You and me

By ReadingKing247

64.9K 825 121

Teenager Leah Williamson gets promoted from the Academy team to the senior team at Arsenal, where she develop... More

First day
Get to know you
Happiness or sorrow?
Lionesses call up
Figuring it out
Ocean eyes
Keeping the secret

Sweet revenge

3.3K 37 8
By ReadingKing247

Leah's POV:

In a few days time it's finally that time again. Match day and an important one too. Man City are coming to Meadow park this weekend and what a game it will be. I'm so excited, these are the games you are longing for as a player. Two top teams, in a game where nothing is to take for granted and every mistake can be crucial. Another reason to look forward to the weekend is mine and Jordan's dinner plans with Lucy and Keira at our house after the game. Personally I've got a good feeling going for the weekend. A home game and surely a key one in the title race, with all the Arsenal supporters behind us, this has to be a revenge of purest class.

"Leah, stop daydreaming will ya? Remember what we talked about last training huh?!" Daan whispers in my ear, sneaking up from nowhere really. I just gulp and continue with the drill as if nothing happened. Later on the training session is over and it's finally time to go home. I'm a bit exhausted from all the training we've done today. First we had a skills session in the morning, then gym and after that we discussed tactics and at last there was the second training on the pitch. I leave the training ground together with Jordan. We jump into her car and you can tell both of us are tired.

"Are you sure you won't fall asleep while driving us home? The team would be missing out on their best players if something would happen to us you know.." I say rather teasingly.

"As if I would have a choice anyway? You have no drivers license!" Jordan answer slightly annoyed.

I let out a laugh before replying. "Well for once you're actually right, but it won't be long before I get my hands on mine. Watch this space.."

"Oh, so who's teaching you to drive?" She says laughing. "I would love seeing you drive, funny thing though is I can't imagine you sitting behind the wheel."

"Why is that? I'm wondering the same thing about you. I mean look at you, how is it even possible for you to see the road behind that steering wheel!"

"Come on Leah, do you know nothing about cars? Do I really have to explain myself on this one?" Jordan lets out, while pulling out from the parking lot.

When we get home the first thing we do is cuddling up on the couch. I turn on the tv and put on some football. We literally arrived at home about two minutes ago, but Jordan has somehow already fallen asleep on my stomach. 'Poor thing' I thought to myself. She seems more exhausted than me, and that's not something that happens often. Usually I'm the tired one and she has this wild energy still even after the heaviest of trainings. I gently stroke her cheek with my thumb, whilst looking peacefully at her gorgeous face. She looks so cute while sleeping. I can't stop thinking of how lucky I am to have her in my life. The hours went by and midnight was knocking on the door. We still hasn't moved and I've not got that much sleep compared to Jordan, who is still sleeping on me. I give her forehead a kiss, before whispering "good night" in her ear. I wrap my arms around her and follow her into the land of dreams.

~Match day~

Here we go, today is the day. Arsenal v Man City. It's just a few hours until kick off and we're soon meeting up with the team for pre match duties. Me and Jordan are so excited for this game it's insane really. We wake up, get some breakfast and then we're off to the training ground. We have our own kick about just for fun and then we finish it off with some link ups and shooting practice.

"Oh my.... that's a bloody good one mate! Save one for the game Jord will ya?"

"Yeah sure, only top bins now innit?" Jordan says smiling at me.

"Only worldies today, yeah? I want to have something to brag about when we host Lucy and Keira later tonight okay." I grin from ear to ear while saying that, knowing fully well that she's more than capable of doing such things.

After our superb skills practice we go out for lunch in town before it's time to head back to the training ground and meeting up with the rest of the girls.

Later on we're back again and this time the rest of the team is there too. Smiling big, both me and Jordan walk into the changing room with confidence levels high and spirits high as well. Everyone is watching us, probably wondering how on earth we could walk in with such power.

"Hello girls!" Both Jordan and I greet the team when we arrive.

"We excited for gaaame dayyyy?!" Jordan exclaims.

"HELL YEAH, right guys?" I respond.

"Of course guys, love the energy!! Come on then, let's get out and get warm!" Beth says full of joy.

The classic warm up trio are back together and ready to rumble. A good laugh combined with some serious balling skills perfectly describes our pre match warm up. When we get back into the changing room the whole team is pumped and ready to rip City apart. The team spirit have probably never been nor felt this good before, which is very rare and something we can capitalise on. Today's captain is Jordan and she is going to smash it I just know it. We scream 'Arsenal' on 3, loud and proud, then follow Jordan's lead out onto the pitch for kick off.

The referee blows their whistle and the game is up and running. We get a splendid start to the game with a Jordan banger hitting the back of the net after barely two minutes played into the first half. Five more minutes on the clock was all she needed before netting another banger of a goal. This time Jordan struck the ball into the far left top corner. I proudly ran up to her from my centre back position, giving her a big hug. "That was insane Jord, top bins two times in a row?! You're crazy man!" "Save some of that excitement for later will ya? I'm far from done kiddo!" She says amused whilst giving me a wink. Going into the halftime break we're 3-0 up thanks to a Jord hat trick. The last goal was a masterpiece of play if you ask me personally. Me and Jordan doing our casual link up finished of with yet another worldie from the queen of bangers herself.

"Go on Jord, captain tiny paving the way tonight! How about that girls?!" I say in the changing room, trying to hype the squad up even more than it already is. A loud and proud round of applause went through the changing room from both players and staff members. Well deserved really, but still you could tell Jordan got a bit nervous with all attention on her. "Don't be shy mate, it's what you bloody deserve!" Beth shouts at Jordan, making her laugh it all off a little awkward before giving her pep speech. "Okay girls, let's get out there in the second half with that little extra spice to it. Same intensity, same focus and most important keep working hard for each other. This is our game and that won't change in the last 45, right? LETS DO THIS TOGETHER! 1, 2, 3..."


Nothing outstanding happens during the opening minutes of the second half. We're still the dominant side seen as a whole, but City starts getting desperate for goal scoring opportunities. Hemp has the ball running down our right hand side in full speed. Not far behind her she as alternatives such as Keira and a little further up the pitch Lucy Bronze comes running like a steaming train not aware of the ability to brake. I'm left with Jen Beattie as my cb partner on the left as Hemp easily dribbles past a confused Noelle at right back. That leaves the two of us alone with Lucy and Lauren Hemp. I get a little nervous because I don't want to face the same fate as Noelle, but I quickly put myself together, trying not to think about what I can't affect. I look Hemp in the eyes as she closes in towards me. 'Showtime Leah, it's now or never' I think for myself, before I go in for the slide tackle on Hemp. I get the ball off of her feet, clearing it away for a throw in. "Good job kiddo, I knew we could count on you!" I take a look to my left, smiling back at my captain. "Thanks cap, was worth a try!" I say. The clock is ticking and time starts to run out, at least in Man City's case. A close chance missed by Keira Walsh, who's shot goes just wide over the crossbar, might have been their best chance of the night so far. Sadly for them it doesn't matter really as Jordan once again scores a goal of highest class not too long after Keira's missed chance, surely sealing the deal with ten minutes to go. The final whistle is blown and Arsenal gets a well deserved win.

Walking around the stadium chatting and taking pictures with fans this evening made me realise how big of a win this actually was. Surely you don't win 4-0 against a team like City every time you meet them in the league. This win is massive and it also brought us closer to lifting that trophy at the end of the season. I scanned the pitch for Jordan after going around to every fan in the stadium, but she was nowhere to be seen. I started walking back towards the changing room when someone called my name. I turned around and saw Lucy and Keira walking up to me. "Congrats mate, a massive win for you guys!" Keira says. "Thank you, it was a great game with many difficult decisions to make." I say. "You guys were absolute class today, hats off!" Lucy says before continuing. "Where's my tiny pocket rocket? I have a few words to exchange with her after all those top bins she pulled off today!" "If only I had the answer to that question myself." I say laughing quietly.

"There she is, that must be her over there." Keira points at a crowd which seems to surround someone. We approach the crowd and there she is, in the middle of a circle full of cheering fans. I stand there looking at her lovingly with a grin plastered on my face. I'm so happy for her that she gets the recognition and the support she deserves. Half an hour later and we can finally take her with us back to the changing rooms. See yous later at our house, I tell Lucy and Keira. We all hug each other before going separate ways, me and Jordan one way and Keira and Lucy the other.

"Cheers captain fantastic, four worldies in one game ain't bad, huh? Lets celebrate big time!" The team exclaim. Me and Jordan stay for a bit celebrating with our teammates, before hurrying back home to start preparing for our dinner with Lucy and Keira. An hour filled with decorating and cooking and we're finally done. The girls are supposed to show up in approximately half an hour. That gives us some time to relax before they arrive. Jordan takes a seat on the couch. Her smile grows even bigger when I sit down on her lap. I lean my back against her as she gently wraps her arms around my waist. "I love you" she whispers in my ear, making me shiver. I turn around smiling at her saying "I love you too, captain fantastic" kissing her lips. "You know I'm proud of you right?" "I only did what I promised, remember? Top bins only and top bins only it was. Ask for something and I'll deliver!" Jord replies softly. I cuddle closer to her body, placing my head against her chest. She hugs me tighter and gives my forehead a light kiss.

*Knock knock*

"Jord, did you hear that?" I whisper half awake. "Jordan? Please wake up love." "Huh, are they already here? What time is it?" "I guess it's them knocking, yes." "Okay I'll see for myself." Jordan says, kissing my cheek before getting up to get the door. "Hellooo ladiieeesss!!" Two familiar voices say in choir. "Hey, welcome to our place!" A smiley Jordan greets them. "Where's Leah at?" "Oh, she's relaxing on the couch" says Jordan before calling her name "LEAH, come over here please. Someone's excited to see you once again this evening!" As soon as Jordan called my name I made my way to the doorway. Seeing both Lucy and Keira for the second time today makes me jump of joy on the inside. "Why are you so happy, apart from winning today of course?" Keira asks. "I know why, believe me..." Lucy responds immediately. "Just look at them, the way they look at each other! Leah's proud of her girl, that girl is a goal machine..." She whispers in Keira's ear, making her smile grow bigger. "What are you two whispering about?" Jordan questions. "Oh, nothing really. Just telling Keira how pissed I am that you were so lucky today... Four goals against us. Never gonna happen ever again take my word." Lucy says teasingly. "First off there was no luck involved, skills only. Secondly, it wasn't just four goals. They were all top bins mate. At last, I swear y'all thought it was painful watching me score so easily, multiple times also. Are we even now Luce?" I say jokingly. "That's my pocket rocket, loving it as long as it's not against us!"

The four of us are finally sitting around the table, ready to dig into the food. Me and Jordan sitting on one side and Lucy and Keira on the other. We have lots of conversations during our dinner together. "Cheers to the four of us, to the best friendship in this world!" Lucy says proposing a toast. "Cheers guys!!" The rest of us say at once. We're all having a good time which is really nice. I reach for Jordan's hand underneath the table. When I find it I intertwine our hands. I can feel the sparks spreading out inside my body, making me shiver a little. Looking at Jordan I can tell she feels the same. She suddenly starts to blush and quickly looks away. I gently stroke my thumb over her fingers, which seems to calm her down. It doesn't go unnoticed past the two lovebirds on the other side of the table. "Come on guys, just kiss already!" Lucy bursts out. "We're happy for you guys don't worry about it right? You both know that we already know about you two, don't you? Relax, your secret is safe with us, we promise yous." Keira says softly. I look at Jordan seeing her looking more comfortable. "You okay Jord?" I ask worried. "Yes it's all good now. Thanks guys!" She says regaining her smile slowly but steady. Jordan finally leans in and our lips connect passionately. In the corner of my eye I can see Lucy and Keira looking at us adorably. They're literally so happy for me and Jordan and that makes me so proud to call them my best friends. When we break apart the hype from the other side of the table starts and from that moment on the conversations start flowing once again. "So when's the next double date going to be and where?" Lucy pulls through with the most important question of the evening. We all burst out laughing at that.

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