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By DontfuckwiththeChuck

283K 8.9K 6.1K

After getting fired from your job - working at a convenience store, your life takes an eventful spin as you w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 8

8.3K 247 89
By DontfuckwiththeChuck

“Does the name Charles Lee Ray ring any bells?" He brought himself to ask, his voice coming out slurred, boredly. His position changed on the chair he was seated on, facing you to hear your answer.

You thought for awhile, the name did sound familiar... Though you only ever remember hearing it many years ago...

Chucky's face twisted into one of impatience and annoyance as he waited for your response, his eyes were narrowed, seeing your confused expression only made him even more angry.

“The lakeshore strangler!?" He questioned, causing you to cock an eyebrow, shaking your head, no.

“God... Talk about having no culture..." The doll mumbled to himself, insultingly, annoyed that people actually forgot about him. He was a notorious killer turned killer doll for fuck sake, wasn't that easy enough to fucking remember?

“He was a serial killer from around here, got shot by an asshole cop and was left to die, bleeding like a stuck pig... All because some pregnant bitch decided to rat on him... she got her karma in the end.."

You listened closely, his words striking fear into you once again as he spoke. Your eyebrows were furrowed, a new troubling sensation washing over your whole being as all you could do was sit there and hear him speak.

“Little did anyone know, he just happened to know voodoo... Transfered his soul into a Good guy doll, popular toy back in the 80's... Got bought by a single mom, for her precious little boy..." The doll continued, dramatically emphasizing the word ‘precious' with a slight hint of hatred building up in his tone, his eyes on his knife that he toyed with in his hands. His expression smug.

“Wasn't long before mysterious deaths started to occur wherever the kid went. Who'd believe a six year old when he told them his little doll was responsible for people's deaths?" The doll spoke, his smirk of pride growing, his eyes moving from his knife towards you, as he watched your terrified expression continuesly grow.

“The only reason the doll stuck around was because getting out of the body he was in meant possessing the first living being he had revealed himself to. Time after time he tried everything to possess the little shit, but things kept on getting in the way, screwing him over at multiple failed attempts... "

Your body stiffened in the curled position you were in, feeling the hair at the back of your neck stand on end as chills ran down your spine, your skin feeling tingly as goosebumps began to appear on them, he was Charles Lee Ray...

“Guess Andy still hasn't gotten over the trauma of his childhood, and I ain't done making his life a living hell." The doll added as a final statement.

“Andy... Andy was the kid...?" You brought yourself to question, the doll nodded slowly.

“Been trying to possess him for years... Now, all I want from that motherfucker is revenge, for all those times he killed me everytime I came back, each being worst and more painful than the last... "

His grasp on his knife tightened, his teeth gritted in anger as he spoke words of rage.

“I... I can't believe i trusted you... I-" you stuttered, feeling completely and utterly disappointed at yourself in that moment.

“But ya did." He cut you off, his smirk returning once again.

“You said he was a psychopath! That he tortured you! You lied to me!" You yelled feeling enraged and stupid at the fact that you actually believed him, wanting to grab the pillow that was set right beside you on the bed and throw it as his small body.

“And he did! He tortured me for weeks! It is was fucking unbearable! And y'know why he did it? Cause he's wacko! I didn't lie to you 'bout shit! It wasn't my fucking problem that you assumed he did it for no reason!" The doll yelled back. His words making you pull back slightly.

He stared at you for awhile, chuckling, finding it funny how you now had no way in arguing back with him.

“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He questioned provokingly.

“Or is it the fact that you've just realized how fuckin' gullible you are?"

He wasn't wrong... And that fact made you feel even worse...

“Not that I'm complainin' or anythin', I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for your cluelessness. So thank you. "

Your eyes turned away from him, landing on the floor. There was nobody you could blame other than yourself. YOU got yourself into this mess, all because you felt sympathy for a psychopathic serial killer doll.


“I'll take the chair. " Chucky told, his words taking you by slight surprise.

“W... What..?" You questioned, wanting him to repeat his words, just so it was clear that you could have the bed.

“ I said you could have the fucking bed!"

You cocked an eyebrow, being confused as to why he would let you sleep on the bed while he took the chair, knowing full well it would be uncomfortable for him. You brushed it off after awhile of wondering, smiling weakly through your confusion.

“Thanks..." You muttered quietly.

“Don't get this confused with anything, I'm not being nice. I just don't wanna wake up to you bitching about how you didn't get any sleep."

He justified his actions, causing you to nod slowly, understanding, though you didn't believe him as much.

He put his knife back into his pocket again, moving into a position he felt comfortable in on the chair that he had decided to sleep on before closing his eyes without warning, giving you the impression that he was too tired to even bother talking to you anymore. Or that he was just sleepy.

A few moments passed before you pushed yourself up from the bed, walking past his sitting form, towards the light switch, turning it off before walking back to your bed slowly, resting you head upon the pillow and covering yourself with it's blanket.

Although you were physically drained of your energy, it didn't stop your mind from keeping you up, thinking, wondering, worrying.

You sighed to yourself as your eyes faced the ceiling, where they would stay for many more minutes to come.

Your thoughts continued taunting you, stirring you up even more, wondering how long you were going to be stuck with the freak doll and plotting how you could possibly escape without him coming after you. When something finally clicked.

This was the perfect time to escape him, he was off guard, asleep, exhausted. He wouldn't even know you had escaped until he woke up the next morning. The thought of leaving this place and especially him eased your mind, comfortingly, but the bitter and frightful thought of him waking up and finding out you were attempting to escape struck fear into you, building up the anxiety you kept bottled.

You waited for awhile, probably about half an hour, before hearing a snore erupt from his throat, a wave of relief washing over you as you sat up, quietly removing the blanket from your body as your feet met with the floor.

You stood up, finding your way to the room's door, trying your best to not fall over or make a sound as you did so.

A sound of him shifting to another position made you stop halfway into your tracks, holding your breath as you bit your lip nervously. He continued snoring to your relief, causing you to sigh as you slowly tiptoed towards the door.

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