Little Red (Twisted Dark, #4)

By AMLKoski

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Twisted Dark, Book IV ~~~ Red had left the Covens for a reason. She hadn't liked the rules and inste... More

Warnings of the Woods
Revenge of Red
Chapter One: Chaos
Chapter Two: Ease of Magick
Chapter Three: Mama Sorceress
Chapter Three: Mama Sorceress: Part Two
Chapter Three: Mama Sorceress: Part Three
Chapter Four: Oracles
Chapter Five: Protecting Our Own
Chapter Six: Hard Truths
Chapter Seven: Confrontations
Chapter Seven: Confrontations: Part Two
Chapter Seven: Confrontations: Part Three
Chapter Eight: Little Red
Chapter Nine: Maybe
Chapter Ten: Guessing Motives
Chapter Eleven: Feral Soul
Chapter Twelve: Back to Hunting
Chapter Thirteen: Calling for Help
Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick
Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick: Part Two
Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick: Part Three
Chapter Fifteen: New Life
Chapter Sixteen: Reverence
Chapter Seventeen: Pissed Off Witches
Chapter Eighteen: New Heights
Chapter Eighteen: Part Two: New Heights
Chapter Nineteen: Honoured
Chapter Twenty: Back to Business
Chapter Twenty-One: Attempt to Conquer
Chapter Twenty-Two: Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Three: Making Deals
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family Matters
Chapter Twenty-Five: Killing Instinct
Chapter Twenty-Six: Roads to Take
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Choice to Make
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Something Blue
Epilogue: Never Ever
~ Playlist ~

Chapter Fifteen: New Life: Part Two

1.8K 214 37
By AMLKoski

The fire was crackling and the space was warm, just like how it needed to be for the new babes. I was prideful for Jaxton and Violet. They had twins. I knew that when Jax and I had been born, there was a heavy celebration in the Compound. I could only imagine that the Celebration for this birth would be far grander. Not just for the fact of the twins, that was amazing, but there was a female. I couldn't believe it, I truly couldn't. I looked over at the crib that I had moved closer to the fire so that the little female could be kept warm.

Violet was currently feeding the little male in bed, cooing to him as happy as could be. She still looked pale and exhausted but she looked happy. I knew that she needed to get to the Compound, the females there would help clean her properly and give her aid to help her take care of the babes. She had given the little female just as much attention as she had the male but I figured it was good to give her time with each of them alone.

The little female was wrapped up in a swaddle but I knew she was wearing one of the adorable green onesies that Jaxton had gotten for their babe when it was born. She nearly swam in it she was so tiny. I couldn't believe something could be that small and I couldn't wait to see how Jaxton would react to the news, to meeting them. I knew he would absolutely kick himself for not being here for Violet but I had also realized that it had probably been best that he hadn't been. He would have been far crueller than I was and far too protective. I doubted the witches would have gotten close enough to Violet to help and that was just not good.

It was better this was. It was an absolute shame that Violet had to labour without him, that he wasn't there to hold her hand but the labour had been brutal and she had complications that nearly killed her. I doubted Jaxton would have been able to handle his breeder like that. I knew he must have been internally freaking out feeling his Instinct screaming at him during it. The Compound was far and I knew that he would have rationalized that he needed to go there to get the family before he came back. He wouldn't have liked it but he would have done it, especially because he would have been closer there than he would have been to returning.

I took a heavy swig of the bourbon from the bottle Jax had shoved into a top cupboard to get a fine layer of dust on it after Violet had moved in. If there was ever a moment that needed a drink, I figured I had found it. I reached out with my foot and gently set the crib to rocking a touch more as it slowed down to the point of stopping. I was proud. So very proud.

Violet was a little warrior and I was thankful for the witches, thankful for how well Red had handled her own blood. She was definitely not a female who was born to back down, there was something in her that was just shy of feral and I had a feeling that if it had needed to come to it, she would have started swinging and I appreciated that, even against her own blood. Still didn't stop me from adding incentive. I wanted to fuck her but Violet's life was worth more than that to me and, more importantly, my twin.

Still wanted to fuck her though.

Not sure how she felt about that at the moment, I had cut her throat good. I shrugged slightly, she could beat me for it. Moon knew I was looking forward to her doing just that. Violet had scolded me for the action when I told her what I had done. She had not been happy and demanded that the next time I saw the female to apologize. I wasn't entire sure what it meant when Violet had explained it but apparently the blood magick had made her and the witch... sisters? I still wasn't entirely sure what that meant but Violet had been adamant I had threatened her sister, her family, and that was just not okay.

It confused me and so I didn't particularly feel the need to apologize for my actions. They had gotten the desired result, Violet had received the help from the other witch and no one had to die, I just threatened it a little bit. Besides, if my Instinct was correct about the female, she probably didn't care and the extent of her retaliation would be throwing some punches at me. If that was the case, we could move straight to step four and that was a win in my books.

The front door was shoved open, snow blowing in as a large snow covered figure entered, shutting the door firmly behind them. I watched as Jax shook off his hood before shaking the snow off his coat before he yanked it off. "What happened, brother? My Instinct went wild, my wee pixie was in trouble. I have been damn near frantic with worry, what happened?" His blue eyes landed on me, glowing with animalistic intensity and I took a large drink of my bourbon.

"I think you can tell what happened, brother." I gave a lazy shrug and then looked at him, waving my hand slightly. "I certainly haven't cleaned up." I watched as he looked confused before he inhaled. I knew what he was scenting. Blood, magick, witches, fear, worry, stress, and pain. It was all there. There was another reason I was drinking. It got some of the smell away from me, the acrid scent of alcohol burned most of it away.

Jax looked utterly stricken as wild eyes turned to me. "She laboured?" He breathed the words, worry beating off of his skin so thickly I was surprised I couldn't see it.

I gave a slow nod, switching to away from the twin language. "Aye, brother. She did." At the words he kicked off his boots and dashed into the bedroom, a heavy and worried rumble escaping him. I finished off my drink and set the bottle down before I heaved myself to my feet. I moved over to the slightly rocking crib and looked down at my niece. She was so itty bitty, so very dainty. I reached down and picked her up, holding her close as I walked towards the bedroom as well.

"I'm sorry, my love, I should've been here for ye! I'll never leave ye alone again, never again." Jax kissed her all over her face, cradling it between his big hands. "I never should've left, I should've been here for ye!" Violet took his fussing gracefully, letting him look her over and smother her in kisses as he sat down on the edge of the bed. She cradled their son to her chest, patting him gently. "Are ye, okay? Do ye need anythin'? I'll cross oceans for ye, my wee pixie, my sun and my moon, my stars. Are ye hurtin'?" She nodded and he gave a small whine, cursing at himself in both languages. "Of course ye're hurtin', ye jus' had a babe! Stupid of me t' ask! Is there anythin' I can do for ye, my moon and stars? I'll do anythin' ye ask of me. Anythin'." He lifted her face, brushing her hair back from her face, kissing her over her face again and again.

She gave a tired smile and reached up, smoothing a hand against his cheek, causing him to shudder. "It's okay, Jax. Sit with me for a bit and then I would like a bath." She said it softly and I adjusted the tiny little female in my arms, watching my brother with a wry smile. "Do you want to meet him?" Violet lifted the wee male up slightly and Jaxton made a soft noise in his throat as he shifted, moving to sit beside her as he bent down to take in his son.

"Look at ye!" He grasped on of his male's tiny hands in his fingers and gently kissed it. "A beautiful male you have given me, pixie." He gave Violet a soft kiss before returning to his son, cooing at him gently, making soft and gentle noises as he rubbed that tiny hand with his thumb, sniffling slightly. "He's wonderful." He breathed it out and Violet glanced at me before nodding at me slightly before she leaned against Jaxton. He wrapped his arm around her tightly, holding her close.

I moved towards the bed, Jax too absorbed in his son to notice. "Brother, can ye take yer daughter? My arms are tired." I held out her tiny weight and he gave a half nod, holding out his arms as he cooed at his son. I gently placed the little female in his arms, making sure he was holding her properly before I backed up.

It took him a few seconds before his brain caught up and he stiffened before he looked at me and then Violet before looking at the tiny bundle in his arms. He blinked and paled and then blinked several more times. "Breathe, Jax." Violet said it softly and he gave a gasping inhale before holding his little female closer, his eyes growing glassy.

"Twins?" He looked at Violet his eyes wide, "Ye gave me twins?" She nodded at him, reaching over and smoothing her finger down her daughter's cheek with a soft smile.

"I did." She looked so proud of herself that I found a grin on my face. Jax said nothing, just gave her another kiss, pulling her into a tight, one armed hug, mindful of the babies they both held. He murmured to her low enough that I couldn't hear but I didn't mind. They needed to enjoy their moment, it almost didn't happen. Not that I would tell him that, not now, not for a long while.

"Thank you. Thank you, my love, my wee pixie." He spoke a little louder, opening sniffling as he wiped a this eyes. He gave me a shaky grin, his eyes glassy with tears. "I've got twins, Lyxton. My beautiful female has blessed me with twins." He nearly curled around the little bundle in his arms. He was going to be a great father, I could see it already. He pulled at her swaddle slightly, giving a teary chuckle as he saw how she was swimming in her onesie. "He's a wee one, isn't he?" He glanced at Violet and she mouth quirked up.

"She." At the correction Jaxton jolted and Violet reached over and gently smoothed her thumb over the babe's tiny cheek. "We have a little girl and a little boy. One of each." She gave him a happy smile and Jax made a keening sound I had never ever heard him make before, curling around the tiny creature in his arms even further.

"A female. Ye have blessed me with a female." His shoulders shook and I slowly backed out the door, closing it behind me. He and Violet needed some time together, and he needed time to absorb the news. I would be fine, they were both safe. I could imagine that Red's mother had seen to it at least. I grabbed my gear and pulled it on. My job was done and it was Jax's turn to take over the post and I was glad that I had stood in his spot, he didn't need to endure what I had when Violet had struggled as she had, as she had nearly died. I was willing to carry those wounds. He deserved the good moments, the ones he was creating right now.

I opened the door and pushed out into the snow. I needed to go home.

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