Why Aren't You Scared Of Me...

By Punkee02

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This is a story of a teenage girl of the name Toni and a girl that is very strange of the name of Billie Eili... More



241 8 2
By Punkee02

Toni's POV

When I woke up again I was on a couch back at the castle. I was about to run and make sure the twins were okay until someone lightly put me back on the couch. 

Billie- You need to relax

Toni- Where are the twins

Billie- They are in their room with Jughead

Toni- What was that stuff that you blew in my face 

Billie- A powder that makes people sleep. Toni it was the only way to get you out of there.

Toni- Did the rest make it out

Billie- Yes. Also the parents of that little girl aren't mad you were trying to help them

I nodded and then I laid in her lap for a bit. She was playing with my hair and we didn't talk. But the silence was broke when Maggie walked in. 

Maggie- Hey girls

Toni- Hi 

Maggie- Everything alright 

Toni- Yeah

Maggie- What were you girls at before this all happened

Billie- Class

Toni- Same then I got a call from them 

Maggie- Your professor contacted me 

Toni- If its me storming out of the class to make sure Kevin and Betty were safe I'm not going to get yelled at. My siblings matter more

Maggie- Oh no its about what you were talking about. I know it's seems scary but there is no pressure for you to get yours. When you feel okay to do so let Billie know

Billie was confused but she caught on. 

Billie- God your already there. So what would you like to know

Toni- Don't do it to my siblings if I find out your dead

Billie- I can't anyways

Toni- Good. How does it work 

Billie- Are you sure your ready to know

Toni- Its going to happen so I should mentally prepare myself

Billie- Good point. So normally vampires mark them 2 weeks in of being together but royals do it differently. Its a bit more sexual 

Toni- So you have sex then mark

Billie- Not fully. Go ahead and laugh its pretty weird. But yes we like to please them then do it 

Toni- When it happens we having the twins gone or somewhere far so they don't walk in 

Billie- Okay yeah that's fine

Toni- Does it hurt

Billie- Have you gotten a shot 

Toni- Yeah many

Billie- Like that 

Toni- So what happens after

Billie- Those eyes of yours are a light blue but the second your marked your eyes will change to a really pretty blue. Like a deep blue

Toni- Why 

Billie- Don't know its always been like that for royals

I nodded and then we headed to the yard to sit outside. We were having iced tea and just relaxing. 

Toni- God where were you my whole life

Billie- Right here waiting

Toni- Sounds like hell. I dreamt as a little girl to be this pretty princess, live in a castle, have these amazing meals, be bossy to people, get married to a prince and become a queen

Billie- Well it came true

Toni- in a shitty way though. That dream went away when I started to take care of the twins. But I let Betty take that dream because I want her to be happy

Billie- What would they do if you weren't here

Toni- Live with my horrible parents 

Billie- You are too good to them 

Toni- They don't have anyone else. Every time I wanted to hang with anyone they were there. Everyone adores them. I mean I don't have an issue but I need time alone

Billie- Alone alone

Toni- No I haven't been alone with someone since they were born I want to more than anything 

Billie- Well the twins are at Jugs so we are

Toni- Yeah I guess we are. I think they should stay there 

Billie- Are you sure

Toni- Of course I mean his parents love the twins. They are happy there

We talked more and had a good time. Eventually we were walking around and having a good time. I was thinking long and hard about her marking me. God I wish she would just kiss me. Next thing I know she kisses me.

Billie- I can hear your thoughts you know

Toni- Right

I looked at her and then I kissed her. The second we pulled away I looked at her and her lips. We then walked back inside to her bedroom. The second we got to her room I was against the wall and she kissed me. Before we knew it we were on the bed. I pushed her away to look at her. Her eyes were gold. We continued and clothes were coming off. 

Billie- If we do this I might accidentally do it

Toni- I don't care. Shut up and kiss me

She then kissed me again and we all know what happened. But during it she was kissing my neck and I could feel it coming. Then I felt a sharp pinch. I didn't care because I was too much in the moment. She slowly pulled away and looked at me. I'm guessing that my eyes changed since she was just looking at me. 

Billie- Are you mad

Toni- No

She let me sit up and I walked to the bathroom. I started a bath to relax for a bit. After it was ready I stepped in and just relaxed. After the bath I put a robe on and walked out. 

Billie- Hey how was the bath

Toni- Relaxing from the events today. Not to judge but I know your playing a 17 year old still but how old are you 

Billie- Technically I'm a thousand years old but I play a 17 year old because I'm stuck as my 17 year old self

Toni- And mine 

Billie- Your correct. We are going to a dinner

Toni- What for 

Billie- Some friends that live in Arizona want to meet you. So I got a dress for you to wear

Toni- Oh my god Billie this is amazing.  

Billie- Finneas my brother and his mate or girlfriend whatever picked it out for you 

Toni- Am I meeting them tonight

She smiled and nodded. Then the stylist came in to help me get ready. They started with my hair first. They were doing a half up half down curly hair with extensions. My hair took about an hour since they were struggling a bit. Then they did my makeup. Before I knew it I was done. 

Stylist- Alright I'll help you with your dress

I then got my shoes and dress one. After the full look I was in love with it. I then was informed that it was time to leave so I walked down the stairs and walked to the car. The driver helped me in and I saw Billie was in the car already. 

Billie- Do I know you. Oh wait I do. You look beautiful 

Toni- Thank you 

Billie- Those blue eyes fit you 

Toni- You think 

Billie-  Yep beautiful 

We then started to head after Billie's parents got into the car behind us. It was a long drive but it was nice. When we got there the castle was beautiful. 

Billie- This is my best friends home her name is Zoe. She just got her mate recently. Oh Toni this is Finneas my brother and Claudia his Girlfriend

Toni- Its nice to meet you both 

Claudia- You as well. I see that something took a turn

Billie and Finneas laughed as I was confused. 

Billie- She's talking about what happened earlier 

Toni- Okay 

We then walked in and waited in a living room for them to come. 

Maggie- So I see the thing you were so scared of happened. 

Toni- yeah I guess

Maggie- Well I'm proud. You know you can talk to me about anything

Toni- thank you Maggie that means a lot

They came out and we then walked to the dinning room. 

Billie- Zoe 

Zoe- Hi Billie. Is this Toni

Toni- Yes 

Zoe- Toni this is my mate...

Toni- Sweet Pea right

Zoe- I thought you met him

Toni- I did he was a bit lost and it ended up him being in the mate class together

Sweet Pea- Nice to see you again

Toni- You as well

We sat down and all got to know each other. 

Sweet Pea- Toni I was going to walk around for a bit want to join

Toni- Of course 

We were about to walk out until Billie grabbed my arm. 

Billie- Where you doing 

Toni- I'm going to walk with Sweet Pea

Billie- Wait

Toni- I may be your mate and you marked me earlier today but I'm not your damn puppet. I'm human and have 2 little siblings. 

After I said that I ripped my hand out of her grip and ran out. 


I didn't listen to her and just ran. I ran out of the castle walls and just ran. I didn't realize how far I've gone till I looked back. I stopped and looked around. I started to walk back because I only planned on just going outside the walls and taking a moment. I was completely lost where I am. 

Sweet Pea- TONI

Toni- Where are we

Sweet Pea- Not very far

Toni- I didn't mean to come this far

Sweet Pea- its alright. Look I know Billie seemed harsh but she wants to makes sure your safe 

Toni- I just needed a moment

Sweet Pea- Thats alright 

As we walk back and Billie ran to me to hug me. 

Billie- I'm sorry mammas

Toni- Its okay 

We then made up and then just all walked around. I was holding Billie's hand while talking to Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea- How old are you siblings

Toni- They are both 10 but next month they are turning 11 

Sweet Pea- How did you manage school, friends, and cheer

Toni- To be honest I didn't. Last time I actually hung out with friends was when I was 10 and the twins were new borns. Then my parents became shit parents. 

Sweet Pea- I'm sorry about that 

Toni- Its nothing now because I have had the most time alone in a long time 

Sweet Pea- I bet. Well after the school opens back again and we come back into LA we should hang

Toni- I would love to 

Eventually we got to the cars since it was time to leave. I had platform heals and I was so happy that we are going to sit down. 

Toni- It was nice meeting you Zoe. Bye

The second we drove off I ripped my heals off. 

Billie- You good

Toni- God I feel like I have pins and needles stabbing my feet 

She gladly massaged my feet. About half way I had fallen asleep.

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