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Bella Harrington, a innocent wealthy, and also one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. Keith Taylor, m... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 3

6.5K 163 35

"Can't believe you dragging me to this shit." I huffed as Elijah drove us to this party.

"Come on man, It's Friday." He smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"Nigga you know I don't go to high school parties." I muttered dialing Marcus number on my phone.

"Yo." He answered.

"Did you make that drop yet?" I asked waiting on his reply.

"Yeah, these new people that you hired better than the last ones." He laughed. "Where you at?"

"Minding my business, make sure everything going good over there Marcus." I said hanging up.

"What?" Kai answered breathing hard as hell. The hell is he doing.

"Did yo mama teach you how to answer the phone like that? What would your mother say?" I asked sarcastically making him chuckle then breath hard again. "I know you not fucking somebody right now."

He laughed. "Shut up."

"Elijah driving me to this dumb ass high school party." I sighed making him laugh.

"We are seniors, we suppose to do this bitter betsy." Elijah commented.

"Guess I'm not a regular senior, and I better not see Naomi in here either." I told him

"She's a junior, let her have fun." Kai said as I heard shuffling in the back.

"See you later." I feminine voice said as I heard the door close making me chuckle in my head.

"I want her to have fun, But I still got to find them dumb asses that messed up my product. And some other dudes shot at the truck a few weeks ago. I need her to be at home safe, I don't know who or what they gone go for next." I explained.

"You think they working with someone?" Elijah asked.

"Probably, seem like it. And you know what happened to Kyair a few weeks ago." I sighed.

"How he doing though? He doing okay?" Elijah asked

I nodded. "He good, but they messing up my product, and trying to shoot at my suppliers and shit."

"We probably got a rat." Kai pointed out.

"That's what I'm thinking too." I agreed.

"You was serious about him- yes I was." I sighed cutting Kai off, and hanging up as he laughed loudly into the phone. We both got out and walked inside and instantly got greeted by the entire football and basketball team.

I don't even know half of these peoples names.

"Is that Keith? I've only seen you at one high school party before." Some guy said coming up to me.

"We could really use you on the football team. "He told me.

"I'm not a sports person." I told him.

"Well if you change your mind, let me know." He said

"Aight." I responded walking way from him. I went into the kitchen seeing how completely crowded it was. I got a coke out of the fridge seeing all of the alcohol open.

I'm not joining no damn football team.

Especially not with that trash ass team at that school.

Somebody could've probably put something in this shit. I wondered while seeing all the drinks.

"I'm not really thirsty." I heard a girl say behind me. I turned around a little seeing that girl Bella, and another guy.

"Come on beautiful, just one drink. You'll feel better, and loose after." He continued to encourage.

This mothafucka really can't take a hint.

"I'm really not feeling a drink right now, but you can take it yourself." She told him nervously laughing.

"Come on just- She said she ain't thirsty dumb ass. Is you deaf or sum?" I huffed cutting him off stepping into their conversation.

"Keith? Dude, surprised to see you here." He said with his entire mood changing.

"Get the fuck out." I told him. He stepped back a bit, and walked out of the kitchen not saying anything else. He was pissing me off already, and I just got here.

"Thank you." I heard Bella say. She had a soft voice but it was mature like she knew how to carry herself. I liked that.

I nodded. "No need to thank me, you need to stop being so nice to people."

"It's good to be nice to people, and Harry was just offering me a drink." She shrugged.

I sighed mentally. "When a guy continues to ask you if you want a drink after you say no, and pressure you into taking it, that's when you get disrespectful."

"I know that. But he was just offering a drink, I wasn't going to take it anyway." She told me.

"Did you come with anyone?" I asked.

She nodded. "My sister, but I'm meeting friends here as well."

"How many parties have you been to?"

"This is my second." She responded.

"So you wondered off instead of waiting for your friends to come, and this is only your second party?" I scoffed.

She rolled her eyes.  "I just said that I was here with my sister."

"Where yo sister at?"

She shrugged. "Outside by the pool, told me to meet her in the kitchen. And it's where is your sister, not 'where yo sister'."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Don't be correcting me."

"You needed someone to correct you since you used incorrect grammar." She shrugged.

"If I wanted someone to correct my grammar I would've stayed my ass at school instead of coming to this party." I chuckled taking a sip from my drink.

Now that I'm looking at her with my full attention, I can't lie and say that she wasn't a little pretty. Hate to say it but she was beautiful.

I never payed attention to nobody really to compliment them. So me just looking at her seeing all her features taking them in said a log.

Her hair was long and brown, and her eyes were glossy with rose cheeks. Her hair was shiny and she had a black blow in her hair but her hair was down. Her lips were fully with pink lip gross and her nose was small and perfectly structured. I was mostly looking at her eyes.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions." I heard her say.

I shrugged." You the only person here that hasn't pissed me off since I got here."

"How long have you been here?" She asked.

"5 minutes." I stated truthfully making her laugh. Even her laugh was beautiful.


I got to get away from her before she have me in a full-on trance.

"I'm about to go look for my friend. Don't be letting nobody give you no drinks." I told her being serious as hell.

"I won't, unless it's a Hi-C juice box." She shrugged making me laugh shaking my head. I walked away going to find Elijah. How he gone drag me here then just abandon me. When I turned the corner I saw Naomi.

I went behind her grabbing her arm pulling her into a room that was beside us. "Get off me, my brother shoots people." She yelped trying to get me off her with her eyes closed.

"Naomi." I said raising my voice a little making her open her eyes

"Shit." She sighed dropping her arms to the side.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"Having fun can't you see? What are you doing here, you don't even go to parties." She scoffed.

"Elijah dragged me, didn't I tell you to stay yo ass at home?" I asked thumping her head with my finger.

"Didn't I tell you many times that I am a junior and want to have fun." She huffed smacking my finger away while crossing her arms

"Didnt I tell you to lay low, and stop being careless." I argued back.

"I'm not careless, I'm tired of barely being able to do anything sometimes."She said looking like she was about to cry.

Fuck. I hated when she cried, she knew it was my weakness.

I love my lil sister. She my only family left. So yeah Imma be protective. I can't help it, I'm gone try to cut her some slack sometimes though.

"I'm sorry. Come on." I sighed pulling her into a hug as I heard her sniff.

"It's okay you just overprotective sometimes, I can't really blame you for that."

"Go ahead and have fun, text me when you ready to go, and be careful Naomi I'm serious. Don't be taking no drinks or nun of that from these little ass white boys either." I told her leaving out the room.

"What?" I asked answering my phone trying to find a quiet place.

"They just shot at the spot again." Marcus said sounding out of breath.

"Anybody hurt?" I asked walking into a bathroom.

"Everyone was shooting back. Them bullets was going left to right, and Kai tried to shoot back but," He said stopping his sentence.

"What happen to Kai?"

"They shot him in his side, we already took him to our nurse. He was bleeding out bad man." He breathed out.

"Did y'all see any faces?"

"They all had on mask, but I heard one of them say something and the voice sounded familiar as hell." He told me. "When they got done shooting some of the boys followed them, I'll let you know when they get back."

"Aight, I'm on way there." I said hanging up.

I went back inside the room to Naomi seeing her coming out of the bathroom that was in the room. "We gotta go."  I told her making her look taken back and confused.

"You just said- I know what I said but Marcus just called I have to go fix something down there and I'm not about to leave you here so let's go." I said cutting her off walking out of the room.

She sighed walking out the room. I looked for Elijah and finally found him by the game drinking table. "We gotta go."

"Why?" He asked throwing the ball in the last cup.

I whispered what happened into his ear as he nodded, and we left out. Naomi got into the backseat while me and Elijah sat in the front.


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