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Nanami, Satoru and I were at the Kyoto branch to get ready for our sister school exchange event, "Nanami~ talk about something interesting." Satoru throws his head back, he was just reading the paper, "Okay! I've got it! Let's play catch with discarded rice balls while discussing the separation of church and state! Let's post a video of it and troll people." He snaps his fingers, "Enjoy that on your own." Nanami shakes his paper higher up, "Drinking game time! Name things you love about Gojou Satoru! Yukicchi goes first! Everything!" He claps his hands, "Please keep that attitude going. Itadori-kun needs that kind of idiocy right now." Nanami says sarcastically, "That wasn't what I meant by 'harder' though. Nanami, does Yuuji know about that finger in Yoshino's-" Satoru was interrupted by Nanami, "I haven't told him, knowing him, he'd just feel unnecessarily responsible." He says, "I'm glad you went with those two. And the finger?" He asks, "I submitted it to the higher-ups of course. If I have it to you you'd just feed it to Itadori-kun right?" Nanami flips the page, "Tsk." Satoru pouts, "But is literally okay to bring him back? If the fact that he's alive becomes known at the exchange event won't the higher-ups just target him again?" Nanami looks at him, "Even if they do, Yuuji will be just fine now. You know that better than anyone, don't you?" He leant his head back, "Just shut your trap, I'm sure Nanami's sick of your droning voice." I grab his cheeks and kiss his upside down face, "Sensei!" We heard Yuuji, I leapt out of my skin and stepped three steps away from Satoru and sat down in the chair next to Nanami, "Yuuji~ you just interrupted my make-out session~" He teases, I rolled up a magazine and smacked his head, "You weren't interrupting anything Yuuji, he doesn't know what he's talking about." I nervously laughed, "Oh, Nanami and Yukicchi are here too. Well c'mon, let's hurry up and go see everyone! So excited! So excited! So excited!" He bounced around, "Yuuji, are you planning to just show up like normal after dragging it out this long?" I wag my finger, "Huh?! I can't?!" He looks at me, "Even among sorcerers, you rarely see someone say they've actually been alive two months after they died. We have to make it a surprise!" Satoru sparkled, "A surprise?" Yuuji cocks his head, "Just leave it to me! The first years will be laughing and crying from happiness and shock. The second years and Kyoto students will cry with them, and someone among them will choke up and vomit! And in the end, it'll even solve global warming! Cool!!" Satoru paints a picture in his head, "Sweet! What do I do?! Sensei! What should I do?!" Yuuji was beyond excited, "You don't have to do anything! Just do exactly as I say and go with the flow!" Satoru waves his arms, "So what should I do?!" Yuuji copies him, Nanami and I deadpan and sigh at the two idiots.

"So where's the idiot?" I heard a voice, "I love when people call my husband an idiot. Only I'm allowed to call him that." I was walking up the steps, "Tsk. Yuki Gojou." I saw Iori, I saw all the kid's faces light up, "Yuki-Sensei! When will you transfer to our school!" Nishimiya held my hands, she's always loved me since I could remember, she's into all cute things and fashion so that was her driving factor, "Yuki-Sensei, nice ass!" I turned and saw Toudou, "Come on now Toudou, you know you shouldn't say stuff like that." I wagged my hand, "Yo~!" I saw Satoru wheeling a trolley, I froze, "I don't know that idiot." I turned around, "Tsk. Gojou Satoru." Iori scoffs, the Kyoto students were so excited to see him, "It's not fair, the Tokyo branch gets all the good teachers," I saw Miwa sulk, I smirked at Iori, "What a shame." I nudged her, "Tch." She turns punches my arm, "Hey, I see everyone's together. We were on a business trip overseas. So I will now hand out souvenirs!" Satoru announces, I mentally prepared myself, "This is sudden." Panda says, "Sure it's not jet lag?" Nobara asks, "Okay. Everyone from Kyoto gets this protective charm from a particular tribe. None for you Utahime." He got to her, "I DON'T NEED ONE!" She shouts, he handed me one because I was standing with the Kyoto group and he wasn't looking, "Kono yarou!" I punched his head, I yelped in pain, "When was your head so strong." I whispered at my split knuckles, "And for everyone from Tokyo, we have this!" He struck a pose and pointed at the box, "Overly excited adults are creepy." I say monotony, "Isn't he your husband?" Nishimiya looks at me, "Not anymore." I sweatdrop, the box opened up, "Hey! OPP!" Yuuji popped out of the box, "It's your departed friend Itadori Yuuji-kun!" Satoru announces, everyone just stared at him, "I told you it was a waste of energy, space and time." I started wheeling Yuuji away, "Everyone~ This is Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-kun!" Satoru sings, "They can't care less idiot, they care more about the 'souvenirs' you brought them." I point at them, Yuuji just sweats, "Sukuna's vessel?! What's the meaning of this?" Principal Gakuganji, says, "Principal Gakuganji! Oh thank goodness, I was worried you might just die from the shock." Satoru mocks, I jump on his back, "You damn brat." He glares at Satoru, "He's an idiot." I slam my hand over his mouth and yank his hair back so he'd back up, "Satoru!" I pull him by his ear back to the rest of the group, "Your 'souvenirs' are so ugly, look at their faces. They'd be happier if I gave them a leaf with my signature on it." I joke, "Yuki-Sensei! Please will you!" Toudou appeared right in front of me, I jumped back into Satoru, "I-I was kidding." I blinked, "Me too Yuki-Sensei!" Nishimiya bounced over, "M-Me too." Mai averted her eyes blushing, I burst out laughing, "Go, go Honey, go fetch me six fresh leaves and a permanent marker." I mocked, "Hai, hai princess." He doesn't object.

"The Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event will be held over two days, the first day is a group battle. The Wacky Cursed Spirit Exorcism Race! The rules are simple, the first team to exorcise the second grade cursed spirit released in the designated area wins, several third grade and lower cursed spirits will be released into the designated area as well. f a winner is not decided by sundown, the team that exercises the most wins! There are absolutely no other rules. Of course, you're welcome to sabotage the others but remember you're all on the same side in the fight against curses. This exchange event will allow you to learn about yourselves and your comrades through competition. Be certain not to kill other competitors or injure them beyond recovery." Principal Yaga explains as he held Satoru in a choke, Iori giggled, "Pop his back! Pop his back! Pop his back!" I chanted and cheered him on, "Honey!" Satoru smacked Principal Yaga's back as if to tap out but he didn't stop, "That's it! You're all dismissed until the event commences at noon!" He finishes.

We were in the teacher's lounge getting ready to watch the event begin, Satoru sneezes, "Gross." Iori and I paled at him, "Use a handkerchief at least." I threw him mine and he blew his nose, "Someone must be talking about me, I'm flattered~" He cups his cheek, "Yeah, talking shit." I take a sip of green tea, "Why are you so cold today princess." He wraps his arms around my waist as we sat in the chair, I stiffened, "Let go! Let go!" I smacked his head and arms and got redder and redder by the second, "So, what do you want?" Iori suddenly says, "Huh? Why are you mad?" Satoru looks up at her, still clamped around my waist, "I'm not mad actually," She sips her tea, "Right? I haven't done anything after all," Satoru touches his chin, she grew an ick mark, "There's someone working with either a curse user or curses at Jujutsu Tech." I speak up, "Huh?! A curse user might be one thing but working with curses?" She spins to us, "So clever, always taking the words out of my mouth Darling." He nuzzles into my torso, "What's wrong with you today, why are you so cuddly?" I grumbled, "A lot of them on that level had been popping up lately. They understand human speech and they've formed a faction that's operating with purpose. They might think they're just working with a curse user but I'd like to ask you to handle investigating those at Kyoto, Utahime." Satoru says, "What would you do if I was the traitor?" She asks, "No way. You're weak and you don't have the guts-" She threw her cup of tea at him but his infinity blocked it, "Scary! Hysterics won't win men you know. Idiots who kick and punch win them over." He pinches my thigh, "Let. Go." I had fire under me, "Hai, hai." He finally let's go but still sat close to me.

"We're starting in one minute~" Satoru sings as we watch the monitors, now let's hear a few words of well-appreciated encouragement from Iori Utahime-sensei." Satoru says through the speaker, "H-Huh?!" She blushes, "Um. Some degree of injury will be unavoidable, but um... now and then, help each other out... or something..." She lingers, "Alright, time's up." Satoru butts in, "Hey! Gojou you little..." She tries to think of insults, "Come on, you always need a whole storeroom of insults ready up your sleeve: Kusojijii, Chinpoko, Hentai, Gesuyarou, Kuso Kurae, Deku, Saitei, Aho, Baka, Boke, Warugaki, Busu-" I felt Satoru clamp his hand over my mouth, I had muffled screams as he pulled me into his chest and I flailed by legs about, he put his hand between my legs to keep my skirt down, I didn't realise but it was always the small things that made me love him, "Now, let the sister school exchange event begin!" He shouts. We watched as the schools ran through the forest, Toudou appeared and Yuuji kneed him in the face while the rest scattered, Toudou got behind Yuuji and punched him into a tree, slamming his foot into his face till he was a bloody pulp, I flinched upon each impact, "Ow." I muttered, then he stopped when Yuuji slumped down, I sighed in relief when he stood back up, his hair stained with blood, "Yuuji, yay." Satoru claps, I ducked under his arms and got out, "You think you can just pound away at my head like that?! What if you made me even dumber than I already am?!" Yuuji shouts, I snickered, "Don't worry, Takada-chan said 'Men are perfect when they're a little dumb'," Toudou turns around, "Who's that? I'm not interested in idols." Yuuji says, "Then how did you know she's an idol? You know who she is don't you? What's your name first year?" Toudou stares at him, "Itadori Yuuji," Yuuji hold his fists up, "I see. Itadori Yuuji, I have one question for you. Wha kind of woman is your type?" He asks, "Huh? What's my type? Why are you asking me that right now?" Yuuji tilts his head, "Dont' worry about that, I'm just appraising you." Toudou gets in a stance, "I don't really get it, but if I had to say... A tall woman with a big ass, I guess? Like... Yuki-Sensei." Yuuji touches his chin, I froze, Toudou's eyes widened, it was as if a bond grew between the boys within a second, he cried, "Ne, ne Yuki-Sensei. Should I call the police to make you drop out of teaching if you're just luring innocent students?" Iori hides her smirk behind her hand, "IORI!" I screamed and was about to punch her, "It's fine Utahime-sensei. The only one this ass belongs to is me." Satoru grins and pets my butt, "Get. Out." I glared at him, "Hai, hai." He shuffles away from me, leaving two meters between us.

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