Everything that was forbidden...

By professor_snape

22.6K 485 78

"Because i was his daughter," she said simply. Harry blinked rapidly. "Voldemort? you're Voldemort's daughter... More

Everything that was forbidden
2. a littel trip to hogwarts can go a long way
3. "Dear Merlin! she's in love."
4. "Do yo think im insane?"
5. " What dose puppies have to do with anything?"
6. Wands, dragons and hugs (oh my!)
7. and the truth will set you free,but will it be today?
8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.
9 : "time can never mend a careless whisper"
10 : high ho the merrio, to Grimmauld place we go!
11 : "How many times can I break and not shatter?"
12 : It's true. we're all a little insane.
13 : she lives in a fairytale...
14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...
15 : "Masquarade, painted faces on parade."
16 : "I've got no time for feeling sorry."
17 : Anything that boys do, don't you know that girls can to?
18 : "I'm not the same kid from your memory.."
20 : "It was the fight of our lives, but we'll stand up, champions tonight"
21 : "She'll change her name today and make a promise and i'll give her away"
22 : Ninteen years later.....

19 : "But I'll fight and make it all right...."

529 12 1
By professor_snape

Kiley and Draco knew that clap. Draco got in front of Kiley protectively, nodding at Harry to come over and help him. Harry complied, giving a good guess as to who the new comer was. Kiley shoved the hair that had fallen in front of her face out of the way as she tried to peer around the two boys who were in front of her. Drake flew down and hovered above Kiley’s head, watching the hooded figure intently.

An eerie laugh echoed through the quiet hall, ringing off every thing in that room, making the sound seem like it was bigger, almost tangible.

“Bellatrix Lestrange!” people gasped when they heard that laugh. Kiley turned around to see Jason, Kelly, Luna, Neville, Ginny, and Ron pushing through the crowd. Jason’s face was lit up with crazy delight, but the rest looked determined. They made a loose ring around Kiley.

“So, what have we here?” came an almost purring voice.

“Lucius Malfoy!! But I thought he was in Azkaban!” the murmurs went up just as they did with Bellatrix.

“Shut up, all of you!” Bellatrix snapped. Everyone did so immediately. Everyone save….

“Hello mummsie! How have you been? Not killing innocent people I hope?” Jason’s voice rang through the hall. Bellatrix whipped her head at the sound. When she spotted the boy who had talked she looked confused.

Jason slowly removed his mask and tousled his hair a bit. “Recognize me now?”

The color drained from her face. For the first time Bellatrix was speechless.

Everyone around Kiley began to slowly pull their masks off.

“Ah, Draco, my son.” Lucius said, stepping forward just a little bit.

“I’m not your son,” Draco spat. True, he was (almost) a Death Eater, but he wouldn’t let anyone harm Kiley. Merlin, can you say sappy romance novel? Draco thought to himself.

“What are you talking about?” Lucius asked him, his face darkening.

“He means just that.” Kelly said just then. Lucius’s head whipped to the sound and he went just as pale as Bellatrix. His head swiveled from Draco to Kelly.

“I, I have a daughter?” he whispered.

“No, but Narcissa does,” Draco said coldly. Kelly nodded sharply.

Lucius staggered back for a moment, clearly thrown. Then he regained his posture quickly and said in a calm tone, “Well, then it will be easier to kill you then, Draco.”

Draco just nodded curtly, “Right back at ya, Lucius.” The venom in his voice was unmistakable.

“Enough with all of the delay’s.” a voice said from inside the hood. It sounded almost tired, bored even. “Just hand over the girl and you can get back to your party.” Being Voldemort he fully expected everyone to hand her over to him. When no one made a move he was stunned. He grew angry the longer time passed. He wrenched off his hood and screamed, “GIVE HER TO ME!”

“No,” Neville was the first one to speak. Everyone else in the loose circle surrounding Kiley began to say it too. Voldemort was stunned.

Suddenly Severus came flying in, looking frantic.

“Ah, Severus…..” Voldemort started to say, thinking that Severus was running to join him. He stopped short when Severus flew past him, nearly knocking him over. Severus ran to the circle that was surrounding Kiley and squeezed past Draco and Harry.

“Kiley are you all right?” he asked her, hugging her to him tight. She nodded and smiled at him, knowing the risk he just took to see if she was safe.

“I am going to give your pathetic little group to the count of seven. If they do not step aside, Kiley, they will die.” Voldemort said, fury wracking his voice. Kiley gulped, knowing full well that he would. Harry reached back to squeeze her hand, not taking his eyes of Voldemort.

“Harry Potter, don’t think that this is over between you and I. we still have some unfinished business to attend to.” Voldemort said, noticing Harry for the first time. Harry just stared at him with a look of utter and complete animosity.

“And so the counting begins. One, two, three, four,”

“Two different worlds, she from the dark and he from the light, a symbol on her burning bright. She is the only thing that will help as he defeats the dark, her symbol like a lighted mark upon his heart. Through her he will prevail, and through her the dark shall fail.” Kiley whispered as soon as he began to count. She said it again, faster and louder.

“Five, six…..” his voice trailed off as he heard two voices chant the prophecy he was sure that he had kept secret. Harry had joined in with her. The others caught on quick. The chant grew louder and louder until it was practically ringing in Voldemort’s ears.

“Two different worlds, she from the dark and he from the light, a symbol on her burning bright. She is the only thing that will help as he defeats the dark, her symbol like a lighted mark upon his heart. Through her he will prevail, and through her the dark shall fail.”

Kiley stepped out of the ring, pushing herself in between Harry and Draco. She grasped Harry’s hand and her ring began to glow.

“It won’t work this time,” she practically yelled above the chant. “I know about the prophecy!”

“HOW?!?” Voldemort screamed, furious.

“DID YOU NOT THINK THAT GIVING ME THE BEST OF TEACHERS WOULD ENABLE ME TO PERFORM THIS KIND OF MAGIC!” she cried. The chant stopped suddenly. Everyone who didn’t know her turned to look at her, astonishment etched onto their faces.

“I didn’t think that you would ever turn against me.” He said, his blood red eyes narrowing into snake like slits.

“Well, obviously you thought wrong.” She spat.

“It appears I have. Such a waste, you were always a very good daughter.” Voldemort drawled. He lifted his wand casually in her direction. People gasped around them.

“Get with the program people!” Kelly shouted to the buzzing mass.

“Nothing is going to go to waste, Voldemort.” She said, narrowing her eyes and retrieving her wand from the strap that was positioned onto her thigh. “The only thing that is going to waste is the time that is spent here.”

“Very true, I think we should commence with the…..”

Expelliarmus!” Kiley cried. Bellatrix’s wand was blown out of her hand, sending it skittering under the tables. Bellatrix shot for it in a sudden frenzy, realizing that she would die without it.

Petrificus Totalus!” Bellatrix became instantly immobilized. Jason stood there, his wand pointing at her with a smirk. “I love you, mummsie!”

Kiley turned her attention back to Voldemort.

Incendio!” suddenly there was a ring of fire around them, separating those who where standing around Kiley from the rest of the students. The teachers were trying to put out the fire, but it was charmed. Charmed fire could not be so easily tamed.

“So, is this how it’s going to be?” Voldemort purred. He slowly walked the length of the fire, Lucius trailing after him, his wand poised and ready. “All fair fight? Well, I can assure you that I for one don’t fight fair. Avada Kedavra!” a shot of green light ran straight towards Kiley.

Finite Incantatum!” Draco screamed. The spell stopped in mid flight, dropping to the floor harmlessly.

“Draco, Draco,” Voldemort said, shaking his head. “You were such a promising Death Eater. But no matter.” He sighed and motioned to Lucius.

Expelliarmus! Take that!” Kelly cried. Lucius’s wand was blown from his hand, sending it skittering above the flames and onto the other side.

Lucius looked stunned. Voldemort just watched with interest as Kiley raised her wand. She hated this man. Hated him with a passion. All the things he did to her and Draco flittered through her mind. There was never a moment where he showed compassion, never a moment where he showed love to his wife and only son. She looked at Draco and he nodded. Draco knew that he would never be able to kill him. He had grown up calling him father.

Avada Kedavra!” Lucius fell to the floor with a sickening thunk. Severus was shocked. But not horrified shocked. He knew that someone was going to kill Lucius; he just didn’t believe his daughter had it in her. Voldemort stared calmly at the dead figure, then kicked him aside with his foot.

“Well, I see that I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a Death Eater.” He said, his voice betraying a hint of shock.

“I will never be a Death Eater,” she replied in a low voice. Her ring glowed brighter, becoming a prominent light in the eerie darkness that was only lighted by the burning fire around them.

Harry stepped foreword and raised his wand. Suddenly every Death Eater was there, surrounding them. At once Ron, Ginny, Kelly, Luna, Neville, Severus, Jason, and Draco began to battle, even Drake was dive bombing Death Eaters. Different spells rang through the air, some coming from behind the flames as well as within the flames. Teachers and students were desperate trying to get over the burning flames. Water was being poured onto it, but it still didn’t waver.

Harry and Kiley stood in front of Voldemort. The three had their wand raised. Voldemort was regarding them with interest. Harry stood slightly in front of Kiley, but only slightly. She still had her wand poised and ready. Kiley felt a curse zip by her ear and she whirled around, throwing a curse at the Death Eater who had been foolish enough to try and curse her.

She threw her shoes off and threw them over the flames. All the girls wearing heels followed her lead, and the boy shed there ties and jackets, untucking shirts trying to get comfortable so they could move more easily.

Harry stared at Voldemort as he shed his tie and jacket quickly. Voldemort had a little smirk on his face. Suddenly he whirled to Kiley and screamed,

Accio Kiley!” Kiley felt her back make herself fold in on herself as her feet where lifted off the ground and she flew backwards. Her body smacked into what felt like a brick wall and she groaned, her head pounding from the force in which her head hit. Hands tightened on her and around her throat. She looked at the hands and cursed herself mentally.

“Now, Harry Potter.” Voldemort said, his voice in her ear. Harry stiffened, the hand holding his wand tightening as a look of fear flashed across his face. “I think we can make a deal, don’t you?”

“What kind of deal?” he asked, his voice hoarse as he stared at Kiley. She tried to wiggle away, but the hand at her throat tightened, turning into a vice grip. Her wand was somewhere in the middle of the battle. Harry winced as she whimpered in pain. He started to look manic, his right eye starting to twitch. It was like he could feel her pain, her terror.

“Well, obviously the one where you hand yourself over to me and I let her go.” Voldemort stated, chuckling with dry humor. He could just kill Harry and be done with it. he didn’t want to have to kill Kiley, she could be persuaded to join the Death Eaters.

“How can I be sure that you won’t kill her?” Harry asked. She knew that he would do it. He was just giving her time to escape. His mind raced as she struggled. He winced each time the hands on her tightened.

“Don’t Harry!” she cried. The hand that was around her throat came up to clamp itself over her mouth, the rest of her words a muffled jumble.

“Shh, shh, it’ll be all right, baby I promise,” Harry said soothingly. It didn’t help. She was still frantic. He was becoming frantic to. He had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be all right, everything would go completely and erratically wrong. He tried not to let this seep through into his facial features.

“Do we have a deal?” Voldemort said, avoiding the question. Suddenly Kiley got an idea. She noticed Drake was hovering above her. She whistled to Drake, then bit down on the hand that covered her mouth hard and at the same time stomped on his foot and elbowed him in the gut as Drake started to dive bomb Voldemort. Voldemort let go of her, shrieking and swearing in pain, his hands covering his head.

Kiley ran over to Harry who caught her in his arms, hugging her to him tightly, tears of relief spilling down his face.

AVADA KADEVRA!” Voldemort shrieked in fury. The spell raced towards the couple at an alarming rate. Kiley closed her eyes, waiting for the quietness of Death. Harry clutched her harder to him, wanting to be able to die with her in his arms. Suddenly someone stepped in front of them and the curse hit them squarely in the chest.

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