Everything that was forbidden...

By professor_snape

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"Because i was his daughter," she said simply. Harry blinked rapidly. "Voldemort? you're Voldemort's daughter... More

Everything that was forbidden
2. a littel trip to hogwarts can go a long way
3. "Dear Merlin! she's in love."
4. "Do yo think im insane?"
5. " What dose puppies have to do with anything?"
6. Wands, dragons and hugs (oh my!)
7. and the truth will set you free,but will it be today?
8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.
9 : "time can never mend a careless whisper"
10 : high ho the merrio, to Grimmauld place we go!
11 : "How many times can I break and not shatter?"
12 : It's true. we're all a little insane.
13 : she lives in a fairytale...
14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...
15 : "Masquarade, painted faces on parade."
16 : "I've got no time for feeling sorry."
17 : Anything that boys do, don't you know that girls can to?
19 : "But I'll fight and make it all right...."
20 : "It was the fight of our lives, but we'll stand up, champions tonight"
21 : "She'll change her name today and make a promise and i'll give her away"
22 : Ninteen years later.....

18 : "I'm not the same kid from your memory.."

597 14 2
By professor_snape

The rest of the days were rather boring and uneventful. Draco picked out what he wanted to do and so did Harry and Kiley. Kiley’s decision was a hard one, for she had two songs in mind. She reasoned that if push came to shove, she would just sing both songs. The Quidditch season went great, and the Gryffindor team won almost every game they played, thanks to Kiley’s reckless Seeking. Harry and Draco just about had heart attacks every time Gryffindor was scheduled to play and Kiley showed up to breakfast wearing her Quidditch uniform, signaling that she was indeed going to be playing.

Now, taking in the fact that this is random, it would be a strange sight to stumble across someone dancing and singing in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. It would be even stranger to stumble across a Slytherin dancing and singing in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. The thing that would take the cake in the strange debate would be catching Draco Malfoy dancing and singing in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, so when Ron caught Draco doing just that he reasoned he was sleep walking and walked back to the Gryffindor tower, climbing into bed.

Other than that little random fact, we really have nothing to discuss here, so we are going to skip right to the Masquerade. So, without further adue, I present to you the next chapter…….

She picked up the dress and held it to herself, marveling over the fabric in the mirror. Drake snorted behind her, a fire puff blowing out of his nostrils and turning the color red. She laughed and took the picture, developing it quickly and sticking it with the note. She tied the letter to Drake’s leg and said,

“Now, go give this to Kelly Malfoy, in Slytherin tower.” He nodded and took off out the window.

Kiley set the dress on the bed gingerly and sat down at her vanity. She experimented with different ways to put up her hair, finally deciding to do it in a loose but pretty bun. She had spent ages trying to find the right color red to go with her hair; she wanted it to be just perfect.

She started to pin up her hair skillfully. When she was done she gave herself a satisfied nod. It was perfect. A few tendrils of her hair where falling around her face and her bun looked like it had a loose hold, but wouldn’t be falling anytime soon. Drake flew into the window, carrying a letter and a picture.

Kiley looked over the picture, trying to commit the dress to memory so she would be able to find her best friend in the midst of the Masquerade. The note caught her eye and she began to read it. What she read struck her hard in the gut and she dropped the letter to the floor.

Dear Princess,

Your dress is very lovely! It’ll go with both your hair colors! Sad to say that it will need to; for I have just been informed that Bellatrix has placed a reverse charm on the doorway to the Ball. There is no way of getting in without having to go under the charm. It’s a very good thing that that batty women didn’t take in account that this was a Masquerade after all, and your face will be covered by a mask. I hope that it doesn’t fall off at all…. look for me!! Oh, and best of luck!

Wishing the best,


Kiley’s hands shook as she wrote a reply.

Dear Pauper,

Thank you so much for the warning! I cannot believe that I didn’t see this coming! I should have known that Bellatrix would pull something like this. I am very glad that she chose to have the Ball be a Masquerade. I might be becoming slightly paranoid, but I must voice my fears. What if she did that on purpose? Bellatrix is an evil genius, much to my dislike, but still an evil genius all the same. I just hope all goes well tonight… I love your dress! That color blue is going to compliment your eyes so much!!! I swear they are going to look like sapphires behind your mask! Look for me also!

Jittering with excitement,


She gave the letter to Drake and he took off. Kiley pulled on her dress reluctantly, knowing that this day was going to end badly. The dress was the perfect shade of crimson, and she knew that it would compliment both of her hair colors, just like Kelly and said. It hit just to above her knee, swishing around her thighs. The top was corset looking, intricate tying in the back and boned, so the thin straps that where on the dress rested on her arms rather than her shoulders. She put her black pumps on and took the black mask from her dresser, walking out the door and down the stairs, Drake following her and turning from red to black.

“Dear Merlin have mercy…” Harry breathed when Kiley walked down the steps. She giggled when he pulled her in for a kiss. Drake flew around them, making repeated noises as they kissed.

“C’mon Harry! Or we’ll be late!” Kiley tugged on his hand and he nodded.

They walked to the Grand Hall, both jittering with nervousness. Kiley was nervous because of the charm. She hastily pulled her mask on, careful not to mess her hair up. Harry was nervous for an entirely different reason as he slid his own mask on.

Somewhere below them, underneath the lake Draco was pulling at his tie, trying to do something with his hair that didn’t look deliberate. He finally gave up with an exasperated sigh. He walked up the stairs and out of the Slytherin Common Room and towards the Grand Hall, his insides twittering as he pulled his own black mask on.

When Kiley and Harry got up to the doors that led into the transformed Grand Hall, she took a deep breathe, squeezing Harry’s hand for support. He looked at her curiously. She just shrugged and stepped through the door, her charm immediately wearing off. Her strawberry blonde hair she had been wearing for a month or so melted away into the rich, ink black hair she was born with, her deep ocean blue eyes fading into her emerald green. Harry gaped at her, speechless but she just shook her head, not wanting to draw attention to herself. Drake flew up to the roof, sitting with the owls and turning a bright silver.

“What happened?” Harry whispered to her.

“Reverse charm. Bellatrix is smart.” Was the only reply he got.

Harry nodded and looked towards the stage, where a timid looking Hufflepuff first year was singing a song from Carrie Underwood. She finished the song and people clapped.

Behind the stage Draco shook himself. He could do this. He had worked on this routine for a long time. He knew what it meant. He would do anything to get her back. He had resolved to stay back here until it was his turn. He knew that only two people where ahead of him, but he didn’t know who those two people where.

“Now,” Bellatrix’s smooth voice said from the stage. “It’s time for a Daughtry song!” most of the pureblood’s in that room looked confused, but all those who had muggle ties began to clap loudly. “Here is Harry Potter singing,” she glanced briefly at her card, “What I Want!” Kiley realized then that Harry was no longer standing next to her. The music blared on and Harry ran onto the stage. He grasped the microphone and began to sing.

It always seemed that I was sorry for the things that I did, but never did a thing about it 'til I let you in. It's kinda funny about the time that I was falling apart. You came and put me back together, now.” He looked straight at his fiancée as he sang the next part,

'Cause what I want and what I need has now become the same thing you’ve been offering. As days go by, I've finally become what you want me to be.” He took the microphone from the stand and began to walk slowly to the stairs at the left side of the stage. He looked out at the audience who was going wild, a slight smile on his face.

I still remember all the stupid things that I've said and done, but still, you stuck around with me when all your friends said, ‘Run!’” their friends laughed, crowding around Kiley. Ginny, Luna, Kelly, Jason, and Ron were there, all dancing and screaming as Harry kept on singing. He made his way to the stair and he began to descend them, still singing. This song meant a lot to him, because he was still so impressed with how this girl could change all his views into hers and change his life around. No one had ever been able to do that, but she could with a bat of her eyelashes.

Givin' me a name, I found myself inside all the flames. Becoming everything for you again. What I want and what I need has now become the same thing you’ve been offering. As days go by, I've finally become what you want me to be.” The crowd parted as he made his way to her. They still danced, but the crowd parted all the same. He walked straight up to her, still singing and took her hand, looking into her eyes.

Don't tell me you saw it all along. God help me, I never knew it alone. Guess I was wrong.” He smiled at her as her face grew radiant with rapture. They danced as the music played. He twirled her around as the music grew louder and louder.

What I want and what I need has now become the same thing you’ve been offering. As days go by, I've finally become what you want me to be.” She hugged him tight, understanding that the song was for her. She felt a little guilty, her song choice wasn’t about him… but still it was just so sweet!

And what I need has now become the same thing you’ve been offering. You've taken me, and shaped me to become what you want me to be.” They danced again. He ended up with her in his arms as the last of the guitar solo played. He smiled at her breathlessly before running of to return the mic.

Kiley ran after him, knowing her song was next. She tried to look for a certain blonde haired boy in the crowd, but to no avail.

“Wasn’t that just splendid?” Bellatrix cried. A thunderous cheer echoed through the Great Hall as everyone clapped, shouted, and screamed at the exact same time.

Bellatrix smiled. “Now, we have a special treat. She is a wonderful singer, very talented. Please give it up for Miss Aria Weasely!” the crowd erupted into cheers as the music started the blare. “She will be singing Here We Go Again from Demi Lovato!”

Backstage Draco looked up from his fetal position and ran out to the crowd. Maybe this was for him! It was, he could feel it.

Drake flew down from the rafters just as Kiley started to sing. He turned a crimson red and flew around her head as she sang.

I throw all of your stuff away, and I clear you out of my head. I tear you out of my heart, and ignore all your messages.” She found Draco in the crowd and stared at him intently. This was her song, and she meant to convey a message to the blonde boy in the black mask in front of her.

I tell everyone we are threw, because I’m so much better without you. But it’s just another pretty lie cause I break down every time you come around…. Oh oh.” It always was so hard whenever he was around. She would remember all those little moments they spent together, all those lost, little moments.

So how’d you get here under my skin? Swore that I’d never let you back in. should’ve known better than trying to let you go, cause here we go, go, go again!” Draco always managed to get under skin, even after she had sworn herself that she wouldn’t let him. It was one of those things that couldn’t be helped. So, here we go again.

She wrenched the mic from its stand and began to dance around the stage, flawlessly executing each step she had come up with in advance. She couldn’t think about Draco, she just couldn’t. This song wasn’t exactly right, but it was the closest thing she could come to.

Hard as I try I know I can’t quit. Something about you is so addictive. We’re falling together, you’d think that by now I’d know cause here we go, go, go again.

Harry could tell that something was wrong, could tell that the look on her face was forced. He also knew that this song wasn’t meant for him, was meant for the blonde boy who was up front, gazing intently at Harry’s fiancée.

You never know what you want and you never say what you mean but I start to go insane every time that you look at me.” Insane with guilt, she repeated over and over in her head as she danced and sung. That’s it, nothing more.

You only hear half of what I say, and you’re always showing up to late. And I know that I should say goodbye but it’s no use. Can’t be with or without you! Oh oh.” She could tell that Draco thought this meant that she was in love with him. She also knew she would have to pay the price later, but the look in his eyes made up for everything. She smiled and sang,

So how’d you get here under my skin? Swore that I’d never let you back in. I should’ve known better than trying to let you go. Cause here we go, go, go again. Hard as I try I know I can’t quit. Something about you is so addictive. We’re falling together, you’d think that by now I’d know, cause here we go, go, go again.” She wished she had told Harry of this plan earlier, but she just shot him a look, hoping he knew that she meant nothing when she pulled Draco onto the stage with her. Harry knew she meant nothing. He was actually glad she did. He hoped it would set the little git straight. Hoped, but knew that it wouldn’t.

And again, and again, and again, and again! I threw all of your stuff away. And I cleared out of my head. And I tore you out of my heart! Oh oh, oh oh.” She clutched the mic as she spun Draco around, watching the grin on his face spread. She danced to him now on the stage, trying to forget that they where in front of an audience. She pointed at him, poked him, everything that the song called for.

So how’d you get here under my skin? Swore that I’d never let you back in. I should’ve known better than trying to let you go. Cause here we go, go, go again. Hard as I try I know I can’t quit. Something about you is so addictive. We’re falling together, you’d think that by now I’d know, cause here we go, go, go, again. Here we go again…. Here we go again! Should’ve known better than trying to let you go. Cause here we go, go, go again.” She had chosen to cut the song short, not wanting to sound all depressed with the ending. The song ended and Draco turned to her, smiling happily. She had no idea how well this fit in with my plan! He rejoiced happily. She smiled a fake smile at him and replaced the microphone, running off the stage. Drake flew back up to the rafters.

“Do you see what I mean by talent?” Bellatrix’s happy voice boomed into the mic. “Dear Merlin, that girl can sing! Well, for our next act we get to hear a song from Nickelback!” every pureblood looked confused again as everyone who had muggle ties screamed loudly, clapping their hands. “Draco Malfoy will be singing the song Far Away,”

The lights dimmed down and a spotlight snapped on. Draco came out from behind the stage and clutched the mic.

This time, this place. Misused, Mistakes. Too long, too late. Who was I to make you wait?” people began to slow dance. Kiley was in the front of the room, and Harry was in the back, a throng of people in between them. She gulped, knowing Draco’s intentions fully well.

Just one chance, just one breath. Just in case there's just one left. Cause you know, you know, you know…” Draco looked at her with sadness in his eyes. He had to play this up, or he would lose her at I Do.

That I love you. I have loved you all along. And I miss you, been far away for far too long. I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go. Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore.” Crap. She new she was in trouble. The worst part was that he meant it, every little word that he sang. Crap. Crap. Crap.

He walked down the stairs towards her. The mic in his hands disappeared and was replaced by a mic that wrapped around his ear, light and portable.

On my knees, I'll ask, Last chance for one last dance.’Cause with you, I'd withstand all of Hell to hold your hand...” Dear Merlin, he literally got down on his knees. She nodded weakly and he stood up, grasping her firmly and twirling her around the room effortlessly as he sang to her. A giant hole in the crowd opened up as people stopped dancing to watch them. It really was a beautiful sight, Harry admitted grudgingly. The material around her thighs swished out as Draco spun her around expertly, not missing a beat even though he was singing. He would dip and twirl her around randomly, leaving her flushed and bright eyed.

I'd give it all. I'd give for us. Give anything but I won't give up. 'Cause you know, you know, you know… I love you. I have loved you all along. And I miss you, been far away for far too long. I keep dreaming you’ll be with me and you’ll never go. Stop breathing if don’t see you anymore.” He stopped twirling and looked into her eyes. Her knees started to weaken and she grasped onto him for support, the only thing she could see where his eyes, those hypnotizing grey blue eyes. He held onto her tight.

So far away, been far away for far too long. So far away, been far away for far too long. But you know you know you know….” he began to whirl her around again effortlessly. Something in the back of her mind told her this wasn’t right, something was wrong, but the feeling of his arms around her and his piercing eyes made her mind an incoherent jumble.

I wanted, I wanted you to stay. ‘Cause I needed I need to hear you say that I love you. I have loved you all along. And I forgive you, for being away for far too long. So keep breathing, 'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore. Believe it hold on to me and, never let me go. Keep breathing, 'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore. Believe it.” He stopped twirling again and looked into her eyes. He sensed that something had changed in her the last time he did that, so he wondered what would happen now. Oh, Merlin, she thought, gasping for breathe, her mind racing with incoherent thoughts.

Hold on to me and, never let me go. Keep breathing, Hold on to me and, never let me go. Keep breathing, Hold on to me and, never let me go…” the music died out, but he still looked at her. She clutched at his expensive suit for support, her legs finally collapsing underneath her. His arms were strong as he lifted her onto her feet, his head bending down to hers. She understood his wanting and started to stand on her tiptoes, hoping to close the distance faster, the song still ringing in her head. Someone gasped behind her in the crowd and she was shocked out of the trance. She ripped away from him and the lights flared back on. His face was a mixture of shock and disappointment.

“I was so sure it worked,” he mumbled to himself.

“How dare you?” she asked him, whispering. Her voice was so furious that all she could so was whisper.

She walked up stage and grabbed the mic, ready to give the little git a piece of her mind. Harry sighed with relief in the audience. That had been way to close. He had started too go insane when Draco started to sing to her, he almost punched the little git in the nose when he tried to kiss her. Music blared from the speakers. The mask was getting in Kiley’s way so she just wrenched it off, the elastic holding it behind her head breaking with an audible snap. Her hair band snapped with it and her hair cascaded around her.

People started to whisper and Bellatrix laughed that ha-ha-I-just-killed-your-loved-ones laugh as she ran off.

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me, well; I guess I'll make my own way. It's a circle, a mean cycle. I can't excite you anymore. Where's your gavel? Your jury? What's my offense this time? You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me, well sentence me to another life…” Merlin this felt good. She poured her heart out into this song, knowing that what she had just done wasn’t risky, it was down right foolish. She was just so blinded by fury that she couldn’t help it. The student’s looked impressed as she marched down the stairs, towards Draco who was standing in the middle of the room, speechless. Even the teacher’s seemed impressed. I grew up. She scoffed at his speechless face.

Don't wanna hear your sad songs; I don't wanna feel your pain. When you swear it's all my fault cause you know we're not the same. No, we're not the same. No, well, we're not the same...” she jammed her finger into his chest as her mic switched to the one he had been using earlier. She and everyone else in the room didn’t notice the silent figure approach the Grand Hall with his hood up. They didn’t notice that Bellatrix had given up the pretense of Isabella Tristan. They didn’t notice that Lucius had escaped from Azkaban. They were too absorbed in what was going on in front of them.

We're the friends who stuck together, we wrote our names in blood. But I guess you can't accept that the change is good. It's good, it's good….” She remembered that time they actually had written their names in blood. It was childish yes, but she thought it had meant something. Now, not so much.

Well, you treat me just like another stranger. Well, it's nice to meet you, sir I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out. You treat me just like another stranger. Well, it's nice to meet you, sir I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out...” she mocked waved goodbye, an equally fake smile plastered on her face. She was livid.

Ignorance is your new best friend; Ignorance is your new best friend. This is the best thing that could've happened; any longer and I wouldn't have made it. It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture. I'm just a person, but you can't take it.” The hooded figure was impressed with the woman in front of him, no longer a young girl, he realized.

The same tricks that that once fooled me. They won't get you anywhere; I'm not the same kid from your memory. Well, now I can fend for myself.” Obviously she could, he mused. Look at the way she stands now, holding her head proud. It would take much more to kill her. He almost felt guilty. She would have been a wonderful Death Eater. The way she was telling this boy off, not caring who saw her was just the kind of attitude a Death Eater needed to survive.

Don't wanna hear your sad songs. I don't wanna feel your pain. When you swear it's all my fault cause you know we're not the same. No, we're not the same. No, well, we're not the same. Yeah, we used to stick together, we wrote our names in blood, but I guess you can't accept that the change is good. It's good, it's good!

Suddenly her left hand caught the light when she whirled around and the hooded figure was blinded for a moment. Symbol on her left! It made sense now!

Well, you treat me just like another stranger. Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out. You treat me just like another stranger. Well, it's nice to meet you, sir Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out..
.” she started to advance on Draco and he backed up. Harry was wondering how this would end and whether or not he should step in and say something. I will only when she is in danger, Harry reasoned with himself, content with being up front and watching this display. He chuckled as he saw Draco’s face. Served the little git right.

Ignorance is your new best friend; Ignorance is your new best friend. Ignorance is your new best friend; Ignorance is your new best friend!!

She turned on her heel. Pausing to catch her breathe. It still felt good. Wickedly good. “Well, you treat me just like another stranger. Well, it's nice to meet you, sir Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out. You treat me just like another stranger, Well, it's nice to meet you, sir, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out.” And the song ended. Draco looked stunned, not knowing what to say. The love of his life had just told him off!! He felt like crying, but his Malfoy dignity wouldn’t let him. Instead he just smirked as the whole of the Hogwarts population erupted into thundering cheers.

One clap stood out from the rest, making everyone go silent.

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