Enemies to lover

Von Bellatrixsbitchh

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Rose(19) was left in the dark mansion with some of the most dangerous people in the Wizarding world. Would h... Mehr

Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note


315 18 23
Von Bellatrixsbitchh

Rose's POV
I woke up around 7 am, Today is the big day. Bella and I had just finished eating breakfast. My father was going to pick up the twins so Bella and I could get ready for the wedding.

Bella was going to go with Narcissa and Luna to get ready, and I was going to stay here with Ginny and Hermione. I don't know why I was nervous. Today is going to be perfect, everything will go as plan, right?.

"Are you excited?" Bella asks me and she puts a shoe on Sirius, the twins were now 5 months. "Of course, I'm very excited" I carried Andy and placed her in the stroller. I walked up to Bella and gave him a soft kiss. Sirius giggled at the action and clapped his hands, I kissed him on the cheek and went to prepare the baby's diaper bag.

"Baby Formula, diapers, baby food, clothes for 3 days, their outfits for the wedding, baby cream, and body wash. I'm missing something" I tell Bella "the extra pacifiers, their plushies, and their blankie," she says handing me the stuff. "I don't know what I would do without you" I giggled and pecked her lips.

"The feeding schedule is in the diaper bag, here are the outfits for the wedding, remember to not leave them alone in the bed or the sofa because they could f-" my dad interrupted me "sweetie I've raised 3 daughters and one I them was you, you would jump off sofas and bit almost everyone trusts me when I say I can handle them" I smiled and nodded "thank you".

Narcissa had left with Bella about five minutes ago. Ginny and Hermione were drinking wine. "You're getting railed today," Ginny said laughing, "Ginny!!, but yeah". Hermione started laughing uncontrollably. "Is she already drunk?" I asked Ginny "not at all, she's just dumb" Ginny says.

"Okay so let us do the makeup first then we do the hair," Hermione said. Hermione put my hair in a bun as Ginny put a cream on my face. "Now let's start".

They were already halfway with makeup, and we decided to take a break. "These star yogurt balls are so good, they melt in your mouth" Hermione and Harry say "are you eating my child's yogurt balls?" they both looked at each other then at me "but they taste so good," Harry says "okay fine, I'll just buy more next week".

After a 30 minute break, they go back to doing my makeup, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep a couple of times. "And we're doneeeee" Ginny says flopping herself on my bed. "My legs hurt terribly, Hermione your turn to do the hair part".

Hermione was good at doing hair, she had bushy hair so she could deal with my wavy one. The hair part was very fast. It was already 1 pm. The wedding was at 4 pm so we still have about 2 more hours to finish getting ready, 1 hour to get to the private beach where the wedding was taking place and an extra hour to make sure everything was in touch.

"Okay, now let's put on the dress" the dress was beautiful. It was also surprisingly comfortable. There was another shorter dress for when we start the normal party, then the rest of the stuff for the honeymoon is already placed back in our house in Paris.

"Okay now come on let's get on the Limo" Ginny and Hermione were both wearing beautiful emerald green dresses, that I and Bella chose. "Wine? Or whiskey?" Ginny asks "wine, whiskeys for the party. I get drunk easily and I don't want to trip while I walk down the aisle" I said. "You're going to love your wedding," Hermione says.

"How and when did you and Bellatrix start liking each other because the first time you guys met was very tragic," Ginny says "well, you see Bella had always been a very dominant person and well when I was in the cellar she would come down and give me attitude yet in a very attractive way" Hermione and Ginny looked at me and started laughing "I knew you liked dominant girls but wow. But it's very beautiful how you guys went from enemies to lovers" Hermione spoke.

"Yup, well then she started telling Voldemort things like, "I'll torture Rose, there's no need to call in a torturer" and then she wouldn't torture me and well Voldemort wasn't stupid so he called in the torturer. And there were many good deeds she made. Then they moved me to a room, and she uses to call me to hers so I would "pick up" her room" I emphasize "but truthfully I ended up doing more than just cleaning" I explained "like fucking" Ginny blurted out. "Yes, Ginny of course what else," Hermione tells Ginny.

"Wow, and you like it?" Ginny asks "of course, it was amazing well more than amazing. She's awesome at it. But we didn't always have sex, the start of our relationship was when we use to go stargazing and picnic dates. You know" I explained. "Awes that's adorable".

We had finally arrived at the wedding spot, it was very beautiful. "Rose!!" Ron said hugging me. "I'm so excited for you, and the food" I laughed "we are all technically marking Bella, we come as a pack" George and Fred said. "He's not wrong," Harry said. "And your technically marrying Narcissa too" Hermione added. "She's not wrong," Narcissa said walking up to me "you look so beautiful," she said hugging me. "I can't wait for you and Bella to see each other".

"Bumabuhja" I hear a baby say. I turned around and see Andromeda. "Hey baby, come here" she extended her arms signalling me to take her out of the stroller. I carried her and fir a bit. Then I carried Sirius who kept talking "gogomaba" for a moment I thought he had said mama but then realized he said maba and I are sure that isn't a word. "Mama," I said, letting him placed his hand in my mouth. They say that when you talk and kids placed their hands on your mouth it helps them talk.

"It's time," Narcissa told me. "I'm nervous" I blurted out "it's okay, I was feeling out the day of my wedding. But it's a beautiful feeling when you're in love. When you see your lover on the other side of the aisle. I had to redo Bellas make up 3 times because she kept crying happy tears"

I held my father's hand and took a deep breath. "It's alright munchkin, she's waiting for you" I smiled and looked up trying not to cry. "Dint cry or you'll look like the Llorona, are you ready?" I laughed and nodded. They started playing the wedding song.

As soon as I stepped into the aisle I made eye contact with her. Her dress was beautiful, looked similar to mines but in black. I looked back to her eyes, her deep dark eyes. They once held many mysteries but now they're stories and secrets she has told me. The eyes that I once never wanted to see but now I can't go a minute without seeing them.

The memories of us rushed through my brain.
"Come let us stand by the river, take off your shoes and socks so you could feel the ground," Bellatrix said as we walked there, we were both barefoot feeling the smooth grass "the lake is so beautiful" Bellatrix giggles, I then feel myself falling in the river "BELLATRIXXXX" we were both laughing so hard. "You should have seen your face" Bellatrix said laughing even harder "come on help me I don't know how to swim" I lied "okay fine" as soon as I grabbed her hand I pushed her in the river with me "ROSEEEE I don't know how to swim" She pouted as she struggles to float. "This is so much deeper than I thought," she says still struggling "come let me hold you" I wrap my hands around her waist as she wraps her hands around my neck, we stayed there silently hugging each other in the river, I felt comfortable, cozy, wonderful the words were infinite "Thank you" I whispered, "it was nothing". I see a grin form in Bellatrix's face "what are you-" she pushes away and starts splashing me with water I started splashing her. We both laughed at how immature we looked.

I felt like I was about to cry, it's one of my favourite memories. I couldn't wait to hug her. I couldn't stop smiling, I noticed her eyes getting watery too.

Once my father left me in front of her she held my hands. "Gone soft Bellatrix," I said smirking "mhm don't think I won't crucio you just because you're my wife" she said jokingly, recreating that moment years ago when the word was girlfriend instead of a wife.

"On this day June 4 would you Bellatrix Lestrange take Rose Redd as your wife?" the guy asked "yes, I do" he looks at me now "will you Rose Redd take Bellatrix Black as your wife?" I smiled "no" everyone gasped "I'm joking, of course, I would" we both started laughing. "You may k-" I pulled Bellatrix into a kiss, very deep, sensational, lovingly kiss. We both pulled away and remember people were watching us. "Let us leave it for later" she whispers, I giggled.

We all went inside so we could start the after-party. All the decorations were perfect. I sat next to Bella at the desk that was in the front of the room that was for both of us. "So, we planned on saying a few words," Harry says by the microphone. I facepalmed knowing this was going to be embarrassing. "Okay so I'll start, to be honest, I thought you were never going to get married because you had a very strong attitude. Like if someone messed with you, you would swing at them" everyone started laughing at the words Harry said. "But well now you're married and have two wonderful kids, which I'm sorry for eating their yogurt balls, sorry Sirius and Andy. I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, for being there for me all the time. For helping me not get in trouble with Mcgonagall, sorry Minnie" he says looking at Minerva. "Well if I were to say everything then I'll be here forever. Bellatrix, thank you for taking care of my sister, you make her smile a lot and she loves you a lot. She won't stop talking about how much she loves you, and when you aren't around she won't stop talking about how much she misses you. Anyways I love you guys and wish both of you the best".

He passes the microphone to Ginny "Well, where don't start. I wrote what I was going to say, wait" she takes a paper out and starts reading it. "Okay so, years ago when we met on our second year at Hogwarts I remember the 2nd year girl that wore her hair into two braids, running in the Hallways trying to catch Ronald and Harry who had taken away your chocolate bar. Of course, they were unsuccessful because you were very fast. All of you would end up on the floor trying to see who gets the bar. Well, I always looked up to you, you were amazing at Quidditch and still are, I remember memorizing that saying you use to say "you can always do more than you think you can" and honestly it matches every situation u can think of. Well every time I have a game and I feel like it's too late to win I remember myself and somehow in such little amount of time, we end up winning. You've been like an older sister ever since I met you. I love both of you tremendously. Anyways you owe me 20 dollars because I told you, you were going to have twins first. I'm joking" we all started laughing at the speech. This was very funny.

"Bloody hell, I never knew I would be here. I never expected any of you both to get married" Draco said laughing. "Well let me start, to my aunt Bellatrix, you've always been a very scary woman and I always thought someone needed to have a lot of patience to marry you. But I also always knew you had a soft spot, just never mention it because knew I would have gotten crucio. Thank you for giving me to baby cousins. They are very beautiful and adorable, they also bite a lot. For you Rose, let us just say you were always a pain in the ass. I think I received a punch and a slap from you almost every year. I remember once Hermione and you got mad at me and Hermione punch me and it hurt a lot but then that same year I said something to you and you punched me, it hurt a lot but now I think about it and I did deserve it. You always found the kind side of everyone, and you were very kind to me at times. But like Harry said I never expected you to get married or have kids. I always thought you would be the rich aunt that travels and spoils their nieces and nephews. But I guess you found someone as insane as you. Love you both" we all clapped at the words Draco spoke. He's not wrong Bella and I match a lot. But we're also like Ying and Yang. Narcissa is next.

"Well, today was very lovely. You both look fantastic. I remember when Rose first got to the manor, you both hated each other. I was always scared to leave both of you together because I thought you were both going to kill each other. But then I was able to see the love bloom. I use to tell Bella jokes like your soulmates in the cellar, but playing around and I wasn't wrong. Her soulmate used to be in the cellar. Then I remember you cleaning Bellatrix's room and then I catch up with what was going on. Rose, you've always been an amazing girl, lovely and beautiful. You have a very dominant personality like you don't care what anyone says, you've always been you and I love that from you. As for Bella, you've always been a great sister. Crazy but a great sister. Always getting yourself in trouble but it's okay. You've always loved and value family, unlike Draco j always knew you would one day get marry. Because there are people as insane and dominant as you. As Andromeda would say when you were small "she's insane but everyone eventually finds their soulmate" she would be very proud of how her personality grew into something great. I see a lot of you in Andromeda and Sirius, they are very adorable and I love them a lot. I live both of you and wish you both the best".

Almost everyone gave a speech. Some were a bit sentimental and others were so funny our bellies hurt. Bella and I went to change into our shorter dresses since everyone had started dancing.

As Bella was changing I wrapped my hands around her waist. I left a couple of kisses on her neck. She turned around and pinned me to the wall. "Mhm, tight we were going to leave it for the honeymoon" I smirked "we are, this is just a practice," she said before connecting our lips.

She places her hands on my but so I wrapped my legs around her waist. She kissed down my neck softly, then started placing Hickey. She placed me on the table and we pushed all the clothes that were on the top. She massages my boob from the outside of my boob. I let out a soft moan. I then started kissing down her neck pushing herein more with my left since they were wrapped around her waist. We both let out a soft moan.

As she was about to lift my dress someone knocked on the door. "Are you guys done?" my mother asks from outside the room. I kept kissing down Bella's neck "y-yes," Bella says. "Okay because Andromeda won't stop crying and I think she wants you guys. "Will be there in a bit," I said pulling away from Bella's neck.

I'm very sorry for taking a week to update I've been very busy with school. It's very stressful and teachers won't stop assigning homework. But somehow I finally found time to write.

The next chapter with be the honeymoon 😌🦋. Anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Love you guys🤍🍷.


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