Everything that was forbidden...

By professor_snape

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"Because i was his daughter," she said simply. Harry blinked rapidly. "Voldemort? you're Voldemort's daughter... More

Everything that was forbidden
2. a littel trip to hogwarts can go a long way
3. "Dear Merlin! she's in love."
4. "Do yo think im insane?"
5. " What dose puppies have to do with anything?"
6. Wands, dragons and hugs (oh my!)
7. and the truth will set you free,but will it be today?
8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.
9 : "time can never mend a careless whisper"
10 : high ho the merrio, to Grimmauld place we go!
11 : "How many times can I break and not shatter?"
12 : It's true. we're all a little insane.
13 : she lives in a fairytale...
14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...
16 : "I've got no time for feeling sorry."
17 : Anything that boys do, don't you know that girls can to?
18 : "I'm not the same kid from your memory.."
19 : "But I'll fight and make it all right...."
20 : "It was the fight of our lives, but we'll stand up, champions tonight"
21 : "She'll change her name today and make a promise and i'll give her away"
22 : Ninteen years later.....

15 : "Masquarade, painted faces on parade."

599 13 1
By professor_snape

“Harry, Aria, wake up. We’re here.” Kiley was gently shaken awake by Kelly. Her eyes fluttered open. “Ah, finally Princess is up! Now if only we could wake her Prince Charming.”

Kiley sat up and kissed him roughly on the lips, straddling him to make it easier. He jerked awake, his eyes going wide.

“Why didn’t I think of that?” Kelly asked herself, smacking her palm lightly to her forehead.

“Because if I had found out, I would’ve had to kill you, Pauper.” Kiley said jokingly, getting up off of Harry and stretching. She looked down and noticed that her robes weren’t on. She snapped her fingers and her robes appeared on her. She snapped them once more and Harry’s robes where on him.

Harry nodded thanks and they walked out of the compartment with all the other students.

They all piled into the Great Hall, sitting down at their house tables and talking among friends.

“So, who’s this?” Neville asked, sitting down next to Ron.

“I was wondering the same thing,” Luna said as she sat down next to Neville.

“I’m Aria Weasely, Ron and Ginny’s cousin.” Kiley said, reaching across the table to shake Luna and Neville’s hands. She knocked over two glasses of pumpkin juice in the process.

“Yup, you’re definably a Weasely,” Neville remarked in amusement.

“So, where’s Kiley?” Luna asked as she took out her wand to clean up the mess.

“She thought it was rather boring here, so she decided to stay home and get tutored by her father during the summer,” Kiley replied, knowing that Luna wouldn’t believe a single word of the lie. That was true, Luna didn’t believe it at all, but she decided not to press the matter any farther.

“So, how many new students are there?” Neville asked Kiley.

“Three,” she replied, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice after.

Just then Jason and Kelly opened the doors to the Great Hall and everyone quieted down. Dumbledore rose from his chair and beckoned them forward. They walked down the aisle with their heads held high, but Kiley could see Kelly shaking. Jason was just smiling at the teacher’s table. Suddenly she remembered. Her head whipped to the teachers table and there she was. Bellatrix Lestrange.

She looked, prettier. Strangely enough. Her hair was straightened and cut to an appropriate length, meaning it slightly crazed the top of her shoulder blades. She wore lighter, more complimentary shades of make-up, which meant no more blood red lipstick. She actually wore a light shade of pink, light brown eyeliner, and some slightly darker but not drastically so eye shadow. Her dress was very pretty, scooping modestly, and the sleeves where actually connected.

Harry let out a small gasp next to her. He had noticed Bellatrix to.

“Now, let the sorting of our two new students commence!” Dumbledore said proudly. Kelly sat on the stool first, looking nervous for the first time.

“SLYTHERIN!!!” the hat cried after a moment. Everyone who knew her was stunned, even Draco. Kelly got off the stool quickly, throwing her friends a frazzled glance as she dashed to the Slytherin table. She sat next to an amused Draco.

Next Jason sat on the stool. The hat debated silently for a moment, seeming to think things over.

“SLYTHERIN!!!” it cried suddenly. The Gryffindors who where friends with Jason groaned slightly as he sprinted towards the table.

“Well, this is a surprise,” Dumbledore said, standing up again, “Two new students in Slytherin. The house should be proud of its two new members. With that said, let the feast begin!” food appeared in front of them and everyone began to eat happily, ravaged from the long train ride.

“It seems I have forgotten something,” Dumbledore said suddenly. The food in front of them disappeared and everyone groaned. “We have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Everyone please welcome Professor Tristan.” Everyone clapped as Bellatrix stood up. She walked to the front of the room and raised a hand in the air. Kiley noticed that she was wearing ballet flats with her dress.

“Hello everyone, and thank you for that warm welcome!” Bellatrix said, her voice sounding amazingly normal, none of the hysterical tones in it at all. “I am very pleased to inform you that Hogwarts will be starting an annual Masquerade Ball!”

A groan rang through the quiet hall.

“Now, now” Bellatrix said, laughter in her voice, yes LAUGHTER!!! And not the crazy, ha-ha-I-just-killed-your-loved-one laugh that she normally had, but actual, infectious laughter! “I know that it doesn’t sound all that fun, but believe me it is! Dancing under the moonlight, not knowing who your partner may be!” Bellatrix began to dance around, humming to herself. She danced around the teachers table, snatching up Severus along the way. He complied grudgingly, catching the look on Kiley’s face and winking slightly. They danced around the stage, Bellatrix humming and Severus leading. Suddenly real music came on and everyone looked around. Dumbledore was still seated, but there was a glint in his old eyes that suggested the music came from him.

Then the tables disappeared. Everyone crashed to the floor, moans of pain resounding through the hall. Bellatrix laughed lightly.

“Before you can eat, we must see how well you can dance!” she was still dancing with Severus, so most boys rather grudgingly took his lead.

Harry snatched up Kiley’s hand before someone else could and bowed to her. She giggled and curtsied. They began to dance like experts. They whirled around, Harry dipping her randomly, her face flushing with excitement. Kiley looked around and realized everyone was dancing; even Dumbledore was dancing with McGonagall.

Bellatrix was suddenly behind them, looking at them with approval. If Kiley hadn’t grown up around Bellatrix, granted she had barley talked to the women, but she had still grown up around her, she would have missed the very well concealed hatred in her eyes. But, she didn’t.

“You two dance splendidly!” she cried, clasping her hands together. “May I ask what your names are?”

“I’m Harry Potter, and this is Aria Weasely,” Harry said, gesturing to Kiley.

“Nice to meet you Harry, Aria. This will be a splendid ball, I am sure of it!” after giving them one last smile, she walked away to go tell someone else they danced, ‘splendidly!’

“That was very odd,” Harry muttered as they began to dance again. Kiley nodded her head in agreement.

Finally it was time to eat. Everyone sat down at the tables with relief, some rubbing their poor feet, muttering to themselves that’s the last time they dance with so and so.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Bellatrix said, her voice ringing loud and clear. “Those who can sing are expected to sing.” It was like she was looking directly at Kiley. She gulped, wondering if her façade wasn’t working. Bellatrix sat down and the food appeared in front of everyone. She began to eat delicately, almost looking like a brunette Narcissa.

“Crap,” Kiley muttered under breathe.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, thinking some thoughts that will be known later on.

“She knows I sing. That’s the only reason why she’s holding this Masquerade. She knows I can sing and dance.” Kiley laid her head on the table and groaned softly. Harry began to rub her back in small circles, trying to calm her down.

She took very small bites of the food in front of her the rest of the dinner, to nauseous to eat a solid meal.

“Seriously, sweetheart, it will be okay. You have your charm, and the only thing that will make it come of is you, or a reversing charm. And what are the odds of someone aiming a reversing charm on you?” Harry asked her as they entered the Common Room.

She shrugged half heartedly.

Harry sighed. “I think you need some sleep. Go up to bed and get some. I’ll see you in the morning,” he kissed her goodnight and she obeyed, climbing up the steps without a word.

He looked after his fiancée with worry. She seemed so…. Dejected, like she was about to give up. He couldn’t stand that. He had to make her feel better. That’s it! He rejoiced inwardly. He ran upstairs, intent on finding his iPod.

Kiley slipped into bed, missing the warmth of Harry next to her at night. She curled up on her side, trying to get warm. She then remembered that this was her room and she could change the temperature whenever she wanted and snapped her fingers, the room instantly shifting into a more comfortable temperature. She sighed and relaxed into a more comfortable position, trying to think of a song she should sing for the Ball.

“I love you….” Kiley whispered. She woke up with a start. The wolves from her painting were crowding around her, looking at her with worried expressions. Drake was on top of her, sleeping soundly.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and glanced at her clock. Right on time. She smiled at the wolves, letting them no it was all right. She got out of bed and stretched, forgetting that the dragon was on her and sending him tumbling to the floor.

“Oh, I’m sorry! Are you okay?” she asked the dragon. He shook himself off and began to fly around the room. She giggled as she pulled on her school uniform on and combed her hair out. She was startled at first to see her hair was strawberry blonde, but then it all came back. She laughed at herself and continued to brush her hair.

Finally Kiley was done and she headed out the door, grabbing her bag of books on the way out, Drake flying behind her. She drew some odd glances from her fellow Gryffindor girl classmates, but she really didn’t care.

She reached the Dining Hall just in time for the food. She plopped down next to Ginny and began to talk to her, waiting for Ron and Harry to come.

“Miss Weasely? May I talk to you for a moment?” Bellatrix asked from behind Kiley. Both girls stood up to the shock of Bellatrix. “I meant for Aria… sorry.”

Ginny nodded her head and sat back down, relieved.

Kiley followed Bellatrix into her office and was certain that she had found out who Aria Weasely really was.

“Now, I hear form some reliable sources you can sing, is this correct?” she asked in a pleasant tone. Kiley just nodded her head. “Would you mind singing a couple bars from a song?”

When she was younger, stood staring at the door, waiting for the day that she knew would surly come…

Bellatrix held up her hand, her eyes shining. “Perfect, you will be singing in the Ball, thank you for your time Miss Weasely.”

Kiley just nodded and walked to the door.

“Miss Weasely?” Kiley paused at the door. “Just one more thing. Would you say, ‘my name is Aria Weasely’ for me?”

“My name is Aria Weasely,” she said, her voice cracking slightly. She prayed that Bellatrix hadn’t heard that. Bellatrix just nodded and waved her out.

Could it be? She asked herself, lifting up her sleeve on her left arm to lightly stroke the Dark Mark there. I better make sure.

Kiley walked quickly back the Dining Hall, passing Draco on the way. Now, if she had stopped to listen to what Draco was doing, she would have been very surprised. But she hadn’t, so she would just find out later.

Harry and Ron were at the Dining Hall when she got there, much to her obvious relief. She sat down next to Harry and finished her breakfast, not talking, just listening to the comfort of his voice. Severus had come over to talk to them at one point. Ron finally seemed to be comfortable around him, but he still wasn’t comfortable with talking to their Potions master. So he sat there rather comfortable, not sitting like a stick was shoved up his rear like he normally sat whenever Severus was around. The only problem was obviously that he never talked. When Severus left though, that was a completely different story. You couldn’t get the boy to shut up! Finally Jason came over to their table and shoved cereal up Ron’s nose, telling him to, ‘shut up you talkative little git.’ Ron’s ears had obviously turned red as he tried desperately to get the cereal out of his nose while everyone else laughed at him.

“So, we have a Quidditch practice tomorrow during lunch. You can come then and we can see where we would place you. But again, I really don’t like the idea….” Harry said. Kiley put her hand up to stop him.

“Harry, I want to play. My dad got me a broom and everything.” She said, sighing slightly and shaking her head, a smile spreading on her face.

“What would you want to play?” he asked her, sighing in defeat.

She shrugged. “What position would you need me to play?”

“Well, I’m the captain so I can’t play, which really I don’t get by the way. Our seeker sucks. No offence to Neville, but seriously. We don’t have any other seekers, so if you can seek, that would work awesomely.” Harry said, scratching his head.

“Okay then. I guess I’ll be trying out for Seeker!” Kiley replied, giving him an excited look.

“Good luck, I’m on the team. So is Ginny. We’ll be rootin for you!” Ron commented, giving her a salute.

“We’ll be their too,” Kelly said. Jason and Luna nodded in agreement.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Lunch was quiet, as well as dinner. The new golden trio as everyone referred to them now (Harry, Kiley, and Ron) sat in the Gryffindor Common Room, talking about Merlin-knows-what. Kiley fell asleep on Harry, and he managed to somehow slip past the spell that activated the stairs and carried her up to bed. He placed her gently down on the bed and kissed her forehead before quietly sneaking back into his room.

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