My sisters fiancee is way too...

By QueeenKuro

157K 3.5K 1.2K

Stephan Clark is the definition of sexy. His breathtaking green emerald eyes make it impossible to look anywh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

15K 428 121
By QueeenKuro

Picture of Brian ------------------------->

Chapter 4-

The pounding sound of my heart echoed throughout my body causing me to shiver uncontrollably. I couldn't help but pace up and down my bedroom in a very nervous manner. I am terrified of meeting with Brian. I did want to meet up with him and resolve this stupid fight but I didn't think he would be the one to contact me first. Okay dude, calm down. Brian is your best friend, he's not going to start hating you because you're gay. You guys are just going to have a nice conversation and resolve everything. Brian's not an asshole who would hate on you for being gay. He isn't that type of guy. After I had somehow managed to calm myself down, I picked up and stretched into my grey zippy. As I descended down the stairs and headed towards the door, I continuously chanted to myself " Everything is alright. Just a casual conversation." Cracking open my front door, a slight breeze came rushing, cooling down my nerves. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with air and lunged out from the doorway. Our usual chill out place was not too far. It was just a park that was between my house and our school. When my destination was insight, the intense beating of my heart was revived. I slowly strolled towards our usual spot, second bench from the left and sat down meekly. The sound of my heart hammering against my rib cage blocked out all other sounds. Anxiety spread throughout my entire body. "Everything is alright. Just a casual conversation. Everything is alright. Just a casual conversation. We are just going to have a casual conversation. Just a casual conversa-"


The sound of my name snapped me out of my chant. Looking upwards, I was greeted by a pair of gorgeous green eyes staring down at me. The sudden presence of Brian had struck me with a uncontrollable nervousness. My whole body was tense. Everything that I had wanted to say was now swirling around in my head. I need to say something quick, but what do I say ?! Do I apologize ? But what are you apologizing for? I don't know but I just don't want him to be mad anymore. Arrrgh ! This is so confusing. For now I'll just say I'm sorry.

Just as I opened my mouth to apologize I made eye contact once again with Brian. The look in his eyes had left me speechless. I felt as if I just needed to shut up and listen to what he had to say. Shutting my mouth close, I stared back into those green eyes of his, sending him a confirmatory look. After receiving this look he slowly approached the bench and sat next to me, making sure to put a small distance between us. After a very long silence he finally began to speak.

"I'm really sorry for what I did today. I just coudln't control myself."

That one line had set my heart at ease. It reminded me that Brian was still that awesome guy that was my best friend. My raging heart was now relaxed, beating at a moderate tempo. I'm glad Brian doesn't hate me but what if he is homophobic? Is that the reason he punched me? I really hoped it wasn't cause I'm gay and I would really hope that Brian could accept me for who I am. I needed to know the reason he punched me. I summoned all my courage and asked

"Brian, why did you punch me when I told you I was gay?"

A painful expression flashed across Brian's face, revealing that there was so much more to his actions. I could sense tension filling the air. Letting out a big sigh, he placed his hands over his face. As he slowly let his hands drop from his face, he turned to face me and gazed at me with a solemn look in his eyes. My eyes began to fill with tears. I've never seen Brian omit such sadness.

"Michael, I really am sorry for what I did to you today but I can't tell you the reason behind it, at least not right now. Is there any way you could forgive me for what I did even without a reason for my actions?"

The reason why he got so angry at me must have been something much bigger than the fact that I was gay. If he couldn't tell me, his life-time best friend than it must be something pretty important. It kinda made me sad that he couldn't trust me enough to tell me. I've always told him everything. When I thought I was gay I immediately told him. Well whatever, for now I'll accept it. The tears that once filled my eyes slowly creeped down my cheeks.

"Dude, stop crying" is what Brian blurted out when he saw tears streaming down my face.

While wiping away me tears I couldn't help but grin. Thank the lord that situation is over and done with.

"But Michael, I have something serious to tell you."

Suddenly the mood was serious again. He stared at me with very serious expression. Placing a hand on my shoulder, we stared at each other. Letting out a sigh he dropped his head, letting it hang and then suddenly pulled it back up, once again gazing into my eyes.

"Don't fall for me cause you know, I'm a heart-breaker and I would hate to have to break your heart"

My jaw literally dropped causing my face to look absolutely shocked. God he was so cocky. But I guess that's what makes Brian Brian.

"Don't worry Brian, even I have standards."

Yeah right! I was a newly reformed rainbow boy. My standards didn't exist. Even if they did exist, trust me, he would definitely be within them. Brian was within everyones standards, especially with those sexy washboard abs. But still I can't let his ego get any bigger so I replied with just as much cockiness in my voice as he had.

"Really Michael, so you don't think I have sexy washboard abs and you just don't want ot admit it cause it will make my ego bigger?!"

"Wait, what ?! I was just thinking that! How did you ?!..."

"You obviously didn't realize that you think aloud. ALOT"

"What?! Why didn't you tell me, I must look like a crazy psychopath that randomly blurts out these incomprehensible lines"

"Well it's kinda cute and is part of your charm so I just didn't feel the need to tell you."

"Well I bet you didn't know that when you're embarrassed you bat you eyelashes. It's adorable, just like a little princess"

"I do not bat my eyelashes."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yup, you really do."

"I do not."

"Ah! See, you're doing it now."

"Am not."

"If only you could see yourself. You look like a stubborn princess who didn't get her way."

"No I don't"

With that said Brian sat there on the bench in a humpf with his arms folded cross accompanied by a big pout on his face. He really was adorable, but maybe I hurt his man pride too much. Placing my hand on his head I began to pat and ruffle his hair.

"Dude relax, I was only kidding. You're not a stubborn princess, you're a big strong man who cannot be defeated by anyone."

That had gotten Brian to reveal his kid-like smile.

"That's right, I'm big and strong"

Just as he had finished that sentence, he had pulled me from then bench, throwing me over his shoulder. He spun around in circle while shout "I'm superman." I was starting to seriously feel sick so i furiously began thumping on his back.

"Okay Brian you win. You're super strong and awesome, now please let me down."

The spinning had stopped. He slowly deposited me safely back on the ground. The playful mood has been swept away along the breeze. Standing a small distance away, we both seemed to be watching one another, as if waiting for the other to make the first move. I nervously glanced around feeling lost for words. I'm so glad nothing changed between us.

"Well I guess I'm gonna head back now." Brian spoke, breaking the silence that had once surrounded us.

"Yeah me too, you know how my dad gets."

We both confronted each others stares as if confirming that everything was okay and that we were still friends. I spun around and began to walk away from Brian when all of a sudden I felt the warm of a persons hand gripping my forearm. I was suddenly being hugged from behind from Brian. With one hand hooked around my neck, he rested his head upon mine. My body began to heat up with an extremely high temperature. I was completely dumbstruck. Okay what the hell is going on? Why is Brian suddenly being all intimate with me? OH MY GOD, could it be that he is possibly in love with me?! Okay calm your ass down. There is no way a sex god such as Brian would be in love with you. Hey! you never know, maybe he just realized now and wants me to himself. As a wise person once said "If you like it then you should have put a ring on it." Calm your ghetto ass down. You and I both know that is not the reason. Of course I know it's not but it was a funny thought.

The arms that had wrapped themselves around me had suddenly gripped me tighter. I could now feel Brian hot body pressing against my back. Okay, there's really no chance that Brian possibly does like me right?

Just as I had thought that line I felt his head shift against mine. I could now feel his warm breath against my neck. Inching closer to my ear he whispered..

"Michael, please don't ever leave me."



Here is chapter 4 :) finally did it (/^_^/)

This chapter is dedicated to awinston32 cause your comment really did motivate me :)

I've decided after reading the comments that I will set a date for when I will try update by.

Hopefully If I can, I will try to update on the 9th and 24th of each month.

But I just realized if you're reading this in a different country the days might be different but who care :3

Anyways sorry if there is any grammar or spelling errors.

Please comment and vote.

All opinions welcome

Au revoir.......

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