Silky Illusions

By Corazon___

735 13 24

After the war, Hogwarts welcomes eight year students for the first time. Harry Potter is hoping his final yea... More

0. Settings
1. Pinch Your Cheeks
3. Epiphany
4. Investigation Results
5. The Last Embrace
6. Waffles and Bacon
7. In The Wind Part 2
8. Pinocchio
9. Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
10. Holliday Plans
11. Yellow Tiles
12. Late Night Talk
13. Lemon and Sugar Crepes
14. In The Penal Colony
15. With Family
16. Happy Christmas
17. A Date For The Ball
18. Moony's Mission
19. Dancing In The Rain
20. Paris
21. Let Us Celebrate Peace
22. Goodbyes To Our Home
23. Manhattan (Epilogue)

2. In The Wind

40 1 4
By Corazon___

The men's changing room's door was wide open. It seemed empty to Harry but he peeked in just in case. In front of him, a tall blond man was changing. He had his back turned, and what a back. He could not help but stare.

Draco's pale skin and sharp muscles disappeared under a t-shirt. "Enjoying the view, Potter?"

Harry looked up. In the mirror, Draco was smirking at him.

"I was just looking to see if someone else was here, it's not what you think! I wasn't looking at you..."

"Of course, of..." He paused. "Potter, what the hell? Your nose is bleeding again. For Merlin's sake, let's go to the Hospital Wing..." He said, walking. towards Harry - who was so surprised by the sudden worry that he could not move.

"Potter! Your nose."

Harry got back to his senses. "Let's just be content with the muggle way." He said, rushing towards a sink.

The blood slowly stopped dripping and he finished washing his face. He took a sip of potion then turned to Draco.

"Now, will you tell me what that sudden panic was all about?"

Draco's cheeks reddened slightly as he lowered his look. "Well, er... I figured out that you guys might be right and that we shouldn't fight anymore..."

Not getting any answer, he looked at Harry who's jaw had dropped. The latter got his senses together and responded. "That doesn't answer my question."

"Maybe I didn't answer because I don't have anything to say." He backfired.

Harry could not help but laugh at his reaction.

"What is it?" Pouted Draco.

"Nothing," answered Harry with a light smile, "let's fly."

Draco nodded and they both headed out, their hair ruffled by the strong autumn wind.


"Where's Harry?" Asked Hermione when Ron arrived in the Great Hall.

"I don't know," he yawned, "probably on his broomstick somewhere in the park."

"In this weather? He must be crazy."

"Well, that's how our Harry is, remember?"

She smiled at her friend. Sometimes, she missed their relationship... But she knew in her heart that they were meant to be friends and that what she missed was not her relationship with Ron, but having a boyfriend. He was very sorry when they broke up, and lost. But Hermione did her best to understand and helped him as much as she could. He was her friend before and after all.


"Let's see who can catch it first." Said Harry, freeing the Snitch. 

Draco nodded. "On three. " He then said. "One, two... three!"

The race started and they both took off. Harry had an obvious advantage with his Firebolt but Draco was not planning to abandon. "I'll show him what I can do."

The cold wind was messing up their hair while they were flying, one trying to exceed the other. For the first time, Draco genuinely enjoyed being on his broom. Usually, he would find it thrilling and would want to win no matter what, but this time, it was different. It was not only about competition, it was about the moment, and his heart was lighter than ever.

Harry took a rough turn on the left, avoiding the goals while Draco flew trough the main one. For a moment, he thought that this little mistake would make him lose, but he did not give up.

Harry looked behind him, Draco was almost catching up. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed that, instead of a frowning and sending him death glares like when they were having a match, Draco was displaying a soft smile. Harry was so startled that he did not react when Draco suddenly dived. When his soft smile changed into a big victory grin as he caught the Snitch, he turned back, excited to see Harry's probably shocked expression, but he was not right behind him: he was still a few meters away, his mouth wide open.

"Why are you so far? Did you stop?" Draco's blood was boiling, and Harry slowly nodded.

"Why?" He protested, flying in his direction.

"Why aren't you like you usually were?"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't look upset, like you used to be when chasing the Snitch... You were smiling." Harry could feel his cheeks warm up.

"Well, I was... Having fun."

He looked up and was surprised to see Draco showing a wide grin. He slowly nodded, and the grin disappeared.

"However, this doesn't count as a victory since you stopped." He spelled a quick Tempus. "But we don't have enough time to pursue this little game."

"How can I make up to you?" Responded Harry in a sarcastic tone, a smirk on his face.

"Let's meet next week and rematch."

Harry nodded, and with a soft smile on his face, held out his hand. "The match is reported to next week then."

Draco shook his hand. "Yes, it is."


"What were you doing again, Harry?" Said Hermione as soon as he arrived, her eyebrows frowned in worry.

"After yesterday's events I really needed to let off some steam, so I went out and flied for some while."

"Told you 'Mione." Chuckled Ron. "But in this weather? Mate you're crazy."

Harry laughed at his friends, after so many years, they were used to his weird habits but would still worry every time.

"Did your nose bleed again?" Asked Hermione, whispering.

He nodded. "Nothing too bad though, I fixed it the muggle way." He stayed silent for a moment. "There's also something I need to tell you." Leaning forward, he started to count them his morning.

"You were flying with Malfoy?" Whispered Ron, horrified.

"I was."

His two friend's eyes were wide open, it was obvious that they were unsure of what to think.

"So..." Started Hermione. "Does that mean he accepted our proposition?"

Harry nodded. "He said he thinks we're right, and that we shouldn't fight anymore."

The delicate redness of his cheeks did not go unnoticed, but his friends chose not to mention it. In fact, even if they had wanted too, they would not have had the time.

"Potter, Granger, Weasley. May I?"

They turned their heads in surprise, and as Harry slowly nodded, Draco sat next to him.

"Blaise and Pansy should join us in no time."

The three Gryffindors nodded, but stayed silent, sharing confused glares. Malfoy was right, his friends arrived a couple of minutes later. Zabini sat next to Hermione, and Parkinson made her way around the table to sit with the two Seekers.

"Er... So... What are you three doing here?" Slowly asked Hermione, her brows joined in worry.

"Well... If you still agree we would like to..." Draco paused, unsure, and looked at his best friends for encouragement. After a quick nod from both of them, he pursued. "Be your friends."

"We talked about stopping our silly fights not becoming frien..."

"Ron." Interrupted Hermione. She then sighed.

"What Ron was trying to say," carefully tried Harry, "is that even though we don't want to fight anymore, it would be difficult to be friends with people who diminished us for years."

Draco took a deep breath. "This is why I would like to present you my most sincere apologies."

"I apologise too." Pansy paused and looked at Harry. "And, I'm sorry I gave false information to Rita Skeeter in fourth year... I know it was very childish."

"I also apologise." Quickly said Blaise. It seemed like, even though he was the least disdainful of the trio, he was the proudest. His sincerity was hard to tell behind the arrogant look he was still wearing, but Hermione was intrigued... Because when he apologised, his mask broke for a second. And the curious witch she was was determined to know why, and what was under it.

The six of them were quiet, and it made them realise that they were attracting glares. Students and teachers were staring at the weirdly composed group. The Slytherins quickly got up.

"Well," concluded Draco, "we're going to have breakfast at our table and since it's Sunday, perhaps we could... Hang out later?"

Before Harry could open his mouth, Hermione answered: "Well, Harry and Ronald still haven't started their potion essay."

Blaise laughed. "It's okay, Draco and Pansy can help them. And you... Could go on a walk with me?"

Hermione blushed but quickly shook her head to make the colours disappear. Only her best friend had seen it. "Why not," she smiled, "it would be boring to watch them study anyway..."


"Blaise, we were supposed to meet the three of them at the same time! What were you thinking?" Complained Pansy once they were sat at the edge of their table, away from the other students.

"Well... I thought that since the two others had their homework to do we'd have missed the opportunity to, you know... Investigate."

"And that's why you set up yourself a date?" Hissed Malfoy.

His best friend chuckled. "Please see this from another point of view, Drake! You could each tutor one of them. They'd be split out and we'd execute the plan in one vs one instead of three vs three. We already know what who needs to ask to who anyway."


"So, who's the worst in potions?" Asked Pansy maliciously. The two best friends pointed their finger at each other, which made her and Draco chuckle.

"Well, I might be a tiny bit behind Harry." Mumbled Ron.

"I'm not much better though."

Pansy cleared her throat, "Since Drake's the best at potions, he'll take care of you, Weasley. Which leaves you," she turned to Harry, "to me."

The two Gryffindors slowly nodded, unsure of what would happen with them. Even if they knew they were not in danger, Ron was not completely trusting their tutors and could not avoid being a bit anxious. Harry squeezed his best friend's shoulder, lessening his stress.

"Well, since Pansy and I have very different ways of teaching, it might be better if we split."

Pansy nodded. "Follow me, Potter. I prepared everything to get you to understand The Draught of Living Death." She took Harry by the wrist before he could open his mouth, and he shared a last glare with Ron who was mouthing: "Good luck, mate."


"Hello, Hermione."

"Oh, hello Za... I mean, Blaise."

He smiled softly and offered his arm. "Let's walk a little bit, shall we?"

She chuckled and put her hand on his forearm. She did not know why she was playing along, she just knew she was intrigued. And when Hermione Granger was intrigued, she needed to know more.

They walked in silence, heading towards the lake. The leaves had started to change colours and the wind was blowing harder. Autumn was coming, and the weather was cooling down. "I should've put on something warmer, I hope it won't be too cold near the lake." Hermione was lost in her thoughts when Blaise broke the silence.

"Let's play a game."

She raised and eyebrow, waiting for more information.

"Let's ask each other questions. You start. If I answer, I can ask you a question too."

"Why not. No lies though."

"Lying to such a beautiful lady? I wouldn't even try."

She smiled. This was promising to be interesting.


"Now that we are alone, let's start. What don't you understand about the potion, Weasley?"

Ron looked up, frowning, trying to find an answer that would not upset the man sitting in front of him. Not that he did not want to annoy him, Harry and Hermione had made clear that they would make him regret it if he was not at the very least cordial. He sighed, how was he going to tell Malfoy that there was only one thing he understood: it was a sleep potion.

"Well," he started carefully, "what if you asked me what I understood instead?"

"What's with the politeness, Weasley?" Smirked Draco.

Ron sighed. "I think that you know Hermione enough to figure it out yourself. 'You shouldn't be mean to someone who accepted to help the disaster you are in potions.' she said." He answered, mimicking his friend's voice.

Draco snickered at the imitation. "So, what do you understand?"

"It's a sleeping potion."

"What else."

"I think there's a slot involved?"

He stared at Ron for a few seconds before stating: "A sloth. You really are a disaster in potions."


"Where are we going?" asked Harry.

"To the dungeons, obviously."

"Why couldn't we stay in the library?"

"Draco explained it, hasn't he? That we tutor differently."

"What is that even supposed to mean."

"Well, Drake is all about theory, which should suit Weasley. He won't be able to execute anything if he doesn't understand how the potion works anyway."

Harry nodded, waiting for Pansy to continue.

"I like... Practice." She winked and whispered: "Physical things."

Harry felt his cheeks redden. What was going to happen to him? "Wait. You're with Ginny. Why are your cheeks red. Focus on Ginny." He shook his head to clear his mind and followed her in their potion's classroom.

She turned to him "I specially asked Pr. Snape to use the classroom, and got everything ready."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Snape accepted that improvised tutoring?"

Pansy chuckled. "Of course he has, even if he always makes us go trough hell he actually likes it when his students try their best."

"Well, let's do so then."

They had to start with the infusion of wormwood. Harry lift up the flask and inspected the green liquid, then poured it in the cauldron under his tutor's inspection. She kept giving him instructions and making sure that he would follow them, letter by letter. The powdered root of asphodel, the sloth brain, the sopophorous bean juice, and even the stirs, everything had been done perfectly, and the potion had turned into a pale lilac.

"That's the intended colour. Well done, Potter. Now, why don't you try it?"

Harry froze. What did she mean about trying it? "Isn't that dangerous?"

"Don't worry, I have the antidote right here." She put a flask on the table, but he still was not sure.

"How do I know this is reliable?"

"Snape gave me this antidote he concocted himself. And he knows we're here, if something happens to you, I'll be considered responsible."

Harry did not know why, but he decided to trust her. Carefully, he swallowed a drop of the liquid. Everything went black.

The next thing he could feel was lips brushing against his. He jumped away only to be able to see Pansy's smile.

"How do you feel?"

"What where you doing?"

"Administering you the Wiggenweld Potion, obviously."

"You were kissing me."

"Haven't you heard of that Prince and Princess story?"

"The Sleeping Beauty?"


"Nevermind. Does it have to be administered like that?"

"No, but it was more dramatic that way."

Harry sighed. Parkinson was really something else.

"You're explaining this to Ginny." He stated, and the Slytherin went livid.


The second year Gryffindor was out of breath. "Weasley!"

Ginny turned towards her, a bit lost. What was happening?

"That's me." She answered, trying to hide her curiosity.

"My friends and I just saw Potter kissing a Slytherin in the dungeons!"

Ginny frowned. "Harry would never do something like that, would he?"

"Thanks for the information, I'll take care of this. And please don't talk about it, we don't need rumours running around the castle."

The blond girl nodded and went back to her friends. Ginny could see her explaining that it was a secret, threatening them. It made her smile.

Neville, who she was talking with when the girl came, put a hand on her shoulder. "Want me to come with you?"

She nodded. Something was off.


"I thought you two weren't together anymore!"

"What do you mean?"

Pansy was regaining colours little by little. "I mean that I haven't seen you two hang out for some good time, everybody thought it was over."

"Well, it's not." Cut a third voice.

Pansy's face became paler than ever when she noticed the witch in the doorway.

Harry turned around. "Gin!"

She entered the room, quickly followed by Neville.

"A second year ran to me saying that Harry was kissing a Slytherin."

"Well, actually," started Pansy carefully, "I didn't kiss him I just administered him the antidote from lip to lip."

Everybody stayed silent, so she pursued. "I didn't know he was in a relationship and thought it would be funny to make him panic a little."

Ginny sighed. "And now what?"

Pansy looked at the ground. "And now I'm sorry. I don't feel anything about Potter, I just wanted to prank him." She paused then whispered: "I'm not even into men anyway."

Harry and Ginny were the only ones who heard that last sentence and shared a concerned look.

"Well, we'll leave you two to this tutoring." Concluded Ginny. She gave her boyfriend a peck on the cheek and turned around.

"Are you sure that this is okay?" Asked Pansy after the two Gryffindors had left.

"Gin is not dumb, and she's very understanding. Things will be alright, I'm sure she understood the situation."

Pansy nodded, but stayed silent. She looked guilty.

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