Kingdom Emblem: Chains of Mem...

By Hydra1996

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After they defeated Ansem, Sora, Byleth, Donald and Goofy continue the search for Riku, Ignis and King Mickey... More

Castle Oblivion
Traverse Town
Riku's and Ignis' return
An old face & Vexen
Memories & Replica
Ancient memories &... Riku?
Vexen's end
Fake memories
Larxene's end & Answers
Lexeaus & Axel's mission
Chain of Memories
The road to dawn


74 4 0
By Hydra1996

Riku and Ignis continued to walk through the halls and arrived the next door. Suddenly the entire castle began to shake.

Ignis: That's a powerful dark aura! Maybe from the leader?

Riku: Don't know. One of the scents has died- a really strong one.

Ignis: Okay, come out from your hide. I can feel, you're there.

Zexion then appeared suddenly before the two.

Zexion: Good feeling. The keeper of this castle, Marluxia, has just been felled by the Keyblade master.

Ignis: *mumbles in annoyance* Can't they finally stop calling him a master? *sighs* Nevermind. I give up.

Riku: Keyblade... *realize* You mean Sora! Sora is here!?

Zexion: Yes. And your little friend Byleth, too. Want to see them? But... can you face them?

Riku: What's that mean?

Zexion: The world of dakness, and Ansem's shadow, still nest within your heart. Do you plan to face Sora and Byleth like that? Are you not ashamed? *Riku only grunts* Sora's fate is to battle the darkness. He must eppose anyone who hosts the dark-in other words, it's you. *looks at Ignis* And you, former Keyblade master. Wasn't it you who was so blinded in rage that you've lost your purpose to save someone but walked to the path of revenge? What was their names again?

Ignis: *gets angry* SHUT UP! What do you know!? How do you even know about it?

Zexion: Vexen looked a bit in your memories and I must say, that was very interesting. What will this girl think of you, you've promised to wait? But if you two don't believe the words I say. then you had best see the truth with your own eyes

Zexion threw a card at Riku who catched it and looked at it in shock.

Riku: This card! This is our-

Zexion: Yes, it is your home.

And then, he vanished in a corridor of darkness. Ignis looked at the card.

Ignis: So, are we visiting your home now?

Riku: Guess so. We don't have another choice.

They approached the door and Riku held up the card to the door and the door opened with a bight flash of light. They stepped hesistant through the door. Riku was then sitting on a tree, where once he and his friends looked at the sunset. Ignis just leaned on the tree like Riku always did.

Riku: I never thought I'd miss the island winds so much...

Ignis: Really?

Riku: Hmph. There was a time I couldn't wait to get off this rock. And now I'm acting all relieved.

Ignis: What brought you even to the idea to leave this place? It's really nice there.

Riku: I think you could say, I was curious. There was a legend that a kid vanished from this place one day. Wonder if he found another world.

Ignis: I see. Reminds me on someone I know. 

Riku jumped down from the tree and wanted to ask who he meant but then noticed three kids from the distance.

Riku: Is that...? *sees Tidus, Wakka and Selphie* HEY!

Ignis: I think they didn't hear you.

He and Riku then ran to the kids.

Riku: What's with you guys? I don't think I've ever seen the three of you so quiet. *they look at Riku but say nothing* What, is there something on my face? Guys!?

Suddenly the three vanished. They ran through the island to find other people but no one was there. When they returned to the place where the tree was, stood Kairi on the bridge.

Riku: Kairi... Hey, Kairi. Are you- No!

Kairi then vanished too and Zexion appeared behind them.

Zexion: Surely you knew this would happen.

Ignis: Explain yourself.

Zexion: You've been a number of worlds in your memory before this one. And in those worlds, you met only dark beings. That's all that's left in your heart: dark memories. Your memories are gone-each and every one.

Riku: That's a lie! I remember everyone from the islands! Tidus and Selphie and Wakka! Kairi and Sora and Byleth, too! They're... my... my... my closest friends...

Zexion: And who threw away those friends? Maybe it's your own actions that you've forgotten. You destroyed your home!

He made a wave with his hand and the surroundings changed. It changed into the night where everything changed. They stood now on the piece of rock where Sora was.

Ignis: What happened there?

Riku: This is... that night!

Zexion: All of the islands you grew up on were surrounded, scattered up. Many hearts were forever lost to the darkness. Because of what you DID!

He pointed to the side where another Riku appeared and watched the destruction.

Zexion: You hated being a islander, so you opened the door to darkness and destroyed the islands. It was YOU! You were pulled into the darkness then, and now you belong to the darkness.

Riku backed away and held his chest in fear.

Ignis: That's enough!

Zexion: And you, Ignis. You left your friends and you weren't even there when the youngest one needed you the most. Your own weakness made you lose the keyblade of yours and your brother figure. Tell me. Could you face them after what you've become? 

Ignis: *takes out his Wayfinder and looks at it in shame* I...

Zexion: You should look- look at what you truly are!

The Riku-imagine was surrounded in darkness and sunk into the ground and a large Darkside appeared. They defeated it with not much effort. Riku looked exhausted and Ignis gave him an aether potion which Riku took and drank. He looked around and saw a familiar person at the edge of the island.

Riku: Sora!? Sora!

Riku ran to Sora and Ignis wanted to follow him, but stopped when he felt a presence from someone else. He looked down and saw on another part of the island a familiar blue haired woman. Ignis' eyes widened and jumped from island to island until he reached the part of land. He couldn't believe who the person was he saw right before him when she turned to him.

Ignis: Aqua?

Riku has already reached Sora.

Riku: Sora, it's me-

Sora suddenly swinged his keyblade at Riku, who jumped back just in time before the keyblade could hit him.

Riku: What!?

Sora ran forward and attacked Riku who managed to summon his Soul Eater and blocked the attack. He couldn't believe what that Sora raised his weapon against him.

Riku: Stop it, Sora! Don't you recognize me?

Sora: Yeah, I recognize you. I can see exactly what you've become!

Sora jumped back and shot a beam of light from his keyblade at Riku, that hurt him and flew back.

Sora: How can the light hurt you? Riku... Have you really become a creature of the dark? That will Byleth break her heart. You're not Riku anymore... You're just a pawn of the darkness.

Riku struggled to get up.

Sora: So be it. It's time for you to face the light!

Sora raised his keyblade and created a sphere of light. It got so bright that it was painful for Riku and everything went white.

A moment sooner when Ignis faced Aqua.

Ignis: Aqua? Is that really you? I thought-

Aqua: Where were you?

Ignis: *confused* Pardon?

Aqua: *gets angry* Where were you when we needed your help the most? You've promised to wait but you broke the promise. Just for revenge? Have you forgotten us and replaced Terra with that boy?

She swinged her Rainfell at Ignis, who blocked it but the force was strong enough that his rapier got destroyed in two halves. (In the fight against Lexaeus, it got already cracked)

Ignis: That's nonesense! I would never forget or replace you. The kids just remind me of you guys. I don't want that things repeats like last time.

Aqua: *shakes her head* You've lost your keyblade because you became one with the darkness and it doesn't see you as your wielder anymore. I'm sorry my old friend but you shall be one with the light and think of the mistakes you've done! Maybe in the light, you'll find redemption.

Ignis: Aqua, wait!

Sothis: NO!

But it was too late. She did the same thing like Sora and Ignis vanished into the light too. Riku was falling in a realm of a bright emptiness.

Riku: I'm... fading... Fading away... into the light.

In the emptiness, a familiar voice was to hear.

Kairi: You won't fade. *Kairi appears* You can't fade. There's no power that can defeat you- not the light, not the dark. So don't run away from the light- and don't fear the darkness. Because both will make you stronger.

Riku: Make me stronger? Darkness ,too?

Kairi: Yeah. Strength that's yours. The darkness inside your heart- it's vast and it's deep... but if you can truly stare into it and never try to look away, you won't be afraid of anything again.

Riku: All this time I've tried to push the darkness away-

Kairi: You've gotta just remember to be brave. Know that the darkness is there and don't give in. If you do that, you will gain strenght- the kind that's unlike any other. You'll be able to escape the deepest darkness-

Riku: - and I'll be able to see through the brightiest light-

Kairi: Follow the darkness. It'll show you the way to your friends.

Riku: Can I face them?

Kairi/Naminé: You don't want to?

Riku: You know I do. Of course.*Kairi smiles and vanishes* And I will! With my strength- My dark strength!

Riku then stood tall within the light.


He turned into his dark form, sensed his tarhet, summoned Soul Eater and slashed at his target. Back to Ignis when he fell into the bright emptiness, too.

Ignis: So that's is it... Huh, guess I deserve that.

He heared then Sothis' voice from inside of him.

Sothis: Will you finally stop whining around? 

Ignis: Just leave. You can still escape. Go and find Byleth for all I care. I'm done.

Sothis: So, you're giving up? Oh, you're a complete and utter fool! Come, get up and rise! You're a Keyblade master! Forgotten it?

Ignis: I'm not a master anymore! You know that he destroyed it and it will never coming back.

Sothis: Or you don't want that it comes back.

Ignis: What?

Sothis: *sighs* I think that your keyblade isn't gone for good. Ever tried to summon it after some time?

Ignis: No, I haven't, but she's right. I've let them down when they really needed my help. If I'd been faster, maybe I could have prevented that Ven lost his heart, Terra became a vessel and Aqua vanished, just because of this stupid X-blade.

Sothis: Then stop thinking on the past and look for the future. You haven't forgotten them, so that's good. There are always possibilties to find them. Have faith, concentrade and call your keyblade's name.

Ignis: You think I can manage it?

Sothis: Do it and we'll see.

Sothis then went silent and Ignis closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, opened his eyes, raised his hand and called:

Ignis: Sun Meteor!

Particles of light appeared and formed a Keyblade in Igni's hand. He looked at the keyblade and couldn't help but to make a wide smile.

Ignis: Good to have you finally back my old friend.

The keyblade glowed and then Ignis turned around and slashed with his Sun Meteor. The illusion vanished and the fake Aqua felll on the ground and vanished. Ignis looked at the place cold.

Ignis: That was a mistake to use one of my friends to break my will in a stupid illusion.

He jumped then the way back to Riku, who just slashed the fake Sora and the illusion vanished.

Zexion: Impossible!

Sora changed then back to Zexion.

Zexion: How is it that you found me when you were there in the light?

Riku: You reek of darkness. Even the light can't block the smell. I guess I followed the darkness right to you.

Ignis: He's right. *walks to Riku* But I must thank you. I have finally come to the conclusion that I shall look forward and not stay in the past. And also... *raises his Sun Meteor at Zexion* I'm not a former master anymore.

Zexion: This is absurd... Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing- nothing but a mere illusion! *a book appears in his hand*

(Ignis was able to do his stronger fire magic again, slashed and healed)

After the fight, Zexion was kneeling on the ground, exhausted.

Zexion: After all your protests, you're still like us, on the side of darkness.

Riku: I know who I am.

Zexion: *stands up* When did that happen? You were always terrified of the dark before-

Riku: Not anymore!

Ignis casted a gloom light at Riku's weapon when he charged at Zexion, who wanted to created a portal but was too slow. Riku hit him and Zexion had a light-dark line on his chest. He cried in pain and vanished. Riku changed back to his normal form when saw that Zexion was gone. Ignis sighed and walked to Riku.

Ignis: What a coward, that Zexion. He's for sure alive but I don't think we'll see him again.

Riku: Yeah. *sees the keyblade* Is that-

Ignis: Yes. My keyblade Sun Meteor. I never thought I would ever get it back. Feels good.

Riku: What happened to your rapier?

Ignis: Let's say that I have a talent to break things, especially my weapons. Let's leave this place.

Riku: You're right.

Meanwhile, Zexion returned to the basement and leaned his hand against the wall for support.

Zexion: What IS he!? *punches the wall* No one's ever worn the darkness the way that he does! It's impossible!

Zexion then heard a corridor open behind him. He turned around and saw Axel with... Riku!? He gasped in shock and fear before he realized that it was the replica with Axel.

Zexion: Oh... Oh, yes. The replica, of course. We can use this Riku to defet the real one with his companion. Axel?

Axel: *ignores Zexion* Wouldn't you like to be real? *the replica nods* All you need is the kind of power that the real Riku doesn't have. If you can get that, you can be a new person- not Riku, nor anybody else. You won't just be a copy of someone. You will be unique, your OWN self.

Zexion: Axel! What are you saying to him!?

Axel: You know, he's as good a place to start as any.

Zexion: You can't do this!

The replica then grabbed the collar of Zexion's coat and raised him in the air. Zexion struggled and tried to break free, but the replica absorbed his power. Zexion then went limp and vanished.

Axel: So sorry, Zexion. You just found out way too much.


Man. Zexion's death was really brutal. Anyway after the next chapter, this story ends and then make a break from the Kingdom Emblem and start with the first RWBY volume with the male Byleth. What do you guys think that Ignis got his keyblade back?

Until next time.

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