Pocket Monsters: Pasio Masters

By Ibrex2000

3.1K 65 56

Ash and his current companions Goh and Chloe venture to the island regions of Pasio where countless trainers... More

Chapter 1: The kids from pallet town
Chapter 2: Alola! to your family!
Chapter 3: Raid battles and mind games
Chapter 4: Ash and Pikachu's sync move?!
Chapter 5: The Intro tournament
Chapter 6: 3rd member! Leonardo's Infernape!
Chapter 7: Rocket troubles
Chapter 8: Unova terror/Kanto rising
Chapter 10: Night before the finals
Chapter 11: Luck vs Skill, the semi finals part 1
Chapter 12: Neil's Mega Strategy
Chapter 13: Final Gambit
Chapter 14, Red, Blue and Green all over
Chapter 15: Team Rocket Blast off!

Chapter 9: Alola pride/ Aura Trio!

151 3 3
By Ibrex2000

Aqua stadium
Right from the get go the next battles of the first round took place
Team Normie vs Team Akala.

"Are you ready folks?! We have yet another match for ya! We've got the trainers from Alola! The manly fire dancer himself Kiawe! The techno wiz Sophecles! And the ultimate Fisher woman Lana!!!" Trixie yelled and the crowd went wild.

"Oh yah!!!" Kiawe raised his arms in anticipation.

"Isn't this a bit too exaggerated" Sophecles sighed.

"No it's perfect!!!" Lana said with stars in her eyes.

While in the audience...
Ash was cheering for his former classmates "Show them the ropes guys!!!" He yelled full heartedly.

Goh and Chloe observed in silence and so did Nick, Neil and Leo.

Trixie continued "Verses the group from this very region's team Normie, led by the Normal type Island Chief of Passio Coop! And his followers Anne and Jose!" She Announced.

"Hmmmm , these 3 kids better be enough of a challenge for the third strongest island chief on Passio" coop said stroking his Beard. He was blonde with long wild hair that flowed down his back and a cool beard, he wore a red Hawaii shirt and black shorts with wooden sandals.

"That's our chief!" Both Anne and Jose said in sync. They wore similar Hawaii shirts but with black jeans, Anne had braided blue hair while Jose had spiky green hair.

"the field Shall be a normal concrete zone field! Trainers send out your Pokemon!"
Trixie ordered.

"Go Marowak" kiawe sent out a black reptile creature with a white skull for it's face.

"Vikavolt you too" Sophecles sent a blue flying beetle about the size of a preschooler, It's wings made a buzzing sound as well as sparking with electricity.

"Sandy you're up!" Lana sends out an Eevee similar to Chloe's but with longer hair, the fox like creature smiles boldly.

"Alright Ursaring go!" Coop sends out a brown bear like Pokemon standing up straight.

"Furret go!!!" Both Jose and Anne send out large striped weasels.

"Battle start" Trixie yells and the trainers get to work.

"Do it guys!" Coop shouts to his followers.

"Helping hand!" "helping hand!" Jose and Anne ordered their weasels which then sent something like brown energy to the Bear.

"Kiawe, Lana on your toes! Their planning something big!" Sophecles informs his friends.

"I'll end it in one go with my sync move! Ursaring Merciless hyperbeam!" Coop shouts as his own energy enters the bear too.

"GROOOO!" the bear sends out a huge beam of yellow energy targeted at it's enemies.

"What a powerful attack people! As expected from an island chief!" Trixie send as the beam closes in on the Alola team.

(Should I let Marowak tank the hit? No it's a ghost type Pokemon the Normal type move would phase through it.... Then what?) Kiawe thought to himself until...

"Sandy use follow me!" Lana said out of wonder.

"Evvvvvvve!" The brave fox wiggles it's tail as the powerful beam is strangely drawn towards it.

"Booooom!" The beam Hits Sandy knocking it out.

"Lana!" Kiawe Shouted seeing this.

"Sorry Sandy, return" Lana sadly recalls her defeated Pokemon

"How unexpected Lana sacrificed her Pokemon so her friends could continue fighting!!!" Trixie yells in shock.

In the crowd.
"Lana!" Ash shouts in concern over his friends.

"Such a dangerous tactic" Goh made mention, while Chloe imagines her own Eevee taking a hit like that.

"It was the best strategy" Leo said bluntly.

"It was either that or all of them getting wiped out, I'd do the same thing" Nick agreed.

Neil remained silent and thought (their teamwork could use a few more knacks).

Back to the battle

Sophecles takes a deep breath and says "Kiawe leave the bear to me take care of weasels!"

"Yoshhhh! I'll avenge Lana!!!" Kiawe yelled with fur in his eyes.

"I'm not dead tho" Lana said comically.

"As if we'll let you! Furret use bite!" Jose commanded. And his weasel charged the black reptile

"I'll back you, furret helping hand!" Anne yelled and her weasel's energy goes directly into the other.

"Behold! my new combo move i developed in a volcano! (Flame wheel + bonerang)! Magma swing!!!!" Kiawe shouted as somehow his muscles grew bigger scaring his opponents.

"Maro Maro Maro Maro waaaaakkk!"
Marowak started rubbing it's bone club against the floor rapidly in a circle until dark red liquid oozed from it(lava).

"Dodge it furret!" Jose pleased but it was already too late, the weasel was already about to attack when...

"Waaaaakkkk!", "Seeeellll!!!" 'bonnnkkk!' The lizard bonks the weasel with it's blazing bone club sending it towards the other one "weeeeeee!" The other weasel cries out then 'booommm!' both exploded in a ball of flames knocked out.

"Wohooooo! What a new technique taking down two opponent at once, however the battle still rages" Trixie aid in awe while the crowd were in all.

"Tsk!, You guys still have a lot to learn, watch me solo these kids, but first the bug!" Coop turns all his attention on vikavolt as Sophecles looks at him seriously.

"Ursaring another fury swipes!" Coop commands the bear which smiles.

"Sarinnnnnggg!" The bear's claw glow red as it continuously slashes the flying bug in front of it.

"Endure vikavolt! It's almost time" Sophecles says to his partner.

"Time? Wait a second, Ursaring!"Coop finally realized what was happening.

"Ursssss,......" The bear's arm were covered in silk thread lowering it's speed.

"Let's go! Systems check! Power at Maximum capacity! Now execute! Wizkid's Savage spin out!!" Sophecles does the z pose for the bug type z crystal and recites his rites as dark green energy flows from him into his flying bug.

"Vliccccccc!" The aura full beetle launched a huge thread attack from it's mouth ensnaring the bear in a cocoon.

"Fight it Ursaring!" Coop pleaded but his bear was already captured.

'griiiiiiiiuuuuuuu' vikavolt then started going in a circle grinding the cocoon against the battle floor damaging Ursaring until.

'Swipp!' the thread cuts sending the bear crashing into a wall out of the arena! 'bammmmmmm!' the cocoon dispelled showing a battered looking Ursaring.

"All the Pokemon on team Normie are unable to battle!, The winners are tea Akala!" Trixie said and the crowd went wild.

In the audience
"That was awesome, I can't wait to battle them again!" Ash said with stars in his eyes.

"That's if both our teams win their next match" Goh sweat dropped.

"Yah, and I get the feeling the next team won't be easy" Chloe said, but just as she finished the two seats behind her were empty.

(Sophecles is definitely a Worthy strategist but he has flaws I can use to my advantage) "Oi guys were...." Neil thought to himself and said before turning to his right to see the two empty seats
"Those idiots!!!" Neil shouted.

"We did it guys!" Sophecles hugged his friends

"woooooooooow this battle was so hot!" Kiawe said as his while ignites with fire

"We make a great team, yes we do!" Lana also joined in until....

'Boooom!' the ground next to then erupted with dust, something fell from above.

"What's this?!" Trixie yelled as the dust began to clear.

"You guys?"  Kiawe looked surprised as did his teammates, standing before them were none other than... Nicholas and Leonardo

"It's our turn now!" Nick  said he was bent down, one hand on his left knee then other touching the ground, he smiled boldly.

"Finally I can let off some steam!" Leonardo stood broadly cracking his knuckles.

(These guys will be the death of me!) Neil said embarrassed as he quickly left his seat.

"Those guys are something else" Chloe said unimpressed.

"I bet they'll show us some great Pokemon" Goh said happily.

"Show them what you've got guys!" Ash also said happily.

"Well ignoring the half hazard entry! We have the newbie squad Team horizon consisting of team leader the brilliant scientist Neil from the Ivara!, The new blood from Tunod Nick! And last but not least the fiery foreigner Leo!" Trixie yelled however due to the crowd not knowing them, it was a bit quiet.

"Tough crowd" Neil said as sweat dropped from his cheek.

"That's not fair!" Nick said like a baby having a tantrum.

"They definitely won't forget what's about to happen" Leo held out his fist.

"Vs the sensational poison idol group Team Goth! Their leader, the lovely Aisha! Followed by her friends Sarah and Agnes!!" Trixie yelled only this time the crowd cheered loudly

"Hmph, that's more like it enehhh!" Aisha said smirking, she was a dark skinned girl with pink hair styled into twintails that reached her shoulders, her smile showed of her shark like teeth, she wore a black and red Gothic Lolita clothing with frills over her black skirt and striped knee socks.

"Yo, who are these punks that think they can mess with us!" Sarah asked aggressively she had long blonde hair and tanned skin, wearing a red swimsuit and golden wristbands.

"Just a bunch of nobodies" Agnes answered, Sha was light in complexion and had dark blue hair that reached her chin, and light blue sundress matched her cold personality.

"The battle field will be a rocky plain, send out your Pokemon people!" Trixie shouted.

"Go Meowstic" Neil sent out a psychic white and blue cat(female one).

"Quagsire I choose you!" Nick said smiling, as he sent out a dumb looking blue see otter with dots for eyes and a big mouth.

(Infernape is weak from the other battle, so I'll use) "come out electrode!" Leo sent out a huge electric white and red ball with a killer smile.

"Go salazzile" Aisha sent out a huge black and purple lizard with flame patterns on her chest and 2 tendrils near her tail.

"Go Milotic!" Sarah sends out a beautiful cream,blue and red sea serpent.

"Roserade get em" Agnes points her her green grassy partner who's arms were red and blue roses at the opposing team.

(They have a full elemental triangle fire, water and grass... Fascinating) Neil took note.

"Battle startooooo!" Trixie said happily.

"Let's go girls!" Aisha said and all of their Pokemon speedily ran towards the enemies until.

"Good thing you guys have slow Pokemon, meaning this move wasn't unnecessary. Meowstic, trick room" Neil said calmly as he looked at Nick and Leo smiling.

"Meow..." The psychic cat created a blue cube of energy that quickly grew bigger and covered the entire Field slowing down the speedy poison team .

"What?" Aisha's jaw dropped seeing her Pokemon walk in slow motion however.

"Quagsire use slam on Milotic!", "Electrode heabutt on Roserade"
Both Nick and Leo's slow Pokemon were now 10times faster as they quickly took on opposing Pokemon they were neutral against.

(Damn it, if only Roserade could have taken down Quagsire first) Agnes cursed as her Pokemon was hit.

"What an usual strategy! Did they come up with that on the bat or was it planned!" Trixie commented.
(Definitely wasn't planned) Neil said in his mind.

In the audience.
"I've never seen a battle get turned around so quickly" Goh noted.

"Hehehehehe , these guys sure know how to shock people" Ash laughed as Pikachu looked at him like a hypocrite.

"Their just full of surprises" Chloe smiled.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! As expected of by my rivals!!" Kiawe yelled with all his strength, ticking off Sophecles and Lana.

Back to the match.

Team horizon were dominating the Rocky field.
"Quagsire don't stop! Slam again" Nick ordered.

"Uaaaaaaagg!" The sea otter Pokemon quickly jumped and slammed it's huge tail against the head of Milotic'bammmm!'.

"Milotic! You bastard" Sarah addresses Nick with eyes of fury, use attract!" Sarah pointed.

"Ooooourrrrrooo" the sea serpent sent out a beam of heart shaped pink energy that entered Quagsire's body however.

"Quag?" The otter said with a question mark above it's head.

"How isn't it infatuated with my Milotic?!!" The swimmer girl asked.

"Hehehe, Quagsire's oblivious ability makes it as daft as a shonen protagonist! Now use headbutt!" Nick continued and his Otter slammed it's head against the serpent's.

"Roserade razor leaf!" Agnes ordered and her partner sends out countless sharp leaves however...

"Dodge it, then use rollout electrode!" Leo said in a rasty voice.

"Elecccc!" The ball bounces ups dodging the attack effortlessly then...
"Trodddd!" Lands a devastating hit on Roserade even cracking the ground around it "craccccckk!".

"Salazzile venoshock!" Aisha orders her lizard to shoot 5 beams of poison from her tendrils at the psychic cat in hopes of destroying the trick room.

"Counter with pyshock!" Neil says calmly.

"Meowwwsttttttiii!" The cat sends out 5 beams of psychic energy that completely over takes the poison and sends the lizard flying "saaaaaaaaa!" She cries.

"Damn it, it's not over yet! Ready girls?!" Aisha asked furiously.

"They may be fast!" Sarah said.

"But not even that can stop a sync move" Agnes continued.

All three of them then posed together and started to sing together 🎶"fire, water and grass, turning things to ash! Better watch your back, cause your about to be axed!🎶
Unity attack! Final finish!"the girls then finished off by pointing their fingers.

Salazzile, Roserade and Milotic fired off huge beams of fire, water and grass energy that fused into a golden vortex aimed at the boys.

"Here it is! the idol group's sync move!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Trixie fangirled out and so did the audience as their cheers grew louder.

Nick and Leo were prepared to counter until.

"I've got this, just attack with all you've got after this" Neil said reassure the team as Meowstic stood in front.

Purplish aura escaped from Neil's body and entered Meowstic
(His using Aura?!" Leo was surprised at how much control Neil had over it)

"Mega light screen!" Neil screamed and Meowstic created a huge transparent Force field of energy that reached the top of the arena.

'shooooooooozzzzzzzzz!!!!!' the vortex hit the force field cracking it but not breaking through surprising the idols.

"What's this?! A light screen shouldn't be this tough! What are these guys!" Trixie said freaking out, even in the audience Ash and the others were confused.

The light screen finally breaks but managed to tank the sync move only damaging Meowstic's paw slightly.

"Go!" Neil shouted and Nick and Leo went to work.

Aisha then realized "the trick room's affects are wearing off, must be from tanking that attack earlier" she said confidently.

Their Pokemon were regaining their lost speed while Nick and Leo's were losing speed.

"Leave it to me I'll take down Quagsire first!" Agnes said agitated "Roserade razor leaf!"  She ordered and her grassy partner sends out sharp leaves.

"Nick use electrode as a shield and follow my lead!" Leo said.

"Got it! Quagsire get behind electrode!" Nick shouted.

"Electrode build up your defense with charge!"  Leo ordered and the ball began to glow yellow with electric energy increasing it's defence

Quagsire used the ball like a shield as they continued to move forward.

"Tsk, Salazzile burn them with flamethrower!" Aisha orders and her lizard sends out a stream of flames.

"Jump Quagsire then use water sports!" Nick commanded.

"Quaaaaaa!" The Otter jumps up still holding onto electrode while spiting out water onto the opposing team.

Aisha watched as the everywhere was soaked with water (that didn't do any damage) "you trying to weaken my fire! Then I'll just have to show you how to toxic I am! Salazzile, venoshock!" She ordered.

"Roserade you too, poison sting!" Agnes said.

"Milotic swift!" Sarah commanded

The 3 Pokemon launched their attacks damaging both electrode and Quagsire however.

"Time to finish this! Electrode!!! Spark on the ground!" Leo yelled his lungs out as the ball sparked up with energy and hit the soaked Rocky floor.

'Bbbbzzssssttttttttttzzzzzztzttztzzzz!' the electricity travels through out the entire soaked area damaging all the Pokemon who were soaked by water sports.

"Quaaaaaa?" Quagsire Was unaffected cause it's a water/ground type.

"No way, it even paralyzed them?!" Aisha looked frustrated as all the Pokemon were struggling to move.

"Well that's enough rest, guys move back" Neil spoke once again surprising the rest.

"His still has energy?"" Agnes asked!.

Nick and Leo made their Pokemon leave the area as Neil was preparing something big.

"Time I show you girls what true synchronization is! Sync move! Pyshock of a new era!" Neil said.

Despite it's injuries Meowstic still collected energy from all around her and sent a small purple bolt into the sky "meowwww!".

People didn't know what to expect as what returned from the sky was shocking (literally).

'Bazzzzzzzuuuuutttttttttttttt!' 10 huge beams of psychic energy obliterated the entire team on the poison idols side. Even the Rocky field was no more.

Aisha and the rest were to shocked to even speak.

"Unbelievable! Such strength even after using trick room and tanking a sync move! Just who are these new guys!!! Team Goth's Pokemon are unable to battle, the winners are team Horizon!!!" Even Trixie couldn't believe what just happened.

The crowd suddenly felt intense emotions from what they had just witnessed.

"Hehehe, told ya so" Leo smirked.

"Ha.........., Maybe I used to much Aura..... I can't stop shacking" Neil said as his hands were wobbling.

"stay calm man" Nick tried to reassure him.

In the audience
Kiawe was literally crying while the others looked at him like a mad man.

"Awesome!!!" Ash couldn't help his excitement.

"They're too strong!" Goh said freaked out.

"Hmmm, that Nick isn't as bad as I thought" Chloe put a hand on her cheek.

"now then that's the last battle of the day, the winners of the day should look forward to their pairings later in the evening, tomorrow the finals and semi finals commence!!!" Trixie yelled and so did the crowd.

Galliard park
Samantha, Lillie and the ghost girl Gina walked into a very dark area located in the park.

Sam then told them a story of her past
In the Tunod region
"One day 2 babies, twins just arrived in a town out of thin air, nobody knew why, all they had was the red blanket that held them, bearing the Aether Logo.

The orphanage took them in but the other children looked at them as if they weren't human, and they had reason to.

The twins were weird, they saw things that weren't there, and spoke to things they weren't supposed to.
The girl was very violent and beat up the bullies that annoyed her.
While the boy tried his hardest to befriend those who rejected...

Deep down the twins knew they were different but couldn't tell how, but as long as they had each other that was enough for them,  they we're never alone when they held each other's hand.

until they reached a certain were they found out their father could be alive so they sort out to find him,and ask why they have these powers."

Flashback ends

Samantha finishes.

"I see, so that's your story" Lillie smiled.

"What are you smiling about?!" Sam asked irritated.

"You must love your brother alot" Lillie giggled.

"What?! That's what you took from that story?! And no his a wuss! And secondly we're blood related!!" Sam said her face completely pink.

"Well I kinda get the feeling your father might be related to my Mom, since you do look a lot like her" Lillie said but Sam was still pissed off.

"I wish I had a brother, I was always alone, now I hang around the playground but it's still lonely" Gina said sadly.

"Tell you what, if you tell us if anything weird has been happening around here I'll play with you everyday" Sam said to her.

"Really?! Well some other ghosts have been going missing, I think some masked people are hunting them".

"Masked people?" Sam said dumbfounded.

"Masked?!, Ask her what kind of masks, were they like helmets too?" Lillie asked(she remembered a group similar to that before called the ultra recon squad).

"No, they weren't like that, it was an black and white eye mask, and they were lots" Gina answered.

"Okay, Lillie it's not them, Gina I want you to stay away from those people, I'm come back tomorrow and we'll play through the whole day I promise" Sam smiled.

"Pinky swear?" Gina put her hand forward.

"Pinky swear" Sam took out her pinky and held Gina's it was a cute gesture but through the eyes of anyone else it simply looked like a girl talking to air.

To be continued

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