Cupidity- H.S

By sunflowerbriar

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She hates him, absolutely despises him. He doesn't even know of her existence, but somehow fate decided to pa... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven

Chapter three

364 20 68
By sunflowerbriar

Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go

"I'm suing you for attempted murder" Harry mutters between big inhales and exhales.

I'm not necessarily a reckless driver but if somehow, we end up falling off a bridge and dying, I wouldn't mind taking one for the world and rid it of a nightmare in human form.

"You remind me of how much I hate rich people," I say with so much disgust.

We're on our way to a hotel where Harry is supposed to meet an important client and I have no idea how we're going to do this. We're in actual fucking handcuff all thanks to me.

"You remind me how much I hate people in general" he snaps back, I roll my eyes. He's pathetic.

I took off the roof of the car which made him even angrier, I don't think it's even possible to hate a person this much until I had to spend time with Harry.

"The thing is I don't give a shit what you think," I say without even looking at him, I know this will make him furious.

"You should, I'm Harry Styles" he bragged, I roll my eyes again, I look at him and he's smirking. What's up with him and smirking?

"You're a narcissistic asshole" I objected.

"For good reason, who wouldn't love themselves when they look like me?" he boasts again.

I ignore him, he's irritating.

I stop the car when I see the red light, and I can feel his eyes on me. I look everywhere but him, I don't get nervous, it's the other way, I make people nervous, I must admit though, I'm uncomfortable with his stare. It's complete silence, no one is talking.

As if we were talking, we were arguing the entire time.

To ease my discomfort a little I turn on the radio for music, his stare is literally burning into me right now, but I pay him no attention.

Suddenly, I'm being pulled to his side, he pulled me with the handcuffs, and now my face is so close to his I can feel his breath, his face holds a wide smirk, his eyes hold a playful look.

"Ah, I know what this is," he points at me and him, "Look, if you wanted me to fuck you, you could've asked nicely" he taunts.

What the fuck?

He clearly sees the confusion on my face, "Handcuffing us together, smart and quite effective. Does the trick, doesn't it?" he mocks me.

I pull back in that instant and just stare at him, is he that stupid? God, he's fucking dumb.

I stare as he smirks boldly at me, he's practically drowning in confidence and cockiness.

"If I wanted someone to fuck me, I'd ask someone who knows what they're doing," I remarked.

Ah, the joy of seeing his smirk drop makes me fill with a great amount of joy.

I press the brakes as soon as the light turns green, I start turning the wheel when I hear my phone ringing, I steal a quick glance downwards and I discover Melo is calling, I look up at Harry who is looking out his side and I snap my fingers at him which makes him turn and glare.

"What do you fucking wa-?" I cut him off by throwing my phone at his lap and he flinches but was able to catch it, he furrows his eyebrows.

"Answer and put it on speaker" he glares at me for a few seconds, but I just glare back, he sighs out frustratedly and answers the phone, and puts it on speaker.

"Oh my god, we were so worried. Are you alright, Au-" I cut her off before she can reveal my name to Harry.

"I'm alright. I'm sorry I had a tantrum and left" I mutter out an apology.

Harry rolls his eyes, "A mental breakdown more like it"

I ignore him but Melo surely didn't, "Who's that?" she asks nervously.

"It's Harry Styles" I answer back turning the wheel again.

The line goes silent before we hear unclear whispers, and suddenly Fiona's voice is heard.

"Say 911 if you're held at gunpoint" Fiona orders and I almost laugh.

"I'm okay Fifi, don't worry. Now goodbye" I point at the phone while I silently order him to end it.

"Bye, I'll be pulling the trigger now, I'm afraid no last words for you," he says sarcastically before ending the call.

I glare at him and I lightly hit him with the handcuffed hand, "You're so irritating. I'll literally kill you"

He chuckles out a raspy laugh and sighs and looks back at me.

"Do it then." He puts his hands over my eyes, I practically scream, the adrenaline floods my system like it's on an intravenous drip - right into my blood at full pelt. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide under his hands.

I can't see shit, and his hands are big. I start shouting out insults. I start swerving the car trying my best to not plummet us to our ultimate deaths.

It only lasts few moments and I struggle to push his hands away and when he finally pulls his hand back, I regain control of the car and attempt to breathe normally again.

He bursts out laughing, a genuine laugh. Seems like almost killing us is what sparks genuine amusement in Harry. My eyes are wide, and I can't breathe properly. I feel dizzy and I'm still shaken up.

"You're fucking psychotic. We almost died because of you!" I rasp out, my voice is sore from all the screaming.

He smirks, the idiot doesn't look afraid at all. He actually looks quite the opposite.

"Admit it, dying after plummeting to our deaths is way more exciting than of a sickness you get when you're at fucking old age"

I look at him, he is insane, like actually insane.

"I can't believe you!" I shout, I was about to lecture him some more, but I saw the entrance of the hotel and when I was about to enter but he points to another entrance, there's a sign by the entrance that says, 'VIP', I should've guessed that.

When we finally park, I unlock my seat belt and go to exit only to be pulled back by the handcuffs and I sigh.

"Have some patience, woman" he orders me under his breath and I almost missed his name for me, I roll my eyes as he awkwardly moves over from his seat to the driver's seat until he finally makes it out.

On to the hard part.

He grabs a few papers with his spare hand and then locks the door.

"Don't make a scene, just follow me and hide your hands behind the papers" he orders, and I groan out of annoyance, I'm wasting my day.

"Fine. Just go" I whisper.

He doesn't answer and he starts walking inside the hotel, he starts heading towards the elevator. People are staring, I know, I can feel the eyes judging us.

He reaches the elevator door, and my anxiety sets in.

I pull him back suddenly, and he lets out a groan before he looks at me angrily.

"What the hell do you want?" he spits out with a whisper.

"No elevators" I reply back anxiously.

He almost laughs, keyword, almost.

"You don't make orders, come on now. We don't have much time" he commands trying to pull me inside, but I wouldn't budge.

I absolutely hate tight spaces; I would rather die than enter a tight space.

"Just fucking come before I make you" he snarled, but I can't do it, I hate tight spaces and I'll probably faint from stress, I just can't do it.

I sigh, "I hate tight spaces, let's take the stairs"

This time he actually laughs mockingly, "It's on the fifteenth floor, I'm not fucking doing that!"

I won't budge, "Then we're not going to meet your client" I sneered.

I visibly see him clench his fists until they turn white, he closes his eyes as if he's regaining control of his anger. I mentally laugh at how uncontrollable he is.

He groans, "I'm going to fucking destroy you after we meet the client, and not in a good way" he pulls me towards another door which I assume is the door to the stairs.

"As if you can destroy me in a good way" I whisper tauntingly, he probably didn't hear since there was no reaction.

There was a series of steps that we had to climb. Steeply and never-ending, the steps wound in a tight circle, rising inexorably to the top of the building, it seemed impossible, but I prefer this over any elevator.

We don't talk as we begin walking up the flight of stairs, but every now and then I hear Harry mutter curses, and he'd grumble so often.

"I can't fucking believe I was roped into spending time with you" he suddenly says frustratingly.

"It's not as if I wanted to spend time with you." I snapped back.

He laughs sarcastically, "Look at the state I'm in, I'm handcuffed to you. This day can't get fucking worse"

"Don't you see how much I regret it? I'm stuck with you" I ranted.

He looks down at our hands then back at me, "Not one right thing has happened since I've been with you" he complained.

"Ha, I would've been an architecture designer right now if it weren't for you, nothing good has happened since the day I have known your name. You absolutely ruined my life" I object.

He looks down at his watch, "Are you done?" he asks sarcastically.

"Yes," I sigh.


We continue on our tiresome journey up the flight of stairs, "What are you going to do with this client?" I ask him.

He doesn't look at me, "He doesn't want to sell his land and I want to buy his land"

I furrow my eyebrows, "How is that even possible? How are you going to buy land from someone who doesn't want to sell it?"

"I have good persuasion skills, but thanks to you, I'm handcuffed to you with handcuffs that have fucking hearts on them. The man isn't going to take me seriously" he grumbles.

"Stop complaining, I'll find a way." I attempt in reassuring him, I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Fast forward fifteen floors we finally arrived at the dining room of the hotel.

"Wait," I tell him trying to catch my breath, I haven't exercised that much in my life." The sweat cooled my skin and warmed up my skin, yet I know the worse still hasn't come.

I see him regain breathing control while I struggle a bit, "That wasn't that bad" I try to cheer up the mood and he just stares at me as if mi crazy.

We enter the dining area and Harry starts looking around for the client, and when he finally spots him he points at him.

"That's him."

I look towards who he's pointing, and the man looks fairly old, his head filled with grey hair, he has wrinkles and a mustache. He dresses quite sophistically in a navy-blue suit and a white tie. He looks bored and checks his watch every often.

"What's his name?" I whisper to Harry.

"Evan Victor," he replies back and then looks at me, "So what's your plan?"

I freeze, I have no plan. None at all.

He seemed to have figured out that I have no plan and glares at me, "God, I can't deal with this right now."

"Just trust me" I reassure him.

"Ha, trust you? You've been sabotaging everything today, I don't even know your name." he sighs angrily, "you know what? Roman can take care of this, I don't have tim-"

I cut him off when I see Evan looking at us, "he's looking, shut up." I put on a fake smile and I see he did the same.

Evan is going to see the handcuffs, so I do the best thing for us, "Wrap your arm around my waist" I say quickly.

"What?" he stammers out through his fake smile.

"Wrap your handcuffed arm around my waist" He does it so quickly, but he hesitated a bit, Evan waves at us to come.

His arm is around my waist at the moment, "What are you doing?" he says without dropping his fake smile.

"Act natural, I'm your girlfriend" I announced, I turn to look at him to find him staring at me with confusion but then he reluctantly nods his head.

"Let's go then," he says pulling us to the table.

We head over to Evan's table; Harry shakes his hand and I smile.

"Hello, Mr. Styles" Evan greets Harry.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Victor, sorry for keeping you waiting" he sounds so genuine, but I know the truth, it seems like Harry meant it when he said he had great persuasion skills.

"Let me introduce you to, ah..." he stutters towards the end.

He doesn't know my name; he looks at me with a fake smile but he's glaring.

"Fairy lady, she goes by fairy lady" Harry stammers out, and I furrow my eyebrows to the ridiculous nickname he gave me.

"Fairy lady, a pleasure to meet you," Evan says with a smile.

"Pleasure is all mine, I'm Harry's girlfriend," I look at Harry, "But I'm also the private investor of the project and I really wanted to meet you" I mutter out lies after lies.

I see Harry's smile slightly drop and he glares at me for making up the lie that I'm the investor of the project, but I smile, because if you're going to lie at least make it believable.

"That's great, please take a seat," Evan says cheerfully, we shuffle a little towards a seat trying our best to act normal.

Harry hands Evan the papers, "Let's not waste any time, and cut to the chase. I have provided you a great deal in return for the land, the plans are all there" Harry says professionally.

Evan looks quite reluctant, "I thought we could eat first, then discuss" Evan decided.

Thank god, I really want food.

"That's not neede-" Harry begins.

"God, yes, please. I'm hungry" I cut off Harry, he glares at me and I shrug my shoulders.

"Alright," Evan calls for the menus.

Harry rubs his temples, I can tell he's angry but who cares, food comes first, and it looks like Evan wants food as well.

The waitress hands me the menu and when I take a look at it, I realize I'm craving something sweet, "Ma'am, this isn't the dessert menu"

This time Harry lightly kicks me underneath the table, he clenches his teeth, "Honey, you just said you were hungry, where did the dessert come from?" he says through gritted teeth.

I widen my eyes, and I fake a smile. "Well, Honey, I always like dessert first, you know that"

Evan nods agreeing, "Fairy lady, you are a very sweet woman" he grinned.

Bingo. Men are easy.

I see Harry's eyes light up after Evan seemed to show a liking to me, and his brain engines roll, he has found his strategy.

I'm his strategy.

I order a pineapple cake while they're discussing the deal. When the food arrives, I realize I can only use one hand, so I start attempting to eat but it's quite difficult to cut into the pineapple.

Suddenly, my fork missed the pineapple and it sends flying at Evan, my heart drops to my stomach. I'm screwed.

It fell onto Evan's side of the table and he laughs, "I guess this was destiny, can I eat it?"

I nod quickly, Evan is a nice guy, unlike Harry who is currently tugging on the handcuffs as a warning. I can feel a bruise developing.

Harry was practically seething with frustration. I re-attempt in eating the pineapple cake, but fate wasn't on my side today at all, and this time the piece flew towards harry, his reflex skills were triggered, and he was able to catch it in his palm.

He clenches his jaw, "Honey, try eating with a spoon maybe."

I laugh it off, but Evan was staring at me with a smile, "the world needs people like you, out of the box and exciting" he compliments me sincerely.

Ha, take that Harry.

"Thank you so much, you are very kind" I thank him.

Harry visibly rolls his eyes, "Anyways, back to business"

I start eating with the spoon while they discuss.

"This was very unexpected; the price is wonderful and above what I imagined." Evan complements the deal.

I look for chocolate syrup and I find it by Harry's side of the table.

"That's our case, Mr. Victor, Art life provides th-"

"Honey pass me the chocolate," I ask with a smile.

Harry clenches his fists, and doesn't even look at me, he grabs the bowl and just pours it all over the cake in a fast and messy manner.

"Thank you, honey" I mutter a quiet and sarcastic gratitude.

"You should see what we are planning for the land, your land is very suitable to our plans, we are planning to build golf courses, tennis courts, a marina. So think about it. It's an amazing offer."

I start eating the ice cream on the cake and that's when I see Evan is looking at me.

"Fairy lady, what do you think of the plan?" he looks at me.

I swallow the ice cream and look at Harry who is fake smiling at me, I don't know the plan, I have no idea what to say.

"Honey, the land is beside the sea and you adore the sea" Harry basically forces me to lie on his behalf.

I nod with a wide smile, "Yes, anywhere there is seawater automatically becomes beautiful"

Evan smiles, "Do you know I love the ocean too? I live on a boat" Harry rolls his eyes, but Evan didn't see him.

"I have another offer for you, we could partner up for this project and I'll sell the land" Evan offers gleefully.

We got it, I look at Harry with a genuine smile, "Evan agreed, that's good" I find no smile on his face, he's actually angry, he hits me with the cuffed hand.

Huh? What's the problem now?

"But honey, don't you remember how you said that you hated working with partners on projects," Harry says through gritted teeth.

Oh, so he doesn't want to be partners, I nod, "Thank you for reminding me Honey," I look at Evan, "I prefer to work independently, it's hard for women in this business to have a voice" I fake a sad voice.

Evan frowns, "I understand."

The waitress interrupts us, she hands me a strawberry lava cake, I whisper a thank you.

Harry slightly backs away and puts his hand over his face in a distressed manner.

"Would you like some?" I furrow my eyebrows.

Harry widens his eyes, he coughs a few times, "I'm deathly allergic to strawberries. I'll die."

I widen my eyes and move the plate closer to my side.

Evan suddenly says, "I want a name right then"

Harry clenches his jaw, "Look, Mr. Victor, we have provided you a great deal and we would love it if you accepted it." Harry says and proceeds to pour coffee into his mug.

Evan looks at me again, "What would you do if you were in my place, Fairy Lady?"

I think about it, "I'd probably say no," it's a bad deal for Evan, so I'm being honest, "As I understand you don't need money, and here Harry Styles comes and makes a deal without offering a partnership, and no name right. I'd probably say no"

I look to my right and I see Harry glaring at me, I just realized I'm ruining this deal for him, so I decide to be nice to the asshole who's never been nice to me.

"But the deal could offer many things, and I know the land is costing you a ton. So it would be great to take the weight off your shoulders" I cheerfully explain, "I wonder what your heart is saying, my aunt once said to me, 'The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings eternal joy to the soul.'"

Evan seems to be thinking, he has a big decision to make. Harry proceeds to drink the coffee while waiting.

"I made up my mind, I'll sell the land for your sake Fairy lady" Evan suddenly shouts excitedly pointing at me, Harry scoffs and continue drinking the coffee.

Out of excitement and lack of control I shout back pointing at him, "And I also give you the name right for your sake"

Harry chokes on the coffee and I ignore him, Evan smiles and raises his glass, "Let's celebrate" he says.

"Let's" I smile.

Harry reluctantly raises his glass, but I don't care because we were able to score a deal.

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