New Begin For The Bennett Wit...

By WannaB_Bennett

104K 4K 1.3K

The Story takes places during the final episodes of The Originals. Hope finds Bonnie to help her save her fat... More

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
🥰🥰🥰 One Year Anniversary 🥰🥰🥰

Episode 03

6.5K 204 61
By WannaB_Bennett

"So Bonnie, have you ever been down here before," Marcel asked after they have past the Welcome to Mystic Falls sign. They've stopped on their way just so Bonnie and Freya can get a bite to eat and put on some comfortable clothes. She decided to go with more Damon style, black skinny jeans, Armani black shirt, short boots and a leather jacket.

"Who are you again," Bonnie asks with a genuine voice.

"Where are my manners, Miss Bennett, meet Marcel Gerard, an old friend," Klaus said.

"He means an old foster child," Elijah said, amused by Marcel's stiffness.

"Just when you think things would never get crazier, and to answer your question, I haven't," Bonnie said, "my boyfriend is also a Gerard. Charles Gerard." No one noticed Klaus' shock and confusion on his face. He obviously knew something.

"Small world," Freya said.

"Yeah right!" Klaus said with an attitude. Everyone decided to pay him no mind while Bonnie was directing them to the bar she left Kai at. They found him still on the chair with chains dry to the bone.

"There's your guy," Bonnie said opening a bag to take the blood bag. She put in leather gloves and turned off the juke box. She instructed everyone to be ready for any reaction. Klaus was still standing by the door while Marcel moved closer with Elijah. Bonnie was standing inches from Kai while Freya was standing besides her. "Let me do the talking," she commanded while staring at the others for confirmation. After feeding him his first blood bag, she noticed his skin returning back to normal.

"Oh Bonster, I knew that you wouldn't stay away for too long, I mean, you and I are connected for eternity," Kai said with a dry throat,"are you here to punish me this time, cause I'm still game," he winked at her. Elijah stiffened and walked closer standing on Bonnie's side.

"That's right. But not in the way that you think. We're here to give you something to keep yourself busy with," Elijah said. Kai studied the guy standing next to his Bonnie. By that time, Klaus was already on Marcel's side. Bonnie told him to stay at the back since he has a 'healthy issue'.

"Bon Bon, your masculine boyfriend is not making any sense," Kai expressed with a raised eyebrow.

"He's not my boyfriend, but I do have one," she said with a smile.

"Come on now,  it's obviously me," Kai said with a grin.

Deciding to avoid his antics, she got straight to the point. "I need you to siphon something for me, the hollow," Bonnie confessed. Kai busted out of laughter not seeing how serious Bonnie was.

"'re serious," Kai said looking baffled.

"Yes mate, can we get on with it," Klaus commanded.

"Sure mate, just as long as I get out of here," Kai proposed while staring at Bonnie.

"Of course," she agreed shocking everyone including Kai, "and before you think about doing anything stupid, just know that I have cloaked the ascendant."

"Don't worry, I'll be a good bad boy," Kai half joked. Bonnie indicated for Elijah to undo the chains but he hesitated. He looked like he was going to rip Kai's head off.

"Elijah," Bonnie commanded, then he did. Kai was free. "You need to siphon the Hollow and release it in this world a second before I chant the spell to go back, okay?" Kai walked closer to her putting his right hand on her back while placing his left hand on her abdomen. Her heart skipping a beat in terror.

"Do you remember the good old times," he asked with the sadistic smile making every in the room nervous.

"Vividly," Bonnie answered, "even though I no longer have the scars to prove it." Kai almost looked like he was disappointed and angry. That's when Elijah made a realization.

"You have marked her as your own," he said, stunning everyone which was probably for the hundred time.

"What do you mean," Bonnie asked still having her gaze locked with Kai.

"He claimed you in a way that will make any man fear being with you, to fear the one you belong to," Freya explained.


The Real World

While everyone was discussing Rebekah's break up to distract themselves from the real issue, a tall caramel skin man with hazel eyes walked into the compound.

( A/N - I had Eli Grant from Days Of Our Lives in mind to be Charles Gerard. )

"Where's Bonnie," he asked. Everyone turned to the entrance where the handsome stranger was standing. Rebekah and Kol knew that his voice sounded familiar.

"You must be the boyfriend," Kol teased.

"I'm her fiance," he hissed.

"Really, I must say how shocked I am that the witch has excellent taste in men and horrible one at friends," Rebekah said. Hope noticed him getting angrier and impatient every minute.

"She when out to deal with something," she said, "please, have a sit. I'm sure she'll be back shortly."

"I don't wine and dine with bloodsuckers," he hissed astonishing everyone, "tell her I'm in town when she returns." He turned to leave without waiting for a response.


Prison World

While they were heading back to New Orleans, Kai sitting at the boot since there was no space. Freya decided to study him.

"So Kai, why Bonnie Bennett? Was it because the thought of never seeing other girls in your life?" she asked, earning herself a glare from everyone.

"I did know that I was going to get out after seeing her and Damon at the supermarket for the first time. The first time I saw her, I knew that she was the one for me," Kai explained and smiled like a teenager in love, "probably because she's broken like I am." Bonnie pinched the bridge of her nose.

"So why didn't you tell her instead of stabbing her," Marcel asked making the others intrigued.

"Few weeks went by when I was studying her routine. The problem was that she was never alone. Until one night she went to bed early- " Kai was interrupted by Bonnie's outburst.

"Shut up Kai!" she hissed through her clenched teeth, throwing everyone off.

"Oh no, now I want to know," Klaus expressed, earning himself a glare from his brother from the rearview mirror.

"Well Bon Bon, considering that I never had company for the last ten years, this is the least you can do for me, or I could snap their necks to place back what you have lost," Kai teased, but they all knew that he was serious. Klaus heard Bonnie hold her breath while her heart skipped a beat.

"As I was saying, Bon Bon here decided to go to bed early, leaving Damon alone in the kitchen with her untouched dinner. Before you ask, there was a time when they both felt down and all. Did I mention that she was staying at the boarding house, in Stefan's room, I forgot. Well, while she tried to cry herself to sleep for the millionth time, she hopped of the bed heading-"

"Wait, how do you know all this," Marcel questioned.

"He's a pervert!" Bonnie stated, "invisible spell."

"Makes sense," Marcel nodded.

"There she was, opening the door to Damon Salvatore's bedroom getting into his bed. Fun fact, he sleeps shirtless and as for Bonnie, a short beautiful silk nightdress." Bonnie shook her head not believing what she was hearing. Kai continued, "and she place her head on his chest." Damon didn't push her away because he heard her crying for hours.

"I think I don't wanna know where this is going" Freya confessed.

"Well, you have no choice since I explained the options to Bonnie. Not to mention that it's your own doing." Freya rolled her eyes. He continued, "as I was saying, they never spoken a word to each other the whole time." Bonnie's left hand was on the pillow while her right one was in Damon's hair. Damon was soothing her back with his right hand and his left one was rubbing her waist. Damon started moving his hand towards her thigh causing her dress to rise along with his hand. After Bonnie registered what he did, she tried to leave but he grabbed her by the waist making her softly gasp in pleasure.

"Damon, please don't, we shouldn't" she begged, but in a split second, she found herself laying on her back facing Damon who was laying between her legs, their faces inches from the other. He placed a wet kissed on her neck and Bonnie was surprised that her body reacted. The next morning, they swore not to tell a soul about what they've done.

"That was the last night she slept at the boarding house. Well now you know why I had to do it," Kai justified himself. Elijah was shocked that Bonnie Bennett let Damon Salvatore touch her, the man who terrorised her and her friends for Elena's sake. He was sure that if it wasn't for Parker, the secret was gonna be taken to the grave with them. Which made him think what else she was hiding.

After they pulled over at the compound in New Orleans, Bonnie instructed Kai to siphon the Hollow from Klaus, which he had done with ease. "Please don't kill him. I don't like him, but I'm sure you get it, right." She continued, "so now Kai and I are gonna go down the road to release it, when we get back, you must all be in formation, and Kai, vamp speed us here as soon as possible, got it?"

"Sure," he said with a teasing smile. Bonnie rolled her eyes before she was swift away.

"I don't trust him," Elijah said.

"Doesnt matter now. You had her," Freya said. They all stood in a circle and layered their hand on others. Few seconds later, Kai and Bonnie were back with the ascendant in her hands. They quickly joined their hands with the others. Before Bonnie could cut her hand to draw blood on the ascendant, Elijah just took her hand and bit it. He had done it in a way that made everyone feel like they were invading their privacy, also to ensure that it will be less painful than using the knife. She decided not to fight him on it since they had to leave before the Hollow caught up with them. She charted several times until they where in the library again.

"It's done," Bonnie said looking at Klaus who started to look skeptical. She throwing the ascendant on the floor and set it on fire and watch till it became no more. She started looking around and realised something.

"Where's Kai?" Marcel asked, voicing her thoughts.

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