Silky Illusions

By Corazon___

710 13 24

After the war, Hogwarts welcomes eight year students for the first time. Harry Potter is hoping his final yea... More

0. Settings
1. Pinch Your Cheeks
2. In The Wind
3. Epiphany
4. Investigation Results
5. The Last Embrace
6. Waffles and Bacon
7. In The Wind Part 2
8. Pinocchio
9. Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
10. Holliday Plans
11. Yellow Tiles
12. Late Night Talk
13. Lemon and Sugar Crepes
14. In The Penal Colony
15. With Family
16. Happy Christmas
17. A Date For The Ball
18. Moony's Mission
19. Dancing In The Rain
21. Let Us Celebrate Peace
22. Goodbyes To Our Home
23. Manhattan (Epilogue)

20. Paris

16 0 0
By Corazon___

Minerva got up, inviting her colleagues to do so and leave.

"I'll join you later," uncomfortably answered Lupin, "I still have some business to do here."

They did not ask questions, but the Headmistress' glare was clear: he ought to be there for supper. He checked his watch. This left him with around one and a half hour to get things straight with the Minister of Magic.

"What is it?" Asked Kingsley once they were alone.

Remus sighed, took out the name list again and pointed a name. He then looked up.

"He's supposed to be dead."

The Minister smiled softly. "I'm sorry, I should've organised a meeting with you and Sirius a few months ago already..."


"Calm down, Remus. He was under the Ministry's protection."

"For 21 years?!"

Shacklebolt slowly nodded. "I discovered it recently while sorting out some old files. He apparated in Harold Minchum's office, in a rough state. He was with an House-Elf, asking to be transported to a safe house. He had betrayed the Dark Lord and was afraid of the reprisals."

"Why didn't he come back in 1981, after Voldemort had disappeared?"

"According to Millicent Bagnold's notes, he refused."

Why?" Remus frowned.

"Because he did not think that Voldemort was actually gone."

"He knew about the Horcruxes."

Kingsley slowly nodded. "We still didn't get the opportunity to bring him back."

"Where is he?"

"In a safe house, in France. I believe he works in a cafe in magical Paris."

"Paris uh..."

"Don't bother with it. I'll send aurors to bring him back."

"I want to be in."

"You can't, you need to stay at Hogwarts."

"I promised Sirius I'll bring him back. Someone can replace me."

"There's no point in-"


The Ministry sighed. "If Minerva accepts and finds a suiting substitute teacher."

"Thanks." He smiled before leaving the room.

Remus appeared in the Headmistress' office in a green flash.

"Minerva, I need to go on a mission in France."


"I don't know yet."


"To bring back someone."


He sighed and handed the crumpled sheet. Her eyes widened. Remus decided it might be better to explain everything he had discovered today. After thirty long minutes, the story was done and Minerva's cheeks crossed by wet strands. She slowly nodded.

"I understand that you want to leave, it's a family matter, after all... Who do you think could replace you?"

"I thought of Sirius at first but..."

She shook her head. "He won't be able to, not in this situation."

Moony nodded. "Maybe Tonks would agree."


He acquiesced again. "She's the only one I can think of. Very talented, good with youngsters, member of the Order and Auror... I just need to convince her."

"I can take care of it, let's just hope that Kingsley will agree with lending one of his better officers."

"Thank you, Minerva."

"You're welcome." She paused and then smiled. "Well, maybe we should head to the Great Hall."


On the thirty-first of march, a green haired auror entered Remus' office.

"Tell me about what I'll need to do as a substitute teacher and pack your bags. Kingsley wants you ready to leave tomorrow at six."

"Good evening, Tonks. I'm good, thanks, what about you?"

She giggled. "Sorry, I'm good too."

"Alright, let's get to it then."

After an hour, they had reviewed everything and Remus was ready to leave. He also asked her to explain the situation to Harry, hoping he would not worry too much and headed to Pr. McGonagall's office to floo home. Once there, Sirius jumped into his arms.

"If you're here it means you're leaving soon, right?"

Remus nodded. "Tomorrow morning."

"I wish I could come with you..."

"Think about your cousin, Padfoot."

"I know, I know."

Helping Narcissa with the divorce and getting back her maiden name was tedious, but they were was slowly finding ways. In no time, she and Draco would be named Black too.

"Any improvement, by the way?"

"I think that Lucius is going to give up soon."



At six, Remus had apparated at the Ministry. He was wearing a long wool coat and in his left pocket was a small pouch full of one month worth of supplies.

"Ah, Remus. Right on time. Let me introduce you to the two aurors who are going to accompany you. Harbor Armadill," a young man with matte skin, brown curly hair and blue eyes nodded, "and Lillian Kimura." A pale witch, who had short black hair and hazel almond eyes bowed slightly, looking at him with a cunning smile.

"Nice to meet you!" Harbor smiled, reaching out his hand.

Remus shook it and asked slyly. "Hufflepuff, right?"

Harbor blushed. He seemed shy, but Remus had heard of him. Top class at Hogwarts and during Auror training, his older brother had died during one of Voldemort's raids in Muggle London two years ago. But the other auror, he had never heard of. She smirked, visibly satisfied by the curiosity emerging from Remus.

"Nice to meet you." She then said.

She spoke with what seemed to by an American accent, but Lupin could hear something else behind it. Something way more subtle. He shook her hand and, smiling, asked:

"Are you of Japanese descent? "

Lillian sighed. "Yeah, you got me. On my dad's side."

"Where did you study? Your English is great."

"In Mahoutokoro for three years but I finished my studies in Illvermorny when my mom moved back in the US."


She laughed. "You're too good at this."

"Well, now that the presentations are over, maybe you should head to the Portkey Station. I believe the radio-portkey going to Paris is planned to leave at seven." Announced Kingsley.

The three wizards nodded and quickly left, chatting in the corridors. Remus looked at the twenty-two and twenty-six years old surrounding him. Gosh they were young... He hoped nothing too bad would happen in France. They had one month ahead of them to find their man. Kingsley had warned them. He was there according to a nineteen years old report, he could have moved a million times. Harold noticed his elder's frowned brows.

"Is everything okay?"

He shortly nodded. "I'm just worried he might have moved from there."

"I think he hasn't." Answered Lillian.

Both wizards turned to her.

"Why would he hide somewhere else if he was never found and if everyone thought he was dead?"

Remus smiled. "I hope you're right."

They had finally arrived in the big room where Portkeys were displayed. Remus checked his watch.

"We have ten minutes to leave, let's go to the counter ask where the radio is."

An old grumpy lady was sat behind the glass and marble counter. "E6." She grumbled when asked about the portkey's location.

The three wizards walked in the portkey maze. Five minutes later, they discovered the old radio. Remus checked his watch again.

"Oops, two minutes left. We'd better put our hands here."

They all grabbed the object and waited in silence until a they finally felt the uncomfortable but familiar pulling sensation. They landed in what looked like an internet cafe, except that there were no computers but landing and departing stations. Remus smiled. It probably had two entrances, one for wizards wishing to travel and another one for muggles.

Lillian and Harbor were looking around, curiously eyeing the French speaking wizards, trying to guess what they were saying. It only took thirty seconds for them to realise the big mistake Kingsley had made. They turned towards their elder and mumbled:

"Can you speak French?"

Moony paled. "Can't you two?"

They shook their heads and he sighed loudly. "I'll try my best."

"So you can speak?" Harbor's face lit up.

"Er... Kind of. My partner spent some time in France growing up and he's taught me the basics." He paused, sighing again. "I'll kill Kingsley when we come back."

The two aurors laughed, relieved.

Remus reached out his hand. "File please."

Harbor gave him the heavy folder full of parchments and he started scanning trough them until finding what he was looking for: a map. He handed it to Lillian and pursued his searches. After a few minutes, he hummed.

"Found it!" He cheered. "Lillian, try to find 'Le Doux Serpent' on the map."

"How do you write that?" She whined.

"L, E then D, O, U, X, and afterwards S, E, R-"

"I think I found it."

He checked and nodded. "Harbor, can you help her find an itinerary that would not make us pass trough Muggle Paris? I'll go ask the receptions if they know anything about the pub."

The two aurors nodded and he left, hoping he'd hear more about the cafe owner he was desperately looking for. Discovering the pub's name had given him some hope. "The Sweet Snake." It matched the sweet Slytherin he was looking for perfectly.

"Excusez-moi." He shyly asked.

The receptionist looked at him suspiciously, before answering in an approximative English.

"You'reuh not from hereuh?"

Remus scratched the back of his neck and shook his head. She looked at him up and down.

"What areuh you, uh, searching foreuh?"

"Le Doux Serpent."

"Oh, the cafey? It's at fiveuh minutes from hereuh."

"Lovely. Do you know anything about the employees?"

"Only the ownereuh. He has one eye and, uh, he is English... Also." She answered disdainfully.

"Thank you madam."

"You'reuh, uh... Welcomeuh. Au revoir."

He felt exhausted by their exchange, this lady was really hard to understand. Her R's were so dry, and she always accentuated the E's in a weird way. He sighed. At least he did not have to speak French.

"How did it go?" Shyly tried Harbor while his partner was scribbling on the map.

"She spoke English... Kind of."

Harbor chuckled and Lillian handed the map which was now crossed with a red line.

Remus' eyes widened. "She told me it was five minutes away."

"That's if you use muggle transportation." Sighed Lillian. "Their underground isn't as good as ours, but it would have helped. Why don't you want us to try the muggle way?"

"We're on unknown field, if somebody attacks we need to be able to defend ourselves."

The two youngsters looked at each other and shrugged. They could not imagine anyone trying to attack them, but there was no use discussing with Remus.

"So," asked the latter, "how much time is it going to take?"

"About twenty minutes." Answered Lillian.

He looked at his watch. "Great, we'll be there at nine."

"Nine? But it's not even eight..." Voiced Harbor, confused.

"Harbie," sighed Lillian, "there's one more hour here, remember?"

He looked at the big clock hanging on one of the walls and blushed.

Twenty minutes later, the three wizards were standing in front of an... Almost good looking cafe. The building was very tall and thin, made of red bricks. A green wooden door was in the centre, surrounded by two large windows. Remus took a deep breath, and entered. The room smelled like leather and coffee. "I was expecting a cigarettes and booze smell." He thought, startled. He looked around. There were three customers, one was reading the newspapers and the two others discussing over a hot coffee. He also spotted a waitress cleaning the tables, and a man standing behind the counter.

"Let's sit down for now." He whispered to his colleagues.

They chose a table close to the door, as Remus was being cautious. "He's an ex-Death Eater", he had said, "we can never be too prudent."

The waitress came by five minutes after they sat down, asking for their order. Lillian and Harbor did not miss the deep breath their elder took before answering.

"Trois cappuccinos , s'il vous plait."

When she left, the two aurors busted out laughing. Remus' face was Gryffindor red. About two minutes later, three steaming cups of coffees were levitating in their direction and he had calmed down.

"So," began Lillian, "what do you know about our man?"

"Well the Station's lady told me he only has one eye, considering that he isn't a cyclops, he's probably one-eyed. But he might be wearing a prosthetic eye, like Mad-Eye Moody."

She sighed and her friend patted her shoulder. After thirty good minutes, they were done with their drinks and no one-eyed wizard had made an apparition. Remus had used revealing charms both on the waitress and the barman, without success.

"What do we do?" Asked Harbor.

"Walk around hoping to find him or some information. We'll then eat something, then search some more. If we don't find anything, we'll come here around four for a tea, if he isn't there we'll find a place to sleep at and try again tomorrow."

"Should we search separately?" Questioned Lillian.

Lupin shook his head. "You can't speak French and don't know what he looks like, it would be no use."

They silently nodded and getting up, he pursued: "Let's go."

Today was the first of May, and therefore a public holiday for the muggles, but magical Paris was extremely animated. The trio was able to visit many places, and gather a lot of information. They all described the wizard in a similar way: a slender, pale man with long black hair he wore in a bun and an eyepatch.

"He always wears long sleeves, there are rumours it's because he misses an arm, other say it's because he's heavily scarred." Had whispered a witch they had met. Hopefully, she spoke English amazingly as she had studied at Illvermorny. Understanding the situation, she suggested she could be their guide and translator.

She stayed with the British aurors, wandering around France hoping to find their man. Her skin was ebony and her hair braided with white strings. Her name was Alina. After three weeks spent together searching, they decided it might be better to go back to Paris. They arrived in the morning and, discouraged, decided to have a coffee at Le Doux Serpent, hoping that the owner had came back after their weeks of absence.

Remus fell on his knees when, entering the leather scented place, his eyes crossed a grey one, looking at him from behind the counter. The tall man looked at him in surprise, as his mouth opened.

"Remus?" He whispered. "Is that you, Remus?"

His voice was hoarse, and his employees jumped at its sound. Lillian guessed he did not speak often. She looked at him scrupulously, as Harbor and Alina helped their friend get up. The wizard matched the descriptions they had gathered perfectly. He started walking in their direction and she drew out her wand discretely. One could never be too sure. But the usually cautious Remus did not think about it twice, and when the man was a meter away, he hugged him tight.

"Regulus! I'm so happy to see you."

The two wizards broke apart.

"Why are you here? Is Sirius alright?"

"He's alright, yes. But I need to talk to you."

"Let's go to the back, your friends can take a coffee in the meantime, it's on the house."

"Thank you Mr. Black." Answered Harold.

Regulus smiled softly and walked towards the bar, closely followed by his friend. Once behind the counter, a door appeared. Behind it was a smaller room with two chairs and a bar.

"Unusual." Said Lupin.

"It changes depending on the occasion."

"Like the Room of Requirements?"

Regulus winked. "Kind of. Make yourself comfortable."

Once they both had sad down and had a drink in hand, Remus was able to start his story.

"Why didn't anyone tell Sirius once Voldemort had disappeared? I asked them to!"

"He was imprisoned..."

"In Azkaban?!"

Remus slowly nodded.

"Why?" Yelled Regulus, clenching his jaw. He could not believe it.

"Everyone thought that Sirius was Lily and James' secret keeper, but it was Peter."

"The chubby boy?"

"Yes, but since everyone thought it was Sirius, he was considered a traitor and... Well. Peter managed to escape, until the truth was resolved a few years ago. I think the Minister did not tell him about you because of your own security, and the message was not passed down to the other Ministers. The new one discovered that you were still alive because we're looking for the wizards who helped win the Second Wizarding War. There will be a ceremony in a week. That's why I'm here: to bring you back."

"How many time did he spend there? Ten?"


Regulus sighed. The two wizard kept silent for a few minutes until he finally asked the awaited question.

"When the Ministry reached to me in 81, they were talking about James and Lily's boy... What, what happened to him?"

"He defeated Voldemort almost a year ago."

"But the Dark Lord, he used Horcruxes..."

"He destroyed them all."

"So he really is gone." Regulus gulped. "What was the boy's name again?"

"Harry, his name is Harry. You really didn't follow the news."

Regulus shook his head. "Harry... Potter. Do you personally know him?"

Remus bursted out of laughter. "If I know him? Reg, he's been living with Sirius and I! Sirius is his godfather."


"Don't you remember how close he and James were?"

"Well..." Black paused, hesitant. "I felt better when hanging out with you and Lily. I didn't have many friends... And I felt like they were more brothers that we'd ever be."

Lupin sighed dreamily. "Good times it was, studying together while he and James were doing stupid things and then begging us to help them with their homework."

"His stupidity did not stop you from falling in love."

Remus froze. "You had noticed?"

"Of course I had!" Chuckled Regulus. "It's not because I'm a year younger than you all that I'm stupid."

His friend smiled softly. "Of course not."

"By the way... You said Pott-"

"Call him Harry."

"Alright, Harry, lives with the two of you? Does this mean that your love was reciprocated?"

"Well," Remus's cheeks had heated and were now a light pink, "after we managed to innocent him, he asked me if I could join him at 12, Grimmauld Place because he would feel alone otherwise. He couldn't imagine that Harry would want to join him too. Since then, we've been sticking together."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yes, it was reciprocated."

"Great, he's a bit less stupid than before I guess."

Lupin chuckled. "Not sure about that."

An hour later, they were back to the coffee place's main room, a travel bag floating next to Regulus.

"Axel, Myra. J'aurai besoin que vous vous occupiez du café pendant deux semaines. Je dois aller au Royaume-Uni."

The waitress sighed. "Bien sûr patron, on commence à avoir l'habitude de toute façon."

Regulus snorted.

"You look embarrassed." Noted his friend.

"I asked them to take care of the coffee place and she said she's starting to get used to it." He sighed.

"Do you leave often?"

"Kind of."

They met the three other wizards, Lilian got up as soon as she saw them.

"Ready for take off?" She smiled.

Twenty minutes later, they had parted ways with Alina and were waiting for a portkey at the Station. Regulus rubbed his hands and let out a sigh.

"Ahhhh, I'm nervous. It's been so long since I haven't been there."

"Twenty-one years." Grumbled Remus. "You'll have to take Sirius' wrath on your own."

"What? Why?"

Lupin shook his head and started laughing. "I need to go back to Hogwarts."

"Alright... Will it be okay for me to stay at your place?"

"Well, 12 Grimmauld Place was what you used to call home, right?"

Regulus smiled softly and nodded. Right, he was going home. After so many years, he was finally able to come back to his family.

"Will you introduce me to Harry Potter?"

"Of course."

"Is he like Lily?"

Remus scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. "Sorry to disappoint you but he's even more reckless than James."

His friend let out a soft laugh. "I'll have to see for myself."

"By the way, Regulus..." He seemed to hesitate.


"Harry," he paused again, "Harry still feels very conscious about the war. And guilty. We lost a lot of people there... Don't ask him about it too much, alright?"

Regulus put a hand on his friend shoulder and nodded before looking at his watch. Their Portkey was scheduled to leave in three minutes. Lilian and Harbor were already holding the old horseshoe, waiting for them a couple of meters away. He and Remus crossed the distance quickly and took a hold on the piece of rusty metal. When there were only a few seconds left, Regulus could not help but let out a whisper: "Bon voyage."

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