Free Falling

By pinkxoxoxo

104 3 0

"Have you ever just felt like you were wandering around in the world with no type of purpose? You're at an aw... More

From The Author's Keyboard
Welcome to Egypt: September 2015
From the Author's Keyboard

Welcome to X: September 2015

14 0 0
By pinkxoxoxo

It's like I take two steps forward and get pushed back ten! I swear I try so hard to do right, live right, and be the best man that I can. It's always something though. I mean, damn, can a nigga ever catch a fucking break!

"Good morning Mr. Santos, I'm Hailey. I'll be your nurse today!" The nurse said cheerfully walking into my room. "Morning," I mumbled sitting up in the small ass hospital bed. I was so over this shit. This was my third hospital visit in the past month. "Ok, so I have your morning meds, and I'm going to check your blood sugar before doing the insulin." She stated as she typed away on her computer. I looked at the time on my phone and sighed. It was ten minutes till 8, so I guess the morning shift was just getting in.

"How much longer I'm gone be here? I'm over this shit." I said watching her prick my finger. "Well, hopefully, today. Your labs are a whole lot better than what they were. The doctor will be around soon." I let out a deep sigh. I heard that same shit yesterday.

"Ok, we're all done. Your sugar is at 90 this morning, so it has made a drastic improvement. The doctor should be in around nine, and I'll be back through later. If you need me, just use the phone." She said with a smile. I nodded my head and picked up my ringing phone. It was my mom calling on FaceTime I had been avoiding the whole time I was here, and I knew she'll find out before long.

"Hey ma," I said once the call connected. "X? Are you in the damn hospital?" She asked with a frown on her mocha-colored face. I sighed," Yeah, I should be getting out today." At least I hope I am. I had been here two days now. "And you just weren't gone tell me or your dad?" She said raising her perfectly arched eyebrow. Before I could even say anything, she continued, "We are too far away from you not to be letting us know these things! The agreement was, you could stay down there if you kept us updated on shit that was going on!" She said sternly in her thick New York accent.

"Ma, it's not even that serious. I was just busy as hell Monday and forgot my insulin." I said with a sigh. "You know you can't be doing that X! You gone mess around and be put on a damn pump." Here she fucking goes, "You gone make us come down there and bring your ass back to up here if you can't be a responsible adult and do what you suppose to do."

"Ma, chill out with that. It was this one time." I said lying through my teeth. "You got too much going on for that X" See, this why I didn't want to tell her. "You have got to do better X; I don't want a replay of last year." She said with her eyes watering. "I know, I'm gone do better. Are you gone tell pops?" I asked. "Yes! As soon as he gets home." Great. "Alright ma, I'll talk to you later," I said laying back. "Call me and tell me what the doctor says X! I mean it!" She yelled. "I will love you," I said, then we ended the call.

I walked through the front door of my apartment and sighed a breath of relief. I was finally home. All I wanted to do was take a shower and a nap. You never can get any real sleep in the hospital. People were constantly coming in and out when you finally did dose off. I threw my keys on the counter and walked to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I stood there finally replying to some text messages that I had neglected during my stay. All of which was from some random people I fooled with from time to time.

"Ayyy my guy! Where you been at? My roommate and close friend Camdan said with a smile coming from his side of the apartment. He walked over to me and gave me a handshake, and then went into the refrigerator. "I got caught up with some shit," I said with a shrug. I had known Camden since freshman year, but he didn't know how sick I was. That was something I didn't discuss.

"You work tonight, bruh?" He asked now seated in front of the flat-screen TV we had in the living room area. "Naw man, I don't go back until Friday. I need to play catch up on school. I might go to campus after my nap. I said yarning and looking at my phone. It was only 11. I can catch a two-hour nap, then head to the library on campus.

"Shiiiiiid, I was thinking bout doing a Lil kickback tonight. You cool with that?" He said starting up the game. I wasn't in the mood but it had been a minute since we did one. "That's cool bruh. I'm bout to take my ass to sleep." I said heading to my room.


The music played throughout our two-bedroom apartment and everyone just sat around vibing with each other. It wasn't too many people here, just a few people we chilled with on the regular basis. I inhaled the smoke from my blunt and looked over to the shorty that was sitting next to me. She laughed at a stupid joke Camdan said and then took a sip of her drink. I knew her from around campus and we've chilled on multiple occasions. She was a cool chick, and not to mention beautiful.

"So, you just gone stare at me X?" She asked cocking her head to the side smiling. "My bad, I haven't seen you in a good minute. I might've missed your face." She giggled and moved a piece of hair out her face.

"Well, you're the one that disappeared on me. So I feel like you got some making up to do." She said picking some invisible lint off her tights.

"You know it's all love Brit," I said taking another inhale from the blunt. She took it from between my fingers and place it on her lips, taking a slow pull.

"How you just gone take my shit?" I asked with a chuckle. She smiled and blew the smoke in her face. "I'm waiting," She said smiling.

I took the blunt from her and put the rest out in the ashtray on the table. I quickly stood from my seat and took her hand, leading her towards the back.

"Handle yo business bruh!" I heard Camdan yelled. I chucked and locked my door. She laid on the bed and propped herself up on her elbows. "So, where you been for real?" She asked me.

"I was caught up with some shit. Nothing serious." I said hovering over her. "That meant you had to ignore me?" She said looking up at me. I pushed her back and kissed her lips softly.

"I wasn't focused on my phone for real." She let out a small moan as I kissed her on her neck. " Don't let it happen again X" She said softly.

"I'm tired of all this teasing you be doing to me X," Brit said with her head laid on my bare chest. "I thought we had an agreement," I said looking down at her.

"We do, but damn," She said with a pout.

I met Brittany during Freshman Orientation a couple of years back, and I have had a crush on her ever since. About a month or two ago, we decided to work towards a relationship. We both agreed to take our time with it though. We didn't want to rush into anything. Meaning, no sex.

"That was all your idea baby," I said kissing her cheek.

" I know, I know. I just want a sample." She said now straddling me.


"Naw shorty, we gone do like we said." She dramatically fell off me and folded her arms across her chest, "Ok"

We go through this every single time, shit gets hot and heavy. This wasn't even my idea, this was shorty's. I quickly sat up and left out the door to the bathroom. I was supposed to take that damn insulin-like four hours ago. This was my problem, I don't think about it until it's too late and I start feeling it. After injecting myself in my stomach, I went back to the room and seen Brittany getting herself together to leave.

"You not staying over?" I asked her checking my phone, it was 10 pm; still early.

"No, I got an early class tomorrow. I'll see you later." She kissed my cheek and headed out the door.

It was obvious she had an attitude, but oh well. I didn't feel like dealing with that shit no way. I decided to turn on a Netflix series and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 8, to start getting ready for my long-ass day. I had class all day and then work. I stretched and got up to check my blood sugar. 90...that's not too bad. I headed to the bathroom and started the shower. As the water ran, I went ahead and did my morning insulin injection. This shit was getting old, fast.

I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last year. For about a month, I was experiencing these strange ass symptoms. I was always hungry and thirsty, and I using the bathroom more than normal. I had also lost about 20 pounds within that month. I didn't much of it, since at the time I was pledging. The week that I crossed, shit got real bad for me. I was vomiting, dizzy, and just was feeling off. I ended up passing out in the shower after my probate. Luckily, my parents were down here and at the apartment with me. It's been a year, and I still haven't gotten use to constantly checking my blood sugar or taking insulin.

As I was getting my books together, Camdan came into the room. "Yo, what happens with you and Brit last night." He asked flopping down on the bed.

"Ain't shit happen, she left with an attitude cause I'm respecting her wishes," I said with a frown.

"Man, she texted Lexie, telling her she was leaving as soon as I talked mine into fucking. Then all of sudden Lexie was on some, 'I got to go check on my friend'" He said

"So you know me and shorty decided to try to pursue a relationship. She had this idea that we didn't need to rush into sex because we need to build first. So, I'm like cool. I'll respect it. Like we have been on this kick since July, and I ain't tried to fuck yet. So now, when she gets all; horny and shit, she gets an attitude when I don't try to fuck." I said zipping up my bookbag.

"Bruh all I know is, Brit's cock blocked the hell out of me last night."

"My bad dog," I said laughing at him.

"All Aight man, I got to get ready for class too. You work tonight?" He asked standing up.

"Yeah, I'll be there at five."


I grabbed my stuff and headed out the front door to my 2013 Dodge Challenger. I pulled onto campus, found a park, and killed the engine. I was a junior at Alabama State University. I was her on a full-ride academic scholarship, majoring in Biology. The school wasn't my thing, but I wasn't a dummy. It was my parents' dream to see me got to college so I was mainly doing it for them.

Now see, even though I wasn't into the school shit, I'm glad I came. New York didn't have shit for me. My parents knew if I stayed up there, I would end up dead or in jail. So, here I am. I was far from home, in this slow-ass city, but I've made the best of it. I've been involved in some on-campus organizations, and I'm apart of a lifelong brotherhood. Shit was gravy.

After classes and meeting with some professors, I made my way home to change for work. I checked my sugar and frowned. Shit was almost too low now. I quickly inject myself with insulin so I could eat. I quickly grabbed a pre-rolled blunt I had on my dresser and headed out the door.

I walked through the doors of Applebee's and looked at the table cart for tonight to find my section. "Hey boo" I heard someone say to me. I looked up with a frown on my face. I was Brit.

"What's just getting here or you leaving?" I said as we walked off towards the to-go room. She sat on the chair that was in the room and watched me as I got my stuff together.

"I worked lunch shift. I'm leaving when Howard gets here. I might come back up here though." She said. I leaned against the counter and looked at her.

"You still got yo lil attitude?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

"I didn't have an attitude X, I'm just horny and frustrated." She said with a pout.

"This waiting shit was your idea," I said to her.

She gave me a blank stare and then rolled her eyes. "Whatever X, I'll talk to you later."

She got up and walked out the door. See this I'm cool with taking shit slow, she got me fucked up if she thinks I'm gone keep dealing with her attitudes over some shit she decided. I shook my head,

"Bruh!" I heard Howard yell as I walked back on the floor. We dapped each other. "Where yo ass been at," He asked me. "I have been dealing with some shit. Ain't no big deal." I said leaning against the half, wooden partition that separated the guests' area from the pathway to the kitchen.

"I feel it. You trynna match before shit get started?" He said looking at his phone.

"Hell yeah, Brittany's ass got my damn head hurting. I don't understand her ass man."

"What's up with that?" He asked as we walked outside through the car side. He unlocked the doors to his 2010 Ford Mustang.

"Bruh, all I'm doing is respecting HER wishes and not trying to take it there with sex. She gets all upset last night and has a funky-ass attitude because I won't fuck when she wants. This shit her idea though." I said replying to a stupid-ass text she said. I put her ass on DND and put my phone in my lap.

"Just fuck her dude." He said laughing.

"I'm trying to build some with her ass. If we start fucking now, she is all hooked and I'll get bored."

"I feel it, couldn't be me with her fine ass....but I feel it."

After a quick smoke session, we were back inside ready for the Friday night rush to start. I was a server at Applebee's, the tips were good and you get a lot of interesting people. The women loved me, so they always gave me something extra.

I stood at the bar talking with one of the guests as Raevyn made my drinks.

"You not from here are you?" She asked smiling at me.

"I'm from up north, Harlem to be exact," I told her. "Yeah, I can tell by your accent. I like the tattoos."

"Thanks, shorty," I said looking down at the small amount of artwork I had showing.

Before she could say anything else, Raevyn stepped over to me. Thank God for her, I was starting to get annoyed.

"My bad X. Here you go!" She said with small, putting the drinks on my tray.

"It's cool."

"Come back over here when you get some downtime. I want you to meet my best friend. She should be here in a minute." She said as I grabbed my tray up, "Bet."

As the night went on, things got a little slow. Howard and I stood leaning against the partition talking about different shit. As he was telling me about some female he was currently talking to, someone else caught my attention. She walked in and stopped at the host stand. She smiled and pointed towards the bar. Have you ever had a moment that time stood still and things happened in slow motion? That's exactly what this moment was for me. Shorty stood at about 5'4, with the smoothest kissed caramel skin I have ever seen. She was clothed in something so simple, but she made that shit look like it came straight from the runway.

"X, Howard, come here," Raevyn said breaking me out of my trance. We walked over to the bar where she stood. "This is my best friend Cocoa. Coc this is Howard and X" she said introducing us.

"What's up ma," Howard said with a smile.

"Hey, nice meeting y'all!" She rasped out with a smile, now sitting down.

I didn't say too much, as we all stood around talking. I wasn't much of a talker, to begin with, but shorty had me stuck.

"I start back tomorrow. I hope Kathy doesn't make me do that training bullshit." She said drinking her drink.

"Oh, you went be working here? That's what's up." Howard said.

"Yes, my bitch will be working here. Me, her and Dari gone take all y'all money!" Raevyn said as she sat two to-go cups filled with whatever drink she had just made too much of.

"Oh, that's what you think?" I asked pulling from the straw. This shit was straight Hennessy. "It's shorty first day serving."

"I worked here before. It's nothing new to me?" She said with a smile. She had the deepest dimples I've ever seen.

"Whoever makes the least amount of money tomorrow night, got to treat the winners to IHOP and buy the liquor for Sunday," Howard said.

" What goes on Sunday?" Cocoa asked, "We just have a little unwinding section since we close early." Raevyn answered.

"That's cool with me." She said.

"Bet then, we'll tell Cam and y'all Dari," Howard said.

Cocoa stood from her seat and put $20 on the bar. "Well, it was nice meeting y'all, but I have to go"

"You going to Atlanta?" Rae asked her.

"No, I got a party," She said.

We all said our goodbyes and I watched as she walked towards the door. I could tell her body was something nice, even with an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants she had on. As she walked out the door, Britt and Lexie walked in.

"She has a boyfriend," Raevyn said chuckling at me.

"Cause my boy is damn near drooling over there," Howard said laughing with her.

I shook my head at them and went to the kitchen. I couldn't lie, she was beautiful. But I was determined to get some real started with Brit. I've had a crush on her since freshmen orientation

"Individuals do not meet by chance. They are necessary for the experiences of others, though they may not always use their opportunities in a spiritual way or manner"

-Edgar Cayce

Author's Keyboard
This was really a filler chapter. Things will get better y'all. Comment and vote! Hope you enjoy!

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