The Hero With Many Faces. (My...

By Project_Red

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Salazo Nautali graduated from Kunugigaoka junior high by killing his teacher; Koro Sensei. After being recomm... More

Prologue: Graduation Time
Salazo Nautali: Introduction
The First Day of School
The Three Musketeers.
Combat Training!
The Incident at the USJ.
Salazo Maekawa: Origin
Should I really be a Hero?
The Sports Festival is off to a running start.
The Cavalry Battle
It Just Keeps Getting Worse!
What I Could Have Been.
Its A Date!
What I Could Have Been; Part 2
To Kill And To Die
Nautali: Awakening
Red, Purple, Yellow, And Green
Save The Day With Love
I-Island: Day 1
What I Could Have Been; Part 3
I-Island; Final Day
The Journey To The Training Camp
Girl Talk + Salazo
Pandemonium Time/2nd Period
Escape Time
Revelry In The Dark
Change Time
Quirk Time
Happy Birthday Time

The Yaoyorozu Household

45 1 4
By Project_Red

Some time has passed sense the death of the Maekawa family. Everyone found out about the murder, but only Momo and Ashido know who the murderer was. For the most part, everything was normal. Momo didn’t talk to me for a while, but I’m pretty sure she forgave me because she started talking to me again.

I was laying face down on my desk because Bo fell asleep while in control. It’s not the first time this has happened, but it was the first time it happened at school. Momo was getting excited about having some people over at her house.

“Uh… What’s Salazo doing?” asked Sero.

“Bo fell asleep during class.” Replied Momo.

“Should we wake him up, he’ll probably miss something if we don’t.” added Ojiro.

“I got this.” I wasn’t in control so I couldn’t tell if anything was happening to me.

“Ahhhh! It’s like earbuds, but not!” Shouted Bo who was woken up by Jiro’s earphone jack.

“That’s what happens when you fall asleep in class.”

“Well, I’m sorry… I didn’t get much sleep last night because Salazo kept waking up in the middle of the night.” No, don’t bring me into this!

“Salazo’s one of the best students here, why would be waking up in the middle of the night?” Kaminari said in a sarcastic tone.

“I can’t say, It’s top secret. So, what are you guys talking about?” I’m glad Bo didn’t say anything about that.

“Yao-Momo’s going to tutor us so we can go to the summer camp!” said Ashido.

“I’ll go too. Can I bring someone with me? She’s my friend from last year, and she wants to be a teacher so this could help her too.” Does Bo realize that there were no girls in our class that wanted to be a teacher?

“I don’t see why not. The more the merrier!” Momo was still very excited to have guests over.

“A personal tutor for us, and a girl no less!” Kaminari getting his hopes up for a fictitious girl, but his fantasies were interrupted by Jiro’s earphone jack.

“That's not the reason you’re going!”

“Consider it a bonus. We get good grades, we go to camp, and we get to see this girl that Salazo knows.” Sero said on behalf of Kaminari and himself.

“Great! It’s all settled then. I’ll bring the girl and you bring yourselves. You got that Salazo?” We have no female in our class that wants to be a teacher! Stop saying that!

The school day finally came to an end. I was already home and was sitting on my bed. I was going to prepare for finals until I remembered that Bo had said a female student from our class would be helping us study.

“Bo, who is this female teacher you were talking about?” I asked.

“Nagisa, you don’t remember her?” Bo said with complete confidence.

“Nagisa as in the blue haired kid that was the best assassin?”


“Ok, I think we are on the same page. Nagisa’s a boy.”

“Oh yeah… Do you think they’ll know?”

“I’m sure the truth will come out eventually. Until then, don’t say anything about Nagisa being a boy. I wanna see what happens.” I wonder how weird I look when talking to my personalities. I’m just talking to myself, but with another person at the same time. “I should probably get in contact with Nagisa so we can expect to see him there.” I pulled out my phone and sent a message to him. He said he was able to go and thought it would be good practice.

When the day finally arrived, I met up with Nagisa at his house. He was wearing a plain white shirt with grey pants. When I first saw him, I almost didn’t recognize him.

“Wow, you cut your hair!” I said surprised to see his new look. “Did you just cut the bun-ponytail-things?”

“Yeah, but the hair was still a little uneven, so I had to do a bit more cutting.” He spoke.

“That’s so cool! Let’s go, Mr. Nagisa.” Nagisa gave a smile and we began walking to Momo’s house. The whole walk, we were catching up on what happened sense we last saw each other. “I’m so glad that last year happened. Best year of my life!”

“I know what you mean. Koro Sensei made us who we are today. Everything feels different though. Everyone split up, I cut my hair, you’ve completely changed… oh sorry! I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Like what?” What are you talking about?

“Like how that girl burned your face with acid. I’m not saying you look bad, I just saying you look different.” Nagisa was panicked because she didn’t want to sound rude.

“Nah, it’s fine. That’s all in the past. But yeah, everything does feel different. It’s like another world in a video game; it’s all the same, but with a different feel.”

“How far have you gotten in Koro Sensei’s yearbook?”

“I finished it!”

“Seriously!?” Wow, I can’t believe she believed me.

“No, I was joking. You know me, I don’t have total control of my life. Even if I wanted to finish it, I wouldn’t be able to.” Managing all my personalities is hard. I have to make sure they don’t do anything bad and give them time to do what they want as well. We continued walking until we reached Momo’s front gate.

Everyone was waiting for us. We were apparently the last ones to arrive. I was nervous to enter. I’m related to the Yaoyorozu family, and I just so happened to kill Arata and his family. Arata is the brother if Asuka, who just so happened to be Momo’s mother.

“I knew Yaoyorozu was rich but, this takes it to a whole other level.” Said Jiro as she stared at the front gate in awe.

“Hey look, Salazo’s here.” spoke Ojiro pointing in our direction. All eyes turned to us. This is the moment I have been waiting for.

“Hello everyone, this is my friend.” I moved my arms as if I were presenting an award.

“Hi, my name is Nagisa Shiota, but Nagisa is fine.”

“Nagisa, this is Mashirao Ojiro, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, and Mina Ashido.” I pointed to them as I said their name. “And inside is Momo Yaoyorozu.”

“Great! Now that everyone’s here…” Ashido pushed a button on the side of the gate. With no time to speak, Momo’s voice came from the small panel.

“I’ve been expecting you!” shouted an overly eager girl. The front gates began to open as we walked along the path to her house.

“Hey, what’s your number? Maybe afterwards we get grab a bite to eat.” Kaminari was walking beside Nagisa, in an attempt to as him out. I quickly pulled out my phone.

“Wait, hold on! Salazo!” Nagisa looked at me, he was panicked and probably hated me in this moment.

“You already told one guy, do it again.”

“WHAT!!” This reminds me of when he went on that “date” with that boy during the school festival last year. “Ok look, I’m not a girl. I’m a guy.” Nagisa was being straightforward with Kaminari. By the looks of it, everyone else was surprised too.

“Seriously?!” Kaminari turned to me in shock.

“You’re not the first person to mistake him for a girl, and I doubt you’ll be the last.” I stopped the recording on my phone and began going through my contacts list. I was looking for two people in particular, Karma and Nakamura. I’ll send it to them after we finish studying here.

We continued walking until we ran into a man in formal wear. He was waiting just outside the front door.

“Miss Jiro, Miss Ashido, Mr. Kaminari, Mr. Sero, Mr. Ojiro, Mr. Salazo and his guest I presume? Welcome one and all. I am Uchimura, the Yaoyorozu household’s butler. Miss Momo is expecting you, so by all means, do come in.” I really shouldn’t be surprised that she has a butler, but wow. I missed my chance to have a butler in my life.

“A real butler, they really do exist!” Ashido exited to see a butler.

“If they have a butler, that must mean they have maids, right?” Kaminari whispered enough for me to hear him.

Uchimura lead us to the house. We passed by garden that was probably the size of five houses. They had so much property. There were some maid working on the garden was we walked by. We entered the front door and were greeted by a group of butlers and maids, and one other person.

“Hello there! I’m Mrs. Yaoyorozu, how wonderful it is to meet my Momo’s dear friends.” She glanced at me. It wasn’t obvious, but she knew who I was and what I have done. “Uchimura, would you please escort our guests to the auditorium.”

“Of course.”

“Salazo I presume…” She looked directly at me. I nodded my head. “Could you please come with me for a moment.” Everyone gave me a strange look. They wanted to ask questions, but I didn’t want to answer. I followed Mrs. Yaoyorozu and the others followed Uchimura. We walked for a while until we came across a room.

The room was very clean. There were a few shelves with books and on the center of the wall as a bed big enough for four people. This was probably her room. I didn’t feel comfortable being in here.

“You are Salazo Maekawa, correct?” she asked in a serious, yet sad tone.

“No… not anymore. Salazo Nautali… that’s who I am now.” I didn’t want to lie; she was my aunt after all.

“I see…” She rushed over and gave me a hug. “You have grown into a fine young man.” Her hug got tighter. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I hugged back. “Momo has told me many things about you.“

“I’m sorry… for everything that I’ve done.” She let go of me. She turned around to grab a book. She sat on the bed and signaled to me to sit down as well.

“This is a photo album I have been keeping for many years now.” She opened it close to the end of the book. The page was marked with a bookmark. The first picture was labeled “Salazo Maekawa!” The picture was taken in the hospital, Kagunai was holding a baby just after it had been born.

The next photo was a picture of another baby and Mrs. Yaoyorozu. It was labeled “Momo Yaoyorozu!” There were a few other photos of me and Momo on those two pages. We were never in the same photo though.

“You and Momo were born 22 days apart. Your father and I believed you would have a wonderful childhood growing up together” tears were forming in her eyes. I put my hand around her shoulder. At that moment, Momo happened to walk though the door.

“Mother, what reason did you-“ I didn’t take long for her to realize what was going on.

“Momo, I must apologize if I have troubled you. It was not my intention to steal him from you, I was merely showing him some photos from the past. You are supposed to be teaching, are you not.”

“Indeed, however, Salazo’s friend is doing quite a remarkable job teaching my classmates.”

“I see, it would be rude of me to keep him any longer. I am sorry for taking your time Nautali. You should best return to your classmates.”

“Uh… yeah. Momo, you can go on ahead without me. I want to say something first.” Momo was unsure about what I wanted to say. She knows that it hard for me to be here because of what’s happened in my life. Whatever I wanted to say, wasn’t meant for her. As she left, I mustered up the courage to ask a simple question. “You’re not mad at me? After what I’ve done?”

“I will say that it wasn’t pleasant to hear. But I could never hold a grudge against you. Momo has told me many things about you. One thing she has said many times is about your quirk. You don’t have control over it, or what happens when it’s active.” She sounded very understanding.

“I didn’t want to hurt them. I didn’t like them because they got rid of me, but I would never have hurt them.” I said with a smile. I tried to make it seem that everything was already in the past. “And can you please call me Salazo; we are… family after all.” She gave me another hug. It was somehow tighter than the last. When I was released, left for the door.

“It truly is miraculous that you two managed to find each other.”

“Yeah… just 13 years late.” I said with a smile. She smiled back at me. That was the first time I have seen her smile sense we entered the room.

I left the room and began heading to the auditorium, where everyone else was. I got lost so I asked a nearby maid, she told me where to go. I found myself standing in front of a giant door. I could hear my friends talking on the other side, so I was in the right place.

“Hey, Salazo’s back!” shouted Ashido. I wasn’t hard to miss because everyone could see the giant doors open.

“Yeah, sorry I took so long.” I took a seat and decided to do some practice. Everything still made sense to me.

A few minutes passed and everyone was in deep focus. I looked up to see Kaminari in deep focus, deeper then usual. Nagisa noticed him and stared at him. He walked over to Kaminari and touched the side of his neck. Kaminari instantly calmed down. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

“Don’t think too hard about it. It’s not as hard as you think. Look at this part here, if you look closer, it’s something you should know. Now look at the rest of the problem with the same attention to detail. You’ll see that the problem’s not as hard as it looks. It’s just a combination of what you already know.” Nagisa was explaining how to solve the problem by looking at it differently.

“Heh heh…” I let out a small laugh.

“Hey! It’s not funny! I’m really struggling Mr. Kunugigaoka!” defended Kaminari.

“Oh sorry, that’s not why I was laughing. You make a great teacher Nagisa.”

“I did learn from the best.” Nagisa said knowing exactly what caused me to laugh.

“You mean the octopus?” Sero spoke.

“Yeah, wasn’t that guy holding you hostage?” Jiro added. Neither I nor Nagisa said anything. The room was dead silent.

“Why don’t we take a break, I could bring in refreshments?” Momo left the room.

“I could use a break.” Kaminari said as he slouched in his chair. Momo returned with a cart of cookies and tea. Everyone agreed with Kaminari and eagerly awaited their refreshments. Momo began pouring everyone tea and handed everyone a cookie.

“These cookies look yummers!” Ashido’s eyes gleamed at the sight of the fancy cookies.

“Totally!” agreed Jiro. Everyone took a bite of the cookie. The flavor started sweet, the managed to change to a bitter taste. Then somehow changing to a salty taste, then flavorless. My first thought was I had lost my sense of taste, but I didn’t think that was it. I attempted to reach for my tea but was unable to move myself. Who’s in control?

Everyone turned pale and was trying not to gag as the swallowed the cookie.
“Whatever could be the matter?” asked Momo “Are they not to your liking?”

“W-What? Naw, there great…” Ojiro said, clearly lying.

“I must say, I never had a cookie of this flavor before. It tastes rather interesting, but I am enjoying it.” spoke Claude. He has a weird sense of taste. I was only able to taste if for two seconds and I could tell it was not good. Momo took a bite of the cookie, and quickly realized why everyone was acting strange. She rushed out of the room to see what the problem was.

Momo was gone for a while. Jiro and Ashido left to do something, I’m not sure. Kaminari, Sero, and Ojiro were still studying with Nagisa. Claude was drawing on scratch paper and asking class 3-E questions about the events that happened last year. The girls took a long time to get back. When they returned, they had a cake and more tea. Everyone enjoyed the cake and continued studying. Eventually, everyone called it a day and decided it was time to head home.

“Thank you for coming!” said Momo who was happy to see her students in such a good mood.

“It was totally helpful!” replied Ashido.

“You really saved our butts Yao-Momo!” Kaminari added.

“Nagisa…” Momo was directly talking to him. “You are remarkably talented when it comes to teaching. How did you come to be so knowledgeable?” 

“Let’s just say, I had an amazing teacher.” I couldn’t help but smile. We all parted ways as we returned home. All the students felt more confident in their ability to pass the final. I got to meet my aunt for the first time, and Nagisa felt more like a true teacher.

“You know, I’m almost disappointed.” I told Nagisa. We were walking the same way home so we could still talk. “You couldn’t show off all your skills.”

“I was only here to teach; it’s not like I would need to use them.”

“You are pretty amazing though. And with your quirk, I’m sure you could’ve taken any of them in a fight.” His quirk is “Ability.” He’s can increase his Strength, speed, or defense. He can only increase one attribute at a time, and he was never faster than Koro Sensei. He totally could have been a hero if he wanted to.

“That probably wouldn’t help them be motivated though.”

“Good point.” We went our separate ways eventually. I’m glad that everyone had a good time. I was feeling confident for finals!

Today’s the day of the practical exam. We just finished our written exams, and I feel confident on how I scored. Claude also helped me, but we won’t say anything. I began getting a headache, but that wasn’t go to stop me from taking the final.

“Let’s begin your practical exam.” Mr. Aizawa spoke in his normal monotone voice. “It is, of course possible to fail this exam, so don’t mess up.” I began losing confidence after seeing nine of our teachers. “I’m sure you have a vague idea of how this will go…” if I had to guess, we’re fighting teachers. Kaminari and Ashido were exited to fight robots and going to the camp.

“Various circumstances have demanded a revision to the exam format!” Principal Nezu came out of Mr. Aizawa’s scarf. “This year you’ll be pairing up and fighting one of the teachers you see here…” Principal Nezu sure can talk a lot. Mr. Aizawa was announcing the partners he picked. I was waiting to see who my partner would be.

“Mineta and Salazo… you two will be fighting Midnight.” There finals are supposed to be hard for us, so this team makes sense. Mineta’s a pervert and I mainly use close combat. Neither one of us can get close to her because her quirk puts people to sleep. Mr. Aizawa finish announcing the teams and we were given time to plan a strategy.

“Let’s find a way to rip Midnights clothing off.” Mineta said as we walked in a random direction.

“That’s like… the complete opposite of what we want to do.” I replied. We didn’t have much of a plan, all we had to do was lure her away from the goal. He could probably use his sticky balls to trap her.

We didn’t get much planning in before it was our turn to go up. We went to our testing site; I could use the terrain to help me hide. My headache got much worse. I couldn’t think anymore.

Let the final exam for Mineta and Salazo… begin!

Hearing the loudspeaker didn’t help. I fell to the ground because of how much pain I was in. I was in immense pain, my head felt as if it was full. My body felt weak.

“Salazo? Dude, are you ok?!” Mineta was panicked. Probably because I was in pain and that he might have to do the exam on his own. My head felt like it was going to explode. I was slowly fading. I closed my eyes, and for the first time in my life. My head was clear.

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