You will be mine. An avenger...

By 0livia_xo

108K 3.3K 838

*COMPLETE* Alice stark fights along with the avengers during the battle of New York against Loki, Thor's youn... More

The battle
Questioning the god
His great escape
A plan
The avengers downfall
A plan to save them all but me
The garden
So close
Locked in
jacuzzi talk
Escape or stay
The mission
Time goes by
The cabin
He likes who?
Thors return
Christmas party
Late night
New years eve party
Here but not really
To Asgard
The hallway greeting
The begining of the festival
Another prince
Stay? Forever?
Back home
Unlocking memories
Plan A
The Warriors Ball
'Well... now we know'
'He knows'
Febuary 28th
Talking about the future
Early arrival
Fighting for freedom
Shes gone
The white room
Asgards doom
Lokis scepter
Training For Him
Emptiness causes Insanity
Planning the plan that needs planned
The hunt begins
Seeing Straight
The small yellow vial
Taking the strike
Back At Stark Tower
Thanos' plan
Reality stone
Alices New Mission
Lokis Emotional Overload
Voices And Kisses
Sharing The Room
Thanos 'Final Mission' For Alice
Locked Up
Thor and Lokis Journey Begins
Somewhat Normality? Ish.
Training Mind And Soul
Control it
Giving Her The Vial
Alissa of Vanaheim
Hes Coming
The Army
The Aftermath
Return To 'The Garden'
LA: The Hive
Grounded At 21
Out Of it
3 Years Later
Getting The Team
Time heist
Snap 2.0
The Last Fight
The End.
🚨Book 2🚨

Finding out about the past

1K 40 9
By 0livia_xo

Alice's POV

I went into my room and sat on my bed. I didn't know what to think. Who took me? What's inside me? Why didn't he tell? My brain flooded with thoughts and soon enough I started to cry. Why me? Why can't I just have a normal life?

I could barely see I was crying that much all while trying to be quiet. I didn't even notice pietro came in and was staring at me.

'Hey' he said standing across from me

'Hi' I cried

'Ugh Alice. Come here' and he hug me. He never hugs me. Ever.

I wrapped my arms around him and just cried more.

'It's okay' he hummed in my ear

'We don't even know what's inside me and what if the people who took me are still after me. I need my memories back' I cried into his shoulder

'I don't know what to tell you other than your safe. You have all us with you and I'm sure your prince of mischief won't let anyone harm a single hair on your body'

'Wh- how do you know me and Loki are together'

'We all knew. It was kind of obvious' he chuckled

'Yeah I suppose it kindve was'

He let go of me 'right. Let's get you packed up then so we can figure out what magic is in that annoying body of yours, huh?'

'Funny pietro. Very funny'

We packed a bag with just some personal belongings, photos and stuff along with my phone and a portable charger. I know Asgard doesn't have internet but I can still play games and take photos and stuff.

We walked out to the livingroom where everyone was.

'Guys that's me now. I don't know when I'll be back' I said

They could probably see the fact I was crying I was more than positive my make up ran and my eyes were red and puffy.

'Alice. Honey, I'm sorry' my dad said giving me a hug

I hugged him back 'you don't need to be sorry'

We hugged for another minute when I pulled out 'do you know who took me?' I asked

'All I know is they aren't from earth. They came here did that to you and when i saved you they took off' he sighed

'That's all I need to know. Thank you dad. I love you'

'I love you too'

'And I love all you guys. I'll come visit soon hopefully!' I shouted to everyone

'Bye honey. Be safe!' Nat shouted

'Bring me back some Asgardian food. I heard it's out of this world' Clint joked. Full on laughing at his own joke

'Be safe' Steve said putting his hand on my shoulder

'I will cap' I smiled at him

'Here take this with you. I don't know if it will work but it's worth a shot' Bruce said handing me a bracelet

'What is it?'

'You should be able to talk with us through this. We will only be able to contact you when your wearing it so keep it on and keep us up to date with every thing. Okay?'

'I will. Thank you Bruce'

They all walked me out to the roof and I hugged everyone and whispered to Nat and Wanda about Loki and me, then I called on the bifrost.

When I arrived back in the gold room I asked the man to send Loki to me.

'If you don't mind me saying lady Alice but I kept watch on everything happening to you and I assure you that you are safe here on Asgard' he said with a warm smile

'Thank you heimdall'

A flash of green light appeared and Loki was then in front of me. He look at me and could tell I had been crying from my still watery eyes.

'What happend?' He asked shocked

'Let's get to the room' I said with a weak smile

He teleported us back to his room and I immediately went and sat down on the couch with my head in my hands.

'Alice? What happened?' He asked sitting down next to me

'You might want to get Thor here so I can explain' I sighed

Within 5 minutes Thor was running up to Loki's run and was sitting down opposite us. I explained to them what happened and told them everything my dad had told me.

'So you were taken and experimented on but your memories are gone so that's why you can't use the powers?' Thor asked


'We can get them memories back. Thor get the lead healer' Loki said

Thor left in a hurry

I looked at Loki confused 'how?'

'Asgardian healers can heal anything. There is a ritual that completely heals the brain. That should work'

We sat and waited for the lead healer to come in. When she did she placed her hands on my head and said the memories weren't taken away they were just blocked up. She's explained it as if they were put in a box and locked up basically. She said for me to get some sleep and she will do the ritual in the morning after breakfast to make sure my body is ready.

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