Blindfolded Bimbo

By MochiMochi117

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OC x gojou More

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831 20 0
By MochiMochi117

"Mimic!" The boys look at me, "Run!" I used Toge's technique, the three boys stared bolting, the curse looked at me, "Freeze." I jump down, it's body started to crystalise and I took the chance to run after the boys, I felt my throat start to feel scratchy, I checked my pockets and found my throat medication, all speech curse users have a weakness, the more and prominent the technique we use, the more it destroys our throats, "Are you alright Inumaki-Senpai?" I heard Megumi asks, "Salmon." He nods, "Here it comes!" Kamo shouts, "Stop!" Toge says, the thorns stopped for a moment, "Convergence. Piercing blood!" Kamo clapped his hands together and used a stream of jet blood, it only managed to scratch the curse, "Hurry, he's just going to heal right away, use Toge's ability right now." I drag them up the stairs, I heard Toge cough, "Toge, eat your medicine. Now." I say firmly, "Yes Yuki-Sensei." He downs the pills, he could speak with me, he knew that I was the one person he'd never curse because he'd never be able to think about hurting me, therefore those feelings would always translate into his technique, hence never affecting me, I counted my fingers, "One, two, three... four." I furrowed my brows, "What are you counting Yuki-Sensei?" Megumi asks, "Shit." I cursed and threw my throat syrup to Toge, "I'll only let you use your cursed speech twice more, then eat my medicine. I can't have your throat destroyed." I kept running, Megumi and Kamo's eyes widened, "No, I can't, then you'll-" Toge looks at me, "Toge Inumaki. I swore on my life, I'm never letting you get hurt. I'm never letting you go. Just drink the damn medicine once you say one more word." I whipped towards him, "Yes Sensei." He nods and pockets the syrup. We all jumped out onto the roof, Nue above us, "Inumaki-Senpai will stop it, don't worry, just go!" Megumi tells Nue, the bird flies straight towards the curse, "St-" Nue was stabbed in the heart, we all turn around and see Toge throwing up blood, my eyes widen, the curse appeared right in front of Kamo and punched him back, Megumi went behind him to try to stop him from falling off the roof, I ran towards Toge, "Come on, here." I put the bottle of syrup to his lips, "You idiot, you should've told me you were hitting your limit." I grit my teeth, he wasn't using powerful words but it still destroyed his throat, he downed the medicine, Megumi was just about to cast a shadow, "Mustard leaf," He puts his hand on Megumi's shoulder, "Toge!" I shout and try to stop him but he wouldn't listen to me, was walking towards the curse, "Blast away!" He shouts, the curse flew back, I ran towards Toge, "You can't cut me with that dull blade." The curse says, and broke Maki's sword as it comes down on its head, "Megumi, you help Maki, now!" I hold Toge, he nods and jumps up, "Toge, Toge. Why." I started tearing up, I saw Maki use a pair of nunchucks, "Playful Cloud." My eyes widen, she swings it at the curse and it flew back hundreds of meters, they look at me, I nod, "Go after it, I'll join you in a second, keep your distance!" I shout, they nod and run after it, "Toge, come on silly billy." I wipe his mouth and clean the blood away, he looks up at me, I cradled him in my arms, "Why, you should've just left it to me. You were already at your limit yet you used such a powerful word," Tears started dripping down, "You're all I have left, are you trying to kill yourself and leave me alone?" I trembled, "I did it because. I love you. Onee-san." His eyes drooped down, I stroke his hair, he mumbles, "Close your eyes, I'll make sure you and Kamo are safe. I'll come back to grab you and tonight I'll make your favourite, tuna mayo riceballs once we head back alright." I kiss his cheek, he nods, "Don't speak anymore alright, or onee-san will be worried." I rub his cheek, I lay him down, I look up at the sky, "Nishimiya!" I raise my arm, she flies down, "What..." Her eyes widened, "I need you to take these two back to any teacher you see, I need you to try to get them out of this veil as soon as you can." I tell her, she blushes, "H-Hai!" She bows down, my eyes soften, "Arigato. Momo." I pet her head, she froze and her eyes were wide, I giggled, "You're so cute." I made her stand back up and nodded before jumping down and getting to Megumi and Maki.

"Demon dogs, Totality!" I saw a black and white dog behind me, I jumped up and rode him to Maki and Megumi, I jump off right before it leapt at the curse and scratched it arm, "Hey, stupid tree eyes. You just hurt my little brother, do you know how angry that makes me." I felt a fire burn under me, "Mimic." I reached into my shadow and brought out an S-Grade katana, it was blue that faded to white and the blade was completely transparent.

"No way... that's Storm Shear... I thought that weapon was only a myth." Maki's eyes widen, "Call this a family heirloom of sorts." A leaf fell down from a tree and sliced into two just from floating down, Megumi stared at the blade, "Maki, Megumi, I'll need you as-" My eyes widen, "Megumi!" I saw a plant growing out of his torso, blood coming out from its mouth, "Maki-San!" Megumi shouts as a root stabs into her shoulder, she winced in pain, "Yuki-Sensei!" The two of them shout, right before it could touch me, I spin my katana around and the root passed by me in two, "Don't test me, you hurt two more of my students already, I'll slice you to ribbons." I had a glint in my eye, "My strike was aimed at your heart what a wonderful reaction. Jujutsu sorcerers are extraordinarily compassionate. An opening is always created when their ally is injured." I saw his demon dog run towards it but Megumi dissolved it right before, "You shouldn't use cursed techniques anymore, the bud embedded in you loves cursed energy the more you use techniques, the deeper its roots will extend into your body." It says, "How kind of you to warn me. You're planning to kill us anyway though." Megumi grits his teeth, "Apparently it works faster when I explain it," It says, Maki and I run forward, she uses her three section staff, the curse dodged her and wrapped her in the roots, "You're missing the edge you had earlier," It says, I heard Megumi yell and was about to cast another shikigami, "Megumi stop! You two, your job is done. It's time to tag out." I sliced the root and Maki fell down, I saw Toudou grab her and Yuuji went in for the punch, I grinned, "You good to go, Yuki-Sensei." Toudou asks, I smirked, "I was wondering when you boys would show up and find the damsel in distress." I pointed my sword at the curse.

"Stop Itadori. That's not something we can han-" Megumi coughs, "Panda." Toudou walks over to the edge of the river with Maki, "Yeah?" Panda walks over, "Take those two and exit the veil." According to Nishimiya, this is an anti-Gojou Satoru Veil. So we can come and go without an issue." Toudou hands Maki to Panda, "Wait! Even you can't-" Megumi tried to reason, "Fushiguro. It's okay." Yuuji turns around, "Looks like you've realised it. Nobody is allowed to touch those who have started growing wings. And that's exactly where Itdori stands right now." Toudou says, "Tch. If you die again, I'll kill you myself." Megumi grits his teeth, "Alright, let's go." Panda picks him up, "Pandash!" He runs off, "Guess I can't die then." Yuuji winds up his arm, "I won't lift a finger to help Itadori, not until you land a Black Flash. If you can't land a Black Flash then I'll just watch you die. No matter what happens to you." Toudou steps out of the river, I sheath my sword, "I'll stay here until you need me. I'll allow you to have this fight to yourself, but don't do anything rash. Make calm, collected decisions or I'll knock you out and finish the job." I follow Toudou and step out, "Got it." Yuuji nods. The curse creates a ball of thorns, "You can talk? There's something I want to ask you. Are you allied with a humanoid cursed spirit who has a patchwork face?" Yuuji growls, "And if I say I am?" It asks, Yuuji throws his hand into the river and throws some of the rocks, creating a large water geyser as cover, he appears right in front of it and kicks it three times, it's obvious he has more explosive power than Maki but its intensity is much less, "Black Flash!" Yuuji tries but it didn't meet the requirements for it to be a Black Flash, "So close." I muttered, he had to retreat back as more roots came coming towards it, "My friend." Toudou slaps Yuuji's face, "Anger is an important trigger for sorcerers. Just have a look at Yuki-Sensei." He says, I felt an ick mark, "What'd you say Toudou!" I shouted and winded my arm up, "See what I mean. Sometimes they can be taken down but Yuki-Sensei's been able to calm that anger and use it to the best of her ability, she can calm her raging seas with a simple thought and that's what makes her a powerful jujutsu sorcerer. You can't do that yet and purely because of that you may have accidentally angered your foe, and the opposite is also true. Sometimes they lose because their own anger disrupts their cursed energy so they can't exercise their abilities. Your friend has been wounded and worse yet, they've rained on your honeymoon with me, your best friend si U can really understand why you'd be boiling with rage. But that rage is too much for you. Put it away for now." Toudou slaps his other cheek, I sweatdrop, "Are those stray thought gone now?" He asks, "Yeah, not a single one left. Thank you so much, best friend!" Yuuji grins, "Well I guess that also works..." I sweat.

Black Flash. It's a distortion of space born from the impact of curse energy delivered within a trillionth of a second of a blow. It delivers 2.5 times the force of a normal strike, there are no sorcerers who can consistently use Black Flash, Nanami holds the record so far with a count of four consecutive blows. Between those who have experienced Black Flash and those who have not, their distance from the core of cursed energy is like that of Heaven from Earth. The instant cursed energy impact within a trillionth of a second of a blow space is distorted and cursed energy flashes black, "Black Flash!" Yuuji punches its torso, Toudou and I grin, "He's grown." I smile.

The water parted with the tremendous power of black flash, "That was... Black Flash? This is my cursed energy right?" Yuuji looks at his hands, "Now you understand the taste of cursed energy, up until now, you've just been throwing an ingredient you've never tasted before into a pot and boiling it without knowing why. But after experiencing Black Flash and understanding the taste of your ingredient, your cursed energy, you stand on a completely different level as a chef than you did three seconds ago. Congratulations brother. You can become strong." Toudou cups his hands together. The curse regenerates its arm, "It can heal?!" Yuuji was shocked, "Oh yeah, probably should've mentioned that." I stand up, "A cursed spirit's body is made up of cursed energy, unlike us, they don't need any advanced reversed cursed technique to heal. An injury like that is nothing to a Special Grade. But there's no doubt that it shaves away their cursed energy, that's a fact and if you crush their heads it's game set. Come on boys, let's dance." I unsheathed my sword and place my front foot, crossed behind my other leg, "It would seem that I should take you three somewhat seriously." It rips off the fabric on its arm and showed it other arm, throwing roots at us and creating a large root bridge, that lifted us into that air, "What a wide range of attacks~" I sighed, I heard a sound behind us and dodged the flying thorn bullets, the three of us ran towards it, the two of them punched it, making it lose balance and I sliced off its leg, I flipped back and flicked the blood off my blade, "Disgusting." I smirked, "Toudou! Let's match our timing better!" Yuuji runs in again, "Yeah!" He nods, suddenly our footing was lost and all the roots we were standing on condensed into a small ball in which the curse was standing on, "Learn how great the land is!" It says as the three of us started plummeting, three sharp roots started charging towards us, "Attacking while we fall? That's brutal." Toudou grins, "Brother!" "Brother!" The two of them shout, they put their feet together and push off each other, I smiled, "They're learning fast." I grinned, I put my hands together, "Mimic." I was going to try a new technique, "Creation." I started moving my hands apart and I was creating Momo's broom, Iori was right, it was just draining my cursed energy, once I created my broom, I sat on it, "Mimic." I say again and channel my cursed energy into the broom, controlling it, I coughed and I saw blood in my hand, "Shit." I wiped the blood off onto my jumper, I was reaching my limits.

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