The Heir Ever After

Oleh adelwang

72K 3.5K 149

He lost his memories and it made him cross paths with this woman that he was sure would be the love of his li... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Jeff
Chapter 2 - Liv
Chapter 3 - Jeff
Chapter 4 - Liv
Chapter 5 - Jeff
Few Months Later
Chapter 6 - Liv
Chapter 7 - Jeff
Chapter 8 - Liv
Chapter 9 - Jeff
Chapter 10 - Liv
Chapter 11 - Jeff
Chapter 12 - Liv
Chapter 13 - Jeff
Chapter 14 - Liv
Chapter 15 - Liv
Chapter 17 - Liv
Chapter 18 - Jeff
Chapter 19 - Liv
Chapter 20 - Jeff
Chapter 21 - Jeff
Chapter 22 - Liv
Chapter 23 - Liv
Chapter 24 - Jeff
Chapter 25 - Jeff
Chapter 26 - Liv
Chapter 27 - Jeff
Goodbye Jacob Elliot Goldreich
Chapter 28 - Jeff
Chapter 29 - Liv
Chapter 30 - Jeff
Chapter 31 - Liv
Chapter 32 - Jeff
Chapter 33 - Liv
Chapter 34 - Jeff
Chapter 35 - Jeff
Chapter 36 - Liv
Chapter 37 - Jeff
Chapter 38 - Liv
Chapter 39 - Jeff
Chapter 40 - Liv
Chapter 41 - Liv
Chapter 42 - Jeff
Chapter 43 - Liv
Chapter 44 - Jeff
Chapter 45 - Liv
Chapter 46 - Jeff
Chapter 47 - Liv
Chapter 48 - Jeff
Chapter 49 - Jeff
Chapter 50 - Liv
Chapter 51 - Jeff
Chapter 52 - Liv

Chapter 16 - Jeff

1.1K 63 2
Oleh adelwang

I'm sure as hell I don't have a girlfriend. Because if I have one, for sure the kiss with Olivia would bring back the old memories.

And somehow this feeling makes me happy yet terrified. If I never had this kind of feeling back then. What was I? Did I spend my life humping one woman to another? I know for sure that I'm not a virgin. I faintly saw myself flirting with women and took them to a room.. I don't think it's my room, maybe a hotel. But I know it just sex. Maybe I really was a womanizer. But how can I be a womanizer if I can feel this big affection towards a woman. No matter how many customers in Bane's bar tried to flirt with me (trust me it's a lot), it's always Liv's face that comes to my brain.

I pull back and put my forehead to her. I know she is not ready for sex. I can wait. She is still afraid that there is a possibility that she is hurting another woman right now.

"I like you, Liv," I whispers.

She smiles and touches my cheek softly. "I like you too J.. a lot, and it terrified me that I think I even like you more than whatever feelings I had for Bernard back then," she says.

I grin and kiss her again. Her words make me so happy. I can't help the grin on my face. "Can I sleep next to you?" I ask her. She blinks.

"I just want to sleep next to you, Liv. I know you are not ready for.. anything else beyond this," I add fast.

She smiles and nods. "How can you read me so easily?"

"Because I only have eyes for you."


The sun lights come to the room. I open my eyes slowly. This morning isn't like any other morning. It feels warm, safe, comfortable and nice. I look at the woman in my arms. Olivia is still sleeping comfortably. Her face is facing me. Her long eyelashes encased her still closed eyes.

I smile to myself. At least she doesn't deny what we have. I appreciate what is on her mind. She is afraid that I have a girlfriend in my past life. And she doesn't want to hurt that woman. But the more I'm with her, the surer I am that I don't have any other woman. I'm sure if I have one I would feel guilty for sleeping with another woman, or in this case sleeping beside another woman.

I've been lusting Olivia for a while. At first her presence is like a pillar to my amnesia condition. But later I realized that I need her not just because I'm at a loss. I like to be with her, around her, make her smile, make her happy. It's like whenever she is around I can be happy, very happy. And even if Liv doesn't want to have sex with me until she is sure that I'm single, then I'll go with it. Even that's mean I have to continue having erotic thought about her in every shower time. I can't help it. I see her and I want her. But I'm sure as hell not going to let my hormones destroy what I have with her.

Liv moves a bit, I don't know how but her hand rests nicely on my cock. Is she seducing me while she is sleeping? So much for putting your hormone in check.

Her eyes open slowly. She looks at me and smiles lazily.

"Morning," I say to her.

She comes closer and kisses me, her hand goes to my waistband. What the..


She keeps kissing me, while her hand manages to find its way to my bare cock and starts stroking my cock. It's so hard right now, I feel like I can build a house with it.

I push her a bit. "Olivia," I say.

She blinks and her eyes focus. She sits up abruptly. "J!"

I sit up too.

She looks at her hand and pulls it out, her face is as red as an apple.

"I th.. th.. thought I was dreaming," she says.

My eyebrows jump. "What a nice dream you had."

She covers her face with her hands. "God I'm so embarrassed right now."

I chuckle and look at her finger. There is my pre cum there. I don't think she realized it.

"I'm so sorry J," she says, still covering her face.

"For making me super hard in the early morning?"

She takes a pillow and throws it to me. "Can we stop talking about that?"

I chuckle and kiss her head. "I'll make coffee for us."

She nods. I walk to the door and look at her. "Liv.."

"Huh?" She looks at me.

"Look at your fingers," I gesture at her. She looks at it, her eyes widened and her face goes violet.

I chuckle and go out the room, preparing coffee for us.. no, I think I'm going to take care of myself first, I just need a few good pumps to release what Liv did to me. I grin to myself and go to the toilet.


"Bye," Liv smiles adorably at me.

I kiss her mouth one more time just because I can't get enough of it. "Bye, I'll pick you up later?" I whisper in her mouth.

She nods. "Careful, okay?"

I nod. I gesture to her to go inside the school. She nods, she walks to the school, but she keeps looking back at me. I wait until I can't see her anymore.

I walk to Dr. Bard's clinic. I don't have any therapy today, but I'm helping Dr. Bard with some of his financial and stock reports. Somehow I'm so good at this. I don't know what was my work back in New York City, but.. is the company missing me? If I'm this good I think they miss me.

"Hey Dr. Bard," I say to the doctor. He smiles at me.

"Good day eh, Jac?"

I chuckle. Fucking great!

Dr. Bard gives me some books, everything is still manual here. So I have to check with the book instead of the computer. After a while, I came back to Dr. Bard's office. "Doc, you run out of some medicine," I say, putting a list on his table. I don't know about the medicine's function, so I just wrote all the names on the list.

He checks on the list. "Oh no.. we need these," he says while giving checks to the list. He looks at me. "Can you fetch these medicines from the town, Jac? We are lacking people today."

I shrug. "Sure."

"Can you drive?"

"Sure," I say without even think and I blink.

He chuckles, "then for sure you can drive."

I chuckle too.

"Thanks Jac. I'll write down the address and what to buy."

I nod.

Mr. Bard lent me his car to the town. It feels so good to be back behind the wheels. What kind of car did I drive back then in New York?

I look around the town, there is a chocolate shop near the hospital. Luckily I just got my money from Bane yesterday. And with all the drama I forgot to put it in Liv's purse. I park the car and step out. I go to the chocolate shop.

"Why did you give my son chocolate? It's not healthy!"

"I'm sorry, everyone ate the chocolate.. It's not fair for—"

"What kind of chocolate is this? Some cheap stuff from your lovely country?"


"You shall be responsible if anything happened to my son!"

I touch my forehead. What kind of memories was that? That woman's voice is so familiar. She is always angry at everyone. Who is she?

"Hi may I help you?" The chocolate shop's staff comes to me.

I clear my throat and smile a bit. "I um.. I want to buy chocolate."

"Do you want the small chocolates like last time?"

My eyes widened. "Last time?"

"Yeah. I remember you. You bought a lot of chocolate for the kids. That's so sweet of you."

I came here before I had my accident. "Thanks," I smile even though my brain is working to remember another piece of my past.

"Um.. did I come alone that day?"

The staff blinks. "Yeah. You were alone when you came. But.. I don't know if you were with anyone else or not that time."

I want to ask more, but I don't want her to know that I have amnesia. So I smile and walk to find the chocolate for Liv.

Once I finish purchasing everything I need, I go back to the car. I abruptly stop and look around. Is that my imagination? I feel like someone is watching me. I look around one more time. No one. I frown and get to the car. I check the rearview mirror slowly, there he is. A man in black suit and pitch black sunglasses. He came from the alley.

Who is that guy?


Liv comes to me with her grin. "Hey!"

I chuckle. "You looked happy," I say.

"I feel happy," she says cheekily.

I smile and help with her books. "Thanks, boyfriend!"

I stop and look at her.

She stops too and looks confused. "Di.. di.. did I say the wrong things?" She asks slowly. She stammered means she is nervous. But she was wrong, I stopped not because she said the wrong things.

I shake my head. "No you are not wrong. I don't know that I could be this happy when you said that I am your boyfriend."

She giggles in relief and tiptoes kissing my cheek. She smiles shyly and walks. Leaving me with my grin.

She looks back. "Come on boyfriend!"

I come to her while say, "yes girlfriend."

She giggles. "We are so silly," she whispers in conspiracy.

I shrug. "What can I say. Silly is contiguous. You spread the virus to me."

She laughs. "I'm not!!"

We walk to the house with Liv talking about her day in school. I always love to hear her daily update. It's so refreshing and interesting.

We arrived at the house and I open the door for her.

She comes in and stops abruptly. "J.."

I hug her from behind. "I'm sorry this is the best I can give to you right now.. but I want to give you something even though it's so simple. Bear with me. One day I'll save a lot of money and—" Before I can continue, Liv turns around and kisses me.

"Stop that, J," she whispers on my mouth. "You are perfect. This is perfect. I couldn't ask for more. I love it."

I smile and caress her cheek. "You are perfect, Liv. Too good for me," I say and claim her mouth. She opens her mouth to me. Our kiss is always so hot. I wonder if I ever had the kiss as hot as the one I have with Liv.

After a while she pulls back and pants. She smiles shyly and wipes my lips. "Where did you get this?" She points at the table. I put a box of chocolate in the middle, colorful balloons around it.

"Dr. Bard asked me to go to the town with his car to buy some medicine," I shrug.

She smiles and kisses me. "I like it. Thank you, J."

"Your welcome, baby." I pull her and we kiss again. Lost ourselves in the kiss.


"Jac!" Kayla comes to me while I'm closing the bar. I look at her. I'm getting worried with her dress. Like tonight, she is wearing a very mini dress. I'm sure anyone could see her ass if she bent a bit.

"Hey Kayla."

"Where are you going after this?" She thrusts her boobs at me.

I smile at her. "Going back home. Liv is waiting for me," I say to open the conversation about Liv is my girlfriend now.

"Are you not bored with Ms. Holland? You should've some fun! I won't tell." She winks.

I look at her deeply. "What do you want Kayla?"

"Ah.. we're going somewhere." She comes closer to me. "I want you, Jac. Isn't that clear for you?" She flutters her eyes. "It's okay if it's just sex. I just want to have sex with someone outside this village."

It's not a secret that Kayla slept with half of the boys around her ages in this village. I know it's hard for Aria to talk with her, but she really needs someone to help her.

"Look Kayla, I don't know what is on your mind but if you have problems maybe you can go to Aria and talk about it. Everyone has their own problems Kayla, and you know what is the difference between adults and kids? Adults face and solve their problem. While kids run away from their problem, not literally run."

She just stares at me.

"Distract themselves with physical attention, also one of run from problems, Kayla," I say.

She swallows and abruptly leaves me.

I exhale and clear the bar. Time to go home to my woman.

Aria and Bane are not here. These few days Aria got a headache so Bane took her to Dr. Bard today.

I close and lock the bar. Sometimes I did it for them and brought the key with me. I just have to give it to Bane the next morning.

I walk inside the house. Liv looks up from the couch and her eyes lit up. I grin and come to her. I kiss her mouth. I missed her soft lips so badly. I can't stop thinking of it.

I pull back and the kiss leaves both of us breathless. Liv's black iris eyes go glassy, her smile grows wider. She touches my cheek softly. "Welcome home," she says.

I grin and sit next to her. Pull her to rest her head on my chest. "What were you doing?" I ask her.

She holds the book in front of me. "I was making a story for the puppet show."

"Puppet show?"

"Yeah. The kids will perform the puppet show for English class final project. They will perform in front of the parents and school."

I take the book and open it.

"It's a simple story about animals in the jungle," she says. "I just started. I have a month to finish the story," she stops and looks at me. "Maybe you are an author! Any words flying in your head right now? Help me!"

I chuckle. "No clue at all. I'm sure I'm far from an author."

She laughs and nestles her head back on my chest.

"But maybe I can help you to find the toys you need?"

"Really?" She grins. "Thank you!" She kisses my cheek.

I chuckle. "I'll do anything just to get another kiss from you."

She giggles. God, I cannot get enough of this woman.

She pulls me and kisses my mouth. We were in the mid session of super hot made out when Liv's phone rings. We tried to ignore it but the caller is unstoppable.

"Shit," Liv pulls back breathlessly and me.. I left with my dick so hard it almost hurt.

She looks at her phone. "Bane?" She looks at me?

What the hell is my boss calling my girlfriend in the middle of the night?

"Hi Bane.." Liv says softly and in a second her eyes widened. "O.. okay okay. Sure. We will. Okay." She ends the phone and looks at me in horror.


"Kayla is gone."

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