In the deep

By renbarnes

59.9K 1.5K 957

AvengersXreader buckybarnesXreader Looking at the sunset over the city skyline you were craving adventure, lo... More

Fight back or remember
She's not alone
Do I make you nervous?
We're all broken
I know tony stark
To me you are
Long forgotten
I forgive you
Check mate
It's doctor
Time to come home
The UN
The doctor
I'm sorry sweetheart
Month one
Year two
Year four
The snap


2.1K 49 38
By renbarnes

I'm sorry it took so long getting this chapter out. I had a few different rewrites of it and i had to break it up into two different ones.


Dream interpretation was a course at school, it was one of the few random electives you took to make college somewhat interesting. But you hardly ever dreamed so you never got the chance to interpret any, until this morning.

  All you could remember was a hallways and white doors but the one at the end of the hall was red, there were small voices coming from it, luring you in, drawing you to it but the door was always out of reach. It maddened you in the dream. Until you reached it taking your fingers around the handle.

Then you simply woke up.

Curled into Bucky's side as his arm was securely around you holding you there, his chest was rising and falling steadily indicating he was still sound asleep. Which was odd for the sun to still be out and him asleep but you enjoyed it. You enjoyed the feeling of his arm wrapped tightly around you, his hair messy and in disarray against the pillow, you enjoyed that you were his girl.

Nobody had ever called you that before, my girl. The way it so confidently rolled off his tongue. The emotions it sparked deep within you. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before.

"Staring is rude baby." His lips moved but his eyes never opened.


You felt like a high schooler with their first crush. Again. But Bucky Barnes had that effect on you, the ability to make you lose track of your self in such a way that it felt like nothing existed.

Darting your eyes away you snuggled deeper back into him not responding to him calling you out, you didn't plan on leaving this bed for a long time.

But when do we rarely ever get what we want?

Bucky's phone started buzzing against the surface of the nightstand, his arm reached back picking the phone up, he frowned as he looked at the caller ID.

'Yes?' He answered the phone shortly. His other arm still draped around you holding you in place.

You couldn't hear whoever was on the other end of the line but you knew Bucky was annoyed with whatever they wanted his responses were simple one worded answers but his metal fingers traced circles on your arms soothing him from whatever conversation he was having.

Bucky tossed the phone down on the comforter and pulled your body up to his, making sure your face was lined up with his.

"I've got to go get suited up doll." He ran his fingertip down your jaw line and neck.

"I'll go with you." You smiled this would be the first mission that you were on a level playing field with everyone else,

"Not this time. We need you to run coms while we look for the scepter." Bucky's voice hesitated as he told you. You knew he wanted you out there, that this order would be from Fury or your father himself.

You wanted to push him on the matter, you wanted to call Fury and tell him to shove it but you had to prove to everyone you were team player when it came to missions. You sighed deeply.

"Alright but five more minutes in bed." You chuckled as you started to turn away from him acting like you were going to go back to sleep.

It was light hearted the way the he chuckled at you and curled his metal arm to bring you back to him then littering your face with kisses as you tried fighting away from his grasp. He held you tightly chest to chest as you searched his eyes, when you first heard about him and met him you would of never thought that you would of fallen in love with him.

Of course you didn't say the words to him and maybe they didn't need to be spoken yet but they hung in the air over you and it brought you joy.

"Go. Be safe." You smiled to him. Things were different than they were before you both had something to come home to now.

"When I get back i'm taking you out. On a proper date." He landed his lips on your eagerly before jumping out of the bed and heading for his room down the hall.

   You heard the Quinjet take off while you were in the shower carrying the entire team towards their mission. The hot water cascaded over your body while your mind was replaying the night before in your head.

For so long you thought you knew your purpose in life, you thought you had everything laid out and the plan to execute it but now you were in the Avengers compound with super solider serum and Tony Stark's daughter. It made you laugh, as much control you tried having over everything it just proved that sometimes life has something else for us in mind.

You slipped into a pair of sweats and your oversized Columbia sweatshirt making your way to the coffee pot when your phone buzzed.

15 min out from location

Also do you like Italian food?

Or maybe Greek?

You held onto your mug making your way into the command room making sure everyone's coms were up and video feeds were going as you texted bucky back.

I'm not a picky eater. Keep on task Barnes.

Before you could even set your phone back down it buzzed again.

I'm multitasking doll.

'Alright everyone's coms up and running?' You spoke into your earpiece as you swiped across the screen looking at the files Tony had gotten for the mission.

You enlarged the image of the scepter, it was definitely not from this world but was mostly useless without power from the tesseract, at least according to the files. Between everyone on the team it should be an easy in and out mission. Cap and Bucky were running point and Tony did what he usually does. Whatever he wants. Nat stuck close to Bruce and Thor took out guards on the perimeter.

'Secure line accessed.' Jarvis spoke into the coms. Then it was followed by Bucky's voice. 'What about dancing? Do you like to dance?"

"B you're suppose to be running point. Pay attention." You told him swiping the screen to his video feed. He was talking about a date while firing on Hydra soliders.

"Do you not have any faith in my ability? You wound me." He responded dramatically.

"I've never been dancing. Now get back to work. Jarvis end secure line." You were trying to have a harsh tone but your face was plastered with a smile.

Pulling up the blueprints of the facility there were multi levels to it. There was an entire underground area that expanded miles. It always baffled you how Hydra was able to build these large facilities right under the noses of country officials or maybe they just had deals with countries, pay them a big wad of cash and they look the other way. It seemed that the government mostly ran that way.

"Everyone keep their heads on a swivel, it's like catacombs down there." You watched the red dots move into the area each one representing an Avenger. Jarvis kept track of their vitals and locations displaying on one of your screens.

There wasn't much to see on the video feeds it was mostly dark, similar to the compound you had been in when you were looking for Bucky all those years ago in Europe. Grabbing a pen you made note of changing the video feeds to be enhanced for night vision. Refilling your cup back up you returned to the monitors listening to the chatter of the team securing each floor.

'Eyes on the scepter.' Tony's voice came through the coms then it distorted. A loud fuzz coming through the line.

'Who has eyes on Stark? Tony?' Cap's voice came through the line.

Switching trough the feed it showed Tony standing in the room unmoving. The a flash of red before the camera cut out.

'Guys i don't think you're alone down there.' You flipped through everyone's videos making sure everyone else was accounted for the service might of been faulty but you didn't want to take any chances.

'We're moving in' Bucky's voice came through the coms as you watched his video feed of him, his rifle raised as he turned corners inching closer to Tony's location.

Pulling the keyboard up you ran a diagnostic on Tonys suit, his heart rate was normal, he was just unresponsive and unmoving almost like he was in a form of a coma. Something wasn't right or normal. Bucky's video feed showed him standing in front of the suit trying to shake Tony awake then voice came through his coms. It was a woman's. Followed by another flash of red light before his feed cut loose.

Then all hell broke loose.

It was hard to tell from Tony's and Steve video feed, all you could see was Bucky turning on Steve, raising his rifle as Steve tried defending himself and screaming Bucky's name. The loud grunts of Steve and Tony trying to take on Bucky as you watched his metal arm reach out grabbing the Iron Man suit.

'Bucky! B! What the hell is going on?' You screamed into the coms.

Then the screens went black and the coms died out, only a soft fuzz buzzed through the room.

You tried everything, rebooting the system, back hacking into Jarvis but nothing worked. There was no power off then back on switch for moments like this. You had to sit there looking into your reflection at the black screen and wait. You had no idea what was happening in the tunnels. You were paralyzed. A million thoughts ran through your mind and there was nothing you could do to help.

'Y/n do you copy?' Steve's voice came through the coms a few moments later.

'I'm here where is Bucky? What happened?' Your voice panicked as the teams video feeds started to pull back up.

'Something...I'm not sure all I know is he attack us then took off. Listen were headed back now we will see you soon.' Steve voice was confused with a little bit of panic.

The few hours felt like days, you texted and called Bucky's phone over and over but there was no response. He must of ripped the camera housing the GPS off his body, without that he could just disappear but the question is why would he? What the hell was in that facility?

By the time the team arrived bruised and in broken spirits you had hacked into every public and private camera in a hundred mile radius of the facility all scanning for Bucky's image. There was no way you could sit there and do nothing. Bucky wouldn't just turn on them for no reason.

"What the hell happened in there?" You turned to the group.

"There was an enhanced." Tony stepped out of his suit taking a seat at the table. "It's like she got into my head, I'm not sure but whatever she did to me that's what she did to Barnes."

"She got into his head? And what? Made him turn on you?" You looked at Tony throwing your hands up.

"She made him the winter solider again y/n." Steve turned to you somberly his eyes full of regret.


Don't hate me for the short ass chapter I'm cranking out the next one now. Thank you for all the love i have received on this story it means the world to me!!!

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