Hogwarts Mystery - B and T's...

By TiffanyBond0

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I decided to write these short scenes of B and T doing muggle things. t's father is muggle born and her grand... More

The Arrival
The Arrival part 2
Game Night
Horseback Riding
The Talk
Bonfire 2
Diagon Alley
The Burrow
Summer Before Year 5
Dinner at Lee Manor
Leaving the Manor
Sexy Time
Roller Skating

Painting (Barnaby's POV)

42 5 0
By TiffanyBond0

I am working on different POVs. It's hard to write as a guy lol

I woke up before Tiffany and went downstairs. Pops and Lolly were already awake. I was excited to see Charlie. We got on so well and Bill. But I had kind of gotten so used to it being just the two of us. It felt natural and easy.
"Morning! Everyone else will be here in about an hour. I think between the 6 of us we can get that barn painted in a couple hours and then go back to the pond for a swim" Tiffany said
"Painting the barn?" I asked
"Yeah. it'll be fun. I promise. Just wear old junky clothes. if you don't have any I think we can find something..."
After breakfast she followed me upstairs.
"I have some old shorts and tee shirts I could wear. I don't care if they get paint on them"
"Perfect. because no matter how hard you try, you'll end up covered in paint. That's just how painting goes"
I changed into my shorts and tee shirt and ran downstairs. Tiffany came down shortly after in shorts and a tank top. My heart was beating out of my chest and I hoped she didn't notice. I am so used to seeing her in jeans or a school uniform... but she looked amazing in shorts.
"Nice outfit" I said trying to sound casual, but failing epically. Why couldn't I say something cool sounding...
"I think I grew since last year"
"Yeah you did" I said. Again sounding like an idiot. I think she caught me staring....maybe not.
"Way to make a girl feel self conscious"
"You don't have anything to worry about" Did I really make her feel weird? Does she not know she's gorgeous? I held her hand on the way to the barn. I always marvel at how small her hand feels in mine.
When Bill, Charlie, Rowan and Penny arrived, the girls were screaming and hugging. I clapped Bill and Charlie on the back. when the girls were finally done, I greeted Penny and Rowan. Tiffany went over to Bill and Charlie and hugged them too and my heart skipped a beat. I know she always hugs her friends, but for some reason, I didn't want her to.
Rowan broke us up into groups to start on opposite sides. I take it the girls wanted to talk by themselves. Bill, Charlie and I started painting.
"So, how've you been, man" asked Bill. I knew he was suspicious with how the girls were acting.
"Been good. It's nice not being at home. Tiffany's grandparents are really amazing. And I learned how to ride a horse....and shovel shit" I laughed
"Um...sounds fun?" said Charlie
"Yeah it actually was" I smiled to myself. We could hear the girls squealing. I bet I know what they're talking about.
"Nothing else happening?" asked Bill.
"Not really. How bout you guys?"
"The weasley house always has some sort of chaos happening. Between Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.... It's nice for us to get away for some relaxation"
"Painting a barn?" I asked
"Yeah actually. So I got your owl before you came here....." Charlie pushed
They really wanted gossip.
"Yeah? I was nervous at first. It being just us two. But it's been....nice. She's different here. Just super chill. ya know?"
"Yeah man. she looks good too"
"Yeah she does. You should see her in a swim suit" Oh god did I really say that? Way to play it cool
"Hey now" winked Bill "She's like my sister"
"You said it first" I laughed
We were almost finished and the girls were covered in paint.
Before we knew it the girls were after us trying to get us covered in paint too. Tiffany ran at me and I didn't have time to run. or maybe I didn't want to. she was on me rubbing paint in my hair and all over me. I can't complain about that. it was pretty sexy. I could barely stop myself from kissing her. She ran after Bill, so I grabbed Charlie and told him to get the pain tray. We dumped it on her and she turned to grab one of us, but I was faster than Charlie. I wish I wasn't. She was all over him just like she was me a few minutes ago. I felt my blood boil. I know how she feels about Charlie. He's practically her brother. Does that mean she feels the same towards me? I couldn't bear that.
I went after her and picked her off Charlie out of pure jealousy. Everyone was laughing on the ground. Seeing her laugh like that made me happy, but I couldn't stop thinking about her and Charlie.
We went behind the barn to rinse off. I took the hose and started rinsing her off. She looks so amazing. I tried helping her rub the paint off.
I can't believe you did that" I tried to sound joking like I was talking about the paint.
"You guys looked too clean"
"Yeah well did you have to get Charlie?" Why do I sound like a jerk right now
"Oh are you worried about your boyfriend?"
"No. I grabbed you because I didn't like seeing you rubbing up against someone else."
"I didn't mean anything by it" Uh oh. was she mad? I should have just kept my mouth shut.
"I know you didn't I just got used to having you all to myself. I got a little jealous sharing you."
"Well you have nothing to worry about" she said sounding really mad. "Charlie is just a friend. So is Bill. They are like my brothers."
"Oh I know Charlie isn't interested. He only cares about Dragons. Im just being crazy."
"It's not a good look" She glared at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad? or Hurt? She grabbed the hose out of my hand and started spraying the paint off me.  She rubbed my back as I was trying to get the paint out of my hair. I was so preoccupied trying to figure out if she was mad, that I couldn't focus on getting the paint out. "Squat down here and close your eyes. your making a mess with the paint."
I turned to look at her and got down on my knees. I should be begging for forgiveness. She started rubbing my head and I know she was just trying to get the paint out, bit her touch felt amazing. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of loving physical touch. Since becoming friends with Tiffany and her friends, I find it's something I need. Especially from her. She stopped and turned off the hose. I wished she could run her fingers through my hair forever. She came closer and I pulled her to me and kissed her lips, quickly before anyone else saw.
"I'll try not to be jealous"
"Ok. but try hard because like I told you, you have nothing to worry about" What does that mean? I wish she would just tell me how she feels. She has to know how I feel. right? or should I tell her? I need to talk to Charlie...or should I ask Bill. Charlie knows about creatures and dragons, but he doesn't seem interested in anything else. Bill would know, but he's back talking to the girls.

"Hey Barnaby, what's up. your awfully quiet."
"I'm just thinking about what I should do about Tiff and if Im supposed to tell her how I feel about her. What if she just wants to be my friend....."
"I mean she's pretty smart. I bet she already knows.....but then you would think she would let you know she knows...you know...I don't know. I'm not good with stuff like that..."
"Stuff like what?" asked Bill running up to us
"Nevermind" I mumbled
"Barnaby is worried that Tiffany may or may not like him and he may or may not want to tell her and...I don't know something like that"
"You were right Charlie. you aren't good with stuff like that" laughed Bill "But you really should tell her. I'm not sure she's fully aware of how you feel. She pretty smart about some things..."
"That's what I said" interrupted Charlie
"...but she's kind. of oblivious to other things."
"But what if she only thinks of me like how she thinks of you guys... like her brother.... I don't want that. I can't do that"
"You'll never know unless you tell her, mate"
We were at the pond, so I threw my shirt on the ground and ran full speed and dove off the dock. Maybe Bill was right.
After swimming for a while the six of us were laying on the dock. I was still thinking about what Bill said. I couldn't help but stare at her. I remembered the morning she came to wake me up and she rubbed my chest. Everytime she touches me I feel like I'm going to fall over. I hear my name and it brings me back to the dock..
"Hey Barnaby, you should try out as a beater
I bet you'd be great. And I know you wouldn't let any bludgers get me" It was Tiffany...talking about Quidditch? Was she trying out? As Chaser it sounds like....
"I'll have to get at least my transfiguration grade up" I mumbled hoping that was what she really was talking about
"I told you I would help you"
"Thanks" I smiled. Any time alone with her I would jump at the chance, but studying will be hard to focus on unless I can figure out how she really feels..
She said something about food and I realized I was starving. Everyone raced ahead, but Tiffany hung back with me. I grabbed her hand and traced tiny circles on hers with my thumb. I purposely carried my shirt instead of putting it on. She seems to like that I laughed to myself.

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