Uncommon Circumstances (Inter...

By NicoleMckoy

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Alyssa and Jake once dated when she was sixteen and he was twenty-one. She is now eighteen and he is twenty-t... More

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

10.4K 224 42
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

It had been a few weeks since I told Chad Jake was back and that Jake made it know that he wanted me back. Ever since Chad got his car keyed he wouldn’t leave me alone. He stayed at my house until I fell asleep most nights and got to my house first thing in the morning everyday before school. 

“Practice starts today as well as your student body president and yearbook club duties,” Chad said. It was after school and I had to meet with the yearbook club first before getting to my student body president duties. 

“Yeah so I’ll just meet you at your car at five thirty,” I said. 

“No I’ll just text you after my practice because it ends at five and you can just tell me where you’re at,” Chad said. 

“Ok over mister overprotective,” I teased. 

“When it comes to your safety I’ll always be overprotective baby.” Chad gave me a kiss before we parted ways. He went to the gym while I went to the room yearbook club was held in. 

When I got into the room that the yearbook club was being held in I wasn’t surprised to see that the new teacher supervisor was Jake. He was a serious stalker signing up to supervise over the club he knew I was in. 

I took a seat in the room beside two kids I didn’t really know. I had become social with most of the people in Chad’s circle not having that many other friends. Once I got seated and all of the other kids showed up for the club meeting Jake got the meeting started. 

Jake had told everyone what this week’s focus was going to be on. He wanted some photographers for the upcoming homecoming dance and photographers for the homecoming game. Chad played basketball and not football but that didn’t mean he didn’t practice all year around. 

After everyone was assigned their jobs for the upcoming homecoming festivities Jake let everyone get to work. I had to get to my student body president duties so I asked Jake if I could leave. He was nice about everything and told me I could leave. I needed an empty classroom to work in so I just used Jake’s. It wasn’t like he was using it. 

I had written up some topics of discussion for the next PTA meeting. They had a section of time they let students input take place so I was writing down all of the student’s suggestions on how to make the school run better and what not.

I had gotten so lost in what I had been doing I didn’t even hear Chad come into the classroom. I hadn’t texted him where I was so I was surprised to see him. I had lost track of time I hadn’t even realized it was five o clock. 

“Working hard,” Chad said. He came over and stood beside me. 

“Yeah. I’ve been so busy with getting these suggestions written for the upcoming PTA meeting. I didn’t even check my phone so how did you know I was in here,” I said. 

“You texted me that you were in here,” Chad said confused handing me his phone. He had a new text from my phone number. 

I checked my pockets and realized I didn’t even get my phone out of my locker. “I left my phone in my locker so who could have sent that to you,” I said. 

“I don’t know and I don’t care at least I found you,” Chad said. He kissed me and pulled me up to stand in front of him. 

“Chad what are you doing?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” Chad said with a mischievous smile. 

Chad sat me on the desk and stood in between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Chad kissed me and I deepened the kiss instantly. I lay back on the desk and Chad hovered above me. Chad slowly moved his hands under my shirt moving it up some. 

“Chad we can’t have sex in here,” I whispered. I knew what Chad was up to now. 

“Why not we’d have something to look back on after high school. Plus no ones around,” Chad said. 

He got my shirt off and unzipped my jeans. I didn’t let him take off my jeans because I still thought someone could walk in on us. 

“Baby come on I locked the door,” Chad said as if reading my mind. He kissed my neck after taking off his own shirt. 

“Fine but be quick,” I said. 

Chad smirked and before I knew it we were both undressed and having sex on Jake’s desk. This felt so wrong but yet right at the same time. 

After our quickie Chad and I got dressed. I still couldn’t believe we had just had sex on school property. 

“I need to get home now,” I said gathering my things. 

“Why, you tired,” Chad, teased. 

“Maybe. A certain boyfriend did just give me a workout,” I said. 

“Gotta make sure to keep my girl in shape,” Chad said. 

I playfully hit Chad on his chest as we exited the classroom. He could be funny with out even trying sometimes. I got my things from my locker and got my phone, which I did leave in my locker after all. Chad and I walked outside to the parking lot so we could go. When we got to his car we were both shocked to see it had been set on fire. First the slashing of tires, then the keying, now his car has been burnt up. 

“Damn it! My parents are definitely going to kill me know. Why does this shit keep happening?” Chad dropped his stuff and told me he was going to get a fire extinguisher. 

Why did this happen? My first thought would be to blame Jake but for the past couple weeks nothing has happened between us. Since that day I came out of his classroom crying to Chad nothing had taken place with Jake. So this couldn’t have been done by him, could it? 

“Baby move back,” Chad said. He began putting the fire out and to my surprise Jake had come out of the school helping Chad. 

Once Jake and Chad put the fire out Chad could see that his car was finished. It was sad to think that such an expensive car was now unusable. 

“Chad do you want to call the cops?” I asked. 

“No I need to call my parents first,” Chad said. He put the fire extinguisher down and called his parents. I didn’t know what to do so I just stood silently waiting to see what would happen next. 

“So my parents are going to call the cops and come pick us up,” Chad said. 

“I don’t want to be in the way I’ll take the bus. Your parents are going to have a lot to deal with when they get here,” I said. 

“Alyssa its fine my parents won’t mind,” Chad said. 

“Chad I’m not going to make your parents take me home after what’s happened. They have enough to worry about,” I said. 

“It wouldn’t be any trouble to me if you didn’t mind me taking you home Alyssa,” Jake offered. 

I looked over at Jake skeptically. He was not doing this to be nice was he? Plus this would look off to Chad. Yes I told Chad Jake was back but I didn’t tell him Jake my ex boyfriend was also our teacher. Chad never met or saw any pictures of Jake so he didn’t know anything about Jake as far as his looks were concerned. I had only told Chad things about my past relationship with Jake but never said anything about Jake’s appearance. 

“No its fine thanks for the offer but my parents can take her home,” Chad interjected. 

Chad picked up the fire extinguisher and walked back to the school. I stayed in the parking lot once again. Jake stayed in the parking lot with me. 

“Looks like he’s getting stressed,” Jake said. 

“Chad’s fine. It’s just this is the third time something’s happened to his car in all of a matter of weeks. His parents are going to be upset. His car was brand new,” I said. 

“Goes to show teenagers shouldn’t be driving such expensive cars to school, I guess,” Jake said. “But the offer still stands I could give you a ride home.” 

“Its fine I said I’d take the bus. But Chad insists on me riding with him and his parents,” I said. 

Chad came back out to the parking lot just as his mom and a couple cops got to the scene. The cops asked Chad some questions then his mother exchanged information with the cops so that they could do an investigation. 

“Come on Chad we need to meet your father at the car dealership in thirty minutes,” Chad’s mother said. 

“Mom we need to stop by Alyssa place first so she can go home,” Chad said. 

“Honey we don’t have time for that your father told me he would be waiting at the dealership so that we can replace your car,” Chad’s mother said. 

“Mrs. Weston is it?” Jake asked. 

“Yes,” Chad’s mother said noticing Jake for the first time. 

“Hello I’m Mr. Preston I’m the new English teacher and I know this must be a very stressful event for you to deal with. I can drop Alyssa off at home so that you and your son can get going,” Jake said.  

“Oh thank you that would be great. Alyssa dear you don’t mind having your teacher drop you off do you?” Chad’s mother asked me.

“Mom we can take her home it won’t take long,” Chad argued. 

“Chad I’ve already told you we have no time and your teacher is being kind enough to do us all a favor. She will be fine with Mr. Preston. Now lets go,” Chad’s mother said. Mrs. Weston walked off to her car and Chad picked up his things. 

“Baby I’m sorry my mom’s in such a rush. Call me when you get home ok,” Chad said. 

“Ok I will,” I said. 

Chad gave me a long kiss and hugged me before getting into his mother’s car so he could go. 

“You can come back inside with me so I can get my things then we can go,” Jake said in a tense tone. 

I followed Jake back into the school so he could lock up his classroom and get his things. We walked back out to the parking lot and got in his car and he took me home. I felt weird riding home with Jake but I couldn’t object I had no choice but to let him take me home.

The car ride to my house was silent at first and I felt uneasy but then Jake turned on some music and I tried to relax. At first I hadn’t noticed but soon I realized the song playing was a song Jake said was our song back when we had been dating. 

“Remember this song Lyssa?” Jake asked.

“Yeah,” I said in a whisper. 

I didn’t want to think back to a time when I was happy with him. He was different and a lot had changed since the first time I ever heard this song. The song wasn’t by any known artist it was a song from an unknown independent artist Jake had gone to school with. He had the song on his iphone, a cd, and his computer. He told me all this back when we had been dating. The singer had been a friend of his. It was a woman’s voice coming through the speakers. 

“We have some good memories with this song. Don’t we?” Jake moved one of his hands to my thigh.  

“That was a long time ago Mr. Preston,” I said. I pushed his hand away. I figured if I called him by his professional name he’d get the hint to back off. 

“Lyssa don’t be so cold towards me. I’ve given you a few weeks thinking you’d get the hint. But I see I’m going to have to spell this out for you. Dump the pretty rich boy and come back to me.” 

“No Jake! I love Chad and he’s good to me. I’m happy so leave me alone. Move on and find someone your own age.”

“Alyssa I will not move on! I want you back and I will have you! Either break up with this Chad or things for him will start getting more worse than they already are.” 

Jake pulled up into my driveway and cut the engine. He turned to me and I looked out the window. Why couldn’t he leave me alone? One minute he was nice the next he got like this. One minute I was scared of him the next I wasn’t. Jake made me too confused for my own good when I was around him. 

“Lyssa look at me,” Jake said in a calm voice. 

I didn’t turn to look at him instead I grabbed my bag about to get out of the car. Jake locked the doors and I had no way out. 

“Mr. Preston unlock the doors,” I said. 

“Cut the Mr. Preston crap and look at me!” Jake yelled. 

I turned to look at him and Jake’s tense look softened immediately. “Jake can I please get out of the car?” I asked nicely. 

“I will let you out of the car Lyssa. I’m not trying to hurt you I just want you back is all. Why can’t you see that with out you I’m nothing,” Jake said. Was he putting his heart on the line? If so I wasn’t moved by this at all. 

“Jake I’ve moved on.” 

“He doesn’t love you like I do.” 

“I know he doesn’t! He loved me better than you ever did!” Jake was pissing me off so I quickly unlocked the car doors and jumped out of the car. I ran to my front door and started looking for my house keys in my bag. Why didn’t I have my house keys in my hands to begin with? 

As I fumbled with things in my bag I heard a car door slam. I looked behind me to see Jake walking towards me. Shit! 

I looked for my keys more and more and finally found them at the bottom of my bag. I fumbled with getting my key into the lock and ended up dropping my keys. I quickly picked them up and unlocked the front door, I ran into my house and just as I was about the close the door Jake put his foot in the door stopping me. 

“Alyssa let me in so we can talk some more,” Jake said. He sounded so loving and nice. I knew it was an act so I stepped on his foot and he moved back and I slammed the door. 

“ALYSSA OPEN THIS DOOR!” Jake shouted banging on the door. 

“No! Leave or I’m calling the cops!” I yelled. 


“Jake leave or I really will call the cops!” 


Jake started pounding and kicking on my front door. I thought the door was going to break down at all the beating. I was starting to get scared. I pulled out my phone and began dialing 911. I had my finger hovering above the send button when I heard a car door slam. I ran to the front window to see that Jake had gotten back into his car. 

He wasn’t leaving he was just watching my house. He stayed in his car not starting it. I didn’t know if I really needed to call the police anymore or not.  

I was deciding on what to do when my phone started ringing in my hand. I screamed and jumped away from the window. I was so on edge right now. I looked at the caller id to see that it was Chad. I answered it and said hello.

“Baby are you home yet?” Chad asked. 

“Yeah I just got here,” I said. 

“So you’re ok.” 

“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” 

“I don’t know I’m just making sure. I’m here with my parents getting a car in replacement of my other one. Good thing they had good car insurance.” 

“Yeah that’s good.” 

“Baby are you ok you sound weird.” 

“Yeah Chad I’m fine just tired. I’m going to shower and go to bed early. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok… Well good night. I love you.” 

“I love you too.” 

I hung up the phone and looked back outside the window. Jake was now siting on the hood of his car smoking a cigarette. He was just staring at my house like some kind of weirdo. At least he wasn’t banging on the door anymore. I walked away from the window and went to my room. I set my things down and my phone rang again. I assumed it was Chad again so I answered with out looking at the caller id. 

“Chad I’m fine I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said. 

“This isn’t Chad! Dump him tomorrow or you’ll regret it!” 

Before I could even say anything back the caller hung up on me. I knew it was Jake so I ran back to the front window to see if he was still here. Now I was going to call the cops. I looked out the window and saw that it was too late to call the police on him because Jake was now gone. 

(Author Note: So I decided to post new chapters in six of my stories just for you all! Happy New Year to everyone. Please leave comments and vote, thank you!) 

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