Hero of Resilience: Halo

By TheHinokami

1.1M 32.1K 11.3K

Join us as we explore the story of what if Izuku Midoriya was expelled on the day of the quirk apprehension t... More

Chapter 1: Expelled?
Chapter 2: Decisions
Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya & Talk Pt 1.
Chapter 4: Talk Pt. 2
Chapter 5: It's A Wild Gran Torino!
Chapter 6: Past Comes To Light
Chapter 7: Quirk Training & UA Vs Eraserhead
Chapter 8: Fourth Day of Training & Talk of Sir Nighteye
Chapter 9: Arriving at Shiketsu
Chapter 10: Dorms & Roommate!
Chapter 11: First Day!
Chapter 12: First Days are easy? No! Training Start!
Chapter 13: First Combat Training
Chapter 14: U.S.J!?
Chapter 15: Dadmight!?
Chapter 16: UA Aftermath & Decision
Chapter 17: DadMight Time & Conversations
Chapter 18: Training for the Sports Festival
Chapter 19: UA High Sports Festival
Chapter 20: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 1.
Chapter 21: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 2.
Chapter 22: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 3.
Chapter 23: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 4.
Chapter 24: Enter General Midoriya + Scolding!
Chapter 25: Hero Names & Internship Offers!
Chapter 26: Internships Start!
Chapter 27: Internship Reactions!
Chapter 28: Internship: Hosu!
Chapter 29: Stain Vs Halo!
Chapter 30: Hosu Aftermath
Chapter 31: Internship Over!
Chapter 32: Provisional License Training & OFA Control!?
Chapter 33: Provisional Exam!
Chapter 34: Peaceful Conversations
Chapter 35: Inasa & One For All
Chapter 36: Singularity Point
Chapter 37: Mall Incident
Chapter 38: I-Island! Pt 1.
Chapter 39: I-Island Pt. 2
Chapter 40: Shiketsu High School Summer Training
Chapter 41: UA Summer Training Camp
Chapter 42: Camp Aftermath & Plea
Chapter 43: Ready? Set! Talk!
Chapter 44: Ready? Set! Raid!
Chapter 45: Fighting of Titans!
Chapter 46: Media & Aftermath
Chapter 47: Halo & Eraserhead!
Chapter 48: Bakugo Household
Chapter 49: Dream & Unlocking Quirks
Chapter 50: Dorms
Chapter 51: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 1.
Chapter 52: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 2.
Chapter 53: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 3.
Chapter 54: Work-Studies Start & Giant!?
Chapter 55: Report and Raid Request?
Chapter 57: Raid Meeting & Talk With Sir Nighteye
Chapter 58: Shie Hassaikai Raid!
Chapter 59: Return to Shiketsu High School & Relaxing!
Chapter 60: Changes & Hood
Chapter 61: The League's Growth!
Chapter 62: Planning For War!
Chapter 63: War!
Chapter 64: Blood & Conflict
Chapter 65: Rematch of a Giant!
Chapter 66: Lighting the sky!
Chapter 67: Battered
Chapter 68: Wounds of The Battle
Chapter 69: Conversations
Chapter 70: Past VS Present
Chapter 71: Press Conference! -END-
Author Notes & Ending Words

Chapter 56: Prelude to Raid!

11.9K 375 152
By TheHinokami

3RD pov:

Izuku woke up in his mother's home the next day and stretched himself. 'Good to be healed but god... I think I like the medics back at Shiketsu High School since their quirks don't consume all of my energy but instead use a mix of mine and theirs...' Izuku thought as he was still a bit exhausted from Recovery Girl's quirk. Soon he made his way out of the bedroom which was no longer a shrine to All Might since Izuku had boxed all of that up. Don't get him wrong... he still wanted to have a room full of All Might merchandise but it wasn't going to be in his bedroom anymore but he didn't exactly have a decent room to place it all without others feeling weirded out at all of the eyes staring at them.  

"Brat, come sit down and eat. After you eat we are going to UA and using their gyms to get more training in. You are sitting at 65% control right now and I would love to push it more but I want to work on agility and countering instead since we need to be careful of you not getting shot so I am having Nezu load up a lot of guns to shoot up which you need to dodge. They are going to be loaded with paintball bullets that won't kill you but will sting like a bitch if you get hit." Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded his head but Inko just sighed at what she was hearing. 'Better than being shot for real I guess.... sometimes I wonder how Izuku handles all of the pain that gets inflicted upon him...' Inko thought as she put the food in front of both men and she sat down to eat as well. Soon they finished eating and got up and headed off to UA. Nezu had already messaged Izuku that his hero outfit was already fixed up since he had Power Loader work on it all night even though Izuku had the copy of his suit in the support device on his wrists which were meant for emergency use.

As such, the first place they stopped when they arrived at UA was the support department where Izuku changed into his hero outfit and moved around in it a bit to make sure nothing was off. "Is it all good? I called Shiketsu's support department since they do the repairs on it. I was shocked to learn it was actually made by the Shields on I-Island and not a normal support company." Power Loader said as he watched Izuku move around a bit. Izuku nodded his head and confirmed that it was good. "Yea, most companies can't make something that can withstand my quirk's power and they tend to get ruined easily. The Shields made All Might's suit which was a base concept to make my suit since our powers work on similar principles which made it easier for them to create something for me since they already had a suit made by them that they could base the material off of for mine." Izuku said and Power Loader nodded his head. Soon the two of them went off towards a gym that Nezu had worked on overnight and modified to fit what training Gran Torino wanted to do. Though, Nezu had 'forgotten' to inform Eraserhead that the gym that his class had been using was taken over by someone else and class 1-A was scheduled in a new gym. 

As such, during the middle of the training with Gran Torino, Nezu, and All Might watching Izuku dodge all the bullets that were flying at him, the big 3 with Eraserhead and his class arrived at the gym and were stunned to hear something going on inside. They walked in and saw what was going on as they watched Halo dodged hundreds and hundreds of bullets that went flying at Halo. "What the hell!?" Eraserhead said and Gran Torino turned his head and then back at Nezu and asked if he purposely forgot to tell Eraserhead that his class was relocated to a different gym. "Ah, I must have been so clumsy... Anyway, I think the UA students could learn a thing or two from watching his training for a bit. No?" Nezu said with a grin and Gran Torino just rolled his eyes while All Might sighed. Everyone in the class watched up closer to the bullet-proof glass and they could see circles on the ground marked and noticed that Halo never stepped a foot out of the biggest circle.

"Brat, go down one circle!" Gran Torino yelled and Halo adjusted himself and now was only moving inside the second largest circle. "How about we turn the rounds per second?" Nezu said as he pulled a tablet out and made a motion with his finger as the shooting increased a bit more. About 5 minutes later, Gran Torino had Izuku move down another circle and within 2 minutes the guns stop firing which indicated Izuku had taken a hit. Nezu looked at the table and then spoke up. "Out of 10,000 rounds of the paint bullets, you ended up getting shot 20 times right at the end..." Nezu said and everyone was stunned but Gran Torino and Izuku. Gran Torino looked at Izuku and told him to reset and do better next time. Izuku nodded his head and started again. 

Eraserhead, his class, and the big 3 were confused on how someone could do better than that! They had just watched Halo dodge a large number of bullets for a decent period of time and only got hit 20 times out of 10,000 rounds! After about 10 minutes the buzzer went off again and the shooting stopped. Nezu looked at the tablet and spoke once again. "11,000 rounds with getting hit by 10 at the end with you having moved down to the third-largest circle as well. Do you want to start again or take a break for a bit?" Nezu asked and Gran Torino told Izuku to take a break and threw him a bottle of water. Izuku walked over to the bleachers near his mentors and sat down and started to drink the water and poured a bit on his head to cool off since he had been moving nonstop for about half an hour now though he did notice the room was silent though.

"Why is everyone so silent? It feels weirder sitting in this silence with so many people than when I need to deal with Inasa going through one of his passions episodes..." Izuku said out and Gran Torino barked out a laugh and All Might rolled his eyes. Within seconds most of class 1-A and the big 3 were asking how he did that and why he was doing it. "How... simple, because I did it by speeding my body up and tracking the movements of the bullets since I can speed up my eyes as well with my quirk energy. The why part is because I and Gran Torino got requested by Sir Nighteye to join on a raid mission where getting shot will be bad news." Izuku said and those that were on the case knew what Izuku was talking about since they were there for the initial briefing of all of the heroes. Uraraka then spoke up, "You're on that case as well? Why didn't we see you at the meeting that was held yesterday?" she asked and he said they only received the request to join yesterday afternoon. 

Soon Mirio walked up to Izuku and challenged him to a fight. "Based on Eraserhead's words, Principal Nezu thinks your the closes person to being the number one hero so I would like to fight you!" Mirio said and everyone turned to look at him and then turned to look at Halo. All of the first years wanted to see the fight and even Bakugo had to admit to himself that he wanted to see the fight between the two since he witnessed LeMillion destroy his class. Izuku sighed and looked at Nezu with a knowing look before he spoke. "So this explains why you just so happened to forget to tell Eraserhead that his class got moved to a different gym for this week. You were aiming for this result..." Izuku said as he stood up and looked at Mirio. "With or without hero suits since the only advantage I think your provides is stopping you from being naked?" Izuku asked and Mirio said it was fine to wear suits and he would grab his real quickly. Now about 5 minutes later both of them were standing in the middle of the gym looking at each other.

"I am quite curious LeMillon... what does your name mean for you?" Izuku asked and Nezu, Gran Torino, and All Might knew exactly what Izuku was planning to do. LeMillion looked confused for a second on why Halo was asking but responded. "It stands for the number of people I wish to save in my career! We all can't be All Might and save everyone after all." LeMillion said and Izuku nodded his head. "Indeed, we can't all be like All Might but even All Might doesn't save everyone. This is the cold hard truth that everyone seems to forget since they always thought of him as an unbeatable man, a man that couldn't fail but he could and has numerous times. The media just doesn't like talking about it." Halo said and everyone was shocked at what they were hearing Halo say about his own master/father. LeMillion asked what was Izuku's point in talking about this and Izuku looked at him for a moment before he spoke.

"I am curious about your morals... your ideals... I got really curious after I read the reports in the request that Sir Nighteye sent to join the raid as they said you had the perfect chance to rescue the girl but you didn't. No... you let her return to her abuser even though she clearly needed help when you had the full capabilities. That is why I am curious of what type of hero you are because from what I've been shown you are a contradiction to what you aim to be." Halo said and everyone expects All Might, Gran Torino, and Nezu took a sharp breath in since Izuku just called LeMillion out on his principles and beliefs in regards to the recent case he was on. Halo was challenging LeMillion's ideals of what a hero meant!

LeMillion face twisted with anger, confusion, regret, sadness, pain, and many other emotions. "You don't know what you are talking about!" LeMillion shouted and charged at Izuku who dodged the attack quickly. "Oh? I don't know what I am talking about? Then enlighten me on what I don't know LeMillon!" Halo shouted out as he dodged the attacks and threw some punches himself but LeMillino just phased through them and keep trying to hit Izuku who just kept dodging due to his speed.

"I WANTED TO GRAB HER BUT I COULDN'T!" LeMillion shouted and Izuku asked him why he couldn't and what he said is exactly what he thought LeMillion would say and it was why Izuku didn't really care for Sir Nighteye or LeMillion due to their beliefs. "BECAUSE FOR THE GREATER GOOD, WE NEED TO TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION AND GRABBING HER WOULD HAVE SENT THE ORGANIZATION INTO HIDING!" LeMillion yelled out and Izuku chuckled. "Exactly what I thought you would say and it's why I don't care for Sir Nighteye nor do I care for you now. The greater good is a lousy excuse to shift the fact that you willingly choose to condemn the girl and failed to complete your heroic duties that even the law required of you! It's one thing to say for the greater good when you don't have the power to change the situation but you did LeMillon and you choose to ignore her pleases for help. You are the type of hero that pumps out Villains and has pushed our society to the breaking point we are at!" Izuku said as he increased his power output and landed a punch at 20% to LeMillions gut since he didn't expect the sudden power difference and sent LeMillon flying into the wall behind him.

Everyone was shocked at what happened but then LeMillion came stumbling out of the dust that was caused and was holding his stomach with an expression filled with pain. Izuku looked at him and sighed. "For the greater good is the same reasons.... that excuse ahs been used to enable the abuse of so many that it sickens me. It's the same excuse used by the teachers in my past when they allowed all of my classmates and others to abuse me and use me as a quirk test dummy before my quirk came in. When the teachers would sabotage my grades because I scored higher than the quirked children.  It's the same excuse that I am sure was in the mind of the police officer who caught some of my abusers when I was a child and told them to not get caught again but never helped me get medical aid or punished my abusers even though they were committing crimes... all because I was quirkless. It's the same excuse that people use to justify bullying and the abuse of those with weaker quirks or so-called villainous quirks. It's the same excuse that pushes people to become villains because heroes will say it's for the greater good when they don't rescue a child that has a quirk that is deemed villainous. It's the same damn excuse you used when you could have saved the girl because you can take people with you when you have your quirk on which means you could have grabbed her and bolted. Instead, you allowed her abuser to take her back where she without a doubt was harmed for her escape attempt as she sought out someone to save her." Izuku said and LeMillion now had fallen to his knees and had his eyes widen as he listened to Halo speak. Even the class and Eraserhead had widened their eyes while listening. Bakugo himself was pale a bit as he looked back at his memories and started to feel disgusted with himself. 

Izuku then spoke again. "For the greater good.... I hate that so much. I can understand for the greater good when someone doesn't have the power to make a change but they still should try to do something because I even know I have to submit to the greater good sometimes like with the Hero commission but that didn't stop me from forcing their hand recently in regards to something that they needed to change. The greater good... it's why Shigaraki and I are so alike... we came from similar backgrounds yet we both choose different paths. He seeks to destroy the society because everyone thought to abandoned him because of the greater good while I seek to stop him and reshape this entire society because for the greater good has become an excuse for those that want to hold onto their power and those that decide that they would let innocent people get hurt when they had the power to save them. So what if the villain organization got driven underground? So what! What was more important was saving the girl who begged for help but was denied help. It's why villains like Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and many other villains were created because you aren't born a villain... no this society creates you because it's for the greater good in their eyes since they decided to abandon them or push them to their breaking point like society did to me but luckily for me my dad over there decided to save me right before my will snapped." Izuku said as he turned around and walked away and went right past Gran Torino who stayed behind for a moment and looked at everyone. "To think... that was only 20% of his power..." Gran Torino said just loud enough for everyone to hear before him and All Might left to follow Izuku since they were sure he wasn't going to be in the best mental state since that conversation had brought up a lot of old memories of his past.

LeMillion though was still on the ground in shock at what all he heard and happened. Nezu though got roughly the result he wanted from the entire thing since he indeed planned this. Nezu didn't want his first years to become too engaged with the 'for the greater good of society' thinking like LeMillion had become under Sir Nighteye. Don't get Nezu wrong, Sir Nighteye is a good hero when it comes to solving cases and all but he also was willing to do things for the greater good of society when it is the fact he should have acted instead and that can be seen with Mirio's actions in regards to the girl that had escaped Overhaul. They should never have allowed her to be taken back. 

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