Everything that was forbidden...

By professor_snape

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"Because i was his daughter," she said simply. Harry blinked rapidly. "Voldemort? you're Voldemort's daughter... More

Everything that was forbidden
2. a littel trip to hogwarts can go a long way
3. "Dear Merlin! she's in love."
4. "Do yo think im insane?"
5. " What dose puppies have to do with anything?"
6. Wands, dragons and hugs (oh my!)
7. and the truth will set you free,but will it be today?
8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.
9 : "time can never mend a careless whisper"
10 : high ho the merrio, to Grimmauld place we go!
11 : "How many times can I break and not shatter?"
12 : It's true. we're all a little insane.
14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...
15 : "Masquarade, painted faces on parade."
16 : "I've got no time for feeling sorry."
17 : Anything that boys do, don't you know that girls can to?
18 : "I'm not the same kid from your memory.."
19 : "But I'll fight and make it all right...."
20 : "It was the fight of our lives, but we'll stand up, champions tonight"
21 : "She'll change her name today and make a promise and i'll give her away"
22 : Ninteen years later.....

13 : she lives in a fairytale...

667 17 2
By professor_snape

“That’s just it, my Lord,” came the voice of a random Death Eater who Kiley had no doubtedly seen but never knew the name of.

“Did you place Bellatrix at Hogwarts like I asked?”

“Yes, my Lord. She goes by the name of Isabella Tristan, my Lord.” he said, his face turned towards the ground. His whole body was shaking in fright.

“Very good, and no one knows that the Death Eaters invaded Hogwarts?” Voldemort asked, drawing out his wand and examining it calmly.

“N, n, no, my Lord!” he sputtered, scared to death of that wand. That wand that had killed so many people.

“You did everything I asked, except for the main thing I wanted. I want her back. Does everyone hear me loud and clear? I WANT HER BACK!!!!!!!!!! Do you realize how close this prophecy is to being fulfilled????” he jammed his finger in the direction of a blue sphere that was resting on a stand on the mantle of the fireplace. The sphere had a swirling blue mist in it. Voldemort pointed his wand at the bowed Death Eater and screamed, “Avada Kedavra!”

The man dropped to the floor with a sickening crunch, the bones breaking in some places as his body collapsed on the floor.

“Let that be a warning to all of you. If she isn’t back by the stroke of midnight the day that Hogwarts has their grand ball, I will personally kill every one of your family’s. Do you understand?”

The scene disappeared then, fading away as she regained consciousness. She felt herself gaining control of her limbs again. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she stared at the faces that where hovering above hers.

Severus held her in his arms, his face looking worried. Actually everyone looked worried.

“She’s coming around,” Sirius said, “everyone back off and give her room to breathe!” everyone but Severus and Harry took two steps backwards.

“Kiley, are you all right? What happened?” Severus asked her.

“Its Voldemort,” she replied, her voice growing stronger. “He’s angry that they haven’t found me yet. He, he killed a Death Eater then threatened all the other ones in the room by saying he would kill their families. Daddy it was horrible!”

“Its okay, its okay. He can’t find you here.” Severus said, trying to calm her down.

Harry gripped her hand tighter, his eyes full of concern.

“What’s going on? Why is Voldemort after her?” Moody asked, saying something for the first time since he had gotten there. He shouldered his way through the crowd so he could see Kiley.

“All right, let’s get something clear. The reason why you all are here is because of her,” Sirius said, getting up on the table and addressing the whole crowd. “Voldemort is after her because she used to be his daughter, and she found out that she wasn’t. Now he’s after her so her can bring her back and do Merlin knows what to her.”

“So, we have to protect her,” Tonks said, piecing the puzzle together.

“Basically, yes,” Sirius said, running his hand through his hair.

“Easy enough,” Lupin stated, looking around at everyone and nodding. “We just hafta include Kiley in our plans to help Harry out,”

“It’s a good thing that Harry and Kiley don’t hate each other, who knows how difficult that would make things,” Piper commented, taking in the scene before her.

“On the contrary, their hopelessly in love! I swear you can’t separate these two!” Mrs. Weasely said, placing a hand on her heart.

Draco snorted quietly. Narcissa hit him again with her purse.

“So what happens when they go back to Hogwarts?” Tonks asked.

“She wears a disguise,” Severus said, everyone turning to look at him.

“What do we tell everyone about the sudden disappearance of her?” Ginny asked, trying to be helpful.

“She didn’t like it at Hogwarts, she would rather be taught by her dad at home,” Kiley said, getting up and leaning against the doors to the sink.

“That works,” Sirius said, getting down from the table.

“Thank you everyone. This really means a lot to me,” Kiley said, looking at everyone.

“So, does that mean that Jason and I gotta go to Hogwarts this year?” Kelly asked form her perch on the counter.

“Yes, but Kelly you’ll be registered as a Malfoy and Jason, well I think we can think of something for Jason.” Sirius said, putting his arm around Jason.

“What if I want to surprise mummsie dear?” Jason asked, a playful grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Wonder how she would react when Dumbledore said, ‘and for our next new student, Jason Lestrange!!!’ she’d flip her crazy lid!” everyone laughed.

“So, that settles it. After Christmas we shall come up with an alter ego for Kiley and enroll Jason and Kelly into Hogwarts.” Sirius said, obviously happy with results of that day.

The rest of the day went smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, nothing note worthy. Everything went smoothly, even on Christmas day.

They woke up to the shrill cry of Ginny. “Wake up everyone, wake up! Its time to open presents!” she ran down the hall, flinging everyone’s door open and dodging random items that where thrown at her with a giggle.

Kiley groaned as she looked at the clock.

“What time is it?” Harry asked her.

“Guess,” came her pained answer.

“Um, around 6?” he asked, looking over at the window and seeing that it was still dark.

“Ding, ding we have a winner.” She moaned, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in bed. She adjusted the strap of her new nightdress. It fell right back.

“What’s my prize?” Harry asked, yawning and sitting up.

“I don’t know, what do you want your prize to be?” Kiley said, looking at him through sleep filled eyes.

He smiled and leaned over to kiss her.

“Ha-ha yes, Fred! We got that on tap!”

“We are good, George,”

“Yes, we are Fred. And devilishly handsome to boot!” Fred and George where standing outside their door, a video camera in George’s hand.

“Morons,” Draco muttered as he shuffled past them.

“We love you to, Malfoy!” the twins cried, running after him with the video camera.

Kiley rolled her eyes as she got out of bed and walked towards the door.

“You coming?” she asked him, pausing at the door and realizing that he still hadn’t gotten out of bed.

“Can’t we just go back to bed?” he asked her, his eyes pleading.

“No! This is my first Christmas with you!” Kiley said, yawning.

“Ughhhhhhh,” Harry groaned, climbing out of bed.

He joined her at the door and they walked down the hallway with the grown ups who had just gotten out of bed. Everyone gathered in the living room, sitting down on any open space they could find. Harry sat in a chair and Kiley perched on the arm of the chair. Harry didn’t like this, so he pulled her onto his lap, which she happily complied with sitting on.

When everyone was in the room and sitting down, Sirius pulled out one of the many, many packages that where crammed under the scrawny tree towards him.

He looked at Ginny tiredly, who was sitting on the floor by her mother, bouncing up and down with excitement. Ron yawned and looked at Ginny to.

“Ginny, you do realize that you’re almost fifteen, right?”

“Oh, shut up Ron!” she said, glaring at him.

Narcissa got up from where she was sitting. Her hair was sticking out on end and she looked rather sleepy eyed. “I’m going to go make some coffee real quick. Anyone want some?” every hand in the room came up and she groaned slightly. She pulled her wand from her stocking slippers and walked into the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “Don’t wait up for me,”

Sirius nodded and looked at the package. “Before I begin I want to thank Ginny for waking us up so early.” Sarcasm was dripping through his voice as he yawned once more. Ginny just sat there, beaming. “And I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Okay, so this package is addressed to Severus, and it’s from Molly,” he handed the package over to Lupin who gave it to a surprised Severus.

Severus opened the package and pulled out a horrible green colored sweater. It had a giant ‘S’ on it. He pulled it on over his black t-shirt and said, “Thank you, Molly. That was really thoughtful of you,”

Mrs. Weasely beamed, “it fits you nice, Severus.”

Sirius pulled out another package and read, “to Narcissa, from Molly,”

“I’m coming!” she called from the kitchen. Cups of coffee began floating into the room, landing in front of each person. When everyone was holding a cup of coffee, Narcissa walked in with her own cup, looking less tired.

“Who is it from?” she asked as she sat back down next to Draco and Kelly.

“It’s from Molly,” he said, handing the package over to her. Ron nudged Harry and gave him a knowing look. It was a well known fact that Molly Weasely made the worst sweaters in all of Britain, possibly in the entire world. Severus’s sweater had just proved that.

Narcissa tore off the wrapping and lifted up the sweater. Everyone gasped as they realized that it was beautiful. Narcissa sat up and tugged it on over her spaghetti strap top and pajama pants. It came to just above her knees, and was a beautiful shade of light, ice blue. A single, curly ‘N’ was knitted in a small space right above the hem on the left side.

“Thank you, Molly! It’s wonderful!” Narcissa said, turning to Mrs. Weasely and beaming with pleasure.

“No problem, Narcissa! It looks beautiful on you!” Mrs. Weasely said, clapping her hands in delight.

“Do you think my mom actually made that?” Ron whispered to them, getting up to sit on the arm chair Kiley was originally sitting on.

They both shrugged.

Sirius pulled out another package. This one looked like it was expertly wrapped and actually in a box. “To Ron, from Draco and Narcissa.”

Ron looked surprised as Sirius handed him the box. Ron tore off the wrapping and took the top off the box. “No way,” he breathed as he lifted the Jersey from the box. It was an autographed Chudley Cannons jersey; everyone on the team had signed it. He looked at Narcissa and Draco with wonder on his face. “How did you get this?”

“Well, Lucius had it lying around, and since he’s not a Chudley Cannon fan, he wanted me to get rid of it.” Narcissa said, obviously delighted that Ron liked it,

“Thank you Draco and Mrs. Malfoy!” he said, looking at the jersey one more time before folding it back in its box gingerly.

“You’re welcome, Ronald!” Narcissa said, laughing slightly. She hugged her knees, feeling like a teenager again. She hadn’t had a happy Christmas since then, and she loved the feeling of giving something for Christmas.

“This one’s to Kiley, from Harry.” Sirius handed the box to Kiley with a giant smile. She set her cup on the floor before taking it, looking at Harry with interest.

“Open it!” someone cried as she hesitated. She laughed and opened it slowly, enjoying the look on almost everyone’s faces.

When she got past the wrapping she came to a box. She opened the box and came to yet another box, this one a little velvety. She looked at Harry again, taking in his excited face. He shifted underneath her, wanting to get up. She looked at him confused but she complied. He sat on the floor in front of her and she sat down in the chair.

Everyone was looking at her with eager faces. Ron got off the chair and sat down by Lupin, nudging Harry as he went.

“Dear Merlin, why is everyone staring at me?” she asked, looking at everyone’s faces.

“We want to see what’s inside it! Whatever it is has got to be good! Like a necklace or something,” Tonks cried, clapping her hands together and resting her head on Lupin’s shoulder.

Kiley looked down at the velvety box that was in her hands and took a deep breathe. She opened it and found a white gold ring with three diamonds on it, one big one in the middle and two small ones on either side. She felt someone take her hand and people started to gasp. Someone dropped their cup, sending it shattering across the floor. She looked up sharply and saw Harry in front of her, on one knee. Her insides started to quiver as she looked into his eyes.

“Kiley Severus Snape, I love you with all my heart and I always will. Will you marry me?” Harry asked her, looking into her eyes.

“Yes,” she whispered, then she cried, “YES!” as she got off the chair and flung herself towards Harry, hugging him hard around his neck. People started to laugh, then everyone started to clap. Everyone but Draco, that is. He was too dumbfounded to even think. Even Severus was clapping. He knew this was coming, but that didn’t stop the tears.

“Well, I think that went well, Harry!” Sirius said, laughing as Harry slipped the ring onto Kiley’s finger.

“Don’t just stand there,” Fred started to say, holding up the video camera

“And look at each other,” George said,

“KISS HER!!” they cried together.

Everyone (but Draco, of course) laughed as they kissed.

“I think we should get back to the presents, there are more surprises in store!” Sirius said. He pulled another package to him. When he caught Harry’s eye he winked at him. “Now this one is to Lupin, from Molly…..”

And the rest of the morning went like that. Everyone got gifts, even Draco got gifts from all the children and adults that where living in number twelve Grimmauld place. Kiley kept looking at her left hand repeatedly, marveling over the ring. Including the ring, Kiley got a ton of new clothes from the adults who didn’t know her well enough to get memorable things, a delicate gold chain necklace from Mr. and Mrs. Weasely, a golden snitch charm for the chain from Ron, a G charm from the twins (the G was for Gryffindor they said), a H charm from Ginny (stood for Harry), a framed picture of Kiley and Severus when she was younger from Narcissa and Draco, colorful socks and a pajama set that looked just like the unicorn pajamas that she had lent her from Kelly, a beautiful gold watch from her father, and other items from other people.

Kiley sighed happily when the day was over, marveling over her gifts. She looked at the picture of her and Severus, trying to remember when it was taken. They where standing on the fountain that was in the middle of the court yard at the palace she used to live. They where walking around the rim of it, laughing and smiling when Severus slipped in and popped back up out of the water, soaked to the bone. She was no more than five years old at the time, wearing a pretty pink ribbon lined sundress. The picture was framed in a sliver frame that had butterflies flitting around it, the words, ‘You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.’ appearing every so often.

When Kiley slipped her pajamas on, she couldn’t help but notice the ring on her finger. She smiled giddily, it finally settled in on her, the fact that she was engaged.

Harry came in just then, all of the things he had received as presents in his arms. The pure silver snitch bracelet she had given him was dangling from his wrist as he set everything down on the couch.

“Finally, some time alone!” he cried, sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the bed. She laughed as he set her down gently, kissing her softly on the lips.

He walked over to the other side of the bed and climbed in. “Can you believe some of the things the Malfoy’s gave? I mean I can’t believe that Draco would give me a new broom!” he said, settling onto the bed.

“I personally don’t think that he had any say in the matter of gifts, except maybe for the one he gave his mom. I mean, I highly doubt Draco would have given me a picture for Christmas.” She said, propping her head on her hand, turning to face him.

“Sirius sure did love his gift!” Harry said chuckling.

“I think he would have loved it even if it was a paper bag.” Kiley stated, laughing along with him.

“It was funny though when Lupin gave him that squeaky dog toy!” Harry cried, smiling.

“I wonder if he’ll use it at all when he turns into a dog??” Kiley asked, trying to visualize it, but somehow not coming up with the image.

“Do you remember the sweater Mrs. Weasely gave to your father?” Harry asked her. She nodded and laughed again.

“I wonder if he’ll wear it at school?” she asked him, trying to envision her father wearing that awful sweater to school.

“Mrs. Malfoy looked like she was a teenager from all the hopping around she did today,” Harry said, looking up at the ceiling.

“Draco looked like he was in pain the whole time, what with people giving him hugs and everything,” Kiley said. They both laughed at the memory.

“Everyone was so excited when I proposed to you!” he said.

“Ron looked like he knew what was coming, who all did you tell?” she asked him, trying to remember who else had looked like they knew.

“I told him and Sirius, that’s it.”

“Did you ask my father?”

“I didn’t need to.” Harry said, looking at her.

“And why not?” she asked him, her face looking confused.

“Remember when we went to the pet shop, and you where asking that lady to get Drake for you?”

“Yeah and….” She motioned for him to continue.

“Well, I asked your father if you always acted like that. He said yes, then he asked me if I truly loved you. I told him yes, and he said he believed me.” Harry said, sighing at the memory.

“Where does the whole, ‘can I ask your daughter for her hand in marriage?’ question come into this?” she asked him, a teasing light in her voice.

“Ha-ha, very funny.” Harry said, taking off his glasses and setting them down on the table. He turned off the lights and Kiley snuggled up to him.

“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he whispered.

“Merry Christmas,” she yawned back. She was out in a matter of seconds.

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