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, it's not. And, I guess my name isn't Annabelle now."

"It's not. Your name is Mrs. Milkshake," he said, "I have skittles. Want to taste the rainbow in my mouth?"

"No thanks and we aren't married," I replied, heading towards the checkout line.

Thomas stood in front of me with a chicken wrap. Such a health freak, but who am I to judge with my salad? Thomas said the cashier after she told him his total, "I'm also paying for hers."

"No-" I started to say.

"Yes, love."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Before you say anything sarcastic, shut up and eat your food," he said.

"Does that mean I have to sit with you?" I whined and ate an olive. He held his hand out and I reluctantly handed an olive over. I guess that's my good deed for the day.

He nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Milkshake."

I followed him and sat down next to Walter. Mason gave me a look before coming to my side of the table and sat down.

"What? You told me I had to sit at your table not beside you."

"You have to sit next to me," he said in a 'duh' tone and led me opposite of Walter.

I sat on his lap. "Is this better?"

"This looks dirty. Should I leave you two alone?" Walter questioned with a smirk.

"It is dirty. He smells like weed and sweat and he has never showered." I said as I looked around the cafeteria. Already, people were giving me jealous glares. I saw Thomas flick them off with his middle finger and I just had to laugh at that. Since when does the prodigal student flip his middle finger so carelessly?

Thomas rolled his eyes and then cringed. I heard him grumble an 'ow.'

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Aw, babe. You're so kind caring for my wellbeing. Although, I'm fine like always. You just sat too hard on my boner and you know how big he is when he's excited."

I grimaced and shook my head. "Stop."

"Back to before, he meant it as a sexual comment like this looks like you two are about to fuck. Should I leave and fuck my own chick?"

Walter laughed. "You read my mind."

"We are not chicks," I exasperated.

"You're right. Not just any chicks, hot chicks," Walter said smirking, again. "I think I am actually going to play dirty with Felicity."

"Don't get too dirty, you sleaze bag," Thomas called after him.

"I think I'm already too dirty just thinking about we are going to do," Walter said with a chuckle before going to see a brown-haired girl a few tables near us.

She was pretty with long brown hair that fell in loose waves with hazel eyes. She was wearing dark jeans and a navy blue, ruffled top. Felicity immediately smiled when she saw Walter and surprisingly, he did not kiss her or motion for them to have sex. He talked with her and did not smirk at all. He gave her a genuine smile as he listened to her talk.

"You are squishing me," he said, pretending to struggle underneath me.

I started bouncing on him, which looked entirely weird, but I kept doing it anyway. "Are you calling this sexiness fat?"

"What? Never," he replied, sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Uh, Bella. Why are you trying to hump him his leg," Anthony said, laughing as he set his tray across from us, where Walter was just sitting.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not trying to hump his leg, you dimwit."

Mason laughed. "Yes, you are, love. But, you're not doing it right. Want me to show you how?"

"Oh, no," I screeched.

River set his tray down along with Jake, and said with his eyebrows raised. "What the fuck did we miss?"

"You missed Annabelle trying to hump my leg," Mason said.

Anthony laughed. "Which you didn't want to see. And especially my sister. Bella, I thought you had more morals than subduing to this piece of shit."

Thomas chuckled at my brother's comment. "At least I'm a sexy piece of shit."

"Oh my gosh. I wasn't trying to hump his leg, Anthony."

Jake sighed, trying to emphasize it. "Yes, we know. You were humping his leg, queen of humping Thomas' legs."

I am actually having a conversation with Jake but of course it has to be about me humping Thomas' leg. This guy was like a legend, besides Thomas. Oh gosh. He probably thinks I am so weird now.

I started to say, so that I wouldn't be known as 'that girl who humps Thomas' leg to Jake, "No-"

"Don't worry, Pumpkin. I'll properly show you how."

"I don't want to hum your leg?"

Anthony put his phone down on the table and asked, "Thomas, should I be worried with all these pet names you have for my sister? If you even put a hand on her to hurt her, I'll fucking beat the ship out of you. I don't care if you're my best friend."

I grinned and began to say, "Yes-"

"No, she loves them too. Isn't that right, my baby girl?" He said, ruffling my hair.

"Don't do that," I said, giving him a stare. "Yes, MuffinHead. I definitely love our pet names for each other."

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Parker, I'm serious. Don't hurt her."

"I'm not going to hurt her. If anything she'd hurt me," Thomas said quietly and avoided my eyes.

Wait, what?

Anthony didn't say anything. It looked like he knew something but I didn't press the subject anymore and neither did my brother

"Shit, I have to go," Anthony mumbled.

"To see Cecilia?" River joked.

Anthony sighed. "No-"

"Who's Cecilia?" I asked.

"She's just a girl," Anthony murmured.

"Just a girl," River said, scoffing, "And, I am just a boy who hates hot girls and soccer."

"The day you confess you hate hot girls is the day that the universe will explode," Jake said with a laugh.

"You're no different either, Jake," Thomas said, snatching an olive off my tray.

"Neither are you. But, I have known you for my whole life and you have never called anyone 'Love' or some other name," Jake responded with a mischievous smile like he knew something, too.

Thomas tried to say, "Fuck you -"

"Gross, Parker." Jake scrunched up his nose. "I love you like my brother but not enough to fuck you."

Thomas laughed. "Please, Lawson. I've had such a crush on you forever."

Jake laughed too and then sighed. "Fine, Thomas. Since you're practically begging me. Just one quickie. Meet me in the janitor's closet after lunch?" Jake even added a wink.

"Okay, off topic, you prevents. You must tell me more about her, dear brother," I said.

"Kitten, I thought pet names were our thing."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Here we go again."

"Jealous?" Thomas asked Jake, smirking.

"I'll see you later." Anthony said, avoiding my question and immediately walked across the cafeteria where I suppose Cecilia was at.

"I hate that shit," Thomas said, referring to what Jacob was eating.

"Can you go like one sentence without swearing?"  I asked.

Thomas laughed.  "I can fucking do that."


    "I never understood how these things worked." Thomas peeked from behind the translucent tube, his face enlarged and he truly did look like a mad scientist at that moment.

    I took the chemistry object out of his hands. He sighed and tried to look mad which made him ending up looking constipated instead. "Maybe if you payed attention in class than you would. Oh, and I wouldn't make that face again. Someone might think you're trying to go in your pants."

    "You're one to talk," Thomas mentioned and started to draw on the lab report.

    "Which one? The paying attention in class or looking constipated?"

    "Both." My so called lab partner continued scribbling on the sheet until it resembled a tree.

    It was large, taking up almost all of the back of his notebook. The tree was drawn in black ink from his pen and had no leaves, just branches. The kind of trees we did not have in Savannah.

    Our last names both begin with 'P' so accordingly to the unfair system we were partners.

    I remarked, peering over the table at the drawing. "Looking to save the environment?"

    "You could say that or that I'm -"

    My hand covered his mouth. "Don't even say it."

    He kissed my hand, making it extra wet. "Say what?" Thomas asked with a grin after I dropped my hand and started to wipe the saliva on my shorts, repeatedly saying "ew."

    His laughter boomed through the classroom. Thomas, like his brother Lance, threw his head and chuckled.


When we got home later that night, Lee's door had been locked and shut. He would not let anyone inside despite it was the night of support group.

So, I took that time to read the second note that Thomas gave me.

"To: Kitten aka Snitch From: No name is required because I am just that amazing

I have to say, good job. The shirt was so sexy. Didn't I look great in it? You should seriously have a fashion line and I should be a model. Don't you think?

We have to find a time so I can teach you how to properly hump my leg since you're so into me.

Your bestest friend in the whole wide world and future model,
No name required again since I am so unfathomably hot it is unfathomable.

P.S. Pet names are just for me and you. Remember that, love. I would be very hurt if you called someone else MuffinTop."

I started to write my letter:

"To: Thomas  From: The girl who you are jealous of because you aren't as fabulous as she is

Thanks.  I'd have to say that you're so nice.  Yeah, I should so become a fashion designer and you can be my test dummy.  Let's drop out of school and pursue our dreams.  Think of a full proof plan after you figure out how to top my prank.  Good luck because you'll need it.

How many times do I have to repeat it?  I was not trying to hump nor was I humping your leg.  That would be so disgusting like no, ew, stop.  I'm not like that...

Your not bestest friend in the whole wide world,
The girl who you're jealous of because you aren't as fabulous as she is.

P.S. Why would I call my brother a pet name?  Again, that would be disgusting.  I am not into my brother.  He's my brother!!!  (I'm not mad...trying to emphasize how gross that would be)"


I went downstairs when I was finished with the letter because I didn't really want to be cooped up in my room all night.  Even if that meant being tortured by Wes.

When I got downstairs, a horror movie was already playing and Drew was sitting on the couch.

"Where's Wesley?"  I asked Drew.

"Beating up Anthony.  Anthony said something to him during the movie so Wes decided to get him. I think they're outside."

I laughed and nodded.

"Okay, thanks."

I opened up the sliding glass door and walked outside.

There, I saw Wes punching Anthony.

"What the heck is going on?"  I asked.

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