DEAR JULIETTE ā–¹ Anthony Bridg...

By hhypnos

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"My final letters, were they read? Or were they written in vain?" Although born in France, Juliette Villeneuv... More



29.3K 1.1K 207
By hhypnos

chapter 16

THAT NIGHT, A YOUNG MAIDEN LAY BENEATH THE MOON, victim to a night of restless sleep. Selene's beauty, the goddess of the moon, seeped through the bedroom window, kissing the woman's skin with moonlight. Juliette Eléonore Villeneuve, with the soft linen sheets strewn carelessly across her body, tossed and turned in her sleep. The sky held a constellation of brightly shining stars, outshone by the moon. The turmoils of her heart and mind went unnoticed by the world, for the universe was grand and Juliette was a mere speck. She was irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

As the night went on, Juliette was cursed by Hypnos himself. From the moment the sun surpassed the horizon, allowing inky darkness to shroud the sky, to the moment the blazing sun arose once again, bearing a beautiful sunrise, Juliette was subjected to a night of restless sleep. From her cursed movements throughout the night, her white nightdress was twisted around her body and hiked above the knees. Throughout the night, she could not get comfortable, nor did she feel like she slept at all. Perhaps, she was punished by the gods for her recent sins — meddling and theft were a sin, weren't they? Or, perhaps, the constant fidgeting movements were a mere result of the turmoil plaguing her soul?

The intricate and troubling words of her father's letter, the letter for Anthony's gaze, became etched into the forefront of every thought and ached every beat of her heart.

Her parents took her love away.

Due to her parent's demands, Juliette despised the man she loved most.

If not for them, Juliette may have led a different life at that very moment.

Every so often, Juliette would awake from her restless sleep. When she did, she would release a shaky breath and stare at the plain ceiling above her. Then she thought. She thought of all that was troubling her which may be considered a curse itself. The things plaguing her mind caused pain to further blossom in the confines of her chest. Whilst her heart ached, her brain was victim to a throbbing headache. She attempted to ignore the letter and its implications to lull herself back to the land of dreams. However, the attempt was in vain. From where the letter rested on the mantle of her fireplace, it bore into her soul. Even across the room, where no moonlight hit it, she knew it was there and it felt as if it was staring at her. Unease stirred in her stomach and clouded her judgements.

So, when the moon began to dip in the sky, preparing for the sun to surpass the horizon, Juliette pushed herself out of bed. As she stood, the once twisted night dress straightened out and fell to her ankles once again.

The floorboards creaked under her weight as she approached the fireplace. The wood was cold against her bare feet and caused a chill to creep up her spine.

With hesitance, Juliette plucked the letter from the mantle.

She read the letter, attempting to find any reasoning behind her father's words. Why did her father demand Anthony to cease his letters? Why did he insist on halting their love? Why did her mother wish such things?

She read the letter again.

And, again.

Then, from exhaustion, Juliette fell asleep on the chaise by the fireplace. The letter lay against her chest, above her beating heart. The intricate and poisoning words of Lord Villeneuve seeped from the page and into her skin, tainting her dreams.

. . .

JULY, 1809

The moon, peaking in the ink-black sky, painted Juliette's skin with a whitish glow. The young maiden stood before the large window in her bedroom, glancing at the tales of the sky, the constellations. Speckled across the shroud of darkness were bright twinkling stars, craving the attention that the moon so easily obtained. The wooden window sill was rough against Juliette's palms as it dug into the soft skin. She leant against the sill, enamoured by the beauty of the night sky and the peaceful atmosphere of Grosvenor Square.

The rustling of tree branches sliced through the silence of the night. A small gasp fell from her mouth as she was frightened by the sudden movement, although she had no reason to be. For she had been patiently waiting for that particular noise, and for what it meant. A form emerged from the stocky branch by her window, grasping onto the sill with a firm grip.


The eldest Bridgerton son pulled himself into the candle-lit bedroom. The light of the flickering flames danced across the pale wallpaper and cast a warm hue to Anthony's skin. Juliette's heart fluttered and her body itched to step closer, to be closer. As if the man heard her silent desires, he approached her, leaving a mere foot between their chests.

Anthony ran his slender fingers through her loose curls absentmindedly. Juliette's eyes shut at the action and the warmth in her chest blossomed. As Anthony cupped her cheek, stroking the soft skin with his thumb, Juliette leaned into the delicate touch.

"You ought to stop climbing through a lady's window, Lord Bridgerton," she mumbled, attempting to conceal the smile yearning to show on her lips. She tried to remain composed under his caress, but her heart was in a frenzy and her knees were weak. The lack of composure seeped into her tone as she spoke in a breathy whisper, "A gentleman would never dare to do such things."

"Lord Bridgerton?" Anthony questioned, shocked. A humorous frown toyed at his mouth. His thumb ceased its stroking motion, instead, it rested on the hollow of her cheek. "What of 'my Anthony' or 'my love'? Please enlighten me, what have I done so terribly wrong to be addressed so formally."

"You're late," she deadpanned, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. As she played with the fabric, her fingers briefly brushed his neck. Anthony's breath hitched in his throat from the ghost of her touch. Her tone was light, stating, "I have been waiting."

Anthony softly snorted, a large grin pulling at the corner of his lips. Serious, he questioned, "Have you attempted to scale the tree by your window?" He searched Juliette for any response, yet the woman remained amused in silence. Anthony continued, asking, "Or the brick itself? It is not an effortless task."

Juliette rolled her eyes. She lightly hit his chest and rested her palm against his heart. Anthony's heartbeat spiked under her touch, the touch he craved. "You have scaled that tree at least fifty times before. By now your efforts should be perfected. Should I be concerned about your apparently declining agility?"

"I am three years your senior, my love," Anthony claimed in disbelief, dropping his hands by his sides. He examined the playful expression woven on Juliette's face. He emphasized, "To be clear, my agility is fine."

"Mhm," Juliette hummed. "Of course, I would never doubt you."

Anthony gasped. He brought his hand to his chest in feigned hurt and placing it upon Juliette's hand that rested there. "You do not believe my honest words?" Juliette lightly bit her bottom lip as she sent Anthony a soft shake of her head. A glint of mischief danced across his irises. Abruptly, he exclaimed in a hushed tone, "And now?"

Before Juliette could react, Anthony leapt forward, closing the mere foot between them. With a gentle touch, he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting Juliette from the ground. Her bare feet dangled in the air as she was pulled tightly against his chest. A soft squeal fell from her tongue and a large grin was donned on her lips. Anthony spun with Juliette in his arms. Her loose curls flowed in the air and the skirt of her dressed billowed.

Once he stopped spinning, Anthony nuzzled his face into the curve of where her neck met her shoulder. His lips rested on the area above her collarbone, leaving ghostly kisses against the soft skin. With every exhale, warm breaths seeped from his nose, tickling the sensitive area. Juliette's hand rested against the back of his neck, pulling her love closer. She became lost in his touch, in his smell, in his love.

Juliette absentmindedly toyed with his soft hair, running her fingers through the strands. With an endearing sigh, she muttered, "I believe you."

"Oh really?" He asked, lifting his head from her neck.

Juliette pressed her lips to the crown of his head, giving the man of her heart a tender kiss. Her breath was warm against his forehead as she whispered, "I will always believe you. Through light and dark, joy and sorrow — you hold my heart and, for that, I will follow you forevermore." She paused, a soft giggle surpassing her lips. She added, "I merely wanted an embrace, my Anthony, and I see I achieved my goal."

"You are wicked!" He exclaimed, setting the woman on the floor once again. Her feet hit the wooden floorboards with a small thud. However, he didn't let go of their embrace. Juliette remained tightly held in his arms.

Juliette pressed a finger to his lips. "We must be quiet, my love. My aunt and uncle may approve of you as of now, but they certainly won't if they learn of your evening visits."

An impish expression conquered his countenance. "Our game is quite dangerous, is it not?"

"If someone were to learn of this, I would have no choice but to marry you to preserve my reputation — the horror!" Juliette bantered, fighting to conceal her grin. She wrinkled her nose and narrowed her brows, feigning disgust at the mere thought. Truthfully, Juliette would be thrilled to wed Anthony.

Juliette pulled herself from Anthony's grasp. A small frown cursed his handsome features from the action. Immediately, she became a victim to the cold without his warm embrace. She reached for his hand and pulled him across her bedroom. The wooden floorboards creaked under their soft steps.

"Your words pain me!" He gasped, following Juliette aimlessly. "You act as if we are not destined to wed."

Juliette turned around, halting in her steps. She could not ignore the warmth in her chest caused by his words. With a raised brow, she quizzed in a playful wonder, "We are destined to wed? Is that so?"

"Juliette Eléonore Villeneuve, you are my sun and my moon," he paused, brushing a loose curl from Juliette's face. Their gaze met. Within the intricate swirls of liquid honey in the warm browns of his irises, Juliette found an array of emotions. His eyes were not a puzzle, but a beautiful masterpiece painted with love and lust, with joy. "My world is nought without you."

At his words of devotion, Juliette's heart leapt in her chest.

She was in love.

Truth be told, Juliette did not want marriage if her marriage was not with Anthony. She had no desire to wed another man, for she had already found her other half. Not only was Anthony Bridgerton the holder of her heart, but he was her greatest friend. Through inside jokes at the dinner table to secretive rendezvous at night, his soul fit perfectly with hers. Juliette always feared a loveless marriage, but with Anthony, that was not a rational fear. She knew how his heartbeat for her and only her, and she could not deny the love she felt for him either. Anthony Bridgerton and Juliette Villeneuve were destined for one another.

She broke his gaze, pulling him along once again. Juliette sat on the edge of her bed with Anthony settling next to her, the bed dipped under their combined weight. Her hand remained held in his as he trailed every peak and valley with his thumb.

"My Anthony, you are well aware I will accept your proposal without thought," she whispered. Her tone heavy with endearment. She bit on her lip in thought for a brief moment. "It is my father you must impress with your words strung with love and affection for me."

"A feasible task, surely," he smirked.

Juliette exhaled through her nose, slightly irritated by his lack of concern. She warned, "I suggest you put in the effort, I am his sole child. He wishes the best for me, so you must prove yourself."

Anthony did not respond. Instead, he remained focused on the valleys of Juliette's knuckles, running his fingers against the bumps. He seemed deep in thought, lost.

"Anthony, are you listening?" When Anthony failed to answer, Juliette pressed a finger beneath his chin. With a delicate touch, she pulled his head upwards, forcing his attention. Juliette did not recognize the expression plaguing his face, and unease arose in her stomach. She spoke once again, her tone stern, "Anthony."

A moment passed when Anthony spoke. "You must get some rest, it is getting late."

The warmth in her chest dimmed a fraction, saddened by their separation. Juliette knew he couldn't stay the night, as much as she wished he could, but it would be improper and an irresponsible risk. Frankly, their current actions were careless. If anyone were to see Anthony crawl through her window, especially at such an hour, she would be ruined. And, poor Édith would be ruined by association.

"Goodnight, my Anthony," Juliette smiled. She caressed the hollow of his cheek briefly before dropping her hand to her lap.

He placed a soft and tender kiss on the crown of her head. Whispering against her skin, he said, "Until the sun rises, my Juliette."

Anthony stood from the edge of the bed and made his way towards the window. As he walked, the floor creaked under his steps. Anthony turned around one last time, an endearing smile on his lips as he glanced at his love. Then, Juliette watched Anthony Bridgerton disappear through the window.

"Until the sun rises."

. . .

rose's notes

I hope you enjoyed chapter 16! If so, vote and comment!! I love hearing what you have to say <3

Some insight on Juliette's previous relationship with Anthony!! Also, in case you didn't notice, this flashback takes place the last summer she spent in London.

Sorry this update took so long! I had ¾ of a chapter written but I decided to move that to chapter 17 instead!! (chapter 17 may or may not include Juliette confronting Anthony... 👀)

ALSO, i have posted a colin bridgerton fic "Sutherland"! Check it out if you're interested! (I am super excited for it and it will be cute and also sad and kinda angsty?)

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