Fictional Love

By hausofjen

100K 2.3K 166

Laura Prepon who plays Alex Vause, finally gets to meet her co-star Taylor Schilling who plays Piper Chapman... More

The Audition
We meet again
Faking it
Teach me how to date
First Date (part I)
First Date (part II)
Slumber Party
Rise and fight
On Camera
Turning soft, are we now?
So close yet so far.
About The Shower Scene...
Break up?
Back to work
Game on
Call it a double-date
We need to talk
Back together
Second shot
Don't get too comfy
Game Night
First week of commitment
Birthday Girl
End of the night
City of Love
Married Life
Home Videos (1)
Home Videos (2)
The Story
"Reality Over Fiction"
New story out

Will you be my valentine?

2.5K 65 3
By hausofjen

Taylor's pov
It's been over two weeks since Laura and I haven't had a genuine conversation, and I think I'm to blame for that. After what I did at the restaurant, I don't think she'll ever speak to me again. I surely can't live with that, and so I have to do something about it, I need to make it right.
Although I'm still not sure about my feelings for her, still not sure wether it's fictional or real.
Suddenly, the phone rings, interrupting my thoughts.
"Hello?" I greet, wondering who it is.
"Hey, it's Lenny, so for your date tonight, I'm sending clothes over." He says.
"Yeah, okay.Thanks Len.." I hang up.
I open the front door to let the team in, with my outfit and options for accessories, and bags and shoes.
I tip them all, then let them out, to go try my outfit out.
Our date was initially going to be held at some fancy restaurant, but I called up the production and told them that I'm deciding where I'm going to spend my valentine's: At the beach. I was going to recreate our first date, I know it sounds cliché but I have great ideas.
I put on some sweat pants and running shoes, and decide to go on a last minute check up, to see if everything was perfectly set up.
I get to the club and park my car in my usual spot, then proceed to the manager's office.
"Good afternoon Mrs Schilling, came to check up on your project I suppose?" He asks.
"Sure thing." I reply, as we make our way to the beach.
"The tent is being set up right now, the lights are already hung, the lanterns are ready and will be out here by 8pm, the room is ready too, and the beach is booked for you." The manager states, reassuring me.
"Great, thank you so much, I'll have my assistant send you the check." I say.
"Are you paying for all this Mrs Schilling? I thought the production was sponsoring this." He asks.
"Oh, I insisted on doing it by myself." I reply, heading back to the car.
I now have a couple of stops before I make my way home to get ready.
I arrive infront of the jewelry store, and enter:
"Good afternoon, how may I assist you?" The merchant asks.
"I had chosen a piece, and reserved it under the name Schilling, please tell me you still have it." I sob.
"Oh for sure Mrs Schilling , I presume." He reassures me.
"Put it on my card." I state, handing him my debit.
"That's a pretty large amout for a single card miss, I'm sure it's worth it then." He jokes.
"Oh it is." I add.
"Here you go, happy valentines!" He says handing me the bag and my card.
"Thanks, bye!" I reply, leaving the store.
Next stop: flower store.
"Good afternoon Mrs Schilling! Good to see you again." The owner greets me.
"Likewise! So did you finish my arrangements for tonight?" I ask.
"Of course, we're sending the first one over, at 7:40 like you said, at the address you gave us, then the 3 others with a 5 minute delay between each. And finally the biggest one to the club, room 342." The owner recites as if he rehearsed it.
"Charge it on my card okay?" I say, leaving the store.
"Okay ma'am, have a nice evening!" He chants.
Finally, I can head home with a clear conscience, tonight is going to be perfect.
I check my watch, which indicates '5:30pm', perfectly on time.
I shower then wear some temporary clothes, and wait for my hair stylist and makeup designer.
Suddenly the door bell rings,
"Taylor! Honey!" My makeup designer, Tanya greets me, pulling me into a hug.
"HeyTanya! Hey Lucas! C'mon you guys are late!" I stress.
"Oh honey, we are never late." Lucas jokes.
I set up the chair, while they prepare their kit.
"So curly on the bottom?" Lucas asks, "Just making sure you did change your mind again!"He jokes.
"Yeah! Stop mocking me, I want it to be perfect" I say.
"So you have a crush on your co-star Tay?" Tanya teases.
"We're supposed to be a 'couple', remember?" I reply.
"Yeah, but you're not that anxious usually." Lucas adds.
"Fine, now can we go back to styling my hair and doing my makeup because I'm late?" I order, in a friendly tone.
They both nod and go on with their jobs.
By the time I'm ready and dressed it's about 7:30, I now have 30 minutes to get to Laura's appartement, as the roses are arriving there in 10 minutes, and I have the last part of the arrangement.

Laura's pov
I check my phone for the time,
'7:39pm', as I was already dressed and ready to go, I just wait around for Taylor.
When suddenly my door bell rings,
I open the door to find an arrangement of flowers, with the word 'Will' spelled out in a different color of roses.
I assume it was a gift from Will, so I carry them and place them on the table.
About five minutes later, someone knocks on the door again, and there it was; another arrangement but this time they spelled out 'you'. I place it next to the first one, trying to figure out what 'Will you' meant.
When the door bell rings again, and I find a third bouquet, spelling 'be'. I place it next to the others, to form 'Will you be'.
I try to reach for my iPad to call Will and ask him what this was about, but then the door bell rings again.
This time, the bouquet spelled 'my'. I assume it was a mistake, they probably meant 'mine' or something.
I have a seat, and just wait for Will to reply, but then someone knocks on the door again, which made me hang up and head outside.
There she was, on one knee, with a huge sign saying 'Valentine?'. I couldn't help it, but forgive her for everything, and just run into her arms.

Taylor's pov
For a while there I forget about Ashton and about everyone I have ever loved, and just hold Laura into my arms. When she pulls out of the hug, I just do the first thing that comes to my mind. I kiss her. And surprisingly, she kisses back.
We share an amazing, breathtaking passionate kiss, I didn't want it to end.
She then proceeds to gather her stuff, and head out so we can drive to the club. I open the door for her, and make my way to the driver's seat.
"So where are we going?" She asks.
"You'll find out soon enough." I tease.
"We're not going to that fancy restaurant are we?" She asks again.
"No, we're not, I chose our destination for tonight." I brag.
"Okay then." She laughs.
When we got there, I opened up Laura's door and held her hand all the way to the beach.
"Oh My God Taylor, did you really set this all up?" She gasps.
"Yeah, I wanted it to be specia-", Laura interrupts me with a kiss.
"Wait what about Ash and Will-"
"Forget about them tonight." She interrupts me once again.
"Over here, have a seat." I say, pulling her chair for her.
"Thank you." she murmurs.

Laura's pov
I can't believe she planned all that, everything was so perfect.
Halfway through our meal, we decide to exchange gifts.
"I really hope you like it, this one's from me, not the production" I joke, handing her to blue box.
"Oh my God Laura! It's beautiful." She gasps, opening the box.
I stand up to help her put on the necklace.
"Thank you, here open yours." She says giving me a box.
"Tay you shouldn't have! It's fucking gorgeous oh my God." I exclaim.
"You really like it?" She asks.
"Are you kidding? It's amazing." I retort.
"C'mon let's go" She says, grabbing me by the hand.
"Where are we going?" I ask, as she takes off her heels.
"Just take off your heels sweetie." She says, and I do so.
She grabs me by the hand, and carries her heels in the other, as we walk by the shore.
"I'm sorry." She says, staring into my eyes, I come closer, invading her personal space.
"Just kiss me already." I beg.
And I finally got my sincere kiss. No press, no pity, no nothing. Just two average women, who are attracted to each other, and decided to manifest their feelings with a kiss.
"Follow me." She says trailing off into the darkness.
Taylor's pov
"Tay! I can't see! It's too dark where are you?" Laura shouts.
"Just follow the lights, and the sound of my voice." I murmur making it almost impossible for anyone to hear.
"This better be worth it!" She screams again.
"Oh it is.." I say.
I have a seat on the stairs, and wait for her to figure out the way.
"Oh my God, it's the beach house!" She says, as she appears.
"And we're gonna use it." I wink.
"C'mooooon" I interrupt, pulling her inside.
Laura's pov
"Oh my God" I gasp for air.
"Best sex you've ever had?" She asks teasing me.
"No, sorry." I joke.
"What?" She asks, bummed.
"Kidding." I laugh.
I wasn't sure wether it was hate sex, jealous sex or just plain sex, but damn it was good, actually it was great, I think my legs are sore now.
"I'm gonna shower now." I say, standing up.
"Geez, I just gave you the best time of your life and won't invite me to shower with you?" Taylor jokes.
"Care to join babe?" I offer.
"I thought you'd never ask." She smirks.
I make my way to the bathroom, and find a hot tub halfway filled with steamy water and a few bottles of soap and about a dozen of champagne bottles, and this huge flower arrangement.
"Taylor did you do this?" I ask, already knowing the answer. She hides her face, now red because she was blushing.
"C'mere. You're amazing you know that?" I whisper, huging her from behind.
"Oh I know, the way you screamed my name helped me figure it out." She teases.
"Shut up ew." I say, now hiding my face.
"You weren't disgusted before.." She says, taking my arms off my face.
"Can we not talk about it?" I blush.
"You want me to forget about the time I made you squeal? And made your legs sore, because of all tha-"
"Okay, that's it I'm gonna take a bath now, ALONE." I interrupt, kicking her out.
"Babe I was just teasing, let's just get in." She says, while we both enter the hot tub.
Taylor's pov
About 10 champagne bottles later, and a bundle of laughter, we couldn't manage to get out of the tub, so we finally gave up.
"Hey Tay?" Laura asks.
"Mhm?" I reply, barely conscious.
"What are we gonna do about Will and Ash?" She asks.
"Is this the champagne talking?" I giggle.
"N-no I'm serious." She manages to look at me and stare into my eyes.
"We'll just call it off, break up with them." I say, turning my face in her direction.
"Yeah, we should just break up with them..." I murmur, then stand up, "c'mon we have to get up, here I'll help you" I say, giving her a hand.
"Thanks." She says, standing up.
I then help her wear a nightgown, and do the same. And as we both slide into the bed, which was different from the one we had sex in, Laura says:
"I heart you.", then falls asleep.

Writer's pov
Hope you guys enjoyed this valentine special. I just wanted to say that it won't be that peaceful after that, because I'm not gonna end the story any time soon, since it's helping me cope with the wait for s3.
Anyway, happy valentines babes.

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