My Heart Stealer(Completed)✔️

By aarti_shankar

43.5K 2.2K 600

I'm in a state of my life where I'm stuck between two situations. I can't ignore my mom's threat to her life... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9 🔞
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
Author's Note.✍️
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26 epilouge.(last chapter)
New Book
Attention ⚠️ folks
Check this out✅
Attention readers!!
Tangled in Livin×LOVE

part 15

1K 73 19
By aarti_shankar

Enjoy reading


Author's POV

Priya was waiting outside for more than half an hour and still there wasn't any clue of Arjun yet.

She wondered what was taking him so long, growling of her stomach, breaking her thoughts, making her feel embarrassed.

Slowly charishing her palm on her stomach Priya smiled " owww is the baby hungry ? Guess what mommy is hungry too baby, just a few more minutes and we will treat our hunger by eating a lot of ice cream and chocolates " priya spoke looking down at her stomach.

She knew the baby couldn't hear her, yet she likes to interact with her baby. She still can't believe that she is going to be a mother.

She always saw her mother as a bigger role model in her life. May be in initial stages they had few misunderstandings between them due to the generation gap. But after a point of time priya understood her mother's concern for her.

Sometimes she just feels proud of her mother, raising a child without a husband, that too in this indian society is really a brave thing for her mother. Not only raising a child, but also raising her own empowerment on her own. Currently Nadhiya is one of the top business women in Tamilnadu, which isn't like any cake walk for anyone.

Raising a child as a single parent along with pursuing her own career isn't easy, Nadhiya had to sacrifice a lot for getting into this position.

As a woman, Priya can relate how and which types of things would have been a hurdle for her mom on her path, yet she succeeded in crushing all those hurdles under her feet.

Priya wants to be strong like her mother.just the thought of her being in motherhood gave her chillness.

Priya was lost in her own thoughts of being with a child and raising him/her as a good human being, when she heard the door knocking sound.

Pushing away her thoughts she looked at the door and found Arjun coming out.

As soon as she saw him, she stood up and went to him.

" Arjun, what did the doctor say ? And why did she send me out ? " Priya asked him, curious to know what they must have said, to send her out.

Arjun gave her a forced smile and tried to control his emotions, especially in front of her.

" Ahamm...... nothing baby, it's just the doctor telling me about taking care of you and your food habits' ' he said in a low voice, at that moment he cursed himself because he's really bad at hiding things.

Priya narrowed her eyebrows and looked at him for good couple of seconds and said " Arjun tell me the truth. i know you are bad at hiding, specially when it's comes to me "

She was sure that something was very unusual with him.

Arjun looked away from her, and took a sharp breath tapping his fingers on the reports he was holding.

Nervousness was evident in his face, nervousness of being caught by priya.

" Can we talk about this on the way home ? " He asked, looking here and there except for Priya's face.

Priya nodded her head gazing at him with a blank face.

Both left the hospital, after buying some medicines from the pharmacy, for priya preferred by the doctor.

Arjun sat on the driver seat putting the reports on his car shelf, priya sat beside him on the passenger seat.

With an awkward moment of glancing at each other, Arjun started the engine leaving a long sigh.

Priya was continuously staring at him without blinking her eyes , while Arjun tried to behave as if he didn't feel her eyes on him.

" So......can we talk now " Arjun shifted his gaze on Priya.

There's no way that she will leave him without knowing the whole thing.

Arjun nodes his head in agreeing to her, and he thought about the multiple reasons. But at that moment he didn't get any perfect ideas that she would believe.

He got frustrated, but didn't show up as Priya was looking at him.

Suddenly an idea popped into his mind, without wasting another second he spoke " actually doctor told me to stay away from you " he knew this isn't any proper excuse, but right now his state of mind was different. He couldn't think straight when his mind was already occupied with something else.

" Huh ? " Priya gave an unbelievable look. Arjun nodes at her while stealing a glance of her.

" yeah......." He said and tried to looked like concentrated on driving, could have come with batter excuse that's what he thought.

" Why would she say that ? You are my husband, who is she to say that ? She doesn't have any right to say that okay....and it's you who made me pregnant then it should be you who is taking care of me......that doctor, I'm not gonna leave can she brainwash my husband.....If not you then who will stay by my side ? Who will look after me ? Omg...what will i do without you Arjun " priya almost started to cry after speaking all this in one go.

Arjun widened his eyes in shock, she didn't get what he meant in fact she misunderstood his words.

" don't took my words in the wrong way..... what i meant was ......." Before he could complete priya spoke.

" now I'm taking everything wrong huh.......yeah of course you will say that you don't love right ? Because I'll get fat in a few days and you already lost interest in me " saying this another cry left from her mouth.

At times piya can be worse than a kid, when she is having mood swings.


Arjun's face palmed mentally seeing priya's mood swings hitting her at the wrong time.

" Priya's doctor told me to avoid intercourse..... because it's the starting period of your you need ..... understood ?" Arjun blurred out.

Till now priya was blambring whatever comes in her mind, but as soon as arjun said those words, priya shut her mouth and widened her eyes in embarrassment.

Okay she was more shy than embarrassed.

" Okay " that's all she said and shifted her gaze outside.

After that none of them spoke anything and Arjun was thankful for that.

After a few minutes of driving they reached the entrance of their home, priya stepped out as arjun stopped the car in front of their home.

" Priya....... Take this medicine after eating something okay......i have some important work....need to go, will be back soon " arjun said handing her the medicine bag, priya took that, and was about to ask something but before that arjun drew off from there like if he's life was in danger.

Priya looked in the direction where he left, for a few minutes and went inside.

Driving far away from his home, Arjun helt the car under a tree shadow.

Getting himself free from the seatbelts, Arjun rested his head on the headrest of the car seat.

Closing him with deep breaths, Arjun let out his tears which he was joldi till now.

one after one, sliding through his cheeks, Slowly tears fell down from his eyes

" Your wife can't carry the child and if she did, then we can save only one life at the time of delivery".






" Her uterus is injured badly from some of her past accident "






" You have to choose between your wife and child "






" Choose between your wife and child"







" Wife or child "

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Arjun roared, not being able to control his emotions.

The Doctor's words kept running through his mind, giving him the feeling of living hell.

Arjun opened his eyes and took out the report which he previously put inside the car shelf.

Holding the report in his hand he again and again checked the report to make sure that whatever he heard from the doctor was right.

He was wishing the reports could have been a mistake or wrong but it was not.

The reports were true.

Truth of their unforgettable pain in future.


How's it ?

BTW I have created an account on instagram. And this is the first time that I'm using this type of social media 😂so just learning how to handle it.

Will post some of my book sneak peaks and promotions there.

Insta id :- aarti_shankar21

Do follow me there if anyone if you are there, only if you want to😄not a completion.

Thank you.

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