My Demonic Angel

By greenmarisa

150K 6.3K 962

What happens when you mix alcohol, teenagers, and a book of dark spells together? It was just a normal day w... More

The Academy 2


5.6K 222 35
By greenmarisa

(This one is long)

Nyx's POV

The moment Kenny left, I decided to return to my meditation. I can't believe I allowed myself to be captured. It just simply isn't in my nature to allow someone else to have power over me. At least, that's what I would've said before meeting that beautiful human girl.

The only reason I allowed myself to be captured is because I want to keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe here. I know the people will reject her at first and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

I let out a slow breath and relaxed my breathing. I began to reminisce on the events that resulted in my current situation.



"Well, this was a waste of time." Zeli absentmindedly tossed the severed head to the side.

She flipped her blond locks to the side and observed the carnage. Onyx jumped down from the loft and landed on a corpse. She continued mutilating it for fun. I sighed in annoyance.

We've been trying to find queen Adira's daughter for the last 17 years. Queen Lilitu had become increasingly agitated that the child hadn't been found. From the moment of the child's birth, she'd sent countless demons to murder the kid. Her assassins have yet to provide anything. When they'd give a status report, she'd enter into a fit of rage and kill them instantly. The only reason why my friends and I are still alive is because we're the best. She can't get rid of us because if the Angels of Death can't find the child, then no one can.

The reason we are in a corpse filled bar is because we had received word that a demon knew of the child's whereabouts. As you can guess, it was a lie. My friends and I decided that we should make a statement to not waste our time in the future. That led to us murdering everyone inside.

"I don't know why we just don't enter into the human realm and search for her." Onyx laid across the table.

"Because we have no idea where to begin looking. And we would be at a disadvantage since we don't normally go there." Zeli answered.

"We also don't need the light angels knowing our every move." I cleaned the blood off one of my blades.

"This is sooooooo annoying though. Why doesn't Queen Lilitu just snap her fingers and end the girl's life since she's sooooo powerful." Onyx mocked the Queen, earning a smirk from me and a glare from Zeli.

The thing is that Queen Lilitu claims to be the most powerful being ever to grace the world. She constantly insults her sister's power and claims that the light angels are like "ants under a boot. Ready to be crushed at any moment."

If they were really that weak and she was really that strong, wouldn't she have killed them already? Queen Lilitu has to make such vast variances in her power (or false claims in my book) to keep the demons in her realm under control. She can't incite doubt into their minds by revealing just how powerful queen Adira truly is.

"We should go. Our auras are sure to attract more lowlifes." Zeli exited the bar.

Onyx jumped up and threw some of the alcohol in her sack. She then slung the sack over her shoulders and made her way outside. Onyx began to crack jokes and tell outrageous tales to keep us occupied as we trekked through the barren landscape.

We had crossed into the wasteland area of the realm since we thought the information the "informant" claimed to have would've been viable. Now, we decided to walk back to the city so we could delay speaking to Queen Lilitu about our failure. To be more specific, I'd be the one informing the Queen since I was the "leader." I don't really like that term since I consider my friends to be my equal.

Queen Lilitu would no doubt be furious and throw a temper tantrum. I'd have to calm her down so she doesn't kill an innocent guard. My "calming her down" normally leads to the bedroom if you know what I mean. It's not the worst thing since she's skillful with her hands, but I wish I didn't have to do it. It's either I prostitute myself out or my friends' lives are in jeopardy.

Anyways, we were walking when we heard whizzing in the air. We turned and saw some demons racing towards us, no doubt to avenge their dead friends. Onyx dropped her bag and a wide grin made its way to her face. The girl has a bloodlust kink, so she loves fighting and killing people.

I signaled for her to take on the ten demons. It'll be nothing for her. Zeli and I watched as our petite friend whizzed through the air, decapitating them. She spent extra time cutting them as thin as sirloin steak. Some of the demons shouted and began throwing boulders at us. Zeli would just flick her wrist and redirect the rocks away from us.

One of the demons had such bad aim that he missed us entirely and threw the boulder at a stone structure. I laughed, but quickly stopped when I realized what structure the boulder had collided with. The stone structure resembled massive ant hills.

I soon felt rumbling under my feet. I gripped Zeli's shoulder to get her attention. She looked at me confused until I pointed down. Her confusion turned into worry as she felt the vibrations.

"Onyx! Retreat!" I called out.

Onyx immediately returned to us just in time. Demonic creatures who had no eyes, but incredibly sharp fangs began to crawl out the top of the structures. The three of us ran, confusing the other demons. It didn't take them long to realize what we were running from as the other demons pounced on them and tore them to bits.

We ran, but didn't make it far enough as those creatures blocked our path. Onyx revealed her curved blades, Zeli unsheathed her hooked swords, and I unveiled my double bladed sword. We formed into a triangular formation and eyed our targets.

The creatures rushed us causing us to slash them and dodge oncoming attacks. We fought them off the best we could, but it seemed we had stumbled upon a colony. Colonies of these creatures typically have at least 1,000 of them. We needed to find away out of here or we'd be fighting them for the rest of our lives.

"We need to leave!" I stated.

My friends nodded and tried to create a path through the creatures, but it was futile. We couldn't even launch into the sky and fly away because we didn't have enough space. The moment we jumped up, there's no doubt that at least one of the creatures would drag us back down.

"Ahh!" I saw Zeli had blood dripping down her side.

That damn bastard cut her! I twisted and twirled my way to her and killed everything in my path. I received a slice to my neck, back, and thigh. I grunted and fell to my knees, but swirled and stabbed everything in my wake.

"Onyx! Zeli! Get behind me!" They followed my directions.

I then felt the wisps in my hand and punched the ground. Lighting appeared out of the sky and electrocuted the demons around us. We used that opportunity to launch up in the sky and zip across the land.

When we got to a decent distance, we landed. Onyx caught Zeli right before she fell down. I hooked one arm around her waist as we sat her down on a rock. Onyx didn't look any better. We were clearly injured, some more critical than others.

We needed some rest. I'm not sure how'd we'd fare if we had to engage in another fight. My legs gave out and I slumped next to Onyx. She sat down with a thud and began to gasp for air.

"That's them!" We turned and saw a group of villagers darting towards us.

"Shit." Zeli mumbled.

Huh. I guess word had spread that we had annihilated their friends. The thought put a smile on my face, but I couldn't bask in the pleasure for too long. I had friends who needed to heal. We quickly stood up and ran.

I slowed down and tried to fight them off to give my friends more time to escape. Didn't last long since my friends realized and tried to help me. Onyx stayed out and fired arrows at my attackers. When we had enough of a break, we ran away from them.

We ran past a crater that had a circumference of 15 feet. That's the summoning crater. Demons go there to try and tempt humans to contact them for service. Most of them are devils who seek to make a contract with humans.

As we were running, a blinding light illuminated the crater. Looks like a human is summoning a demon. I glanced down and saw no demons were currently in the crater. Shit! That means the demon closest to it will be summoned.

I noticed I no longer heard Onyx's feet. I looked behind and saw her struggling against the force from the light. Fuck! She's going to be taken away. I stopped and started darting towards her. Her wings weren't helping to propel her away.

In a last minute decision, I jumped and pushed her away as I was dragged into the light. The last thing I heard were my friends' shouts.

I had no idea where I was being transported. I was weightless in the air and kept spinning and being thrown upside down. It finally stopped when I crossed worlds and was catapulted through a human.

I rolled a few feet from a circle of humans. I quickly made myself invisible to the human eye. They were pointing and laughing at some girl. I ignored them and focused on the objects between them. They had a Ouija board and a satanic spell book. Great! They bound me to one of them. This is just great. But who am I bound to? I hope it's not an idiotic human.

I quickly realized it was the brunette haired girl since I felt the need to follow her when she exited the room. I was about to spook her because I thought it'd be funny, but stopped when I saw who she was with. I quickly hid behind a group of humans. Hopefully, their scent will mask mine from that angel.

I poked my head out and saw her subtly sniffing the air, but relented when the human dragged her outside. I stayed with the other humans even though the pull wanted me to be with that brunette human. I really need to mask my aura soon.

I spent the rest of the night trying to mask my aura, but it wasn't working since I was severely weakened.

I hope my friends are alright. I have no way of communicating with them since I have no idea about cross world communication. Also, if I tried that kind of magic, a beacon would go off on my location. I want to avoid that as much as possible since I'm not well versed on the human realm.

I tried to pick up that spell book to search for a way to unbind myself, but flinched when touching the book. It burned me! What the hell?! I guess a human or mage has to actually touch it. I do know binding souls results in total fusion, meaning that I can't kill the human because I'd die in the process as well.

After the party had died down enough, I casually walked the streets. There's no way I'm going anywhere close to that human since I can't control my aura yet. I found a vacant loft and occupied it. It didn't take long for me to find some candles and light them. I sat down in the middle and began to meditate. Hopefully, this'll help me speed up my recovery so I can actually focus on controlling my aura.


Ha! That human was so afraid when I spoke to her. This is gonna be so much fun. Guess she didn't realize demons can speak to humans through a mind link. I think I'm going to screw with her for the rest of the day, especially in front of that damn angel.

The rest of the day would've been amusing if I didn't have to sit through her self doubt thoughts. I did find pleasure in her believing she was going crazy, but there was a tiny part of me that felt bad. It would immediately go away when she'd yell at me since that was the response I wanted from her.

What pissed me off though was this so called "boyfriend" of hers. She feared him. She'd internally tremble when someone said his name. It was absolutely infuriating. I agreed with her friends in supporting a breakup.

Finally, that incredibly boring school day was over and it was time for her to return home. With a final goodbye to that dumb angel, she entered her home and started demanding answers from me. Now, why'd I play into her demands? I decided to torment her a little more which resulted in her crying. Ugh! Humans are so fragile, both emotionally and physically.

She freaked when I told her I was a demon. But no offense, she didn't take a moment to think what had invaded her mind? She tried to fight me off with a ruler. I didn't know if I should have been amused or concerned for her knowledge of self defense.

It took convincing on my part to tell her what happened. Can you believe I had to convince HER that her and her friends summoned me. Well, she quickly let me know they weren't her friends. I ignored that and made myself intimidating as I demanded she get the book of spells. She was reluctant, but I scared her into compliance.

I wasn't expecting this girl to go through the lengths of breaking and entering, but I wasn't going to voice my amazement. She found the book and did a power move by refusing to touch it. She "took back control" over me. Okay, I see how it is human. You'll be begging for mercy once I'm free and will deliver my wrath upon you!


I've been with this human for a little bit. She claims it's been two months, but time is arbitrary when you've been alive for as long as me. I must say, with great reluctance, this human has grown on me. Our banter makes the position I'm in much more durable.

I had fully healed a while ago, but it's taken a while to control my aura. I've had to move around a bit to avoid the hunters. To be honest, I've killed a few and enjoyed every second of it. Kennedy has been completely unaware of a "new killer," as the media calls it, in the town because I destroy anything that discusses that. It honestly isn't that hard since the human basically eats, sleeps, and repeats. Well, that's not entirely true. She also likes this thing called Netfleck or something.

She was currently in class making me smile. I think she's trying to imagine what I look like. Well, the horns, tail, and wings are correct. But that hideous furry body?! Nope! Nope! Nope! That must go. I voiced my complaint to her, but she only responded by drawing grotesque nails. That girl will be the death of me.

We talked a little more and I explained how I am able to communicate with her. The mood was light until she had to pass that bastard Kyle. He left shortly after, but was replaced by that bastard angel. Guess you can't escape the bastards. Once one leaves, another must take its place.

I felt a shiver and not the usual one I get from Yuna. Through Kenny's eyes, I saw the righteous twins: Samara and Hazikean. God, I hate them! My friends and I have encountered them on multiple occasions. Neither side has emerged victorious, but they still are a nuisance. I think our hatred towards each other has little to do with who we serve and more to do with the drama between Haze and Onyx, but that's a story for another time.

Yuna stiffened which I found odd. Shouldn't she be happy to have more angelical bastard help? Thankfully, the little human was just as curious as I was and hid behind the wall. As they spoke, I started to put two and two together. They report to Troian while Yuna reports to my br- Ajax.

When I popped into this realm, alarm bells went off so they sent more light angels to find me. At least, that's what I'm gathering from their conversation. Although, they did mention increasing protection, so now MY antenna is up. I am curious why they are protecting Kennedy.

I urged Kennedy to ask Yuna about the twins since I couldn't take her mumble jumbled thoughts anymore. She got an answer that seemed to barely satiate her curiosity.


I now have my aura completely under control! If I'm being honest, I've had it under control for a while now, but I'm a little anxious to meet the human face to face. It sounds stupid, but she makes me nervous.

I rolled my eyes when she started fretting about her ex. Like they're broken up, so why does she have to go to the bar with him. Also, there's a legal age to drink here?

I tried to convince her not to go, but her fear of him outweighed her fear of me. I felt insulted by that. There's no way that guy has more kills than me, yet she's more afraid of him. Go figure!

I somehow convinced her to leave. She ran out the bar, but her vision started to get wonky. Was she that much of a light weight or something? She didn't drink much. Like literally a quarter of mead.

She ran into an alleyway to avoid her crazy ex and instead met three crazy rapists. Kennedy truly knows how to choose her company. There's no way this little human girl could survive on her own in the world. She really needs a bodyguard 24/7. Maybe that's why she was given Yuna as her guardian angel because-

I'm terrified.

Coherent thoughts left my head. Faster than an instant, I appeared at her side. I ripped the guy's arm off before throwing him by his neck. His buddies saw and began to scramble, but I appeared in front of them and crushed their bones before ripping their hearts out. The guy who had one less arm received the special treatment of having his tongue yanked out, digits pulled off, skinned alive and then I used fire to boil his pathetic ass.

I walked over to Kennedy to ask her status, but she zonked out. Deep sigh. Now, I must carry this little human. I scooped her up in my arms and flew her home.

I tucked her into her bed and kept second guessing if I pulled the covers up high enough. I finally let her be and began reading the books in her bookcase. I found a textbook, I guess, and I came across an article that claimed hungover people should be given this thing called Advil. Apparently, head pains are common once they wake up. Also, they need lots of water.

I went on a hunt around her house to find this so called "Advil." I found it along with some bottled water. I didn't know you could put water in plastic. It's a genius invention, so I'll give one point to the humans. I placed the items on her bedside table and watched her for a few hours before deciding to meditate.


I opened my eyes when I heard her internally complain. I smirked when she complained about being so inebriated that she didn't make out my features. Good, so she knows I came. I was about to announce my presence, when she almost fell. In a second, I had her in my arms.

Her face reddened the longer she stared at me. So she finds me attractive. I can check that off my list. I "gently" placed her back on the bed and began observing her room. I've been in her room for a while, but was so distracted by her sleeping form that I didn't explore it more.

She asked me question after question and I tried to answer as honestly as I could. This resulted in me completely skipping over questions or flat out ignoring them. She did get me to reveal my true form, so that's a point for her. Not even a minute later, she got my name out of me. Two points for her!


I convinced Kennedy to show me around her city. She claimed she couldn't drive, so I decided to have some fun with that. I used magic to transform a rock into a luxury car. I had seen a picture of it in a magazine Kennedy had, so I wanted that car. I made her drive even though she was basically shitting herself the entire time.

We explored a lot of the attractions, but had to cut our time short when Yuna made a surprise visit. Surprise my ass! She probably sensed me. Kennedy didn't even have to tell me to leave because I was already on my way out.

I was exhausted when I reached her house for some reason. I guess I pushed myself too hard during the daytime. Chances are that if this was at night, it wouldn't even have felt like I broke a sweat.

I briefly explained this to Kennedy and made a suggestive comment. She blushed and loudly shut the door causing me to laugh.


I was about to flip a shit when Kyle placed his arm around Kennedy's shoulders. He really needed to piss off. First, he drugged her. Then, he threatened her. And now-

My thoughts were cut off when Yuna shoved him away. I'd normally say point for Yuna, but she used too much strength. Kyle may have a broken arm depending on how hard she threw him.

I began having an argument about Yuna with Kennedy. It pissed me off that she was taking Yuna's side and not mine. Then she made a comment "at least she protected me." Like what the hell?! I protected you from the three assholes in the alley! Where's my praise and thanks?! Why can Yuna do no wrong?! I was furious now.

Kennedy made a conscious effort to ignore me. She really behaves like a child sometimes. I wasn't going to give in to her and beg for her forgiveness and acknowledgment. No!

I thought my resolve was strong, but I couldn't help myself from taking a dig at the wonder twins. I found my comment even more enjoyable when Kennedy visibly found it funny. I was about to say something else, when I saw Samara staring at her.

Shit! She must've seen Kennedy's expression and realized she's mentally communicating with someone. She knew it wasn't Yuna since Yuna had spoken and there's been no indication made that Kennedy is aware that Yuna's an angel. Her staring only intensified as she tried to detect my aura. Because Kennedy is a human and I can control my aura, Samara was having trouble sensing anything. Hazikean must've noticed how weird it looked and mentally told her twin to knock it off.

Kennedy tried to make a funny comment to me, but I ignored her because I didn't want to give the twins any more knowledge about my whereabouts.


I distanced myself from Kennedy because I wanted to keep my connection with her on the down low from her angelic protectors. Also, I think I'm falling for a human which I agree is completely absurd. But, I care about her a lot. Like a lot, a lot. Like I lo- Nope! Not doing that. I refuse to acknowledge that part.

While distancing myself from her, I discovered a spell that'll sever the bond between us. I'm happy I succeeded in finding it, but sad because Kennedy will have no reason to want to be around me anymore. She doesn't need me anymore. I debated "losing" the spell, but it wouldn't be fair to her.

I have no idea how I convinced Kennedy to join me on a date. Well, I guess it's not technically a date since I didn't formally ask her out, but it's still a date... at least, in my head. I also didn't really give her an option to accept or decline before disappearing.

I was ecstatic when she still wanted me after I severed the bond. To make it even better, she accepted the mate bond with me. Although I'm worried about her safety, I'll lay my life down to protect my angel.

We were having a lovely makeout sesh, when Yuna decided to interrupt. That bastard angel! I told Kenny that I had to "possess her" in order to hide from her friends. Without any hesitance, she nodded.

The angels began getting frustrated since my love refused to give me up. Samara really tested my patience. If her sister didn't grab her, I was going to make myself known since she stepped way too close to Kenny for my liking. Kenny somehow convinced them to give her some space. Well, more like she appealed to Yuna's protective nature. Yuna refused to do anything that would upset or minorly inconvenience my girl.

As Kenny was heading home, I was hit by the stark realization of the aura emanating from Kennedy. I quickly realized she had an aura similar to a light angel's, though it was slightly different since she was part human. I inwardly gasped when I realized who Kennedy was. Who she truly was? What she truly was?

I felt like my whole world came crashing down. How could I be so stupid and fall in love with a human?! Fall in love with a light angel, my target, my mission?! I was supposed to kill her the moment I found her, but I couldn't do that anymore. I've never failed a mission before. Well, I guess there's a first for everything. I felt betrayed even though I knew it wasn't her fault. I felt like I had betrayed my entire kind, the dark Queen, my friends, and myself.

I felt empty when I released myself from Kennedy. She hugged me, but I couldn't bring myself to hug back. I was too distracted by the war between my head and heart.

I tried to leave, but her stubbornness caused me to hang around longer than I planned. I quickly tried to explain my origin, but that bastard angel (Yuna, this time) knocked me through the wall. We fought for a bit (more like I was just defending myself since I didn't want Kennedy seeing me be so violent).

I looked down in sadness as Yuna told her everything. Now, it was her turn to be betrayed. Her eyes brimmed with tears. I had to fight every impulse in my being to not hug and comfort her. It broke my heart knowing that Yuna would be receiving her affections rather than me.


I was walking through the forest and blowing up random trees. I'm angry with myself for hurting her. I betrayed her trust. To be fair, I didn't know who she was until I went inside her. That's when the seal broke and everything came crashing down.

Shit! I also put her in more danger. Since her seal is down and she doesn't know how to control her aura, demons are going to start plaguing her. Fuck! I really screwed her over and put her life at risk. It's only a matter of time before Lilitu tracks her down. She's the type of woman who'd finish the job. Double fuck!

"Fancy seeing you here." I turned around to see Damien.

"The feeling isn't mutual." I pretended to pay him no mind.

I had to focus on keeping my emotions in check. Damien was a skilled assassin, so it's no surprise he had also been tasked with finding Kennedy. I'm slightly worried that he sent his followers to kill her, but I'm comforted knowing that he loves praise. He'd more likely task them with finding her so that she could die at his hand.

"Oh, but it's a great day, is it not?" He jumped off a boulder, landing near me. "We have finally found that bastard child." He squeezed his fist, while I held back a grimace. "That is why you're here, is it not?"

"What's delaying you?" I ignored his question.

"Politeness." He bitterly spat while I quirked a brow. "By formality, since your friends found her first, they get the first go." He crossed his arms and looked away.

My friends? Zeli and Onyx! Fuck! No! They'll kill her! I launched into the air, leaving behind a bewildered Damien. I started following my girl's aura and made a beeline for the school. Her aura started drifting away from the school, so I made an effort to follow her. I stopped when I sensed Onyx.

Onyx had the twins on the brink of death. I heard a scream and glanced to my left. I used my supernatural vision to focus on a car getting its roof ripped off. Not even a minute later, Yuna had tackled Zeli into the air. I was puzzled as to what to do. I couldn't just call them off and risk the other demons witnessing that.

I flew into the forest and landed in an obscure location. I then let out a bright pink flare. I stumbled back and hoped my friends had seen it.

Thump Thump

I turned around to be jumped on by Onyx. I held her tight as she wrapped her legs around me. Zeli smiled and walked up to give me a hug.

"Omg! You're okay! We were sooooooo scared!" Onyx was on the verge of tears.

"Are you hurt? I'm assuming you broke the bond." I nodded. "Then why hadn't you returned?" Onyx stared at me in wonder too. "And why did you call us off? We could've easily killed her." I grimaced, causing my friends to eye me curiously.

"I need to speak with you guys." They nodded their heads. "I-I can't kill her anymore."

"But you said you broke the bond with her." Zeli deadpanned.

"I did, but I can't kill her."

"Why not?" Her voice got sharper. "We have a mission in case you've forgotten."


"Spit it out, Soleil." I stiffened when she used my birth name.

Onyx held a serious face beside Zeli. I didn't know how I was supposed to tell my friends that I was in love with the girl. As well as, her being my mate.

"I love her." I looked down.

"Was it really that hard to admit?" I looked up to see an amused smirk playing on Zeli's lip.

Onyx was laughing her ass off at my shocked face. Zeli pushed her shoulder, making her fall off the side of the cliff. She then turned and crossed her arms while staring at me.

"You knew?" I accusatorily asked.

"How couldn't we?" Onyx appeared at my side. "Why else wouldn't you come and find us? Also, calling us off raised a big red flag."

"She's also my mate." This new information caused my friends's eyes to widen. "I know."



"I know. I know. But, I need you guys to leave." They gave me a confused look, so I explained. "I'm refusing to kill her. That goes against my oath to serve Lilitu, which puts me at odds with her. I'm now a traitor and will be hunted. I can't get you guys involved again. I would never risk your-"

"Let me stop you there." Zeli held her hand up. "It's not your decision what we do. Onyx and I are responsible for our own choices."

"And aren't we the three amies!" Onyx added.

"Plus, I thought we had decided that we were loyal to each other and not the queen a long time ago." Zeli nudged my shoulder. "Now, what do you need us to do?"


"When can we rip their heads off?" Onyx was becoming antsy.

"We will not interfere unless it's absolutely necessary. As little involvement as possible is the goal." I answered only causing Onyx to groan even louder.

We were currently watching the mini battle below. Damien had his demonic followers fight the light angels. I can't believe queen Adira sent both Troian and Ajax. It's one thing to send their group, but the generals as well? She was really bold in that choice. If they fail this battle, Lilitu will come. The auras are way too strong to be overlooked.

The light angels were doing well until Damien released his surprise attack. The ogres took them by surprise. Yuna was separated from my mate's side. I started to feel tense. My friends must've picked up the change in my mood since Onyx stopped complaining aloud.

Yuna tried to fight her way back to Kenny, but she was sacked by demons. I felt my breathing rate increase since Kenny was practically defenseless. Ajax called for his comrades to protect my love, but they were all busy fighting for their lives.

I didn't realize how angry I was until I crushed a rock. The ogre made a final war cry and lifted his club up to smash my girl. Faster than the speed of light, I summoned my staff. I did an acrobatic kick propelling the blade through the ogre's skull. Once the ogre fell and they defeated the demons around them, Ajax and his soldiers were staring at me.

"Guess that was absolutely necessary." Zeli mumbled beside me.

Onyx continued kicking her legs in the air. She turned to me, silently asking if we could join the fight now.

"Let's go." I jumped off the cliff and flew down to meet Ajax.

The two of us approached each other and stared the other down. Ajax and I were trying to sense the other's emotions. Both of us were experts in being poise, so it was really all for naught. He gave me one final look before silencing Troian and announcing that we'd be assisting them.

My friends flew off to their respective roles while I stayed behind with Yuna to guard Kennedy. We easily worked as a tag team to defend the person most important to us.

My friends landed soon after everything was finished. Onyx silently apologized for not being able to kill Damien. He had gotten away at the last minute. That wasn't good. He'd definitely report our treasonous actions to Lilitu. She's going to have all three of our heads.

I told my friends to depart to different realms. They tried to fight me, but I told them to leave and that it was the end of discussion. I promised to contact them when the time was right. They reluctantly agreed, before disappearing.

Troian was screaming bloody murder while I surrendered myself. Ajax knew something was up, but refused to allow Troian to kill me. He used his status to get her to back down. He didn't trust me, but knew he could use me to further his agenda.

His group chained me and led me through the gates. They're luckily they entered right before dusk. I could sense Kennedy's amazement at the scenery ahead of her. I have to admit that the light realm is beautiful. Too bright, but still beautiful.

I felt my clothing change to more traditional clothes, courtesy of Hailey. We walked together until reaching a fork in the road. Troian had a little spat with Ajax. While walking, he nudged me as a signal to speak to Kennedy.

I reached out to her to try and calm her nerves. She was nervous to be meeting her mom for the first time. Her nerves only increased when she came face to face with her mother. She tried to run away, but I blocked her path and pushed her back.

Queen Adira decided to spare me on behalf of her daughter. I was upset at how emotional Kennedy's plea sounded since it would definitely have raised red flags. I didn't want them knowing about the mate bond, but they definitely knew now.

The guards were rough with me when dragging me to the dungeon. The prisoners actually cowered when I passed them. I was shoved inside the cell before it was shut and multiple spells were cast. Like that'll really keep me in.

Kennedy, apparently, couldn't stay away for long. The dark side truly is alluring, I guess. We talked and I comforted and reassured her of her mother's love. I explained more honestly why both sides wanted her dead, but reassured her that the queen wouldn't let anything happen to her. I wanted to tell her that I'd also protect her, but it wouldn't have seemed as convincing since I'm behind bars.

I sensed Hailey, so I told Kenny to join her. She wanted to stay longer, so I glanced at Hailey. Hailey got the message and subtly allowed a wave of calmness to pass over Kenny. She reluctantly allowed Hailey to lead her back to her room.


One of the guards stopped in front of my cell. He held a tray in his hands. He glanced around before dumping the contents on the ground and kicking the food towards me. I didn't react and closed my eyes. That scum truly has no idea what he's in for. 3... 2... 1- I kept my eyes closed even as I heard a thump.

"You are to treat all the prisoners here with dignity. If I catch this action again, I'll charge you with inhumane crimes." Ajax harshly whispered in the guard's ear. After the guard whimpered and nodded, Ajax released his hold and lowered the guard back to the ground. The guard quickly bowed before scurrying up the stairs.

"Who would've thought this is what would've happened?" I breathed out. "Did you have any inkling?" I opened my eyes to see Ajax staring at me from the other side of the cell. "Keeping the guards away so that she could speak with me... how will that look when word gets out that you'll be doing that every night?" I mocked him.

Ajax only crossed his arms. His eyes bore into mine, but gave nothing away.

"Also, telling the guards not to roughhouse me or they'll be severely punished. Tsk tsk tsk." I waved my finger at him. "Be careful. They may think you're a demon sympathizer. Wouldn't want them thinking you don't believe all demons are bad, would we?"

My comment caused him to stiffen. I finally got a reaction out of him. He harshly breathed out before leaving me alone to my thoughts. A smile graced my face as I closed my eyes and continued to meditate.

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