His Broken Eyes

By casadyRaso01

59.7K 542 722

⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️ •There will be smut. • foul language •theres gonna be talk about unconcentral sex in chapter... More

What A Coincidence
The walk
The Kiss
The Beginning
An Old Friend
Son Of A Bit**
Welcome Baby Serpents
Our First Date
Happy 18th Tosser
I Hate The Color Pink
Its Not Your Fault
Not a chapter
Catch you later
not a chapter
I give myself to you
Its almost over.
Is it the end ?


1.4K 14 75
By casadyRaso01

Waking up to the fresh smell of pastries and eggs was amazing. I noticed the two girls I was sharing a room with were still sleeping, so I got dressed and went to find jen. We haven't hung out in a life time.

I put on black lace undergarments and a black tank top with my Christmas jumper molly made me with black Jean's and red Nikes. I quietly left the room and started going down the old creaky wood steps.

Once down stairs I saw ron, molly, Arthur and Jennifer. They were all talking about school, work and Christmas break.

"Heyy guys" I whispered, jen shot up out of her seat and hugged me. She was in a really really good mood.

"Hey boo, you and I are going to go on a walk after breakfast. We haven't talked in so long I bet we have alot to talk about." She explained and squeezed me one last time then we both sat down. I sat in between ron and jen.

"Good morning ron" I smiled and grabbed a pastry that was on the table.

"Good morning food budy" he wrapped his arm around my side and placed his hand on my belly then pulled me into a side hug.

"Your lucky draco isn't here." I giggle and place my head on his shoulder.

"I hug you like this all the time, I cause no harm it's just in a friend way." He gently kisses the top of my head and jiggles my belly.

"Omg ron stop!" I start laughing and I pull myself away. Jen laughed along as well.

"Okay kids well pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon and pastries are all done dig in. Ron, y/n make sure to leave some for the others." Molly places all the food down and laughs and grabs a plate for Arthur and herself then the three of us that were awake dug in.

We laughed and joked around. By the time jen, ron and I were done the rest have gotten down and started to eat.

"Okay come on y/n we are going on our walk" she pulls me out of my seat and starts grabbing me but right before she full got me away I made my self a 'small' plate of food to go.

Dont juge I am hungry, and i love my food.

We grabbed our bags and jackets, I also put on my boots, then we went on our walk.

"So jen where you taking me. Please tell me your not mad at me and your not murdering me." I stood in my tracks for a moment.

"If I was playing on murdering you I would have done it already and I am not mad, we haven't had a proper hangout time in forever, your busy with classes, Hermione and Ginny, cant forget about ron. You have been gone, some nights your weren't even in your bed." She frowns and grabs my hand as we continue walking.

"Oh I am sorry jen, I haven't been meaning to shut you all out. The ron thing is I been helping him with classes and Hermione wants me to find out if he likes her back, we ended up becoming good friends. The whole not being in my bed, that's from draco being absent and I missed him so I slept in his bed, some nights he was there and others he wasn't." I smile at her and laugh.

"Damn see there is so much we haven't talked about." She starts swinging our arms.

"Yeah I know. So let's talk about why you were so happy this morning like you were and still are really happy."

"Well first off I had a amazing sleep, which might have been in gorges bed and we might have cuddled.."

"Oh my goodness jenn. Theres more spill it right now."

"Fine, fine. No one knows this we wanna keep it on the down low for now but.. gorge and I might have been kinda seeing eachother.. but not dateing, like hooking up here and there."

".... your a very naughty girl." I put my single hand on my chest and gasp.

"Oh shut up y/n/n. You can not tell me you haven't done it with draco yet."

"We haven't-"

" you havent given in. Come on, your lieing."

"No jen I am serious, we have made out, I might have given him blow a couple times but that's it. I am still scared."

"Oh.. damn okay.." she paused for a moment "If you trust draco then you shouldn't be scared, and you should know by now he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Another thing is you definitely changed him, he was a player, even with pansy he never acted the way he does with you, and we all see the sparkles and sparks." She shyly smiles and spins me to hug me and I shiver to the name pansy.

"Eww.." I start to feel sick.

"Whats wrong girl?"

"Pansy.. she was my ex and I am hers I am also the reason draco and her relationship went to shits." I start to tear up.

"Haha. It is so not your fault, they would have never lasted, you and draco are so much cuter.
And oh my Merlin your the mystery girll."

I slap her and start to laugh. I then pull the plate of breakfast out of my bag and begin to eat it.

"You really cant go anywhere with out food." She laughs and I nod my head because I was un able to open my mouth- it was to stuffed.

Jen and I continued our walk for a little but then jen fell into a puddle that 'magically appeared', so we turned around and went back.
It was a pretty big puddle more like a tiny lake.

~ * ~

Once we got back everyone was in the living area hangout next to the fire place, jen and I were not used to this, we both live a pretty much royal life. We still had tons of fun even tho we were all squashed together. I am kind of jealous of ron and Ginny, their parents are around and actually make time for them while mine dont, they shove money, books and a bunch of other things in my face so I dont bother them. Hints my own garden, my own living room/ library, I am not surprised that if I asked for a dog that they would get me one.

We were all laughing at the twins because they were doing their magic stuff again. Then two owls flew in, it was Jens and mine. Jen got two letters and I got two as well, I know one was from her parents and I am not sure for the second one and mine I knew right away, it was mother, fathers and dracos.

Parents letter
Dear y/n.
It's so empty without you here cant wait to see you and your friends soon, your brother will not be joining us at all this year he said you and him were not exactly on speaking terms, please explain when you get home. Other then that dear we hope your having a good time at the weasleys, and your father and I hope the rest of your couple days are splendid, we also bought you a wardrobe for the malfoys place and set up a bedroom for you there, and well of course we set up the room infront of yours for draco and bought him a wardrobe for if you guys ever need to run away from home.

From: mum and dad.

I love and miss you too bubbles. That was definitely not mum and dad.

Dracos letter
Dear princess.
I like that alot I think I will start calling you that more often. Maybe you can call me prince or possibly daddy.. *wink wink* well anyway baby, I am so bored, guess who showed up at blaises (if you guessed fanny your right) yup they are all over eachother. I might go home early so I have a day or two alone before you come over, I wont owl you if I do go home because I dont want to ruin your time away. I miss you (that's weird I dont like saying that but its true) I will owl my mother to make sure we got extra food in the house to make sure we have enough for when you get there. I dont understand like your not skinny and your not fat but you are a bottomless pit. See you soon *kisses lips*

Heyy y/n, did I unseal his letter to owl you yes. This is blaise by the way. I just wanted to say I miss my second girl bestfriend, cant wait to see you at the ball. Love blaise

Hello babee, it was my plan to open dracos letter, I guess it's not so special anymore but I miss you lots and I thought it would be alot if you got a crap ton of letters. Draco is so annoying by the way he keeps kinda getting mad but not insulting blaise and I, he also cant stop talking about seeing you. But yeah I cant wait to see you at the ball. Love sugar daddy/ fanny.

~ * ~

Omg fanny ha wait until I see draco and show him this. I will write them all back after at the moment I am too lazy. I read over my ' parents ' letter and it definitely was wrighten by bubbles. " wow my parents cant even write their own letter" I thought to my self, i didn't want the weasleys nor anyone else to know that I have family issues.

The hours went by fast, we had already eaten supper. Now I am laying in bed simple not much to it, it wasn't as peaceful as I was hoping, the thoughts running through my head wouldn't stop yelling I was hoping they would get tired but with every hour that passed they kept getting faster. I am glad I got a small break away from smok but he always helps me sleep, I would cuddle dragon but hes asleep and ever since draco, dragon hasn't been able to help me sleep.

The creek of the cold wood when I place my small foot down on it caused me to almost shit myself, I didn't want to wake the girls. When I quietly made it out of the room I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, before I entered I noticed a small light so I was slow and I noticed the slipper. This is my time. I snuck up quickly and grabbed her hips

"Why are you awake?" I asked with a whisper.

She jumped almost 10 feet in the air "god damn sketch why would you do that." She griped her shirt

"Because mousey, I just had too, and I cant believe you still call me sketch, you and fanny have too many nicknames for me lick a couple and stick with them." I pointed at he and she couldn't stop laughing "jen watch out" I moved quickly and caught the brownies she just dropped.

"Gosh if I were to slip you wouldn't even catch me that fast. She all of a sudden got serious.

"Food is important and I made those, they are special, hints my name." I grabbed the whole plate away from her.

"Omg y/n where did you get the stuff? And how and when did you cook these?"

"Well jen everyone went up stairs before me and molly let me, she adores me. Plus I am sopost to go to the malfoys tomorrow and draco gave me the stuff and asked me to make brownies." I shrugged my shoulders and laughing while handing her one and putting one on the table for me while wrapping the rest up and putting them back.

About a hour after jen and I are still munching on the brownies, they weren't small. We were also laughing and talking quietly. We didn't do much and this was my last night here so spending this time with her is absolutely awesome.

"So bubs are you excited to see blondie today?"

"Tomorrow and yeah." I smiled

"Nah girl its 2am. When you planning on going to the malfoys?"

"Oh shit I definitely gonna be tired when I get there, well draco said he might be there before or after supper and that his parents wont be there until tomorrow so it will be us there tonight, I was planning around 3pm or 4pm so I can get a little rest before he gets there." I munch on more of the brownie

"I still dont understand Christmas break is two weeks why are you spending only two days here?"

"Because jen I was sopost to be at the malfoys for one week and my place for one week, but draco needed to go to blaises because of some mom issues and thays why last minute kind of I decided to come here for the two days." I smile and kiss her hand "hows muggle mum and dad?"

"Um they are fine they still dont like the idea of me not coming home but they understand that finding my biological parents is very important to me."

"Shhh. Do you hear that?" I throw my arms in the air.

"Hide y/n someone is coming" she yell- whispers we grab eachother and run out the door and sit outside on the other wall. "Oh my god did someone break into the house."

"Well we better go stop them, but dont forget we have to be quiet because everyone is up stairs." I put my finger to my lips

"Can we just kick the person's ass tomorrow I am tired?." Jen lays her head onto my shoulder.

"Yeah the stranger can wait till the morning." I place my head on hers and fall asleep.

I move my head to the feeling of a cold drop going down my face, and moved again feeling a second one. But I screamed and jumped right off the warm ground when a whole bucket of freezing ice water was dumped on me and jen, her reaction was the same. I was pissed I stuck my middle finger up at the culprit and walked into the house and upstairs to take a shower although I just had one.

I turn the hot water tap and get in putting my head under the water and massage my scalp, then I massage the soap in and rinse, I scrub my body with a poof and rinse then I hop out. I made it quick because theres 10 of us and half of us needed a shower.

I put on a pair of navy blue jeans with dracos shirt that has his number and last name written on it, and I had forest green matching undergarments.

When done dressing I started to pack my bag, but then molly screamed food so I bolted. When I got to the table ron had already mad me our identical plates, I downed it like a glass of water.

~ * ~

Time went by fast and it was time to go.

"Oh molly my thing of brownies" I smile.

"Yes dear I wont forget." She grabs the huge container of brownies and grabs my hand and the next thing we are standing infront of the malfoy manor. "Have a good rest of your winter break" she hugged me and then she was gone.

I unlocked the door with the key under the serpent, I swing open the two doors and it's dark and sad. I thought my manor was dark, but the malfoys even had feeling of evil surrounding the air, nothing I wasn't used to though. I bet they had a gorgeous garden as well. I walk in and close the doors then run to find my room, and look at the closet my parents clothed.

I finally found the room, I could tell it was mine it was huge and had a huge home for dragon, it was like a mini mansion for my fuzzy baby. Theres a wall full of books and a seat in the wall under the window- and I was right they have a gorgeous garden. I have a glass door leading onto a balcony that let's me see the garden. I have a bathroom with a shower, a separate tub a gorgeous sink and a huge mirror. My bed, it's a king size I think and the sheets are emerald green Satin. Walking into the closet stripped my breath away, it was a walk in closet like at home, but this one was filled with elegant dresses- well more then I have at home. Gorgeous jump suits and other fabulous clothing, even the undergarments were stunning. My parents have nothing to do with this, they would put this much effort in my bedroom at someone else's home and I know that for a fact.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and kept on dracos shirt.

"Off to find the kitchen I go" I said out loud to myself and jumped into the air before walking off with dragon following behind me. He likes to adventure, he will probably get lost but he will find his way back when I bring out the food.

"Ah ha. The kitchen." I walk over to the fridge and open it just to see it full with glorious foods. Then the thought popped up, I grabbed the two huge steaks, a bunch of seasonings, potatoes, green beans, corn on the cob. I seasoned the steak and cut the potatoes in four then seasoned them, I brought all the food outside to the bbq.

He likes it medium rare and so do I, so the steaks are almost done. I heard a door open and close I just ignored it, I I was probably imagining it.

I kept hearing noise. "Draco is that you ?" I turn around to find no one. Turning back to the bbq I take off all the food and turn it off- and I hear a bang then everything goes black.

Writers note
Hey guys! This is chapter 13 I think 😭🤣, I hope you guys enjoyed it. It's not my best chapter. I am going to start chapter 14 on Wednesday because I have a family thing today and tomorrow. You know the drill. Vote if you want and leave comments tell me what you think about the chapter, and your ideas for future chapters.

What do you think just happened and what will happen in the next chapter?

How is your guys day going ?

Who do you think jens second letter was from?

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