Unexpected Love

By PrincessMariaLuna

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Maria a 14 year old immature very clumsy human girl, that has only known the sunny beaches of California, sud... More

Boredly curious
A strange new world
Past The Point Of No Return
An Unexpected appearance
The Goddess meets the Elf

Crazy crushes

333 8 0
By PrincessMariaLuna

I fell asleep when we reached at midway to Rivendell. I leaned back on Elros as he steered the horse. He hummed lightly the whole way there. Elros awoke me when we had arrived. "Rise and shine Maria." He spoke warmly to me.

I opened my eyes to see the beaming and beautiful Rivendell. "Hissss!" I let out a hiss because it was really intense. He chuckled lightly at my weird reaction to the light. "Why is everything so bright..." I groaned sleepily.

He smiled, "Because it is daylight ." He helped me off the horse as we finally came to the entrance. And there standing was none other than my favorite twins, well boy twins. I'm going to pretend like I don't know them to see how funny they will react.

"Maria!" They ran up and squeezed me in their great arms. "Do I know you?" I acted befuddled. Their eyes widened, "Yes! we are Elladan and Elohir!" They acted distressed and frankly it was amusing. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell." I shrugged.

They looked at each other downhearted. I'm too mean!!! I laughed, "I'm joking!!!" I hugged them back avidly. They laughed and Elladan divulged, "I thought you were serious! I'm afraid you made my heart stop."

I released them from our bear hug and looked at them lightheartedly. I saw their eyes twinkle. "I feel like it's been forever since we have seen each other." Elladan took hold of my hands and looked deep into my eyes. Awkward...... Yah I kind of already pledged my undying love to Legolas. How am I going to tell them!!!!

"Yes. It has been quite a while." I slipped my hands out of his nonchalantly. I didn't want him to get bummed out. He clutched my left hand and inspected my rings. "I don't remember this one....?" He pointed at the one Legolas gave me.

"Oh yah I got it the other day..." I smiled trying to act casual. "Its suits you." He smiled back. Yah honey I know it suits me because Leggles gave it to me! He hugged me again, "I missed your sweet scent most of all." He breathed into my neck and it sent chills down my spine. Merrrrrrr can you not do that!!!!

He finally pulled away and held my hands in his. "We have to introduce you to a couple of people Maria." Elohir held onto my other hand and both of them led me to what I assumed was Elrond's conference room. They opened the door and settled me down next to the people I at once knew were Arwen and Galadriel.

"This is Maria." Elladan introduced me to everyone in the room, Galadriel, Arwen, Elrond, Haldir, Orophin, and Rumil. "Hello nice to meet you..." I said shyly. I wasn't used to so many sparkling eyes on me. Arwen gave me a hug and looked at me, "I am so glad to meet you Maria.

My brothers have not stopped talking about you since they have arrived here after they found you at Mirkwood." She looked at them and obviously wasn't supposed to tell me that because the twins were staring daggers at her.

How did I, the ratchet ballerina, make these men unable to think of anything but me? Elrond sat in front of us in his huge oak desk. The rest of us plopped on couches in front of him. My eyes wandered around the room as they talked about me to each other.

I noticed that one of the blondies were staring at me. I looked at him back but staring him down piercingly. Surprised he looked away but considered me and winked. Da hell!!! Why did he wink???? I tried to figure out who he was but I couldn't figure it out.

He stood and walked towards me proudly so I stood too and looked up at him. "I am Haldir and these are my brothers Orophin and Rumil." He gestured to his brothers as he said their names. He then enfolded my hand and lightly kissed it and never broke eye contact.

I felt a blush creep onto my face. I smiled timidly. "Hello Haldir, Orophin, and Rumil." I rolled the Rs in their names. I saw Rumil smile at my coyness. They bowed their heads and we sat back down. We sat in awkward silence for a good ten minutes.

"Maria. I want to be the one to show you around. Come with me." He snapped me out of my daze and offered me his elbow. Does he think I can't walk on my own or something? I guess wearing this dress makes people think I've lost my IQ and am unable to walk without the aid of a man.

My inner feminist wanted to protest but I knew I needed to be nice to him. I stood and held the crook of his arm as we strode out of the room.

He led me into a hallway that had many art prices. There was one thing that caught my eye, the one thing that made me realize where I was right now. I saw the broken blade of Isulder high on a podium. He followed my gaze and smiled, "That is Isulder's sword."

He watched as I went closer to look at it. It was really a marvelous sight to see. "It was cut off Saurons finger, the one that held the one ring. To his surprise I picked up the handle that still had a piece of blade connected to it and looked carefully at it. He walked up behind me and watched me being totally absentminded by a broken old sword.

He was on his guard, probably thinking I would hurt myself on accident. "It's heavy..." I whispered to myself as I figured out that I needed two hands to pick it up and hold it. But that blade was the most archaic thing I have ever seen. I wonder if it's still sharp.

I traced from the handle to the end and pierced my finger on accident. "Ow!" I briskly placed the sword back down as I inspected my finger. It was bleeding a great deal than it should. "Maria you should be more careful." Elladan scolded me and held my finger delicately as he looked at how deep the cut was.

"The cut isn't that deep but you still need to bandage it." I pulled away. "it's ok I don't need to bandage it." As I said this three glistening drops dripped onto the floor. I bleed a lot even with the smallest cuts because my blood type causes my body to bleed excessively and not scab up till a long time.

I saw how worried he was so I licked my cut and smiled wickedly at him. "Don't worry. It's not that big of a deal." He looked at me, showing curiosity on what I just did. He crept closer and took my hand away from my mouth and placed it on his heart.

Thump Thump Thumpity Thump.

I felt his heart beat steady then quicken. I pressed my eyebrows together confused. "I don't understand..." I looked up at him and saw that he was peering softly at me. Thumpity thump thump. I felt my heart speed up in a jolt. I didn't understand what this meant.

I placed his hand on my heart and looked at him. "I don't understand what this means. Why does my heart speed up." A lady behind us giggled lightly. I didn't even notice her there! We both looked back at her and saw it was Galadriel.

"Your fates are indeed tied." She said to Elladan. "But as lifelong friends. Maria your fate is also tied to his but to Legolas as well. Your tie with him is of a different sort." She walked closer and looked me seriously in the eyes, "You must figure out who your heart wants."

She held my hands and her eyes widened. She stared at me bewildered, "My dear child, you have a heavy burden that has been placed onto your shoulders as soon as you entered into this world. You must stay strong. I will help you along the way with anything you need."

She is so kind, but I know she felt the evil that is slowly swallowing my heart. I've tried to ignore it and it usually fades away but later it comes back stronger and it takes me longer to push it away. "Thank you. I'm grateful to have you helping me with my problems." She nodded, smiled at both of us and walked away. We then looked at each other, but in a whole new way.

We stayed silent for a long time and finally went to my room. "I told Arwen to pick out the cutest room for you." He opened the door and I saw that it was filled with pink lacy drapes and feathery lavender bet sheets and comforter. Everything else was a soothing pastel color. "It's darling." Does he just assume that I like pink frilly things or something?

My room back home is aquamarine and has random masquerade masks all over the walls and my many paintings, but the thing that stands out the most is the big pink fluffy box that overflowed with all of my old dance costumes, from when I first started dance, and my new ones that I was supposed to use this year.

I actually love my costumes for this year and now I can't even use them! "I'm pleased you like it. Well, I guess I'll leave you to rest..." He didn't wait for my response and shut the door behind him leaving me all alone in the huge girlish room that I was supposed to be mine now.

All I want to do is sleep and sleep and sleep all day. Everyday. I guess the powers that I have been given, suck up my energy because it seems like l am always worn out and drained. "Sleep. Sleep. Sleepity. Sleep." I randomly sung this as I scrambled onto the bed, which was elevated off the floor, and nestled a pink little pillow near my face while I was under the cozy fluffy blankets.

After a few minutes I dozed off.

* The next day*

The light of the new day shone brightly on my face. "Ugh bad Sun..." I complained sleepily. I pulled the blankets over my head and continued sleeping. I heard a small chuckle but I ignored it because I really just want to sleep.

The floor creaked softy next to my bed. I tried to keep still just in case it was like the boogie man or something trying to capture me and torture me for all eternity. I know that is very unlikely but you never know! "Maria. Are you awake." The voice said.

"No." I quickly said. "Do you want to learn archery?" The voice randomly said. "Hell yah I do!" I answered lighting speed and sat up to see Rumil. "Will you really teach me???" I asked excited. He obviously found this amusing and chuckled. "Yes. Well if you really want to." He acted uninterested but this made me want to do it even more.

"Yes. Please! That would be beyond amazing." I tried not to show how excited in my voice but I failed miserably. "Then I will come back in thirty minutes so that you can get situated." He bowed his head and exited the room. Yaaaaay. Nows my chance to get stronger!!!!

"Duuuude I gotta hurry if I am going to be ready in only thirty minutes." I hastily went into the bathroom and took a super quick shower. To my surprise Middle Earth actually has showers and hygienic stuff. I guess they aren't savages.

I wrapped myself in a towel as I looked through my new wardrobe. "Seriously these people expect me wear dresses...." Almost everything in there was just dresses but I finally found black leggings and a dark amethyst shirt.

I put them on and instantly felt fifty times more comfortable. "I'm going to have to talk to Arwen about this dress disaster...." I then brushed my wet hair and put hair oils into it so that it would stay tamed once it dried.

The only thing I can't live without is the one thing Middle Earth doesn't have, hair Mousse. At least my hair isn't being mean to me today and will stay perfect with only hair oils, but I feel more confident with my tight ringlets and not lose ones.

And there I saw on the vanity, the most absurdly pink hair bow that I have ever seen, "No friken way!" I couldn't even hold in my happiness so I let out a loud squeal. I instantly put the oversized bow in my hair and wore an even bigger smile on my face.

I was finished actually ten minutes early so I will waited for Rumil even though I'm not really patient, "Yup. Nope. I can't even." I finally lost all patience and decided to hang upside down from the bed frame. It had only been a minute and I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said this as I flipped off of the frame. He walked in and he stopped in place, "Why is your face all red?" He gestured to my face. "Oh. Yah I was hanging upside down." I shrugged. He nodded slowly and offered his elbow. Yah my impression on him is now ruined...

"Well.... Let's get going." I walked towards him and took his elbow. But to his surprise I hooked my elbow with his as we walked. He looked a little surprised but smiled off his shocked expression.

We walked until we reached a huge grassland that was filled with men fighting each other, archery, or riding horses. There was so many people there! "Follow me." I let go of his arm and followed him to the archery area.

He was looking through the bows and found a smaller one, but it was still too big for me. He also handed me a set of arrows. I took both of them and stood there confused at what I was supposed to do. "Just draw an arrow and shoot." He instructed me but I still had no idea what I do.

"Mmmmmboutthat....." I tried to hold the bow and place an arrow in it but miserably failed. I tried again but my arms shook and dropped the bow out of my hands. I picked it up and at last I put a arrow in it and pointed it towards a target but was abruptly stopped by Rumil, "If you point it like that then you will end up shooting yourself."

He flipped the arrow towards the other way. I just realized I was pointing it towards me instead. "Oops." I frowned. "Here. Let me help you." He went behind me and closely fixed my form with his own. He almost fixed everything but explained with precise detail to where I used certain muscles and how I held the bow.

"I'm sorry if I'm invading your space but I'm assuming you would want to learn properly." I chuckled, "Dude Im used to having someone correct me like this. So feel free to prod away." He paused for a moment thinking about what I meant, but continued to fix me, "There now try."

He finally stopped and I pulled the string but as soon as I let go the arrow weakly dropped a foot away from me. "Well that was depressing." This is going to be harder than I thought. "Can you demonstrate how it's supposed to look like?" I smiled pleadingly.

He smiled and picked up his bow and arrows and perfectly got into his form and shot it effortlessly at the bulls eye. Boy does he like to show off.

"Wow...." I stood there starry eyed at him. "There I did it and now it's your turn." He ignored my gawking and waited for me to shoot it. I decided to be a Katniss Everdeen and take a really suspenseful breath before letting go of the string and watched as it almost hit the middle.

I let out my breathe less gracefully, I didn't think it would actually work, "Yay! I can't believe that actually worked. I got closer this time!" He shrugged. "But you didn't hit the mark, so try again." Oooooh feisty little elf... I nodded and tried again but this time I actually made it. But I acted like it was nothing.

"Good. Now do it again." I obediently pulled an arrow out of the sack and set it up on the bow. Again I shot and made it. "Now try again but with two arrows." Does he seriously think I can do that???

"Ummmmm Ok." If Legolas can do it so can I!!! I set up two arrows and both hit their target. "I'm surprised you actually did it. Your better than I anticipated..." He looked down on the floor thoughtfully. Did he really think I was going to give up? I am Maria friken Luna I do not give up!!! Ever!!!

"Well then I guess we are done here." He picked up our bows and set of arrows and put them away. Well that was a quick lesson.... Is he annoyed by me or something? "Pinché Duende Puto esta enperrado con migo...." (Stupid elf is pissed off with me..)

"What does that mean?" He looked up confused at me. I cussed to myself under breathe, "Errrr nothing just talking to myself about girly stuff." Ooooooooo so elves don't speak Spanish. Well I'm just going to have to keep that in mind just in case someone pisses me off. "Follow me." He kindly offered.

He led me to a enchanting bridge. Wait a minute..... Omfg!! This is the bridge where Arwen met Aragorn!!!! Maria contain your inner fangirl! I peered over the ledge to see the stunning and gentle river below us. He stood soundlessly next to me enjoying the view.

"What I like most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice. The waters always changing always flowing." I sang in my best Disney princess voice I could possibly muster. He looked at me and asked me, "I have never heard anyone say anything like that...." I continued, "But people I guess can't live like that. We all must pay a price. To be safe we loose our chance of ever knowing...... What's around the river bend."

I slowly got louder and more theatrical. "Waiting just around the river bend." I stretched the last part melodically. "You don't have the voice of a human.... but you are one aren't you?" Is he like observing me or something?

I shrugged not really knowing if now my race has changed into something else due to the weird powers I was given. "I'm not really sure. Well I know my mom is but I have never met my father so as far as I know I might be half elf or something," I joked.

I instantly laughed at the thought of me having pointy ears. He looked at me up and down thoughtfully. "Maybe you are part Elf." He smiled but I laughed because I can't really believe that I could even be remotely close to being an Elf, or even half of one.

Elves are graceful and kind hearted, Im bitchy and clumsy. "You are really fair skinned and have a sort of mesmerizing glow in your aura so I actually wouldn't doubt it." Da heck does he mean by aura? "My aura? What's that?"

I have heard my mom talking about that sort of stuff because she is a hippie kind of gal, but I usually ignored her random spiritual babbling. "It is the energy wave of your soul." I grew even more confused. "My soul? Doll face, I'm the most souless person that has walked this Earth."

My mother had told me stories about why I was named Maria Montserrat Luna, it was about a strange goddess that was betrayed by a group of priestesses and was turned into a human so that they could control her for power.

She said she had a dream, when she was pregnant of me that I would be born into a world that will hold dominion over all of my powers, but as soon as I entered the world that I would spend my rest in I would lose control and be the goddess I was meant to be.

But I think she is smoking some sage because that's a preposterous story. But the weird thing is that I have always felt like a overflowing bottle ready to burst and shatter when I get angry or upset. But I don't really want to conceptualize myself as a goddess because the things the Lady.
Voice. Thingy.

Told me was true and that I have to be careful about being vigilant. "You have a soul. Every living creature does." I smirked creepily, "What if I'm a vampire? Wouldn't I be undead, and in fact souless?" He looked frustrated, "Or maybe I'm some sort of Demi god." He annoyingly answered, "I don't know what a vampire is, but you are in fact living being, so you have to have a soul."

Oh whatever... But I'm pretty sure there is a empty hole where my heart and soul is supposed to be. "Whatever helps you sleep at night...." I muttered this jokingly under my breath. He raised an eyebrow so he probably heard me. "You are one strange little girl." I grimaced, "Yup....." I'm not a little girl!!!! "How old do you think I am?" I looked at him intently.

He looked at me up and down, "11 or 12?" I rolled my eyes. "No. Guess again." I was obviously not amused. "13? You can't be older than that." He said this like there was no way I could be older. Seriously???? Dude I'm going to be fifteen in like a month!!! "No. I'm actually 14," I stated matter of factly.

His eyes widened. "Seriously? But your just a little girl." He didn't believe me. "Yah.... Nope. I'm 14 and going to be 15 in about a month." He walked closer to me and looked closely at my chest. He stated, "Flat." What did he just say?!?!?! "I'm 14 not 20! I don't have those womanly demeanors yet!" I reddened from embarrassment.

Then again a lot of my friends do have some hard core racks.... Grrrrrrrr!!! I doesn't matter, they will grow sooner or later. At least I hope they will..... How dare he say that though!!!! I will totally get him back for this!!! "I guess it doesn't matter right now then. Anyways lets get you to Lord Elrond. He wanted to speak to you." I nodded and we walked away from that jaw dropping bridge.

Moment later we reached Elrond's office. Rumil knocked politely on the door. We waited a moment and heard, "Come in." Elrond answered through the door. We walked in and saw him sitting behind the same huge oak desk he was the day before.

He seemed to be just sitting there not doing any work or anything. "Rumil, you may leave." Rumil bowed out to us and left. Seriously. No goodbye? Fine then be that way! "I hope you have enjoyed it here." I smirked and said, "Yes. All the trees are so cool." He stopped for a moment, "The trees are what mesmerize you?"

I concurred, "Yah. Back home there isn't many trees, just a ton of buildings. And seeing all these trees here is really relaxing and pleasant." He looked delighted. "Well I'm glad you are relaxed. I'm hoping the change from Mirkwood to here isn't unsettling." I beamed, "Yup. I'm all good."

He seemed a little surprised by my irregular speaking, but couldn't help but smile. "I heard that Thranduil has adopted you. Is this true?" He perturbedly asked.

Thranduil isn't that bad.... I know he has his bad points but he has some good ones too. "Yes. What you have heard is true." "And how do feel about that?" Is he seriously asking a girl how she feels??? Bad choice Elrond.

"It's fine ,I just like the way he treated the dwarves so harshly." I had a wry frown and I knew he saw it as a bad sign. "It's ok, you don't need to talk about it. It's just vexed me that he took you in as his own before I could."

"Don't you already have children?" I'm pretty sure he has like three. "Yes I have two sons, Elladan and Elohir, and Arwen my daughter. But I miss the fun of having a little one." I tried to act like I didn't already know about his kids so I curiously nodded.

"Oh, those crazy twins belong to you?" I grinned. He heartedly chuckled at this, "Yes they're mine. I hope they haven't caused you too much trouble?" "No no they're funny. I had an older brother so I'm used to boy nonsense." Amused he asked, "And how is your brother like?"

I thought about it for a while and answered, "I guess you can say he might as well be my twin even though we are two years apart. Our age never bothered us though..... we were really close."

Curiously he asked, "Where is he?" I didn't want to think about it before, I knew I would never see him again. "Gustavo is home, which is far far away from here in another world called Earth."

He drew back in surprise, "Earth? Don't you mean middle earth?" I shook my head, "No, I mean Earth. I'm not exactly from this world. It's a long story." I really don't want to explain it because I didn't really know how to.

"Then you really are far far away from home. I'm sorry to tell you this but I don't think we can get you back home, there is no one with that kind of power that can return you to your world." Elrond said more to himself that me, barely containing his obvious happiness.

Part of me was hurt I couldn't go back, and the part of me was happy I would never go back.

The silence fell between just us as my old life flashed before my eyes. I didn't want to let it go but there isn't any other way to return there. I will never see my family again, never hang out with my friends, never drink Starbucks, and never feel the rush of adrenaline that dance recitals have always given me.

I felt tears weld up, I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't because I have never been the kind of person to cry in front of people. His voice brought me back to reality, "Are you sure you will be fine?" I nodded unable to speak with the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

He looked at me and was going to say something but he stopped himself, smiled comfortingly, and led me out to the balcony. I felt a gust of air gently blow against us as he opened the door. I breathed in and tried to calm down.

He didn't speak, giving me a moment to cool down. We walked until we leaned up against the balcony fence and peered down at the breathtaking view. He nudged me a little with his elbow, looking back at and smiling back at me. It must be really cool having him as a dad. "If you need anything just come to me, okay?"

I nodded with a slight smile despite my solemness. We had a few peaceful minutes of silence, but it was broken by the twins rushing playfully through the room and barging into the balcony.

"There you are!" Elohir sweeper me away from Elrond and started to lead me out of the room. "Oh Ada. (Ada = father) Can we borrow her?" Elladan saw Elrond make a disapproving face at their juvenile behavior and waited for his approval.

"Yes. Just keep her safe." Elrond gave in.

As soon as he said that those devious twins linked our arms and escorted me out of the room. They lead/dragged me to a very pretty orchard. They sat me down abruptly on a bench and then sat beside me. Their faces filled with excitement that reminded me of children at Disney Land.

I looked at both of them perplexed. "Why did you drag me out here for?" I said with playful humor. "Because we have some great news!" Elladan gleefully said. I crossed my arms, "Well what is it?"

They twisted to looked at each other and then back at me,"If we tell her, she won't be surprised." Elohir said to Elladan, and totally dismissing my presence. I sat there and irritation began to grow. "Will you be surprised?" Elladan asked me.

"Not if you tell me. But now you've brought it up, you have to." I raised an eyebrow. They looked at each other and then back at me. "No we don't." Elladan spoke coyly. "In fact, we won't." Elohir added. This was getting rather annoying.

"Humph! Tell me or I'm leaving!" I threatened and crossed my arms. "Fine fine. There is going to be a ball!" He enthusiastically said. This perked my interest, "Really?" He bowed his head, "Yes. And I wish you to go with me."

I stared at him blankly then dismayed I said, "You. Want. Me. To. Go. With. You?" I tilted my head. He nodded amused, "Yes. That is if you will give me the honor?" I pursed my lips, "But I don't know how to dance...." Maria you are a terrible lier!!!!

Might as well tell him you don't breath air or don't have a lip gloss obsession!!

"It's ok I can teach you." He haughtily looked at me. Damn it!! I guess I can't say no, "Ok. I'll go with you." I looked at Elladan, "Are you ok with this?" He looked a little bothered, but he smiled and said, "Its ok. If I change my mind I'll just steal you away." I chuckled at his cockiness.

I threw my hands in surrender, "Ok then I guess you better start teaching me to dance now if I'm going to be any good at the ball." Elohir zealously stood up and offered me his hand, "Then let's get started."

I happily took his hand and he tried to get me into a starting position. "Should I start off in Écarté à terre or in Coupé ?" He answered me with a confused face so I showed him. "This is Écarté à terre."

I traced my toes on the floor till it was placed in front of me in a crossed position. "And this is Coupé ." I traced my toes behind me untill it was in Coupé. He analyzed each of the position intrigued.

"The C-Coupé will be fine." I could tell he second guessed himself with the pronunciation. I nodded like a good student, "Okay." With this he started to lead me and it was quite hard because I always lead in a duet. No. Matter. What.

I started to count out loud to keep myself on beat, "One two three. One two three." After a while I caught on but I ended leading him instead. "Maria. I am supposed to lead you not the other way around." He frustratedly tried to lead but I kept showing the way to each of the steps.

"Sorry. It's kind of a impulsive habit." I tried to let I'm lead so I slowed down and tried to follow his movements. "There you go." He smiled as we continued to dance. This was kind of fun even though it was pretty klutzy between us.

I have always hated slow dancing at the school dances and hated even more dancing duets with guys at dance. But I guess I can try to enjoy myself.

"My turn." Elladan demanded and swiftly cut between me and Elohir and effortlessly kept up. He was a lot better of a dancer than his brother, who is also really good. "My dear, you are an excellent dancer. You are the best I have ever danced with. You should take pride in that." I quickened the pace and surprisingly he still kept up gracefully.

Elladan smirked, "Well then my lady, I guess you should stop looking for other accomplices. I will be very happy if you would only dance with me." I giggled at his boldness.

I threw him a cocky look, "I'm sorry my dear elf friend, because I like to dance with many people so that I can improve and if I only danced with you, then we wouldn't be just friends now would we?"

He stopped and bashfully said, "Then I suppose we shouldn't be just friends." Is he confessing??? "Elladan Im sorry but I don't understand." I'm just going to let him down easy.

And before I could, he confessed, "I love you Maria." He looked me dead in the eyes awaiting my answer. I shook my head, "No you don't. Don't waste your time with someone who is unable to love anything."

His face grew red, "No, I know what I feel and I know that I love you." He thought I was denying him, but it's more like I'm denying anyone from drowning with me,

He doesn't know anything! Angrily I pulled him into a deep hug. "Please don't! I love you as a friend and I know that what you feel isn't love for an admirer, but for a friend." He hugged me back silently. "I would like it better for us to stay friends."

I heard a sigh and felt him nod, "Well I guess we can end practice for today. We should return you to our father now." Elohir sweetly broke our solemn hug and lead us back to Elronds office.

We walked in without knocking and saw not Elrond but Galadriel and Gandalf. Tehehehe..... I ship them!!!!! "I have been waiting for you Maria. You may leave Elladan and Elohir." She dismissed them and gestures for me to sit beside her.

I walked towards them and sat down. I couldn't contain myself and tightly hugged Gandalf then let him go. He has always reminded me of my grandfather. Gandalf spoke first, "Tell me what you know about Middle Earth." Well he's very strait forward.

I looked to my hands and told them generally all I knew, "Well I know every single detail from you making Bilbo join Thorin and his company until the one ring being destroyed. Its a long story how I know this but trust me I don't mean anyone any harm."

They both instantly smiled friendly at me. "We know you don't mean harm, but you need to realize how dangerous this world is for a young lady. You are to tell no one of the things you know about the history of this world." Gandalf's words comforted me greatly.

It's not like I have anyone to tell anyways. Gandalf continued, "But lady Galadriel has told me you have a bigger problems than keeping our worlds secrets." I nod. Damn, I completely forgot about my stupid powers, "I don't think I can control it though, I'm just not strong enough."

I hate being weak and hate even more saying that I am. "I have something that might help you control it." He pulled out of his cloak a golden necklace that had a strange but beautiful gem in the middle.

He handed it to me and I looked curiously at it, "How is a necklace going to help me?" I questionably looked at it. Gandalf talked to me about it, "I magicked the gem so that it may help you with control. Put it on." He gestured at the necklace. I guess here goes nothing.

I put on the necklace and waited to see if I would feel any changes. I waited and waited but nothing. I'm confused why don't I feel anything? Gandalf then answered m question, "It will activate itself when you get angry or upset. For now if anyone asks about the necklace just say it was a gift from admirer."

I giggled, "Why an admirer?" Galadriel and Gandalf said together, "Your a young beautiful lady I'm sure you have many men chasing after your hand." I laughed uncontrollably, "Me! I don't think any sane person could ever chase after me!"

I practically lost my breath from laughing so hard. Galadriel giggled, "You may think that, but it seems you are the subject of any single mans conversations." Are you kidding me!!! I laughed more and more, "Seriously???"

I tried to stop my laughter but to no avail. Galandriel smiled, "I can think of one elfling that is totally smitten with you." I knew she meant Elladan. "He's doesn't know what his heart wants. He's confused."

I bit my lower lip. I didn't want to break his heart but mine already belonged to another elfling. "He truly loves you. But so does Legolas. Its your choice who you pick." Galadriel gently spoke to me. I already picked Legolas so Elladan can just get over me, "My heart belongs to someone, I'm not sure if he feels the same."

I stroked the ring Legolas gave me. She smiled, "You will know your heart in time, but for now enjoy yourself without any worries." I nodded but couldn't help but think about who my heart will settle on. I stifled a yawn, it was getting late.

Galadriel smiles and said, "Its growing late, I will escort you to your room so you may rest." I said goodnight to Gandalf and walked with Galadriel to my room. I opened the door, "Thank you for helping me through my troubles."

She waved it away, "Its nothing, I'm glad to help a sweet girl. Please try to relax more." She left me and I closed my door. Then I changed into a loose pale pink nightdress, trying to get comfortable,

My eyes stopped on a piece of paper with writing on the vanity. I picked it up and it read, "Im serious about you and I hope you will give me a chance. It will make me happy if you will ride with me tomorrow. Meet me at the stables early evening, dress comfortably.

I shouldn't say no to him but I don't want him to think what he feels is love. His handwriting is so different. But then again mine isn't normal here, he'd probably think it was weird. But I guess I can't find any reason to not go, not that I have anything else to do anyways.

"Lucky sucker..." I looked through the wardrobe and found a rose pink dress that stops above my knees. I enjoyed its pretty heart shaped neckline and lacy cuffed sleeves. I placed it on a chair next to the boots I wore when I first came to middle earth.

I climbed onto my bed and nestled underneath the blankets. I'm not very tired, "A dream is wish your heart makes when your fast asleep....." I sang softer as I drifted into sleep.

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