Saving people Hunting things...

By FanWritingScape

17K 307 110

Sam Winchester x reader So I went to college with this guy Sam Winchester... This story is about y/n who att... More

-Stanford 2005 (Part one)-
-Standford 2005 (Part two)-
-Don't You Forget About Me-
-Free to be You and Me-
-Time is on My Side-
-Something Wicked-
-Something Wicked Part 2 -
-Fresh Blood-
-Home Sweet Home-
-Slumber Party-
-Dont Go in The Woods-
-Dont Go in the Woods: Part Two-
-My Heart Will Go On-
-Sex and Violence-
-My Bloody Valentine-

-Drag Me Away From You-

793 16 1
By FanWritingScape

-Y/n Pov-

It's been a month now since I joined the Winchesters.

And I find it funny how we all have settled into a routine.

Every morning I wake up, take a shower, workout a bit and then I get dressed. Which now my style seems to of adapted back to the hunter lifestyle. Jeans, combat boots, a t-shirt, and a flannel: leather jacket if it's cold. After all that I head to the kitchen where Sam most of the time is fixing breakfast.

"Coffee, sugar, and vanilla creamer." He smiled and passed the hot mug to me.

"You remember!" I said when he first fixed me coffee a month ago. "How on earth?"

"I don't know guess I got a good memory." I couldn't help but blush, it was so sweet Sam remembered how I like my coffee. He should after the thousands of our study all-nighters.


Ever since the gjin, it was obvious me and Sam knew we experienced the dream together. But neither one of us could talk about it.

It was like sleepwalking within Sam's mind. I could see, hear and feel everything he was experiencing. I watched him fall in love with me, admit to loving me...sleep with me... Me and Sam avoided talking about it as much as possible, but I'm not sure if he knows the y/n in his dream wasn't me. I was more like a ghost watching it all.

Ever since that day I have been unable to read Sam's aura. It constantly seemed off, I wish I could read him like I used to. No visions, no dream walking, and no auras. I was becoming rusty. So I decided to take a one-day witch vacation.

"Sam? Sammy?" He walked through the library out to meet me at the staircase. A slight glimmer of panic came across his face as he saw me holding a bag.

"Please don't tell me you're leaving?" He ran his hands through his hair with panic.

"No no! I'm heading out for one night, I need to refill on my witch mojo."

"Oh well, I'm glad your not leaving but are you sure you don't want me to come with you." Honestly, I think we just need some space. That is what I wanted to say. As much as I ... liked Sam I didn't want to ruin us or risk him getting hurt by me being weak.

"No don't worry about me I can handle myself. If I need anything I've got you and Dean on speed dial."

Dean entered the room and raised his eyebrows at me. As far as me and deans relationship it was going about as good as you would expect. He was warming up to my charms, with a few pranks and jokes on Sam he seemed to like me staying for a while. We even have shared a few whiskeys over some old rock. Mostly Metallica.

"Hey Sabrina what's shaking? What's the bag about?"

"Like I was telling Sam I'm just going to meet my sister in Colorado to pick up some spell and witch stuff. Very boring I'll be back by tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me! I was just going to tell Sam I found us a case." Sam turned and looked at dean with a confused face. Dean winked at him, I learned not to question the older brother.

"Alright well, I'm heading out." I walked over and patted Dean's shoulder since he's not much of a hugger. Then over to Sam, I stood up on my tiptoes as far as I could and kissed his cheek. His aura glimmered and he bent down to kiss my head.

As I walked out of the bunker all I heard was dean go, "awwwwwww." And a punching sound.

-5 hours later, Colorado-

"Maria!" I ran up to her and grabbed her so tight in my arms, swinging her around.

"Hey, big sis!" She sat down at the cafes table.

"It feels like years since I've seen you yknow. We went from everyday life as coven and professors to well I mean look at me." She glanced over my appeal.

"You look like crap y/n." I rolled my eyes. "How is Sam and ... dean right?"

"Sam is good..., " I blush. "Yknow for a hunter and Dean is growing on me." She placed a big purple bag on the table.

"Here's everything I could gather from your office. Bones, blood, herbs.." she went through one by one of my sorted witchcraft supplies. I hugged the bag.

"Oh, how I've missed all my stuff."

"So I'm guessing you haven't been practicing while you've been with the boys?" She tilted her head at me. I nodded my head no and place my head in my hands.

"I'm scared it will turn them away from me. I've just now gotten to where dean sees me as a hunter and not just a witch."

"But y/n, you're both, both are in your blood." She smiled and held my hand. "If you don't practice, you know what happens. I mean look at how weak you look y/n."

"I know." Holding her hand, I shook it and promised her I would keep myself healthy. She gave me no other choice.

We exchanged goodbyes just like before but it never got easier. I started my jeep and headed back to my crappy motel.

-Midnight, Colorado-

After taking a shower I decided to perform a small seance. This would give me a small boost to my powers, I certainly needed it. My body just felt weak like I was running on half a tank. I changed from my towel into a sleek black lacey nightgown, it was nice for Maria to bring me some of my clothes. I felt more like myself again.

Laying out my pentagram mat, candles, and more, I was ready to start our covens way of gaining power. My family came from a long line of Salem witches, we use this method to gain knowledge and power from our ancestors. I laid out a cat's skull and wishbones. Everything was ready, just needed something to cut my hand for blood.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door. Not expecting anyone, I walked over to the door and cocked my pistol behind it just in case.

"Sam?!" I said in shock, the door still open.

"Hey can I come in?" he said. He looked so nervous, sweat beading from his forehead. What is he doing here? I motioned for him to come in.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. Sams eyes glazed over my body and I blushed as I realized how unclothed I was. I walked over and put on a red flannel from earlier, trying to cover myself up as much as possible. His cheeks went red.

"I'm so sorry y/n I just got so worried and dean tried to stop me but I had a gut feeling that I just needed to talk to you, " he turned to see the seance laid out on my table. "You're holding a seance?"

"Yeah it's how I recharge myself and to access my ancestors' knowledge, " he looked at me with confusion. "I know this freaks you and dean out that's why... That's why I left. I didn't want Dean to think less of me."

Sam walked up and placed my face in his hands. "Y/n never be ashamed of who you are around me. People change in 10 years if anyone knows that it's us. Your a witch that's in your blood, remember that night on the couch?" I nodded my head. "I told you about my demon blood. Well that is a part of who I am, for years I called myself a freak or a monster because of it but now I just realize that's a permanent part of who I am." I processed his words and it gave me something I haven't had in a long time. Hope.

"Thank you, Sam, for understanding that I'm still me. I was so scared that after college seeing me so different, you wouldn't want to be around me."

"That's crazy, if anything I see how badass you are now. You inspire me y/n." The room was filled with this tension, but a good tension. "Sam I need to do this now." He stood up off the bed and started towards the door.

"Do you want me to?" He stopped. Leave? No, I didn't want him to leave.

"Stay... please... stay Sam," I asked placing my hand on his chest. And he went and sat back down on my bed.

Minutes later I started the seance. The power taking over my body completely.

-An Hour later, Colorado-
-Sams POV-

Sitting on this bed I couldn't help but gaze over her, taking in her stillness, beauty and power. She looked so beautiful tonight, her hair down and wavy, in her nightgown and flannel. For some reason, It reminded me of one night back at Stanford.


"Okay go fish!" Y/n laid down two matching pairs of 4s. There was no way I was winning this game of poker.

"Damn I have to fold! I had a 3 and a 5. You win again!" She jumped up from her coach and collected all of my goldfish crackers, shoving them in her mouth. We laughed at her almost choking cause she ate them too fast.

"Sammy I don't know who taught you to play poker but you need some work." She laughed at me patting my shoulder.

"I'm more of a pool guy myself. Come on I give who taught you?" She paused, I didn't mean to bring it up. I didn't even realize.

" dad did."

"Y/n I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."

"No, it's okay I know you didn't. He always said I was so good because it's like I can read people." Y/n definitely had her psychic moments before. She predicted Donna would ditch game night for a date, I laughed in my head.

"Well read me then, what am I thinking?" I looked into her eyes and for the first time, I felt something I haven't felt since high school, butterflies in my stomach.

Y/n looked back at me with her bright e/c eyes.
So beautiful I thought...

That was the first night I saw her like saw her. I knew then that I loved her at that moment.

"Your thinking that I'm soooooo beautiful!" She laid down laughing holding her stomach but I was taken aback. How did she know?


I've never stopped thinking about that night. How she knew that I found her beautiful, obviously she didn't know she was a witch then so she didn't take it seriously. How did I not see it then?

I placed my head in my hands. She used her powers to save me with the gjin and I've been too much of a coward to talk to her about it.

A coward just like I was back at Stanford.


"Sam?" I notice y/n looking up at me, from the floor. "Sam you must have fallen asleep," she laughed. But I didn't laugh back like normal. "Sam are you alright?"

"You were there." She sat back in shock. She knew what I meant instantly.

-Y/n POV-

I told Sam everything, it felt good to finally address it. How I saw everything...everything.

"Y/n I don't even know what to say." I placed my hand on his.

"Sam it doesn't matter what I saw, this is real. Our story, meeting in college and then running into each other 10 years later. But that world wasn't real, this is." I looked down at the motel carpet, running my hands through my hair. To me, it was undeniable what me and Sam have, but I'm terrified he doesn't see it. At Stanford, it took us years to see it and she we did it was too late.

"Sam...if" before I could speak Sam was standing up next to me, he bent down to help me up. He placed his hands on my cheek, then ran his hands through my hair.

"Y/n being in that reality made me realize something that I desired years ago, " he paused. "I want you. The real you, this you. I made a mistake in Stanford and that was waiting too late for us." This time it was like sam was reading my mind.

We couldn't help it, our lips collided with urgency. His large arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me deeper into his chest. Finally, me and sam expressed our true feelings, even though it made things more complicated.
But then I looked back at all of Sam and his entire body glows. I could see his aura again. I kissed his lips softly and we stayed laying with each other until we fell asleep.


Sam and I decided to extend my vacation for the entire weekend. Monday morning we grabbed food at a diner and headed back home, to the bunker.

I know this chapter took forever and is super long but I swear the next chapter will be fun!!! I just really want to build up sam and y/ns relationship!!!!

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