Draco's Hufflepuff

By PolkaDotsrg

132K 2.6K 454

Draco Malfoy is an arrogant, rich, overall bully. But what if he never cracked? What if his tough exterior me... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six (spicy)
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three (Spicy)
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine


3K 59 0
By PolkaDotsrg

Draco's POV

How am I? Who does she think she is? Asking me questions like that. And what was Potter up to? When Snape walked in I realized which classroom I had walked into.

"Good Afternoon, Draco." He said lowly.

I nodded at him. "Hi professor."

"Catching up on homework I suppose?"

I didn't want to tell him I was avoiding a girl so I just nodded once again.

"Oh yeah, I was making sure I had the right ingredients for the..." I trailed off and awkwardly furrowed my eyebrows.

"Forgetfulness potion?" Snape inquired slyly.

I let out a small laugh. "Good one professor-Er I can't remember though so... see you in class."

I walked out quickly before he could ask anymore questions. The hallways weren't busy. No morons I had to maneuver around. I climbed out of one of the archways to the courtyard and met up with Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy was there as well.

"Hi Draco, how are you?" She asked as I approached.

I hesitated a little but it was just long enough for Pansy to furrow her dark brows.


"I-I'm fine." I said quickly, sitting on a cold concrete bench.

I shook off the odd feeling I had had and tried to put my normal demeanor back on. The collar of my shirt was a bit tight so I loosened it and leaned back against the wall behind us. I studied Crabbe who had a vacant expression, and then Goyle who was watching a butterfly float by Pansy's head.

"Potter's up to something."

"Isn't he always?" Pansy interrupted.

I tried to turn my attention fully to Crabbe and Goyle so she got the hint I wasn't really talking to her.

"A hufflepuff girl knows something about it."

Goyle smirked and looked at Crabbe.

"I can get her to talk." Pansy said.

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. Then I relaxed my shoulders realizing it wasn't such a bad idea. If Pansy could get to hufflepuff girl then I'd know what Potter was up to and then I could tell Umbridge or Snape all about it.

I gave Pansy a small smirk and nodded. "Not a bad idea Parkinson."

A small blush came across her cheeks. She really sat in the palm of my hand. I wouldn't complain about the attention she gave me. It was great and all. It was just shallow. What made her even like me? Yeah I'm a pureblood and I have money. Well actually, yeah I see why she likes me.

"What's her name?" She asked.

"Westworth." I answered.

"Her first name, Draco."

I paled a bit. "Angela? Amy? I can't remember. Jack's her brother."


I shook off my subconscious and stuck to what I said.

"Oh Jack Westworth! The mudblood from slytherin whos always snogging his girlfriend in the halls."

I nodded.


"I think I know his sister, she's in our year right?"


I took a deep breath still trying to calm my nerves about the Hufflepuff girl. Besides having filthy blood, something bothered me terribly about her. What was she playing at? If anything...

She was too... nice.

Amelia is her name.

Now my subconscious wouldn't shut up about her.

A couple of puny first years walked by and when they saw me-or us- they hurried off in another direction. There was a strange squealing noise and it took me a while to realize it was Pansy. She got up and with a mouthful of biscuits said: "We've got to get to class."

I looked up at the clock and got up. I went to class with them following behind me.


Amelia's POV

I was finally early to Charms today. I sat relaxed and ready to learn. A strong smell of floral scented perfume filled the air and I scrunched my nose up at it. It wasn't all that pleasant.

Pansy Parkinson took her seat just as class began.

After a few charms and wand waving I was starting to fall asleep.

"Miss Westworth." Flitwick called.

I jolted upright and looked at him which caused my glasses slide off my nose. I really needed to tighten them.

"Yes professor?"

"Can you show the class the proper waving technique?"

I quickly glanced at my book and held my wand up. I moved it through the air clumsily and Flitwick cringed a bit.

"Very well, work on that."

I nodded and sighed quietly.

A few loud whispers from my left side caught my attention. Pansy was talking to her friends and when she saw me looking, gave me a small devilish smirk. She said something else and they all erupted in giggles.

I felt myself start to feel conscious and tried to look away but she just got louder. I only heard bits and pieces.

"A mudblood."

"Right, and in Slytherin, what a disgrace."

"She's not a charmer." "Obviously."

"He's gonna get expelled."

"No I don't think they'll graduate."

"She definitely belongs in Hufflepuff."

They were talking about me and Jack. It took everything in me to not run out of the classroom. I didn't want to hear it. Those girls were mean to everyone. It shouldn't have bugged me so much but it did. I couldn't focus anymore and I wanted class to be over.

Little did I know that staying in this class could've saved me from being hurt.

I walked out quickly not bothering to adjust my glasses that were halfway down my face. A hard shoulder pushed me against the wall and I dropped everything I was holding. My glasses fell and I reached to grab them but they were suddenly crushed under a black shoe. I looked up to see Pansy smirking.

"You won't be needing those."

I reached for my wand but she kicked it across the floor.

"You won't be needing that either."

I got up and was surrounded by her and two other girls from Slytherin.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

She cupped her ear with her hand and leaned forward.

"What was that?"

It made me feel small. I wanted to hit her or at least run away and never come back.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"You know something."


"Harry Potter's up to something isn't he?"

"U-Uh no. I'm not even his friend I-"

"Oh shut up, you know something." She hissed.

I cursed myself for not being a better liar and looked down at the girls' shoes.

"So what is it? What is he hiding?"

"Did Malfoy put you up to this?"

Her face changed from angry to confused.

"No. Why would you think that."

"He tried to get me to tell him the same thing, there's nothing going on with Harry and Neville."

"So Neville's in this too? How many of you are there?"

I closed my eyes at the slip of my tongue and screamed internally.

"Please just let me go... and my glasses-"

"No! Tell me or it won't just be your glasses that are broken."

"There's nothing to tell!" I exclaimed.

She got angrier at my sudden outburst and pulled at my hair. The action forced me to the ground and I hit it hard. She started to step on me, or kick, I can't really remember. She was yelling crude things at me and all I could feel was pounding in my head. They pulled off my robe and my skirt flew up which made me even more humiliated. They laughed and laughed.

It went on for what felt like hours. No one came. The cold floor almost felt welcoming. Did I pass out?

I lay there. Silent tears falling off my cheeks. They walked away eventually but I didn't feel like getting up. I would definitely be feeling this for at least a week. The bruises were already forming.

A single pair of footsteps echoed in the hall and my eyes followed the noise to a pair of shoes, and then trousers, and then Malfoy's face. He stopped and seemed to start to walk away quickly.

"Please." I choked out.

He stopped. Then he walked away.

A few moments later another pair of footsteps sounded but I didn't look up. I decided to stop wallowing in my self pity and got myself to sit up. I pulled my sweater around myself as if trying to feel safe again. I closed my eyes trying to ground myself.

The footsteps got louder and eventually I opened my eyes to a pair of legs. Black shoes and trousers. Then a pale hand held out my wand.

I looked up at his face. His grey eyes and blonde hair perfectly in place.

"Well? Are you going to take it?" He asked sharply.

I jumped at his words and took my wand from his hand quickly. He stepped back and I realized he wasn't going to help me up. Typical.

I steadied myself against the wall and stood up. I looked like a mess. My hair was sticking up in every direction. My shirt was halfway tucked, my tights were ripped, my tie probably wasn't even facing the right way, and one of my shoes had fallen off.

"What happened to you?" He asked without a hint of sympathy.

I kept my eyes on the floor and they found their way to the pile of broken glass that used to be my glasses.

Malfoy's foot suddenly crushed what was left of them stepping towards me again. I looked up at his face.

His brows were together and his lips were in a flat straight line.

"Nothing I'm fine..." I answered quietly.

A sudden look of realization hit his face for some reason and he looked me over from my hair to my shoes. I felt self-conscious again and wondered how this day could get any worse. My hip was bruised and I put my hand over it to stop the aching.

"Was it Pansy?"

How did he know? Well of course. He set her up to do it.

"Why do you care?"

He sniffed sort of and his face turned back into a scowl.

"I don't."

I picked up my robe and pushed past him not even bothering to pick up what was left of my glasses.

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