It's Just Me and You (Jarlo)

By whoopseydobitch

23.5K 629 1.6K

" The door opened and shut quietly. Then walked in boy. Black messy hair, faded gold eyes and was around 5ft... More

1. Prolouge:The day we Met
2. Getting to know You
3.On the call
4.It has past
5.The Night Shift
6.Putting names to Face
7.Bad Business
8.Watch You Sleep
9.Rather Be
10.We Need to Talk
13.The Deepend
16.Losing the people you Love
17."That's the problem..."
18.Pitter patter
21."Kiss me hard before you go."


433 15 2
By whoopseydobitch

Arlos P.O.V~

"Shut up you greasy rat!"

He cackled loudly at the other end.
"Make me you over grown hyena!"

I rolled my eyes.
"How do I look like a hyena?!"

"Pfft - How do I look like a greasy rat?"

I thought for a moment
Why did I even say that?

"Its the hair for me," I huffed.

He went silent

"John? Are you pouting?"


I scoffed
"Yes you are."

"I'm not!"

"You so are."

"Wow, real mature Asslo!"

"My name is Arlo!"

"Bitch i know!"

"Then just say it!"


I rolled my eyes as I laid down on my couch. John and I had been on a call for about 2 or 3 hours, I'm not sure, it could be more. He said he was bored at work, so that's why he called. He helped me with homework.

"John, can I ask you something?"

"Fire away blondie!"

"Tch, um, well..."

"Why did you lie?"

He paused.
"Why did I lie...? What did I lie about?"

"Oh, uh, well, you're siblings...the first day of school, you said that you didn't have any siblings, but when i stayed over and the next morning came, you're brothers were there. Why'd you lie about it?"

John was quiet for a while. Maybe it as a sensitive topic? Should i just shut up?

Eventually, he spoke.
"A-ah, well, you know my dad is famous right? The big shot writer William Henry Doe. Yeah, well, my brothers are also very well known, just like him. You can look them up if you want to...Oh..."

"Something wrong?"

"...uh no, not at all...but like listen prettyboy, i gotta go, but! We can talk later, bye Asslo!"

"Tch, bye John."

Call Hung Up

So his brothers are famous like his dad?

I had to admit, I was curious
I had my laptop with me so I flipped it open and typed their names in the search bar.

"Damian, Alec, Liam, Lukas, Tristan, Noah, River and William H. Doe."




9,558,880 results found to your search Damian, Alec, Liam, Lukas, Tristan, Noah, River and William H. Doe

There were countless pictures, interviews and sites dedicated to these seven and their father. John wasn't lying when he said his brothers were just as well known as his father. The twins play tennis, their really good. Alec and Damian are well known collage students as they won a few awards along with Tristan. River was a commentary you tuber and as well as Noah, who did book reviews. They were all in collage, I don't remember what majors though. Apparently, his mother wasn't in the picture. After John was born, when he was 3 years old, she divorced his father and moved away, leaving him to raise 8 boys all alone, which is kind of a dick move. But, unfortunately, while she was on her way to visit them from overseas, while on the road to the house, she was caught in a car accident, which slammed her through the cars window and put her in a coma. She woke up a few years later, only to die of internal bleeding 4 months after. Its sad really.

But there was nothing of John

No websites, interviews even mentioned John in any context whatsoever. No pictures, videos, nothing.

Its like he doesn't exist.

He was a ghost

It was pretty strange. I dug some more and found a site with a picture of River and John walking down a street, probably taken by paparazzi.

Comments under the photo stated with proof and confirmation that it was not Damian. People started spinning conspiracy theories about a secret son and all that jazz. Ridiculous.

If John really was a secret child, then why send him out into the world to live in a house all alone? People could easily stalk him. Why not keep him close? Why not let him go to school in New Bostin? Why -

Wait, a better question to ask myself is why do I care?
John is a god damn 9.5, he can protect himself. Besides, I should just mind my business, John probably wouldn't want me to tamper in his life.

But I still have to wonder

Why would his father hide him from the world?


Johns P.O.V~

I hung up the call as soon as i saw the message. I don't know why Arlo asked that, but i guess he had a reason to. He's quite perceptive as far as I've seen. My brothers were successful and well known. They're good with cameras. Me? I hate people in my face  with the flashing lights, as much i don't really care, I asked my dad before he went to interviews about his book to specifically not mention me. Why? Well the show that interviewer worked for posted a tweet on their Twitter, asking for questions to ask William. One of the questions asked why he dedicated the book to his son. When he went on the show, he was asked that question. He was taken aback, but answered.

"Oh, yes. Well, I have eights sons to be exact, I dedicated it to him because he was going through a hard time at the question please!"

I watched the interview. They asked basic questions like why he wrote it, or what was the meaning behind it. I got bored and turned it off half way through.

I kinda wished I didn't get that message in the middle of the call.
Jagu: Your dad and brothers are here. The twins let them in.
I entered the elevator. So they finally came huh? Maybe it had traffic.

There reactions to this place will be priceless. What would they say? Would they turn me in? God, just thinking back to the heated conversation we had that day still brings me chills.


"I think Nathans death was staged."

The young ravenette ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He could feel their burning stares, he couldn't tell if they were out of pity, and he didn't want to know.

"John..." Alec spoke, he didn't finish though. " do you say that? You went his funeral, yes? You saw the body?"

He nodded weakly. He bet that he sounded so crazy and delusional. "John?" Alec shook my shoulder. "Please say something..."

"Come with me," he snapped, stomping down the hallway, the eight trailing closely behind him.

They went to the basement, which confused William and the others. They had been around this house countless times, how had none of them noticed the basement, but they found the guns and the money and the drugs. That sent the gears in their minds ticking.

John was always a trickster
He was always good with words
He knew what people wanted to hear
He studied you're mind
Whether he knew you well or not

John could get what he wanted, whenever he wanted. John trudged down after them, closing the door. The basement was fairly empty, except for one wall. There was a large corkboard which covered it, three were numerous pictures and newspaper articles connected by a black string and thumb tacks.

"John, what's that burn on you're palm?" William asked, snatch in Johns hand and examining it closely. It was some type of O shape, the lines blurred together, be had seen a burn like that on Nathans hand one time after he used his ability to light the stove.

"It's nothing," he remarked, pulling his had away. "Burned in the stove last month."

William crossed his arms. "Then why does it look fresh?"

"I burned it again at school."

William raised an eyebrow. How the hell would he burn it at school unless he was near a fire? He said nothing, instead, he turned his attention to the cork board.

"Uh, John?" River asked. "What is all this?"

No answer.


"Take a look at the board," he snapped.

They flinched, but looked anyway. They went from left to right.

First top left corner was a picture of the news article of Nathans Death, which was splattered all over the tabloids, after all, he was from a famous family. The paper read;



The Ross family suffers a loss like no other! The details are sketchy dear readers, but here's what we got!

Kennedy And Jason Ross's youngest son, Nathan Reynold Ross, passed away earlier this month, due to something called ' Fatal Familial Insomnia, ' which sounds like a pretty icky disease to have!

Word around the street is that Nathan had a boyfriend! Who was present at the hospital for his death, which sucks balls.

Some say, that Nathan didn't have insomnia, he was just a junkie who ODed (aka over dosed). We can't blame him though! Absent parents, probably no home or social life. The Ross's and their other family members say that Nathan would never do drugs, but we digress, maybe most celebrities are shitty parents to their kids after all!

-Article by Hayden

The article was disgusting honestly. They probably don't know what FFI is! The groups eyes followed the first string from the article to the paper underneath it which was another article.



Agwin Police Department on Hyphen Drive goes up in flames on Thursday 23rd of July at 6am. Witnesses say they saw a figure exiting the blaze and heading down the street towards the Grand Central Library.

" We would like everyone to please stay calm at this time," The chief of Police Sabrina Hector stated. " It might be hard to do, but all places of work, schools and restaurants will be closed until the end of the month. Pharmacies and Supermarkets will remain open."

-Article by Julia Hunter

Williams mind was going a mile a minute. He already spun a few theories in his head, but he wanted to keep reading. He was already captivated by his sons research.

Damian and Alec were having a very subtle conversation. As the eldest two of the family, they try their best to shield their brothers from the bad things of the world, but it was clear the John had already discovered these things on his own. The best they could do was help him.

Tristan reread the second article a few times, while pointing out a few things to Noah and the twins. They weren't as dumb as people played them off as. They just took time to understand and register things. What you would call slow. But smarts doesn't always come with grades. They were socially smart, being able to understand people easily.

River was snapping a few pictures. His eyes followed the string from that to few pictures placed together of a brunette with green eyes leaving a supermarket on the 5th of August. 3 more black strings went from that to 3 separate files. One being a page on the bottom right corner, which seemed to be some type of testing paper.


Doctor: Sasha Victor Logan
Date: 3|1|2021
Test Administrator: Sasha Victor Logan

          My name is Sasha Logan, I'm a 39 year old male doctor at Agwin Hospital. I was asked to perform private examination on a teenager.

Sex: Male
Name: Nathan R. Ross
DOB: July 1st
Age day of testing: 16 y/o
Blood Type: O/Negative
Ability: Cremation
Rank: God-tier
Level: 8.5

Cremation allows the user to create different types of fire. Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Violet and White. They can emit this fire from their mouth, hands and finger tips. They can also; sense smoke, radiation, heat waves, body temperature and can breath ignitable gas. If the user has long nails, they can ignite the gas by channeling the flames to the tips.


Nathan shows no signs of ever using any type of drugs. However, there are small nicks on his inner forearms, which indicates he might be using some type of liquid drug like heroin or black tar. I will run a few urine and blood tests to make sure.


Nathan tested positive for drugs, but nothing like heroin or black tar. It was nothing like I'd ever seen in my 10 years of being in the medical field. I will run more tests.


I'm not entirely sure what he's been taking, but it seems to be some type of ability amplifier. I found traces of this drug going back to a day ago in his system. He begged me not to tell anyone, but I have no choice. I will have to refer this to my superior.


William could practically feel the light bulb turn on above his head as the thought clicked in his head.

John was using Nathans ability as a cover up for his. He mentioned earlier that he burned his had on a stove last month,and that should be healed by now. Then he said he burnt it at school, which should be impossible, since they would never let a kid near fire. Then there was the burn mark on his palm. It always took a O shape after use, that's what Nathan told him.

"John, are you using Nathan ability as a cover up in school?!" He blurted. The young ravenette smirked. "Bingo bango old man."

William scoffed. "Isn't that kinda...wrong, since, ya know, the guy is dead?"

John rolled his eyes. He proceeded to open his phone and show them the PMs between him and Nathans mother, Kennedy.


Ms. Kennedy:
Good evening John.
How've you been?

Oh, good evening!
I've been alright, what about you?

Ms. Kennedy:
I've been okay.
But no need to be so formal dear

Oh, sorry!
How can I help you?

Ms. Kennedy:

Oh its nothing serious, though I would like to keep this short, so no interrupting would be appreciated.

Yes ma'am!

Ms. Kennedy:
So i was made aware that you don't want to use you're ability in school, yes?

Yes that's correct

Ms. Kennedy:
Alright then, I have a proposal for you then
Would you like to use Nathans?

Um, what?
I'm sorry, i get what you're saying, but Nathan is dead, wouldn't that be wrong?

Ms. Kennedy:
I know it seems weird for morals, but I care deeply for you John, you're like a son to me. That would've come true, if Nathan hadn't passed. He commented quite often he wanted to marry you John. I understand this is hard for you, it is for me too, but Nathan is the one who proposed this idea, and I'm willing to keep this dying wish for him. My husband and I have agreed to do this. Will you?

Yes. Thank you ma'am.

Ms. Kennedy:
The pleasure is all mine
But please, call me Ken



The elevator bell rung as I reaches my destination of the first floor. I stepped out. The first thing i was greeted with was Vanessa. "John? Oh thank goodness!" She gaped. She poked my shoulder. "I've been looking for you everywhere." U scratched my nape. "Sorry, I was in my office, what's up?"

She scoffed. "You're family! They're eating the entire cafeteria dry! Go stop them!" She smacked my head before stepping into the elevator and heading up.

I rolled my eyes. That's definitely something my family would do. I'm willing to bet that its Damian and Alec stress eating again.


I called it.
I found the two asswipes face deep into my vanilla ice cream.

They saw me and immediately dropped their spoons. Liam and Lukas were doing arms wrestling with Azha and Azir, while William and Kiyoko were deep in conversation. Noah, Tristan and River were raiding the vending machines.

I stood at the balcony, overlooking the chaos. I inhaled. "Ahem! Good night everyone!" I snapped, grabbing the entire cafeterias attention. With everyone's eyes on me, simultaneously, they all bowed.

"Good night Mr. Doe!" They all said in harmony. My father and brothers still stood straight in confusion. I heard one worker hiss to them, " Bow you fools! Show some respect!" I smirked a bit.

"Alright, alright! No need to bow!" I assured them as they stood straight once again. "You are all dismissed for the night, you finish up you're food and head home!"

With that, the employees dispersed.

Those who remained like my dad and brothers just watch on in amazement. I adjusted my collar and made my way down the stairs to them.

"Hey guys!" I chirped. "Come on, I'll take you on the grad tour!"
Heyyy, how's it going? Hope y'all are doing well. I meant to post this sooner, but of course, my spelling is shit. I forgot to put on autocorrect, so i went through 2000 words without realizing I spelt them all wrong ;-; 😭✋

Chile anyways, this is off topic but I was in the supermarket the other day, and my head started to hurt a lot, so i picked up some advil, I told my mom my head hurt, and do you know what this lady told me?? :<

She looked my dead in the eye and said, "That's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity." :')

No Liam, just Payne :D

That's it for this chapter, thank you for all the support and before I forget......


Really, just thank you all so much for walking on this journey with me. Its far from over, but just a big thank you to you all! 🌸

But anyways, this AN is getting awefuly long, so eat healthy, stay hydrated, have a amazing day/evening/night my lovelies 🌸💅.

Be safe, wherever you are!!


Your Author


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