Everything that was forbidden...

By professor_snape

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"Because i was his daughter," she said simply. Harry blinked rapidly. "Voldemort? you're Voldemort's daughter... More

Everything that was forbidden
2. a littel trip to hogwarts can go a long way
3. "Dear Merlin! she's in love."
4. "Do yo think im insane?"
5. " What dose puppies have to do with anything?"
6. Wands, dragons and hugs (oh my!)
7. and the truth will set you free,but will it be today?
8 : Ex-boyfriends, Veritiserum, and the Dark Lord. Now that's not good.
9 : "time can never mend a careless whisper"
10 : high ho the merrio, to Grimmauld place we go!
11 : "How many times can I break and not shatter?"
13 : she lives in a fairytale...
14 : Nothing is ever as it seems...
15 : "Masquarade, painted faces on parade."
16 : "I've got no time for feeling sorry."
17 : Anything that boys do, don't you know that girls can to?
18 : "I'm not the same kid from your memory.."
19 : "But I'll fight and make it all right...."
20 : "It was the fight of our lives, but we'll stand up, champions tonight"
21 : "She'll change her name today and make a promise and i'll give her away"
22 : Ninteen years later.....

12 : It's true. we're all a little insane.

645 19 0
By professor_snape

“Aw!!! Look at the two love birds!!” someone sing-songed.

Kiley’s eyes fluttered open for a moment. Then the bright light hit and she closed her eyes quickly. Harry groaned and said,

“Go away!”

“What if I don’t want to, Potter?” the voice sneered.

“I’ll make you, Malfoy. Now leave,” Kiley decided it was best to just pretend like she was still sleeping.

“I’ll say it again, Potter. What if I don’t want to?” Draco said. Kiley felt the bed shift a little and she realized that Draco had sat on the bed.

“Please, Malfoy. I know your jealous and all, but please. I’m tired. I’ll deal with you later.” Harry groaned. Kiley just snuggled closer to him and muttered like she was sleep talking,

“A dance?” she laughed inwardly as she felt both boys stiffen.

“Did she just say something about a dance?” Draco asked, his voice a little confused.

“She sleep talks all the time, Malfoy. It’s nothing new,” Harry said, sounding very, very tired. “She kept me up all night, rambling on and on about something,”

I sleep talk? Kiley said inwardly, cringing. Great, just great!

“Oh, I know she sleep talks, Potter.” Draco sneered. Kiley was tired of the whole last name thing. “I’ve slept with her before,”

Only when I was deathly afraid of my nightmares and Severus wasn’t there, Kiley scoffed. Knowing him, he’ll probably take it to a whole new level.

“I would love to dance!” she muttered. Both boys stiffened again. She heard them both chuckle a little under their breaths.

“She is rather cute when she does that, isn’t she?” Harry said, stroking her hair.

“Adorable is more like it,” Draco agreed.

Kiley thought of something to say and she almost laughed out loud.

“Why is Dumbledore wearing that dress?” she mumbled.

Harry and Draco openly laughed now to Kiley’s delight.

“Why is she dreaming about Dumbledore wearing a dress?” Draco asked through spurts of laughter.

“How should I know?”

Their laughter died down and Kiley snuggled even closer to Harry.

“Don’t think we’re friends, Potter. I still hate you, and I’m still in love with her.”

“Likewise, Ferret.” Harry spat.

“Why did you pick her??” Draco suddenly asked, his voice filled with hate. “Out of every possible girl you could’ve picked, why did you pick the girl I’m in love with?”

“Maybe it’s just the fact that I hate you, Malfoy.”

“I wouldn’t put it past you, Potter. To toy with a girls emotions just so can get what you want.” Draco sneered.

“But the truth of the matter is, is that I love her. Truly love her.” Harry said, going on like Draco hadn’t interrupted him.

“And you don’t think I love her?” Draco asked, outrage filling his voice.

“I was under the impression that you weren’t. Seeing as though you where snogging Parkinson just last week.” Harry shot back.

He was what?!?!? Kiley cried inwardly, rage washing through her body. Why that evil, cheating little ferret!!!!!!

“Please. I can’t be subjected to just one girl. I mean seriously, look at me.” The smug tone he had finally sent Kiley over the edge.

She sat up, looking at Draco with disdain. Both Harry and Draco where startled.

“I’m lookin, and all I see is an evil, manipulative, cheating little git who can’t keep his dirty hands to himself. Oh and Malfoy? Get out of my room. Now.” She had never used his last name before when addressing him. He sat there, dumbfounded.

“I said GET OUT!” she cried, jumping out of bed and grabbing her wand from the dresser. “Expelliarmus!” she cried. He was blasted back. Draco hit the wall and slid down it. He shot up quickly and ran out the door.

Kiley’s chest was heaving as she stared at the door. She waved her hand and it banged closed loudly. Harry quickly got out of bed and came up behind her and put his arms around her waist, waiting for the tears to come.

“I’m not going to cry,” she said, her voice strong and steady. “I’m way to over him to do that.”

She spun around and kissed him hard on the lips. He staggered back for moment, but then regained his footing and kissed her back. She kissed him hard, trying to get rid of all her anger and frustration. Harry took his glasses of with one hand threw them on the bed, kissing her more passionately. He rubbed her back, knowing that she was in more pain than she would let show.

“What was all the commotion about??!” someone called, banging into the room. Kiley and Harry jerked apart. It was to late though.

Severus stood there in his dark green boxers, black shirt, and untied black robe, his hair disheveled, sticking up on end in some places. His eyes narrowed slightly.

“What’s going on here?” he asked, his voice deepening with malice.

“Noth, nothing, sir.” Harry sputtered, his face paling. He quickly grabbed his glasses that where on the bed and jammed them on.

“Malfoy cheated on me.” Kiley said, still angry. Severus’s gaze shot to Kiley’s face.

“He what?” Severus asked, sounding confused.

“When I was dating him, he cheated on me.” She said, trying very hard not to clench her fists.

“I’m glad then that you broke up with him then,” Severus said, clearly uncomfortable with talking about stuff like that.

“I am to,” she spat.

Severus turned back to Harry. “Don’t let me catch that again, do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir!” Harry squeaked, his voice rising up an octave or two.

Severus nodded, then stalked out of the room, muttering to himself as he went. Ron raised his eye brows as Severus walked by him.

“I didn’t know that Snape had that big of a vocabulary. I didn’t understand half the things he said!” he said, walking into Harry’s room and sitting on the bed. Ron had on Gryffindor pajama pants on and an old, beat up Chudley Cannons jersey. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he yawned. “Though I did think he said something about you, Harry. Think it had something to do with the words vile and immature.”

“Probably something like that,” Harry said. Kiley had calmed down visibly. She was rubbing the bridge of her nose as she sat down on the bed next to Ron.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ron asked her.

“When I was dating Malfoy he cheated on me,”

“Little git, always knew he was a cheating little snake,” Ron commented, snorting in disdain. He sneezed just then, sending his hair into his eyes. Kiley crossed her legs underneath her.

“So, why didn’t Hermione come?” Harry asked, walking over to the other side of the bed and sitting down. Kiley and Ron turned around so they could face each other, Kiley scooting to the side so they made a kind of triangle.

“Said something about not wanting to be around a tramp. I really have no idea Harry, you know how girls are.” Ron said, glancing around the room. He looked at Harry and shrugged.

“I couldn’t agree with you more, Ron.” Kiley said, patting his knee.

Ron laughed, “Excluding you of course.”

They laughed together. “Hermione has been acting rather odd lately, have you noticed?” Ron asked suddenly, looking at Harry. “I mean, we can never really laugh together like this anymore. She’s always checking her hair and staring at you. I mean it’s strange.”

“I know what you mean. The way she stares at me….”

“Are you both really that daft, or are you trying to get on my nerves?” Kiley asked, looking at the both of them in shock

“What are you talking about?” Ron asked her, his face genuinely confused.

“She’s in love with him!” Kiley cried, throwing her hands up in the air.

“How do you know?” Harry asked, Ron nodding his head.

“Well, maybe the fact that when she caught us snogging she sat in between us would give it away, or the fact that she called me a tramp right in front of you might help. I think the thing that gave it away was when she said, ‘and stay away from Harry, he’s mine,’ after threatening me within an inch of my very life.” Kiley said, rolling her eyes and snorting.

“She what?!?” Harry and Ron asked at the same time.

“Yup, she hates me, and that’s the only reason why she’s not here.”

“So wait a moment, Hermione, OUR Hermione called you a tramp then threatened you?” Ron asked, not believing what she was saying.

“Search my memories if you want. That’s what she did.” Kiley said, shrugging.

“I don’t believe it,” Ron said, crossing his arms and looking into her eyes, hoping to find at least a glimmer of lying.

“I said search my memories. I’ll even help you do it.” Kiley said, looking at both Harry and Ron.

“I believe you, Kiley,” Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m just not sure why she would do that,”

Kiley groaned. “Both of you grab my hands, now.” Harry complied, but Ron was uncertain. “Take my hand, Ron,” he did and Kiley closed her eyes.

“Ahem!” a voice behind them cleared their throat very loudly.

They jumped back from each other, blushing madly. Harry looked up at the person who was standing behind the couch, arms crossed, a very angry look etched into her face. Kiley winced as she felt the hate radiating from her.

“Oh, hey, Hermione! What’s up?” Harry asked, running a hand through his hair and adjusting his glasses. She saw Hermione’s face instantly flash from the look of hate to a sweet, innocent look.

“Nothing much, Harry,” she crooned, walking to get to the front of the couch. She plopped down right in the middle of the two, shoving Kiley to the side a bit and shooting daggers at her.

What the heck?? Kiley thought, staring at Hermione. What does this crazy chick think she’s doing??

“Hey, Hermione, could you show Kiley her room?” Harry asked.

“Well, obviously she couldn’t find it on her own. Or her own clothes.” Hermione said, her eyes narrowing into slits as she looked over the make-shift bed and Harry’s pajama pants that had an H.P. initialed on the side in gold, flowing letters.

“Yeah, well, it’s kind of hard to find things in a totally new place. I am so thankful I have Harry to help me out,” Kiley gushed, enjoying it immensely when Hermione’s face turned a brilliant shade of purple.

“Yes, Harry is the helping type, you know, always helping lost tramps,” Hermione said. It was obvious she wasn’t referring to the cute puppies. Her voice was sweet but the looks she was giving Kiley where anything but.

“Harry never can turn down a cute, adorable, totally amazing puppy. Can you Harry?” Kiley said, watching her face turn an even deeper shade of purple. Kiley was trying to think back to what Luna said. Did Luna ever mention Hermione and Harry having a fling? She was positive she never did.

“What does puppies have to do with anything?” Harry asked, looking from one girl to the other.

“Nothing,” Kiley and Hermione said at the same time.

“So, Hermione can you show Kiley her room or not?” Harry asked, still obviously confused.

“Yeah, sure thing Harry!!!” she cried, jumping up and tugging on Kiley’s arm. Hard. Very, very hard.

Kiley winced in pain as she was dragged up the stairs by a very, very jealous Gryffindor.

When Harry was out of view, Hermione stopped walking and let go of Kiley’s arm.

“All right,” she said, crossing her arms and cocking her hip to the left. “Let’s get a couple things straight. I’m viewed as the Gryffindor Princess. You’re viewed as the Hot

New Girl. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep it that way. You’ll also play down the whole ‘Hot’ part of your title, stop being so happy and bubbly all the time, and most importantly,” Hermione walked up to Kiley so her face was mere inches away from hers. “You will leave Harry Potter alone. He is mine.”

Kiley backed up a little bit, trying to think of something witty to say. When she had it she tried to look innocent. “You know, I could give you some advice on how to snag a boy.”

Hermione stepped back, shock flitting across her face. “How?”

“By not scaring them away,” Kiley said simply. She watched as the shocked look dripped away into hatred. “Don’t give their girlfriends death threats, and don’t threaten their girlfriend in anyway, shape, or form. Oh, and to get friends you be nice and don’t threaten them either. Especially girls. Especially a girl who could kick your rear harder and more painful than anyone could. So, don’t threaten me. Because honey, I live with Death. And trust me; Death is a lot scarier than you. Which, come to think of it, isn’t saying much, because Death is my friend.”

Hermione’s face darkened. “Turns out your not all the teachers and students crack you up to be. But, I guess that’s only natural, with someone like Severus Snape as your father. You poor, poor girl.” Hermione laughed wickedly. Suddenly she found herself pinned up against a wall, her feet dangling a good three inches off the ground. Kiley was livid. Someone could get away with insulting her, but not her friends. Anyone who insulted her friends would pay.

“Say that one more time, I dare you.” Kiley growled, a look of pure loathing etched across her pretty features.

“And what are you going to do to me?” Hermione laughed nervously.

“Oh, I could do a lot to you. Things that you could not imagine. Things that don’t even crop up in your dreams because they are too unbearable. Things that I have witnessed myself, over and over again.” A sad look crossed over Kiley’s face as she recalled the many times her father had carelessly killed someone in front of her. Then her face steeled. “Do you hear me? Stay within your limits. It would be careless and downright foolish to even attempt to challenge me.” Kiley let Hermione drop to the ground, turning her back on her. “Now are you going to show me my room, or not?”

Hermione wordlessly showed Kiley to her room, glancing nervously at her the whole time. Kiley did not want it to come to that, but it did. And there was no other way around it. Plain and simple.

When they finally came to the room, Hermione gaped at her open mouthed, speechless. “What? Why did you get the only room with one bed?”

Kiley opened the door and sure enough, it was set up almost exactly like her old room. Meadow and everything.

“And, how exactly did you get a meadow in your room???” Hermione asked, venom coating her voice. Merlin, old habits die hard, Kiley thought as she walked over to her closet.

“It’s a simple spell really; I can change it to anything I want. Here, watch” and Kiley proceeded to change her room into a winter wonderland, complete with snow flakes and everything.

Hermione turned swiftly on her heel and stalked out fuming.

Okay then.

“Well, that was interesting,” Ron commented as they resurfaced.

“Do you see what I mean know?” she asked them.

“Yeah, I do. I still can’t believe that Hermione did that!” Ron said, his look faraway.

Kiley shrugged.

“I was totally lost when you guys started talking about puppies. I didn’t know that she was calling you that,” Harry said, trying to ease the guilt that was erupting inside of him.

“Its okay, Harry. She’s your friend, you wouldn’t have even thought she was if she had been saying it straight out.” She said, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly.

“Are you three going to come down for breakfast or not??” Mrs. Weasely called from downstairs.

Ron and Harry jumped up excitedly, rushing over to the door and fighting to get out at the same time, all thoughts of Hermione completely gone.

“Boys, BOYS!” Kiley cried. They both stopped struggling to look at her. “Haven’t you ever heard the term, ‘ladies first’?” then she rushed through the door.

Harry and Ron laughed as they started to run to. Kiley stopped running as she hit the stairs however, choosing to walk down slowly with a hand on either banister, keeping the boys from breakfast.

“C’mon, Kiley, walk faster!” Ron said, sounding impatient.

“Baby, I’m hungry!!! Please move faster,” Harry whined.

She laughed as her foot hit the last step and they rushed past her and into the kitchen. When she walked in she saw that they had already started eating, almost finished with the stack of pancakes that where in front of them.

She laughed as she saw every boy in the room except for Severus scarf down the pancakes greedily. Severus had already finished breakfast and he was just sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. Even Draco was scarfing down food like it would all be gone tomorrow. Boys will be boys, she thought.

Kiley walked over to the counter and reached into the cabinet to get a glass. Suddenly her vision blackened. She felt like she was detached from her body as it hit the floor. She had no control over her limbs. Then out of nowhere Voldemort’s livid face filled her vision.

“What do you mean you can’t find her?!?!” she heard him hiss. It was like he was screaming in her ear.

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